Today's Astrology Forecast | September 16, 2019 - power struggles, twists and turns, words that wound, thinking about what we are thinking about, a powerful focus, practical action, another brick goes into the wall - no, not that wall, the sun will come out tomorrow

The Moon in fiery and independent Aries trined big-picture Jupiter while we slept (jumping out of bed and GOING is a real possibility) and goes void off a square with transformative Pluto at 12:03PM EDT.  

Power struggles. No soft edges. Maybe our career/goals/responsibilities are at odds with what we personally need to do now. Something new is blocked. Try to avoid direct confrontations.

(if you need a pow-wow with the big cheese or the best energies to step into your own big-cheesiness Thursday morning would be a better time)

Another long void Moon means this is not the best day to start anything brand new (get things done early). Expect twists and turns and do-overs with new actions. Practiced routine is best. Time gets stretchy.

Mercury (in Libra now) opposes a retrograde Chiron in Aries. Words and information can be painful and trigger other/older woundings. Passive/aggressive communications. Keep in mind that thoughts are things and proceed through the day accordingly. Mercury in Libra wants balance and diplomacy, but Chiron in "go-it-alone" Aries, will be triggered by anything that impinges on "me". It might feel like no one is helping us. Probably because they aren't. Whah!

Not a good day for diplomacy, so solo work is probably favored. 

Mars is still traveling with the Sun giving us a powerful focus and the energy to get things done in a step-by-step, one thing after another, practical manner.

The Moon will move into her exalted position in comfortable Taurus tomorrow with MANY positive aspects!

So, get through today. Plan light if possible. Keep your focus. Keep moving forward.

xo all

more in the weekly HERE

photo by the amazing Natalia Drepina

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