Weekly Astrology Forecast | August 10th - August 17th, 2020 - changes and challenges, playing a long game with a tattered deck and a shifty-eyed dealer


This is another BIG week - SURPRISING news, AGGRESSIVE actions - the skies rich with potential and consequence.

It will pay to keep in mind this is a very long story we are living - this chapter, something about our use/misuse or avoidance of power. And like all tales worth telling/living, as well as all the stories we have ever loved, we are called upon to accept the impact of the unexpected. We may not have an easy way ahead, but we do have a way ahead.

Keep an open mind (North Node in Gemini)- no one knows what is really going on because it's not the time when knowing this is going to help us. The more wedded we are to our beliefs now, the harder it will be to swerve later when we find out all the ways we are wrong.

We are breathing life into a new world even as the old one tries to take our breath away, 


Uranus is very strong and still now, at his most Uranian (expect the unexpected), as he prepares to station retrograde at the end of the week. This gives a kind of electrical charge to the air, to our thoughts/words, to whatever we have going on.

Mars squares Pluto mid-week, the first of three - this is dangerous/intense. Expect to feel the effects of power - against you, through you, from you.

Let's unpack the aspects and we will talk about the Moons as we move through them with a few dailies.

MONDAY - Mercury squares Uranus
THURSDAY - Mars squares Pluto (in play all week)
SATURDAY - Uranus stations retrograde, Sun inconjuncts Pluto
SUNDAY - Sun trines Mars, Mercury inconjuncts Pluto, Venus squares Chiron

MONDAY - No sleeping in.

Mercury (in loud and proud Leo) squares change-maker Uranus (in Taurus). Squares are tension/frustration that encourage/force action. Or in this case - conversation, communication, arguments. What we are saying is getting us noticed/attention/the spotlight. Sudden and unusual ideas are possible.  

Unexpected news.

And with Uranus's ability to be 'ahead of his time' for some this might have already happened. This could be about our money, our resources, our values. Take a moment to think things through if you are considering a large purchase now or making fast decisions that could impact your bottom line in any major way. The Moon is in Taurus - we are going to have to feel our way through this one.

THURSDAY - Mars squares Pluto - this is the first of three due to Mars upcoming retrograde - August 13th (Mars direct, Pluto retrograde), October 9th (Mars retrograde, Pluto direct) and December 23rd (both direct) - Mars is powerful in his home sign, but Pluto is, well Pluto is Pluto.

(Pluto is the God of the underworld/power/control energy and Mars square to beneficial Jupiter blew Beirut sky high last week, so there's that to think about - stay safe)

Expect intense competition and unbridled ambition. Intense frustration. Manipulations. Obsessions. Jealousy. Physical power struggles. Excisions/surgical procedures. Our power could be challenged or we could be the one doing the calling out.

If we are "waked" this is the time to think about why this situation is "triggering" us. If we are repressing anger/passion/strong urges - here's where the lid comes off.  

We could be mad (Mars) at the truth (Pluto). We could be battling (Mars) for power/control (Pluto).

We don't want to be ruthless or under-handed, but we might have to stand up for ourselves. There is a determination to move that mountain here and the desire to get what we think we deserve and not a nickel less.

Avoid unnecessary run ins with the boss/authority because THEY WILL WIN. If we are the boss/authority then avoid making other people feel threatened because WE WILL LOSE in the long run.

Expect to feel the effects of power - against you, through you, from you.

And never doubt with Mars in Aries until NEXT YEAR that we are playing a long game here. First of three squares. Keep this in mind. Mars/Pluto is like a bully aspect, but it is also about having the courage to SURVIVE. Destruction/transformation/power. We want to be proactive and responsive and not react or over-react out of fear this week.

We talked about this Mars cycle HERE.

Mars is a BIG player in our story-line for the rest of this year. What house does Aries rule in your natal chart? What is the theme of that house?

SATURDAY - Uranus stations retrograde in Taurus. Collectively, Taurus rules our money, our resources, what we have earned, our values, our self-esteem, the planet Earth. There is a change of direction here. A pause on radical change/liberation. Uranus is unpredictable - any unexpected lightning strike could take us in a bold new direction or remove all the excitement/energy from a forward-leaning project/situation.

For some people changes that hit unexpectedly over the last few months will slow down or be put on hold. If we are directly impacted by Uranus's back and forth over a sensitive planet or point in our natal chart - changes could intensify. For most people changes move from the outer to the inner realms. Remember, Uranus (ruler of Aquarius) is all about detaching us from what we no longer need/what is no longer working by any/the fastest means possible. If we can't get there from here, Uranus will get us to where we need to be so we can.

Uranus will be retrograde for the rest of the year.

On the same day the Sun (our ego) moves through an inconjunct (rock and a hard place) with Pluto (power/control). More power struggles. Ego bruising. Leo wants to shine/create and Cappy says, "just do what you need to do Leo. Grow up." 

SUNDAY - A mixed bag. And the Moon will be in Cancer, her home sign, yes, but also the place where she will be squaring Mars and opposing the Cappy pile-up, so it's like her cozy house has been moved to a cramped corner on the freeway exit ramp to the airport.

Venus (in Cancer) squares Chiron (in Aries).

Painful situations around not feeling loved/wanted/safe. Not having/getting what we want. Financial insecurities. Family relationships trigger old wounds. Chiron in Aries wants to be assertive/plow through, but that won't work with Venus in sensitive Cancer. A softer touch, being able to admit we are hurting/vulnerable/don't have all the answers. Being able to relate on a personal level (not feeling we have to DO something about it or fight for it) - moves us through this. Remember with Chiron, healing is about acceptance/learning to live with what we can't change/fix.

The Sun moves into a smooth and ambitious/showy trine with an assertive Mars. We are inspired and feel a need to get going with whatever we are passionate about. This is probably our best aspect of the week that won't involve the Moon - a Leo/Aries love-fest - what can we do with this?!

Mercury, in a rock and hard place with Pluto - following in the Sun's footsteps from yesterday, could indicate some challenging news/information. Again, a mixed bag kind of day and will depend for you personally on what is hitting your chart most exactly.

xo all

photo by the talented LolaArtland

The Astrology of Covid-19 | a trigger from August 2017, the Eclipse that split America in two - part ii


Part l is HERE

A few months after Trump took office, on August 21, 2017, there was a Solar Eclipse at 28 degrees Leo (a critical degree before the Aries point of 0 degrees Cancer) the media dubbed the 'Great American Eclipse'.

It was a total Solar Eclipse and spanned the entire contiguous United States from the Pacific to Atlantic Oceans - literally 'cutting the country in half'.

At one point 90% of Washington DC, the power center of the United States (and maybe it could be called the power center of the world) was 'eclipsed' out.

The symbolism probably couldn't have been any clearer.

Our ancestors would have offered sacrifices to the Gods to alleviate the calamities they would have expected to follow such a sight and their kings/leaders reinforced their security details - we got busy buying our Eclipse eyeglasses and finding a spot to watch the 'show'.

Trump himself, looked directly into it!

This particular eclipse was the first total Solar Eclipse visible only across the entire United States since the eclipse of 1776 - the year of this country's birth. Many astrologers think that the physical location where an eclipse is visible increases its impact on that location. The eclipse lasted for almost 2 minutes and 40 seconds. This would give the Eclipse an impact of 2 years and 8 months (through April 2020), and remember Eclipse influence works backward, too.

The next total Solar Eclipse over the United States, which will impact the entirety of North America - Canada, the United States and Mexico - will be on April 8, 2024.

The following is taken from my two-part post in August 2017:

"we have a President whose natal ascendant (many astrologers believe this to be the most important point in a natal chart) AND Mars are both conjunct 28 degrees Leo so the solar eclipse next week impacts Donald Trump's ascendant (his physical self) and natal Mars (war, action, violence, anger). This is bigly people. BIGLY.

The eclipse is also trining (brakes off) rebellious, chaotic and unpredictable Uranus (I have said before that Trump IS Uranus with the planet conjunct his natal Sun). It literally feels to me like he can do anything he wants to do with this energetic line up (or whatever is holding back his power from being eclipsed out is removed and he will be, too - impossible to know which is which).

For certain though the brakes are off something!

At the same time transiting Mars (war, violence) is conjuncting his natal Mars AND Trump was born on an eclipse making eclipses in general more impactful for him!

You can't make this stuff up folks.

The chance of this particular eclipse (total solar across the entire country) occurring at a time in our country's history (Pluto's impending return to its 1776 position) when it can so strongly influence the country's leader (via planets and points in his natal chart) would surely give it odds no Vegas bet maker would touch.  

And yet, here it is.

He is the CATALYST for something here. Our avatar for this watershed moment in United States history. This is the entire reason he was elected. This is the entire reason he was even born.

The United States will be a different United States after Donald Trump and after this eclipse energy plays itself out over the next three years.

Trump is here to do the thing he is going to do, even if we (the people) do not like it.

(it could be his action here that leads to his demise as we "the people - represented by the Moon that eclipses him" decide this is not the way we define America, since America is approaching its Pluto return and in the midst of re-birthing itself and the last time we had an eclipse like this was when our country was born in 1776 - he could be the catalyst that brings us back together or finally breaks us apart AND he could just as easily be ruling the United States at this pivotal time to make the right decision as he could the wrong one). 

It is the karma of the United States itself playing out here - and how well or how poorly we have lived up to the promises of our July 4th, 1776 birth chart."

These days my thinking on this has shifted a bit. I am not so much thinking 'our karma is playing itself out', although surely it is - but also that things that are born are also going to die and will have expiration dates, maybe even multiple expiration dates and maybe multiple means of expiration - built right into them, no matter how well or how poorly we work our blueprints. This isn't a bad thing. From the moment we are born we are in the process of dying and from the moment we die the process of being reborn. That is the nature of life here.

We talked in Part l about the Pandora/Wuhan landmine buried in the United States chart and its activation when transiting Pandora reached the United States natal Mars, because everything starts with a conjunction and Mars is a TRIGGER (and Trump's Sun/North Node/Uranus conjunction - a light on a chaotic future, being one of a dozen interpretations I can think of).

The Great American Eclipse was another landmine (remember we need to see multiple things, often three, that say the same thing in astrology before we know we are understanding it) - with its 28 degree Leo activation opposing the United States natal Moon (the people, in Aquarius) and firing up/funneling through Trump's natal Mars/Ascendant conjunction. Also, at the time of that 2017 Eclipse, asteroid Wuhan was conjunct Trump's natal Sun/North Node/Uranus conjunction and asteroid Pandora was exactly squaring the United States natal chart ruling Jupiter.

The posts about the Eclipse are HERE and HERE and definitely worth a look - both as a 2020 trigger point and as a reminder of Leo season (it's Leo season!), which feels a little lost in the shuffle this year.

We will look at a third TRIGGER (we will go back to 2012 for this one) and begin to look at the archetypes in part lll.

We are birthing a new nation and a new world and the birthing pains are ... well, painful.

In the meantime, we can look at what is going on in the world, because we don't want to hide from it, but we also need to stay plugged into our own life and limit the stuff that pulls us away from that. 

Keep in mind it is Leo season and with Mercury (ruler of the North Node) in Leo now, too, if we don't prioritize our personal happiness and have some fun, we are going to feel burnt out and edgy.

Back tomorrow with the weekly. I know some of you I have heard from are missing the mysteries and I will get back to those this week, maybe we will do them on a different night than Saturday. I have also had quite a few emails asking me to re-look at Jeffrey Epstein's suicide chart (insisting he was murdered) and maybe we will look at his birth chart one day, but not his death chart again right now .... sorry.

xo all

photo by the talented Violator3

The Astrology of Covid-19 | Trump, Pandora, Wuhan, the Corona Virus and the Eclipse that split America in two - part i


This is going to take a few posts to unpack/unwind. We will follow the bread crumbs wherever they lead us.

When writing the Full Moon in Aquarius post this past weekend and hunting for asteroids interacting with the major players, I noticed asteroid Pandora (named after the first human woman, yes, of the insatiably seductive/seduced 'curious' open box fame) conjunct our Leo Sun.

This reminded me that when I looked into Pan (the God and the asteroid), and his place in this 'pan'-demic back in April (the panic part) - we talked about him at the end of this post HERE, I never got back to Pandora, and her potential energetic contribution to the actual illness.

So, let's take a look.

The first chart in this series (shown on top of post) is the most common/popular and arguably the most accurate birth chart for the United States of America.


Charted by Ebeneezer Sibley (with a name like Ebeneezer Sibley I somehow have a hard time doubting his thoroughness), a British astrologer and Freemason back in 1776 when word of the signing of the Declaration of Independence reached Britain. It is set for July 4, 1776 at 5:10PM in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. It is universally used and I have used it for research on multiple important events in United States history, all rather cataclysmic, and it hasn't let me down.

Here I have added asteroid Pandora to the U.S. birth chart and asteroid Wuhan. 

I was shocked and somehow not shocked - since I already know astrology is mysteriously and magically amazing - to find asteroids Pandora and Wuhan sitting together at the EXACT same degree at the time of the U.S. birth, in the United States 6th house (of health) at 26 degrees Taurus

(the degree of the fixed star - demon star - Algol, considered by many to be the most malevolent star in the galaxy).

There are 360 degrees in the zodiac (places these asteroids could be), so would the odds be 1/360th or even greater since they are both moving (?). The creators of the Declaration of Independence, as well-timed as it was by Freemasons, almost certainly with a knowledge of astrology (I would bet they waited for that Sag rising!), were always limited by what they didn't know/couldn't see.

They couldn't see ahead to September 10, 1858 when asteroid Pandora would synchronistically be discovered and named by astronomer and Catholic priest, George William Searle in Albany, New York. They couldn't see ahead to November 13, 1980 when asteroid Wuhan would be discovered and synchronistically named at the Purple Mountain Observatory in China.

As the founding fathers put pens to paper they couldn't see asteroid Pandora and asteroid Wuhan lying in wait; landmines in the United States blueprint/DNA just waiting to be triggered. 
Do I sound dramatic? Well, it is Leo season and look at the mess we're in!
This is surely not the only landmine buried in the rich soil of this chart, but with the United States applying to its first Pluto return its significance is amplified. The United States first return of Pluto to its natal position has been building since the end of 2008 when Pluto entered Capricorn - economic crash and Obama's election - and ending in 2024 as Pluto exits Cappy for Aquarius, and will reach its exactness first on February 22, 2022 and again on December 30, 2022.

We know there is never just one thing in a chart that makes something happen but we will primarily focus on the Pandora/Wuhan aspects to stay on track and make things manageable.

Starting with the Sibley Chart (U.S. birth chart) we can see that Wuhan and Pandora form a conjunction. Every process/relationship is established with a conjunction. An archetypal journey and story begins.  
On July 4, 1776, they are squaring the United States Moon (the people), sextiling the United States Mercury (support - media) and trining the United States Pluto (flow - power, death, transformation) and trining the United States Neptune (flow- virus, lack of boundaries, inability to tell facts/what is real).

Move ahead a couple centuries when Trump is elected (at Trump's birth asteroids Pandora and Wuhan are opposing each other from Gemini/Sag with Pandora conjunct Trump's Uranus and Wuhan conjunct Trump's Moon), as leader of the United States and his natal chart starts interacting with and amplifying certain energies and aspects of the United States natal chart. 
Trump's Sun and North Node conjunction neatly bookends the United States Mars (the planet that is often a trigger - think of a soldier's foot tripping a landmine hidden on a battlefield). His Venus/Saturn conjunction neatly bookends the United States Mercury and oppose the United States Pluto. Trump's unpredictable Uranus conjuncts the United States Descendant. His Ascendant opposes the important United States Moon (government of the people). Trump's natal Mercury conjuncts the United States Jupiter. 
And his mid-heaven (the TOP OF HIS CHART) at 24 degrees Taurus is conjunct the United State's natal Pandora/Wuhan conjunction (and exactly on another fixed star - Capulus - who we will talk about in the next post).
There is alot for him to work with/influence - and he is coming in at a very important time in the United States history - and so he catalyzes BIG changes and BIG challenges. 

We talked about Trump's inauguration chart HERE (and some about his chart in the election run-up post HERE) - with its Mystic Rectangle - what he is here to give us - tying up the 2nd (money, values, resources), 6th (health, work), 8th (death, power) and 12th (secrets, delusion, self-sabotage, hidden enemies) which we can now see with a little of that 20/20 (2020) hindsight is pretty damn accurate, although certainly not in the ways I was thinking back in 2017!

I guess we will never know (although to some degree time will tell) if this Pandora/Wuhan 'landmine' was the most expedient journey to our Pluto return's crisis/opportunity of total transformation, but I suspect it covers all the bells and whistles and we know it's ramifications are supported by multiple other aspects in the charts.

In mid-March with transiting asteroid Wuhan nestled between transiting Jupiter and Pluto in late Capricorn and with transiting Pandora reaching the United States natal Mars (triggered!) - which, keep in mind means she is conjuncting Trump's Sun/North Node conjunction (fate) 
and with the transiting North Node (fate) nestled between the United States natal Venus/Jupiter conjunction - the virus and its ramifications EXPLODE, 
impacting by rulership the United States 6th and 10th houses (health, public spotlight, government, careers, day-to-day activities), 4th house (home, roots, security, history) and since Jupiter is the chart ruler, the 1st house (how the United States sees itself and is seen, etc) and other houses by aspect.


We'll dive deeper in parts two thru five of this series - as we work through the connections to the foundation of the United States, the Leo eclipse, racism, #metoo, "kill all the buffalo to kill all the Indians" (Taurus 6th house injuries), Wuhan's virus research, transfer of power to China, the journey of transiting Pandora and Wuhan, Prometheus and Pandora archetypal energies (scapegoating the ills of the world onto women), Perseus, Medusa and Algol archetypal energies and how we can use this knowledge in our foundation building and any potential forecasting.

In the meantime, just exposing this TRIGGER means we can look ahead and see how it interacts with the other known triggers (Saturn/Pluto, the long journeys of Mercury and Ceres through Pisces, Pan, the Nodes, etc) - maybe we can glean some new intel about how the virus itself could play out.


I know the transiting North Node will be nearing the United States Mars in late December as Saturn meets Jupiter (for the first time in an air sign for 200 years). And we can see transiting Mars will hit the United States Pandora/Wuhan conjunction (so kind of the reverse of the March 2020 astro) around the time Ceres finally leaves Pisces, in late February 2021. This is just at a quick glance, we will look at some closer dates, too!


Back with part II, where we will talk archetypes. I know this post was alot of astro-babble, so hang in there for the next one!

xo all

photo by the talented ennil

also I should note that when Tom Hanks announced his corona virus test results - we talked about that HERE - transiting Pandora was exactly conjunct his mid-heaven (public life/announcement).

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, August 6th, 2020 - giving what we are here to give

The Moon continues her journey through dreamy Pisces. She sexiles a retrograde Jupiter at 12:19PM EDT, meets up with a retrograde Neptune at 2:11PM EDT (her ruler in Pisces) and finally sextiles a retrograde Pluto at 7:37PM EDT.

Our natal Pisces house (and the collective themes of our imagination, what is going on behind the scenes, healing, institutions, art, music, spiritual pursuits, rest and relaxation, ancestors, addiction, what is hidden or put away) is making nice with our natal Cappy house (and the collective themes of authority, our goal, ambitions, our work in the world, our outer security).

Neptune/Saturn - building the dream. Neptune/Saturn - stabilizing our cray-cray.

This is also more Piscean support - live and let live/go with the flow - if something has ended/changed through that powerful Aquarius Full Moon earlier in the week.

With the Sun inconjunct and the Moon sextiling our girl Pallas (wisdom, strategies, solving problems) retrograde in Cappy - maybe something here about being generous/offering solutions without needing credit/getting anything back. Setting our ambitions/pride aside for something bigger than ourselves, maybe?

Since these aspects form a fast-moving Yod (Finger of God) pointing to the Sun (creativity, children, romance, the way we shine/take the center stage) - there could be a special purpose with what we are contributing, putting out there, the way we are using our gifts now.

What house does Leo rule in your natal chart? What is the 'theme' of that house?

xo all

photo b the talented AlexKPhoto