The Pisces Moon at 21 degrees opposes the Virgo Sun at 12:33AM EDT (
Friday night). At its moment of fullness the Moon goes void (
seems appropriate for disappearing Pisces and with all these long voids we've been having) and doesn't get into Aries until 6:32PM EDT on Saturday night.
Let's unpack the chart!
The Moon is conjunct Pisces ruler Neptune. This alone is a pretty big deal. Uber sensitivity. On the one hand - mega-creativity, spirituality, compassion, intuition, imagination, solitude. On the other hand - mega-confusion, illusion, deception, grief, regret, exhaustion, illness -
the end of the page/the chapter/the book.
The Pisces Moon is opposed by not only the Sun, but also Mars. She is squaring Jupiter and sextiling Pluto. Venus is conjunct Mercury. Mars is conjunct the Sun and opposing Black Moon Lilith. The Sun trines Pluto. Again, there is no air in the chart and very little fixed energy. It's all earth and water - mud pies, crumbling clay statues and dirty footprints on the new carpeting.
Pisces is the last and final sign - the place where the buck stops - Pisces energy
knows this.
Pisces compassion shows patience, lends an ear or a shoulder without the need for recognition - without the need for thanks - knowing the service is its own reward. The work of Pisces is often
invisible. It holds open doors and holds the spaces for others to be strong and courageous and confident.
Pisces rules the 12th house of what is hidden and put away, the ways we self-sabotage because from our vantage point in our 1st house we can't see what's behind us/don't know what we don't know, illusions and delusions, escape, sacrifice, our addictions, our imagination, lack of boundaries, connection, compassion, charity, hospitals, prisons, the things we do last, the things we have forgotten, our distant pasts, our ancestors, water, sleep, illness, healing, spirituality ....
Every Full Moon brings energy to a "peak" - to a culmination point, to the space where we can no longer '
ignore' it - as if we have been holding our breath and now we have to noisily gasp for air or suffocate - to an ending or a
release. The Pisces Full Moon amplifies this and then her conjunction to Neptune - amplifies this even more. We see it. Then we see more. Then we see MORE.
The Sun/Mars can be angry/passionate/will want action and that square to Jupiter will push us to GO or to make something bigger. The big dog will attract a BIGGER dog.
Or maybe we are feeling totally overwhelmed with whatever is going on/whatever we have to
Now keep in mind Neptune/Moon is
Leaps now, urged on by that Jupiter/Mars square, may not get us very far because Jupiter is on a crash course with his third and final Neptune Square
on the other hand, and this is why we get two of them, believing in our dreams and taking action on them with optimism and courage may get us further than the chart would appear to indicate because although Jupiter is on his path toward dissolving Neptune, Neptune is on his own path to Saturn and STABILITY).
The Jupiter/Neptune square has been a repeating aspect we had in January and June - how does now connect back to then? What is coming to light now? What is coming to an end? Where is the truth here? This aspect (
the final square) is exact on September 21st.
The Full Moon is
building toward that final square. And keep in mind Jupiter is on his own journey toward Saturn and Pluto in 2020.
With both Mercury and Venus set to leave Virgo within
hours of the Full Moon - here is yet another indication we are DONE with something. We have taken this thing as far as it can go. It is good enough. As fixed as it is going to get.
The shadow side of Jupiter (
important player in this Full Moon and old ruler of Pisces) is when we don't appreciate our good luck. We start thinking the tide will always be in. That we have earned something we actually won.
If things are going very well now, take the time in this moment of FULLNESS to say a prayer of appreciation
when Jupiter gets into Capricorn next year and that whole stellium shifts retrograde, some of our gains could turn into losses as the tide goes out, so savor what you have NOW and put something away for a rainy day).
The best thing about this Full Moon is her aspects to a retrograde Pluto - yes, I said PLUTO!
Death/transformation, truth yes, THAT Pluto.
The Moon is sextile Pluto; the Sun is trine. The old stuff in the shadows is illuminated CLEARLY if we have the courage to look and feel.
These changes are happening RIGHT ON SCHEDULE.
We are letting go of the past.
There is a certain flow to things. A truth. A bigger picture. An opportunity that comes later (we can't see it now with the Neptune square) - a need for change now/a need for us to see now (maybe be disappointed now) so later we can be more authentically powerful, more real, more planted/invested/merged somewhere else.
Without this messy now, we get an even messier later or maybe the later is all screwed up.
At this Full Moon we are charged with controlling what we can control - taking care of our responsibilities, cleaning up our mess, eliminating what we don't need. Then we let go of the rest - it's out of our hands. Maybe the biggest lesson of Virgo is when "it's not our job".
Of course, we can't just pray this work away or escape into lala-land, but there will be help from everything that has come before us. Our future is our past's future, too, and our past is helping us.
There are lots of shifts
after this Full Moon as we start to move into balanced, social and
just Libra.
The mental pressure will start to ease up almost IMMEDIATELY.
And we are going to need a REST.
Hopefully not the kind where we lay down in a big, old wooden box ;)
The last two weeks of the month look very different than the first two although they are obviously a continuation; a following based on our Virgo actions (
or avoidances), but there will be air - we can decide/know/think on our feet.
With all the stress in this chart - there is also the very strong MAGIC and connection through the Pisces Moon cozied up to her ruler. Pray. Meditate. Get your body into some water. Cry. Sweat. That Jupiter square is challenging. Yes, things can go too far. But sometimes squares force things that need to happen to happen. We have to play the hand we're dealt. Or maybe in this case, the hand we've accumulated. Have faith. Optimism.
The Moon's story/energy continues during Saturday's void and we have both Mercury and Venus and finally the Moon cross the Aries point (
world axis) giving spark to a fresh beginning. It's a brand new day although with that Pisces Full Moon one that might favor sleeping in!
xo all
take some extra Vitamin C or whatever you do when 'air' season (
head colds) kicks off on Saturday and get out and walk in this Full Moon - the Harvest Moon - whether it's been a bumper crop or a wash-out we only get one Harvest Moon every year, so let's appreciate it and where we are RIGHT NOW