The Astrology of Covid-19 | Trump, Pandora, Wuhan, the Corona Virus and the Eclipse that split America in two - part i


This is going to take a few posts to unpack/unwind. We will follow the bread crumbs wherever they lead us.

When writing the Full Moon in Aquarius post this past weekend and hunting for asteroids interacting with the major players, I noticed asteroid Pandora (named after the first human woman, yes, of the insatiably seductive/seduced 'curious' open box fame) conjunct our Leo Sun.

This reminded me that when I looked into Pan (the God and the asteroid), and his place in this 'pan'-demic back in April (the panic part) - we talked about him at the end of this post HERE, I never got back to Pandora, and her potential energetic contribution to the actual illness.

So, let's take a look.

The first chart in this series (shown on top of post) is the most common/popular and arguably the most accurate birth chart for the United States of America.


Charted by Ebeneezer Sibley (with a name like Ebeneezer Sibley I somehow have a hard time doubting his thoroughness), a British astrologer and Freemason back in 1776 when word of the signing of the Declaration of Independence reached Britain. It is set for July 4, 1776 at 5:10PM in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is universally used and I have used it for research on multiple important events in United States history, all rather cataclysmic, and it hasn't let me down.

Here I have added asteroid Pandora to the U.S. birth chart and asteroid Wuhan. 

I was shocked and somehow not shocked - since I already know astrology is mysteriously and magically amazing - to find asteroids Pandora and Wuhan sitting together at the EXACT same degree at the time of the U.S. birth, in the United States 6th house (of health) at 26 degrees Taurus

(the degree of the fixed star - demon star - Algol, considered by many to be the most malevolent star in the galaxy).

There are 360 degrees in the zodiac (places these asteroids could be), so would the odds be 1/360th or even greater since they are both moving (?). The creators of the Declaration of Independence, as well-timed as it was by Freemasons, almost certainly with a knowledge of astrology (I would bet they waited for that Sag rising!), were always limited by what they didn't know/couldn't see.

They couldn't see ahead to September 10, 1858 when asteroid Pandora would synchronistically be discovered and named by astronomer and Catholic priest, George William Searle in Albany, New York. They couldn't see ahead to November 13, 1980 when asteroid Wuhan would be discovered and synchronistically named at the Purple Mountain Observatory in China.

As the founding fathers put pens to paper they couldn't see asteroid Pandora and asteroid Wuhan lying in wait; landmines in the United States blueprint/DNA just waiting to be triggered. 
Do I sound dramatic? Well, it is Leo season and look at the mess we're in!
This is surely not the only landmine buried in the rich soil of this chart, but with the United States applying to its first Pluto return its significance is amplified. The United States first return of Pluto to its natal position has been building since the end of 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn - economic crash and Obama's election - and ending in 2024 as Pluto exits Cappy for Aquarius, and will reach its exactness first on February 22, 2022 and again on December 30, 2022.

We know there is never just one thing in a chart that makes something happen but we will primarily focus on the Pandora/Wuhan aspects to stay on track and make things manageable.

Starting with the Sibley Chart (U.S. birth chart) we can see that Wuhan and Pandora form a conjunction. Every process/relationship is established with a conjunction. An archetypal journey and story begins.  
On July 4, 1776, they are squaring the United States Moon (the people), sextiling the United States Mercury (support - media) and trining the United States Pluto (flow - power, death, transformation) and trining the United States Neptune (flow- virus, lack of boundaries, inability to tell facts/what is real).

Move ahead a couple centuries when Trump is elected (at Trump's birth asteroids Pandora and Wuhan are opposing each other from Gemini/Sag with Pandora conjunct Trump's Uranus and Wuhan conjunct Trump's Moon), as leader of the United States and his natal chart starts interacting with and amplifying certain energies and aspects of the United States natal chart. 
Trump's Sun and North Node conjunction neatly bookends the United States Mars (the planet that is often a trigger - think of a soldier's foot tripping a landmine hidden on a battlefield). His Venus/Saturn conjunction neatly bookends the United States Mercury and oppose the United States Pluto. Trump's unpredictable Uranus conjuncts the United States Descendant. His Ascendant opposes the important United States Moon (government of the people). Trump's natal Mercury conjuncts the United States Jupiter. 
And his mid-heaven (the TOP OF HIS CHART) at 24 degrees Taurus is conjunct the United State's natal Pandora/Wuhan conjunction (and exactly on another fixed star - Capulus - who we will talk about in the next post).
There is alot for him to work with/influence - and he is coming in at a very important time in the United States history - and so he catalyzes BIG changes and BIG challenges. 

We talked about Trump's inauguration chart HERE (and some about his chart in the election run-up post HERE) - with its Mystic Rectangle - what he is here to give us - tying up the 2nd (money, values, resources), 6th (health, work), 8th (death, power) and 12th (secrets, delusion, self-sabotage, hidden enemies) which we can now see with a little of that 20/20 (2020) hindsight is pretty damn accurate, although certainly not in the ways I was thinking back in 2017!

I guess we will never know (although to some degree time will tell) if this Pandora/Wuhan 'landmine' was the most expedient journey to our Pluto return's crisis/opportunity of total transformation, but I suspect it covers all the bells and whistles and we know it's ramifications are supported by multiple other aspects in the charts.

In mid-March with transiting asteroid Wuhan nestled between transiting Jupiter and Pluto in late Capricorn and with transiting Pandora reaching the United States natal Mars (triggered!) - which, keep in mind means she is conjuncting Trump's Sun/North Node conjunction (fate) 
and with the transiting North Node (fate) nestled between the United States natal Venus/Jupiter conjunction - the virus and its ramifications EXPLODE, 
impacting by rulership the United States 6th and 10th houses (health, public spotlight, government, careers, day-to-day activities), 4th house (home, roots, security, history) and since Jupiter is the chart ruler, the 1st house (how the United States sees itself and is seen, etc) and other houses by aspect.


We'll dive deeper in parts two thru five of this series - as we work through the connections to the foundation of the United States, the Leo eclipse, racism, #metoo, "kill all the buffalo to kill all the Indians" (Taurus 6th house injuries), Wuhan's virus research, transfer of power to China, the journey of transiting Pandora and Wuhan, Prometheus and Pandora archetypal energies (scapegoating the ills of the world onto women), Perseus, Medusa and Algol archetypal energies and how we can use this knowledge in our foundation building and any potential forecasting.

In the meantime, just exposing this TRIGGER means we can look ahead and see how it interacts with the other known triggers (Saturn/Pluto, the long journeys of Mercury and Ceres through Pisces, Pan, the Nodes, etc) - maybe we can glean some new intel about how the virus itself could play out.


I know the transiting North Node will be nearing the United States Mars in late December as Saturn meets Jupiter (for the first time in an air sign for 200 years). And we can see transiting Mars will hit the United States Pandora/Wuhan conjunction (so kind of the reverse of the March 2020 astro) around the time Ceres finally leaves Pisces, in late February 2021. This is just at a quick glance, we will look at some closer dates, too!


Back with part II, where we will talk archetypes. I know this post was alot of astro-babble, so hang in there for the next one!

xo all

photo by the talented ennil

also I should note that when Tom Hanks announced his corona virus test results - we talked about that HERE - transiting Pandora was exactly conjunct his mid-heaven (public life/announcement).

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, August 6th, 2020 - giving what we are here to give

The Moon continues her journey through dreamy Pisces. She sexiles a retrograde Jupiter at 12:19PM EDT, meets up with a retrograde Neptune at 2:11PM EDT (her ruler in Pisces) and finally sextiles a retrograde Pluto at 7:37PM EDT.

Our natal Pisces house (and the collective themes of our imagination, what is going on behind the scenes, healing, institutions, art, music, spiritual pursuits, rest and relaxation, ancestors, addiction, what is hidden or put away) is making nice with our natal Cappy house (and the collective themes of authority, our goal, ambitions, our work in the world, our outer security).

Neptune/Saturn - building the dream. Neptune/Saturn - stabilizing our cray-cray.

This is also more Piscean support - live and let live/go with the flow - if something has ended/changed through that powerful Aquarius Full Moon earlier in the week.

With the Sun inconjunct and the Moon sextiling our girl Pallas (wisdom, strategies, solving problems) retrograde in Cappy - maybe something here about being generous/offering solutions without needing credit/getting anything back. Setting our ambitions/pride aside for something bigger than ourselves, maybe?

Since these aspects form a fast-moving Yod (Finger of God) pointing to the Sun (creativity, children, romance, the way we shine/take the center stage) - there could be a special purpose with what we are contributing, putting out there, the way we are using our gifts now.

What house does Leo rule in your natal chart? What is the 'theme' of that house?

xo all

photo b the talented AlexKPhoto

Today's Astrology Forecast DAILY Horoscope | August 5, 2020 - words are our superpower, dreaming of change, shifting priorities and desires

The Moon is in Pisces now - we are nurtured through our dreams, imagination, art, music, connections, healing, meditation, prayer. Her only aspect an opportunistic sextile to change-maker Uranus at 7:00PM EDT.

Maybe here's that silver-lining with Sunday/Monday's harsher Uranus square (the disruption) if we can release our expectations/attachment to outcomes and just kind of go with the flow with this.

At the same time Venus, moving through Gemini for what seems like a century now, meets up with the North Node (our best collective way forward) at 28 degrees Gemini.

Venus is our relationships, our money, our resources, our values, self-esteem, beauty and balance - meeting our "North Star" indicates something could happen now that pulls us forward - toward our happiest/best future. This could seem unimportant when it happens or when we hear about it or when we think of it, but we should feel a pull in a NEW direction.

If you are struggling with what to do - PAY ATTENTION. This is Gemini - so will come through news, information, conversations, words, small things can lead to big things. Venus is our desirous nature, so this should be something we want to think about/talk about/act on.

Ideas are out there to be plucked like apples in a farm field by just the right person now.

The choices we make now, the words we write and say, the ideas we have, the thoughts we THINK will have impact on our future.

At the same time we have Vesta (at 27 degrees Cancer - that important home, family, home business, family business, real estate, mothering - situation that has our focus) opposing a retrograde and sober, Saturn in Cappy. This is a limit/authority/responsibility from outside of us vs that Cancerian devotion. Saturn oppositions are often endings/culminations/commitments. Reality checks with what isn't going to work right now/what we can't have right now.

Maybe we want to focus here (Vesta/home) and we have to focus THERE (Cappy/work - with Saturn retrograde, likely old work and commitments).

This energy is echoing Venus's NEW path forward/desires as Venus opposes the South Node (the past/where we are right now). Our values/wants are changing. The way we make money is changing. The way we connect with other people is changing. What we see as beautiful is changing. We have been traveling this road (through Venus in versatile Gemini) since May 19th trying a little of this and a little of that, seeing what feels good now/what might work now/how to communicate now and now here's where a move, a thought, a conversation in a new direction can change our trajectory. 

It could feel like we have come to a fork in the road with something as our priorities and desires work through a re-alignment and clearly that Saturn opposition speaks of some things just being out of our hands ....

xo all

photo by the amazing firebomb

What Does the Full Moon in Aquarius Mean? | August 3, 2020 - jolts, disruptions, reality checks, breakups, breakthroughs, connecting February 2020 to February 2021, Pandora's open box

On August 3, 2020 at 11:58AM EDT - the Aquarius Moon opposes the Leo Sun (at 11 degrees) giving us this month's Full Moon and this year's Full Moon in the future-focused sign of Aquarius.

Full Moons bring things into the light and often to a conclusion or culmination (peak energy).

If you have planets or points in your natal chart on or very near 11 degrees of the fixed signs - Aquarius, Taurus, Leo or Scorpio - you will probably feel this energy strongest.

This is the Aquarius/Leo polarity. 

Prideful and kingly Leo, ruled by the Sun and the Sun is in Leo now, so very strong, gets himself reflected back to himself through Aquarius who says, "Leo get with the program, this isn't all about YOU!" 

and Aquarius, where the Moon doesn't want to be at all because the Moon rules Cancer and needs to feel everything and Aquarius, the sign that seeks to blend our higher mind with reality and in order to do this needs to step back/detach - Aquarius, gets reflected back to itself through Leo who says "love means attaching and getting close enough to see them sweat Aquarius so who/what do you really love? and where are you in all of this? where are you in your own life?"

Aquarius is our smarty-pants, detached and objective air sign.

The sign of individuality, equality, friendship and community, freedom and de-conditioning (by any means necessary) - fixed and "know-it-all" Aquarius is the sign of the genius, the revolutionary, the scientist/futurist (often of the madder variety) and the exile.

Ruled by (ancient ruler) Saturn and (modern ruler) Uranus - antithetical archetypes, Aquarius energy itself is polarizing. It is the sign of polarity, which is a property (but also a locket that I haven't pimped in a long time, so HERE is a link).

With the Moon and Sun forming a tension filled T-Square with chaotic Uranus - and keep in mind this is a collective post, you will need to look to the themes of your Aquarius and Taurus natal houses for the most personal view - this is about a radical change/shock/surprise/result and with Uranus in Taurus (and answering to Venus) this change could come through our resources, values, money or relationships.

Since Uranus - the planet squaring the Full Moon energies - is co-ruler of Aquarius, this makes the square's challenges even more powerful. Saturn is the other ruler of Aquarius and we need Saturn to stabilize this alien-Uranus energy.

Saturn is retrograde (so some connection to the past with whatever is going on), but strong in his home sign of Capricorn. So whatever Saturn is depressing - probably the thing we are refusing to deal with (maybe the urgent questions around how we are supposed to live now) is going to bubble up. But probably not slowly like Saturn would do it, because that square to Uranus will bring things out - suddenly.

So, even though we have seen this coming or should have/could have - it can still strike with an unexpected WHALLOP.

Uranus changes are actually the cure for Saturnian depression,

but because unpredictable and chaotic stuff is challenging and stressful - even when it brings us to really good stuff in the end, remember the New Moon energy this Full Moon culminates offers us Sedna's finger-birthed porpoises if our own fingers were/are cut off (by daddy).

We are genetically wired toward craving stability and things we have already experienced (in order to stay alive) dramatic change carries a signature of trauma - and through Uranus and our Aquarius placement our connection to previous lifetimes/ancestral and even collective trauma.

Squares, since our back can feel against the wall, can be scary and stressful when they are happening, but they are usually the things in the long run we look back on and realize we needed to go through. This Moon connects us back to the New Moon in Aquarius in February 2020 and also carries us forward to February 2022 when Jupiter will reach this degree.

So what does the Full Moon in Aquarius mean? Let's unpack the chart!

The Aquarius Moon is answering to chart rulers - Saturn, retrograde at 27 degrees Capricorn - his home sign - and exactly opposing Mercury (in Cancer), and Uranus, at 10 degrees Taurus - answering to Venus - and squaring the Moon and Sun (forming a tight fixed T-Square). Venus (ruler of Taurus and remember Uranus is in Taurus) is in Gemini and conjunct the North Node and opposing the Galactic Center. The Moon is trining Chiron (and the Sun sextiles Chiron). The Sun closely conjuncts asteroid Pandora (yes, of pandemic fame and we will talk about her at the end of this post).

At the same time fiery Mars at 17 degrees Aries - his home sign - squares Jupiter and kicks off the first of his many upcoming battles with the Cappy planet titans, that carry us through the rest of 2020, so maybe he is thinking something like, "I am going to mess up these old dudes for ruining everything".

Got it? Me, neither!

The strongest aspect (other than the solar opposition) is always the Moon's - so that is the square to Uranus. This is waning, but barely, so the Sun has reached this square Sunday and the Moon reaches this point on Monday.

Squares with Uranus bring shocking disruptions.

Since Uranus co-rules the chart - this 'change' aspect is more strongly felt.

Something seems to come out of nowhere, although if we are honest with ourselves it really doesn't - MAJOR DISRUPTION or shocking surprises, for better or worse

(always for better in the long run, keep this in mind).

The square from Uranus to the Leo Sun indicates the disruption of 'ego' attachments and with the Full Moon bringing the energy to a peak/culmination - there could be a surprising or disruptive ending. Breakdowns. Breakthroughs. Break-ups. Breaks. Since Aquarius rules groups and friendships there could be changes within our social network or maybe we make the decision to liberate ourselves from an important group dynamic.

At the same time with this Full Moon in Aquarius's co-ruler Saturn exactly opposing Mercury, our communication, conversations, thinking will be serious. 

News can be sobering. 

Mercury, who's been in Cancer for a long time now, feeling her/his way through every conversational landmine (and this is not Mercury's cup of tea believe me) is now opposed by the "winter is coming, winter is here" REALITY of Saturn. Rules, limits, maybe what we can't say. An official document might be involved. An official ending. An official commitment.

This is their third square of three, so maybe here is the final answer. Oppositions to Saturn have a signature that says 'reality check/report card' time. We could hear a "no" now. If we are the 'Saturn' in some situation, we might want to check in with ourselves as to whether or not the answer really needs to be so all or nothing. What are we really saying with our need for so much control?

Is this 'the third time's the charm' or 'three strikes you're out'? Maybe we are out, but this doesn't have to be a bad thing either - think porpoises! And again, since this opposition is Cancer/Capricorn (we have been dealing with this for so long now) we don't seem to be done with this (plus Venus moves into Cancer this week right after Mercury exits) - home, family, security vs work, career, security. The inner vs the outer. The dynamics of a soft mom vs. a hard dad.

Venus (ruler of Taurus and so ruler of Uranus at this lunation) is in Gemini, so answering to Gemini's ruler Mercury, who remember, is opposing Saturn.

Venus is approaching (applying to) the North Node - our best collective way forward, while opposing the Galactic Center - our homing signal. The need to break away from our entrenched beliefs about who and what is right or wrong and begin to move toward more innovative answers. This could bring some good news/or at least some news that moves things forward - and is exact in a couple days. Keep in mind, this is Gemini, not rocket science. So, what is the best/closest solution now? What gets this done for now?

Gemini is the sign that rules early childhood education - and with schools about to open here in the United States with things standing in such disarray this is almost certainly going to be more of a focal point.

I tossed in Orcus, knowing only that he is kind of the Roman "Pluto", because he is exactly interacting, in stressful aspects, with the lunation. I could only find out that historically he had something to do with honoring oaths/contracts, so there could be something for some people with that energy now. He also pulls 11 degrees Virgo into the mix, and maybe the feeling that something is life and death or a situation with a before and after feel to it - something like what a contact with Pluto might bring.

At the same time we have Mars, kicking off the squares we talked about HERE.

We could courageously and confidently kick something off, too, now and get something going from the embers of this Full Moon. We just need to be careful whenever we are dealing with Jupiter's enthusiasms and appetites that we are not over-extending ourselves, our resources, our money, etc. We don't want to let 'momentum' take us somewhere we are not really wanting to go.

We are in the space "in-between" spaces now, best for small moves because things that look like great ideas now might not look so great in six months. This isn't an excuse to sit on our ass, but it is a reason to keep it small/local for now.

With challenging charts like this one we always look for a way through and we can see there is a sextile (waning) to Chiron (in Aries). Chiron sextiles suggest healing will come through acceptance of the challenging situation Uranus evokes and, because Chiron is in independent Aries, by responding with self- initiated action and courage. We can take care of ourselves/stand up for ourselves/be ourselves.  
Know this.

Since Taurus rules food, make sure you have some in your cupboards please. Taurus also rules the Earth, so severe weather events are also possible.

Uranus is about stepping into the unknown and the ways we step into the unknown are 1. we get drop-kicked into it through Uranian events like this one 2. we kind of sleep-walk into it through busy-ness, doing what we have to do, doing what comes next, which is sometimes and maybe even most of the time, just fine and mostly how we do it or 3. we make a conscious choice knowing/believing there is solid ground on the other side of the unknown and that we are protected or 4. we trust we will learn how to fly/thrive in change and not need the solid ground anymore anyway.

We can maybe choose our method of transport, but not the fact that we are going.

Asteroid Pandora - I wrote about asteroid Pan and his part in the "only thing to fear is fear itself" aspect of this pandemic, but never got back to Pandora. With her in close connection to our Leo Sun at the time of this Full Moon in Aquarius, we should look at the ways she might connect with what is happening right now.

Pandora is the "first woman" story to the Greeks, made by Zeus for mankind as a punishment after Prometheus steals fire from the Gods and gives it to men. Something like Eve in the Bible, she is seductive/seduced, and blamed for all the ills of the world being unleashed (in Pandora's case after a whisper from Mercury makes her insatiably curious). She has, through the centuries, represented not only our ability to be tempted, but maybe our present state of 'containment' and the choices we make out of curiosity that sometimes open us up to things we cannot control. Asteroid Pandora orbits between Mars (action) and Jupiter (expansion, hope), and of course, the only "ill" left in the jar/box after she opens it is "hope".

Pandora being combust/blown out by the Sun at this lunation and opposing the Moon could be seen as "hope" itself being not enough - we need to work to find our own solutions now. We will talk more about her and her connection to the 2012/2020 energies and even to Donald Trump in a post this week!

HEADS UP - the New Moon in Leo in two weeks is the best we've had in awhile. Also, if you are incubating a new project, etc, you really want to get your ducks lined up before Mars goes retrograde on September 9th.

BIGGER HEADS UP - this Mars/Jupiter square is setting up the 'Clash of the Titan' style final acts of 2020. I am going to do that post this week, too, and the more I look at this fall, and especially October, the more unbelievable it all looks!

xo all - see the weekly HERE for more on the week of August 3rd