Today's Astrology Forecast | September 21, 2019 - quick vs good, flexible vs that line in the sand, hopes vs dreams, a final reveal, 48 hours of wiggle room but who's counting

The Moon in busy and chatty Gemini opposed Jupiter and squared Neptune while we slept. She moves into another square, this time with Mars at 10:04AM EDT, so watch for arguments, testy communications, assertive language, demanding customers - take care driving!

At 10:40PM (interesting lunar numbers today, eh?) she goes void off her monthly Third Quarter Square. This time between the Gemini Moon and the Virgo Sun (28 degrees) and this is the day we have the FINAL square between Jupiter and Neptune (third of three in 2019).

The Third Quarter Square Moon is tension/frustration. Gemini vs Virgo - something like fast vs. good. Which are small words, but not necessarily representative of small issues.

Maybe we are challenged to be more flexible with something we wanted to go JUST SO. If we thought something was all tied up with a bow and finished, the Gemini square could offer CHOICES.

More information comes in. Minds change.

Time to wrap up all this Virgo, folks!

Jupiter's third square with Neptune becomes exact - things will be much CLEARER once these big boys start unwinding this tangle (after today). We had the first square in the middle of January, the second in the middle of June. Our hopes vs. our dreams. Our faith being tested. What's real here? Has something been taken too far? Have we over-promised and now it's "put up or show up time". Have we been expecting too much? Have we been lied to? Have we been lying to ourselves?

Since this is the final square and then the fog starts to lift - we could get to the TRUTH of something this weekend (if we didn't get the big reveal this week).

Saturn is direct, but very still.

A weekend of wiggle room and then he (as us) is full steam ahead on this new (or old if we didn't shift timelines and we didn't have to if things are going well and we are in our integrity) path ahead.

The cement is setting on this Capricorn house situation.

Back later with the final installment of September's "this is the way the patriarchy ends". This is a BIG month and it's not over yet folks ....

xo all

photo by the talented thefirebomb