Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, July 24, 2020 - getting it done and out, making it work anyway, it feels good to get organized/clean things up, comforting words, letting go/saying good-bye

The Moon in practical Virgo is going to oppose a retrograde Neptune at 6:22AM EDT, then goes on to trine a retrograde Jupiter at 6:46AM EDT, a retrograde Pluto at 11:05AM EDT and goes void off a final trine to a retrograde Saturn at 7:07PM EDT. She moves into Libra at 9:54PM EDT.

So, today after we get past whatever this Neptune thing is this morning we move into a smooth channel linking the Virgo - work, health, our pets, day-to-day stuff, paperwork, co-workers, employees and the Cappy - authority, structure, business, career, our goals and ambitions.

Get to work. Get it done. Get it shipped. Great energy for finishing up the work week.

(note this energy can also pave the way for a "control" agenda to be put into action/practice by those in power, so something to be aware of)

If, you, like me, have been dealing with a certain amount of inertia (partly due to this long Venus in Gemini story changing our values/what we want and making it sometimes hard to get fired up over the things we used to) - keep in mind if we always need a square/challenge to get off our ass there are plenty of squares/battles coming and they might be even more challenging than they need to be if we don't make even a small effort now to clean things up/get it out or done while we have these trines.

When in doubt about your next move - clean the house. Sweep the floor. More than dust bunnies are tidied up/eradicated with a broom.

Also today we have Venus (in Gemini) inconjunct Pallas (in Cappy) - so I guess not all smooth sailing - which is a good thing or nothing would ever get done - although I guess that's a very Cappy way to reason through things. Adjustments to our goals/game plans as our values shift. Figuring things out. Making it work anyway.

We also have the third of three trines between Mercury (still in Cancer!) and a retrograde Ceres in Pisces. Comforting words/conversations. Mom can finally say the right thing. Maybe something here about what we are releasing - familial burdens? old stories? We had this aspect on June 7th and then again on June 26th when Mercury was retrograde, so this won't be a new issue. Sometimes Mercury will connect to a sibling, transportation or electronic (computer, etc) issue, maybe this final trine to Ceres in the final/final sign of Pisces can allow us to LET GO.

xo all

In the next post - tonight or tomorrow morning- we will talk a bit about the period between now and 8/8/20; the 2020 Lion's Gate - and especially July 25, 2020 (the Mayan's time out of time, tomorrow - release the old, clearing the ground) and July 26, 2020 - (Solar New Year/ Sun with Sirius, Galactic New Year - bringing in the new) a powerful time to open ourselves to our best/highest path forward. Not so much about setting intentions as being receptive to the unfolding energies - but setting intentions and making vision boards, as long as it doesn't take us out of the moment can be powerful. In this time of being "in-between" worlds and at a time when alot of our 'outer' outlets have been closed off and we are forced back into ourselves - this will be an especially compelling energetic this year ...

photo by the amazing RaphaelleM

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, July 23, 2020 - getting our act together, small things creating big changes, comforting and realistic words/news, something about smother/mothering, something needing to be released

The Moon is in Virgo now - nurturing us through practicality, organization, dotting our i's and crossing our t's, being of service, cleaning up our act. Our focus could be on paperwork, the details, our daily obligations, our health, our work, our pets.

She will trine (brakes off) change-maker Uranus at 1:16PM EDT and go on to sextile (opportunity) Mercury while opposing Ceres at 2:47PM EDT.

The trine to Uranus incorporates change and that 'one step in front of the other' process Virgo is so good at. Take steps toward something else. Small things create big changes. Things should slide into place. This is where precise meets innovative. It pays off to step outside the box, so step outside the box.

The sextile to Mercury - putting the Moon who rules Cancer and Mercury who rules Virgo in each other signs and strengthening BOTH OF THEM - speaks of comforting words/news. Speak from your heart. Keep it practical.

At the same time the Moon is getting comfy and realistic with Mercury, she is also opposing her girl Ceres (in mystical and unbounded Pisces).

If there is some over-nurturing going on/or our own demands for nurturing are somehow overblown and cannot be sated - an opposition to the Moon in Virgo can mean a step-by-step process to dial this back is needed. Virgo is the 'fixer' and the opposition could be showing us a situation that cannot be fixed and needs to be released. Virgo/Pisces are health signs - so we want to be practicing good self-care now, especially our mental health (remember Ceres in Pisces - she was at the big meeting in January - is one factor in play with the virus, too). Ceres also rules change of life issues and in Pisces can be about letting go. Note - Mercury (in Cancer) will be trining Ceres tomorrow and this is building today - there are ways to communicate that are comforting/soothing. Keep in mind with Mercury in Cancer we need to stop every now and then and ask ourselves, "am I feeling the actual situation or am I feeling my thinking about the situation?".

Also keep in mind anytime we talk about Mercury now, the North Node (our collective way forward) is in Gemini - answering to Mercury, so our words/communications/information can be more powerful/more impactful than we might realize in the moment. Mercury's LONG journey through Cancer this summer has meant we are feeling what people are saying/feeling the information we are absorbing.

Our own words will be impacting other people emotionally, too. Keep this in mind.

xo all

photo by the talented Pandora Selezneva

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, July 22, 2020 - Void Moon, the king comes home to his castle and calls his lawyer, brainstorms and lightning bolts, getting fired up, getting some sun

The Moon , void in Leo, until 7:40PM EDT when she moves into Virgo will make no aspects until she trines Uranus at 1:16AM EDT (tomorrow). Keep in mind our Void Moon Mantra if things get wonky "nothing will come of this". This is not the day to start something/launch something you need "something to come of". Time gets stretchy. Excellent for routine concerns and getting things done. When the Moon gets into Virgo tonight we will be feeling the need to get organized/clean stuff up.

Mercury (in home/family centered Cancer) sextiles Uranus (in steady-as-she-goes money/resource/values centered Taurus) for the third and final time.

This is our final chance to change our thinking/change the conversation/latch onto one of those Uranian ideas floating around the cosmos just waiting to grab the right person's attention.

Keep an open mind today. Think about what you are thinking about - look for different thoughts/ideas. See what words get stuck in your head (song lyrics, phrases, words) and give them some thought. Life (universe/our subconscious/our guides) speaks to us in mysterious ways. This is a smooth connection. No static. And it's the third time we've got this message so we should be paying attention!

We previously had this aspect on June 5th and then again on June 30th when Mercury was retrograde. Pay special attention if you have any planets/points near 10 degrees Taurus/Cancer. BRAINSTORM.

Coming off that painful conversation/words/news yesterday - here is where the energy can change if we move toward something different.

The best news today, in a year when we could really use some, is the Sun comes home to Leo for the next month!

I am pretty sure he is 'fired-up' to be here and shocked at what Pluto/Saturn has done to the place. He is probably talking to his lawyer while pacing the pool as we speak.

The Sun's (ruler of Leo) move into fiery, proud and performance-focused Leo offers multiple layers of good news. The Sun (our life force) gets out of the firing range of that Capricorn opposition. YES! He exits lunar ruled Cancer and moves into the sign he rules. YES!

In Leo, we focus on what our heart wants, children (our inner child), romance, fun, creative projects - we (and everyone else) want attention, love, to feel good/generous.

Your Leo house (like the house of your natal Sun) is the space you are meant to SHINE.

Prepare to get very shiny!

This year, this won't be about garnering applause or even the center stage (although some will) - serious times call for serious attitudes - this is still about putting our own needs first though. Doing what we do best/love to do and attracting by virtue of our shimmering glow the best we line up with through our previous choices/actions and taking action from where we are right now - who doesn't like shiny!

(and yes, I am talking about that warm summer glow, not a slick layer of gunky Coppertone coconut oil)

Keep in mind next year when the Sun is home in Leo (and the year after that) we will have Saturn, opposing from Aquarius, and then we'll start moving into an era when Pluto opposes from Aquarius.
Let's suck the juice out of this one, keeping in mind we are the king now with the honors and also responsibilities that entails - this is the space of EGO - don't be an asshole.

The Sun will be in Leo until August 22nd.

For, today, keep in mind the Moon may be void, but she is in Leo answering to a strong Sun in his home sign today (unlike yesterday) - requesting that we show up and get more personally/physically involved in our own happiness!

Life's an inside job folks. Happiness is a choice. We lose sight of this at our own peril.

Get into the SUN.

xo all

photo by the talented lidlshmidl

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, July 21, 2020 - taking action, making changes, painful conversations, widening our focus, making today count

The Moon has moved into fiery Leo now - our focus turns to our creative projects, children, romance, recreation, our heart, our natural 'spotlight', our happiness.

We are nurtured through fun/attention/generosity.

She will square Uranus (in Taurus) at 10:22AM EDT - a surprise twist will need to be dealt with, trines Mars at 3:22PM EDT - heart-felt/passionate action and finally goes void off a sextile to Venus at 8:27PM EDT - good for connecting/socializing/opportunities with love and money.

This is also the day we have the third (of three) squares between Mercury and Chiron. Painful/emotional conversations. Our thoughts could turn to our fears - maybe the ways we are afraid of standing up/taking care of ourselves/even being alive in these challenging times. Our vulnerabilities are raw/maybe on display.

Since this is the final square, something here should be wrapping up.

We want to be looking at why these words HURT.

There could be a conversation that needs to happen. Information that needs to be looked at - with Mercury in Cancer this could be about the family/past/childhood or maybe a home/real estate situation. Maybe we are confronting a painful memory. It might feel like no matter what we say we can't win/feel good and that's OK, some things may still need to be said. This won't be a new conversation.We've been here before.

Like the first time we had this aspect, it is quickly followed by Mercury's sextile to change-maker Uranus (exact tomorrow, but with the Void Moon tomorrow we might be better off using this energy today) - an opportunity to change. 

It's not the time to stay stuck in the past. Talk about what's next.

At the same time we have Vesta (from 20 degrees Cancer) trining Neptune in Pisces.

Our focus can naturally widen. The picture becomes less defined. Boundaries more fuzzy.

Maybe with Vesta in home/family oriented Cancer, our familial circle widens. Or we can see that home/family situation from a more spiritual/higher perspective. Maybe (remember yesterday's New Moon speaks of self-care and so does Vesta here) - we need some Neptunian self-care ie extra sleep, relaxation, music, art, water, meditation, prayer.

Trines are smooth energetics, things just fall into place, we won't have to push. If some kind of Piscean sacrifice is needed for family/home business/mom, etc - it will come naturally to us. And, on the other hand, if we are already swimming with the fishies (lost in Pisces through a personal natal transit) and need some footing, the contact with Vesta could bring that Neptunian energy into a healthier focus.

A heads up tomorrow is an all-day Void Moon, and TODAY we have the Leo Moon trining Mars and sextiling Venus - so it would be a good idea to MAKE TODAY COUNT, especially the time between 3:22PM EDT and 8:27PM EDT.

xo all

photo by the amazing thefirebomb