Today's astrology Forecast | Tuesday, November 17th, 2020 - the last word, news we should have seen coming, breakthroughs, breakdowns, red-tape, measure twice because this would be the "cut once" part



The Moon is void until 11:35AM EST when she moves into Capricorn.


Her only aspect today was a late night sextile with Venus (in Libra) while she was still in Sagittarius at 2:54AM EST. This is kind of a repeating aspect of yesterday's Venus/Jupiter. Then the square - frustration/tension - now, here's the sextile - opportunity. 


What do we have faith in now?

Mercury (in Scorpio) opposes Uranus (in Taurus). Buckle up. Here is news that shakes things up. Maybe also clears the air. This is the third time we are moving through this aspect - so some issue should be wrapping up. If we have been biting our tongue about something and now decide to speak up - I hope you have measured twice because this would be the "cut once" part.


We talked about this is the weekly:


Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus at 8 degrees. Surprising news/information. Abrupt/unsettling conversations/announcements/decisions. This can also be a breakthrough/breakdown. Liberation. Due to Mercury's recent retrograde - we are still walking old degrees and not quite out of the woods here - this is their THIRD opposition. Third time's the charm/three strikes we're out. We had the first on October 7th and the second (retrograde - where we were going back over whatever came out near the 7th) on October 19th. This is the #unexpected, #notunexpected news/information coming out. This will have its feet in our Scorpio house theme or the collective themes of - other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, merged resources, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction.  

Sometimes Uranus aspects hit early (plus this is in play for a couple days before and after), so this might have already happened. Any contact between our lower mind (Mercury) and our higher mind (Uranus) is an opportune time for mental breakthroughs - also breakdowns and over-thinking, so keep this in mind, too.

If news is delivered now, it will likely be intense/un-moving. 


This is Mercury, so drive safely. Check your oil. Back up your files. 


The Moon is in steady-Eddie Capricorn, flying unaspected, so sort of by the seat of her pants (and a Cappy Moon's 'seat-of-her-pants' is still pretty damn realistic and useful) - stay practical/common-sense. Embrace whatever hoops are required of you. Take the next step even if you feel you are drowning in red tape. 


Tomorrow is a better day!

xo all

photo by the amazing ankazhuravleva

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 16 - November 23, 2020 - relationship challenges, one more surprise, consequences for going too far, reality checks



It's forward ho folks - note although Mars is direct now, it will take him a few days to get back up to speed. If you have anything near the middle of the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Cappy) - you will probably feel the push/pull of this the most!


We have Venus (home in Libra for just a few more days) hitting those last minute squares with the Cappy pile-up - reality checks - and opposing fiery Eris (me vs we) before diving (headfirst or maybe she will need to be dragged) into intimate Scorpio. Mercury will oppose anything-can-happen/future focused Uranus bringing one final bit of shocking news (!) and the Sun leaves Scorpio for the wider skies of Sagittarius. Keep in mind as Venus squares first Jupiter and then Saturn that something might appear better than it actually is for a bit leading to dashed hopes/a reality check/consequences later. 


Stay grounded. Do the right thing. Although direct now, Mars will be at the same degree until November 24th. Don't take too big a bite just yet.

MONDAY - Venus squares Jupiter and opposes Eris

TUESDAY - Mercury opposes Uranus (3rd time)

THURSDAY - Venus squares Saturn, Sun sextiles Saturn

SUNDAY - Sun into Sagittarius, Venus into Scorpio


On MONDAY - Venus in Libra squares Jupiter (in Cappy) and opposes Eris (in Aries) at 26 degrees.  If you have anything near 26 degrees in the cardinal signs (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn) - you will probably feel this strongest. 

Venus/Jupiter contacts are usually positive - even the frustrating square. But we can take something too far/expand too quickly/spend too much/want too much. With Venus set to hit restrictive Saturn after she gets past Jupiter (here's our lonely Thanksgivings in the U.S. folks) - something (relationship/career?) might seem to expand and then pull back. Overdoing might have consequences later. Stay grounded. Have hope. Have faith. But, keep one eye on that road block up ahead. Don't bet the farm. Don't overspend. Don't over-promise or depend too much on anyone else's.


Her opposition to fiery Eris - Goddess of Discord - at the same time speaks of the need to bring everyone to the table (even if the table is virtual and the faces on the screen stuffing themselves with cranberry sauce). Aries/Libra is a me vs we aspect. With an opposition from the firey "me" - we could be seeing someone else as selfish now. Keeping in mind the 'mirroring' structure of our relationships, there could be some important final lessons in Venus's last days in her home sign.

On TUESDAY - Mercury in Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus at 8 degrees. Surprising news/information. Abrupt/unsettling conversations/announcements/decisions. This can also be a breakthrough/breakdown. Liberation. Due to Mercury's recent retrograde - we are still walking old degrees and not quite out of the woods here - this is their THIRD opposition. Third time's the charm/three strikes we're out. We had the first on October 7th and the second (retrograde - where we were going back over whatever came out near the 7th) on October 19th. This is the #unexpected, #notunexpected news/information coming out. This will have its feet in our Scorpio house theme or the collective themes of - other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, merged resources, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction.


On THURSDAY - Venus in Libra squares Saturn in Cappy at 27 degrees while the Sun in Scorpio sextiles Saturn. With the square to Saturn, maybe the answer is no. Or we say no. Or we say yes, but there are consequences/limits/conditions. Here's those consequences we talked about earlier.

The Sun's sextile to Saturn is opportunity. But it can feel heavy because of the square and also because, well, it's Scorpio/Capricorn. There are responsibilities here. A certain depth that needs to be plumbed. Something to be merged/purged before any payoff can be received later. With Venus squaring Saturn and restricting what we get, the solar sextile speaks of whatever this is being somehow manageable/necessary. We have to kind of acknowledge what we cannot have right now. The reality of a situation can't be ignored. We come back down to Earth. Big girl pants on. 


On SUNDAY - when TWO personal planets change signs on the same day we are sure to feel it. Venus leaves her home sign of Libra for the deeper/more intimate sign of Scorpio just as the Sun leaves Scorpio for the wider horizons of Sagittarius. 

Venus themes - women, love, money, our values and self-esteem - become more intense.

Scorpio Suns and Ascendants (Scorpio on the cusp of the first house of your natal chart) become more attractive - making them both easier on the eye and it easier for them to attract what they want.

For all of us, our Scorpio houses get more attractive, too ... and more complicated. Although the theme of whatever house is ruled by Scorpio in our natal chart is naturally complicated!

Honesty is recommended for the next few weeks because we will all be feeling our way through everyone's bullshit. While Venus is in Scorpio (through December 15th) we are charged with figuring out what we really want and why we want it. Much of this work will be done unconsciously.

Does the other person/situation make us stronger or more vulnerable?

We could be merging our resources (ruled by Venus) with other people's resources (ruled by Scorpio) - this could take the form of relationship commitments, sex, reproduction, mortgages, financing, cooperative ventures. Things along these lines that we might not normally consider we could be attracted to for the next month.

These attractions could easily lapse into obsessions, so stay frosty.

We could fill hours looking at expensive houses on the internet or other people on Tinder. If something begins to feel like, "we must get this NOW" we will know we have slipped over the edge. It will be time to ask ourselves what we are really looking for. With Venus (and let's not forget Mercury) visiting our Scorpio house the answers will be available to us if we seek them ... and maybe even if we don't.


The Sun moves into "bigger is better" Sagittarius.

Our beliefs, faith, travel, places outside our comfort zones, foreign issues or people, education, anything we are taking to a higher level, politics, religion, legal issues, weddings, the media and marketing - this is Sagittarius territory, Jupiter territory. Our Sagittarius house theme will also get a great big fiery spotlight. What we believe becomes much more important than what we know now. Just keep in mind not everything is as real as it seems with Sagittarius - there is a reason much of the season belongs to Santa Claus! 

With Jupiter (Sag ruler) in his detriment in Capricorn this year, and currently sandwiched between Pluto and Saturn (hang in there Sags, this squeeze is almost over) and with Jupiter ruling the South Node - his move into Sag might not feel as good as it has in other years, but -


bolder/expansive future potentials will become more and more visible as the Sun continues his journey through Sagittarius (until December 21st - "the day the world starts back up"). 


Hang in there.

xo all


back with some dailies and we will see what is going on with covid and start looking ahead to Eclipse season (first Eclipse next week) and what we might expect!

photo by the amazing LidiaVives

New Moon in Scorpio | November 14-15, 2020 - a powerful beginning connected to whatever karmically began to unravel in April 2019, rising from the tangled mess of our sweaty death bed sheets, preparing to get off the ark and deal with what is left of us, real opportunity



On Sunday, November 15, 2020 at 12:08AM EST the Scorpio Moon meets the Scorpio Sun at 23 degrees giving us this month's Full Moon - our annual Full Moon in Scorpio. 

Coming just as Scorpio's ancient ruler, Mars, stations direct after a long retrograde and sextiling Scorpio's modern ruler, Pluto, who is just finishing up his final meeting with Jupiter and Pallas - this is a BIG one!

The New Moon is a time when the skies are dark. It is the time of beginning. The seed goes into the ground. The sperm goes into the egg. The secret spills out. You get the idea.


Scorpio is uber powerful, so be prepared to commit to anything you start now. Actually, commit as if your life depends on it, because maybe it does. We go all the way or we sit this one out (and this "sitting out" thing is not something you are going to want to do!).  There is no middle ground with a Scorpio New Moon.


Plutonian Scorpio learns and grows through loss. We go down into the underworld, and in the end, it's not so much about what we have brought back with us as it is about what we have left behind ....

Collectively Scorpio rules our 8th house of other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, power, loans, debts, taxes, death, inheritance, sex, reproduction, the resources you share with other people, the stuff that is hidden. The stuff we don't talk about in polite company. It's through the constructive traits of Scorpio - focus, truth, resourcefulness, passion, probing, deep perception - that we experience true intimacy. Scorpio is our only fixed water sign. 


It's potent energy for making deep and lasting changes and as this New Moon plays out over the next two weeks - a deep and lasting NEW START.


Let's unpack the chart! 


The Moon and Sun meet at 23 degrees Scorpio conjunct asteroid Deucalion and Juno. The rulers of Scorpio are Mars (ancient) and Pluto. Mars has just stationed direct in Aries - full steam ahead in his home sign. Pluto is at the uber "powered up" degree of 22 Cappy and sextiling the Moon. So, the rulers are looking GOOD. VERY GOOD. Jupiter and Pallas, having just passed over Pluto, are exactly sextile the Moon/Sun. The Moon trines Neptune in Pisces who is exactly conjunct asteroid Persephone and also conjunct asteroid Requiem. Requiem is exactly trining the Moon/Sun. Venus is semi-sextile and squaring Pluto.

The Moon is conjunct the Sun - a new chapter begins. They are conjunct asteroid Deucalion - Noah in Greek mythology. Son of Prometheus and husband of Pyrrha who was the daughter of Pandora. Deucalion (and Pyrrha) were charged with re-populating the world after Zeus's great flood. 

When looking at charts (Pallas conjunct my 8th house Moon) one of the things I am always doing is looking for things that seem to say the same thing. Sometimes they are not so obvious. But, right away here we see that a New Moon in Scorpio (death) conjunct Deucalion speaks of something being born through a great death/purging. This is also supported by that exact sextile to asteroid Requiem (remembrance of death) in Pisces (endings). 


Now, when Deucalion (the Greek Noah) and Pandora's daughter Pyrra went about re-populating the flooded world I guess they did some of this the old fashioned way, but through prayer they received instructions from Goddess Themis to "throw the bones of their mother behind them". Which through their great grief at the loss of their world, they proceeded to do quite literally - throwing rocks (the bones of Mother Earth) behind them which to their surprise turned into people. I'm not sure how well this 'rock-tossing' thing will work for us, I am almost certain to do some of this though (so don't be standing behind me anytime soon please).


This could also almost certainly be said to speak of 'putting the past behind us' now. Sextiling Requiem - prayers and acts of remembrance will be powerful, too.

We are starting from the beginning with something. There is likely a connection to something that was beginning to end back in April 2019 when Pluto and then Saturn crossed the South Node at 23 degrees Capricorn - where Jupiter and Pallas are now. Heavy karmic issues were starting to emerge (many were past life/familial DNA) and then maybe around September/October 2019, because Saturn and Pluto proceeded to station retrograde, something did end - see this post HERE for a refresher on that earlier April period - check April 4th and April 30th. We were coming into the time of the great humbling/the start of "time runs out" (of course the real start was 500 years before!). I would also suspect this is when the corona virus actually had its start. But for us personally whatever THAT was that was happening back in April 2019 and then maybe in October 2019, it has a connection to what is starting now. Back then we were talking about old debts we had incurred - from this life, from our past lives, from an ancestral inheritance - now it's time to trust you have paid them off, unblocked your future abundance. Back then, we had the South Node, Saturn and Pluto - a pretty dangerous lineup. Now, we have the Sun and Moon and Jupiter and Pallas. This is a lucky, expansive and wise new beginning we have EARNED.

We talked about this back in an early 2019 post - "we are pulled into our ancestor's stories (our past life stories, our childhood stories) so we can choose differently (we are them, but more than them), finish what they started, make the amends they needed to make and earn the rewards they were denied. If we have benefited through the abuse of Capricorn energy (hierarchy, power) either through our own actions, our ancestors' action or our past lives we could find those benefits wiped away. If this is happening to us, this is truly, truly our hold being released from something we no longer need to free them up for something BETTER."  


Well, here, and over the next couple weeks, (and in some way this started a month ago at the New Moon in Libra) THIS is where the "something better" can start to show up.


The Moon's EXACT sextile to the Jupiter/Pallas conjunction speaks of wisdom, confidence, LUCK - something like 'the harder we work, the luckier we get'. In Capricorn we can't just put things on auto-pilot and expect the best results. But I'm not talking sweat shop either. There will be efforting involved. We have to make a move forward. We have to work with what comes along. With Cappy we have to have some patience. But things started now will be longer lasting for our efforts. Expansive. Empowering. With Jupiter still in his detriment in Cappy, there probably won't be a million opportunities, but there will be SOMETHING. And it will be exactly the right thing that will take us to exactly the next right thing ... and so on.

The Moon is trining Neptune who is precisely conjunct asteroid Persephone. The trine to Neptune speaks of compassion/connection. It is an open portal to our past, our past lives, our ancestors, our dreams, our very powerful intuition. Prayer and meditation are very powerful now.


Persephone was the daughter of Ceres. Kidnapped by Pluto (although we might question if she hadn't just outgrown her role of daughter) - she went on to become the Queen of the Underworld. Her theme in our chart could be said to be something like 'maturity through crisis'. The exact conjunction to Neptune could speak of powerlessness or seeing ourselves as a victim of something. Happening in Pisces I believe we are looking at our past here/what we are ready to leave behind/put in our rear-view mirror. 

This is about self-empowerment. Real empowerment. Not the kind that can be taken from us through a pink slip, canceled contract or divorce decree. 

The challenge here is the Moon's ruler, Pluto's square to Venus. Relationship power struggles. Intensity. Maybe some kind of obsession. Jealousy. Manipulation. Venus in Libra likes things balanced/fair/polite and Scorpio requires more depth/more messy. The Moon's conjunction to Juno will help and we can work with this square. Charts without any squares or oppositions often don't amount to much because there is nothing to push off from. Scorpio always needs a little passion, a little fight to get it going. 

We can look ahead in this chart and see Mercury is going to oppose Uranus, Venus is going to square Jupiter, Pallas and finally Saturn. Mars is going to start moving faster and faster.  


Something is going to open up over the next couple weeks. Something birthed through this torched landscape; the resolution of some very old debts that have been marked PAID IN FULL.

xo all

As always New Moons are excellent times to plant seeds with our intentions.

Setting intentions for "Scorpio stuff" (or the stuff ruled by the house that holds 23 degrees Scorpio in our natal chart) during a Scorpio New Moon can be very powerful.

These intentions can include - empowerment, self-mastery, intimacy, reproduction, soul mates, financial partnerships, avoiding power struggles, secrets, psychology, charisma, restoration, forgiveness, obsessions, compulsions, strength, loans, debts, taxes, inheritances, contracts, revenge, jealousy and guilt.

AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a calm, centered frame of mind - always make affirmations from a  positive (meaning both certain and happy), clean and uncluttered space - write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud - then release your attention from these things knowing that your intention is known.  

 Know these things are already yours

xo all 

Jupiter conjunct Pluto | November 12, 2020 - the wizard of oz meets the man behind the curtain, rising from our sweaty death bed sheets, squeezing something the size of a watermelon through a hole the size of a lemon



2020 has been/is a very IMPORTANT year. Ya' think?!


Astrologically we have had/are having an unprecedented (in our lifetimes) THREE different outer planet relationships getting realigned. Saturn/Pluto. Jupiter/Pluto. Jupiter/Saturn. Having any one of these in a year would be a big deal - next year we have Uranus/Saturn, for example. 


But, three DIFFERENT realignments in a year, is cray-cray and we have been feeling it!


First we had the BIGGIE on January 12th when Saturn met Pluto in Capricorn for the first time in 500 years. We've talked about that often ("time ran out"). Thank the Gods/Goddesses that was a one shot aspect and didn't happen during their retrograde cycles or maybe we wouldn't even be here! That one is OVER, but, of course, we are still dealing with the ramifications as the patriarchy falls and power is consolidated at the same time - polarization!


Second, we've had THREE Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions (because of their retrogrades) - the first on April 5th, the second June 30th, and the final conjunction - the one that resets their relationship for the next 13 years, is TODAY. And this is the only one that happens on the exact degree (22 Cappy) of that Saturn/Pluto from January. Yes, the degree where "time ran out". ALL three have been conjunct Pallas.


THEN the final re-alignment (here's where the world starts up again) happens on December 21, 2020 (if you can believe it at 2:21PM EST) when Jupiter meets Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius. This starts a new 20 year cycle (this is the first time they meet in "air" in 200 years). It's an indicator of immense change - that Jupiter doesn't meet Saturn in 'achievement' oriented Capricorn, but waits for 'advancement' oriented Aquarius is very telling. We are going to look ahead to this chart soon (it includes Mars conjunct Eris squaring Pluto - everyone gets a seat at the table or the table gets flipped!). 

In the meantime, let's take a closer look at today's chart for this final Jupiter/Pluto. 

Keep in mind Jupiter is our hope/our faith. He teaches us through expansion. He rules the sign of Sagittarius - teacher, guru, explorer, blowhard. Since last November, following a year when he was in his home sign, he has been in the sign of Capricorn, Saturn's sign and the sign of Jupiter's detriment. Think Santa Claus slaving away in Scrooge's backroom instead of the North Pole with his cute little elves. His transit from Sag to Cappy was one of the reasons I was writing "winter is coming" in late 2018 through 2019. It wasn't just my GOT addiction. 


Jupiter in Cappy tests our faith.

Pluto is the Grim Reaper. Think of the ultimate power. Life and death. Think nuclear war. And, eventually, rebirth/transformation because nothing ever actually dies. Think of the Phoenix rising from the ashes here. Pluto transits are often repeats - we get the first hit that takes our feet out from under us. Then the second hit when we are staring at the leveled ground; in a sense we are dead. And finally the third pass, after which we rise from our sweaty death bed sheets (the phoenix, because of course we are not actually dead, although some part of us will be). Individually these transits are about personal empowerment. By that third pass our personal power is a match for that outer power that demolished us (although we might not feel this right away).

So, when Jupiter (who is in Cappy testing our faith) comes together with Pluto (who is in Cappy transforming us via his kind of kill or cure torture method - ack) - today, it will be for the third and final time - that rising from the sweaty sheets parts. We are kind of back where we were in April (and January and December 2007).


But we are not the same people we were back then.


The old us/old world is gone. 


The new us, and here's the exciting part, although it feels like we are a watermelon being squeezed through a hole the size of a lemon (because we are); the new us is BEING BORN. I would kind of picture us in the birth canal right about now.

If we look at today's chart we have Jupiter meeting Pluto at 4:38PM EST. Both are conjunct Pallas (wisdom, strategy). All three are sextile the Sun (leaders, governments, our ego, the way we shine), squaring the Moon (the people, home and family, our emotions), squaring Venus (what we want, our relationships, our money, our values, young women, beauty), squaring Mars (what we do to get what we want, our action, passion, conflict, anger, young men), conjunct Saturn (restriction, rules, reality, conservatism, old men). They are trining asteroid Pandora (one signifier for covid) and sextiling Neptune (compassion, connection, confusion, healing, illusions). Note - asteroid Wuhan (another signifier, ie stand-in, for covid) sits at 0 degrees Aquarius right now - the degree of this year's final BIG aspect on 12/21.


If you look at your own chart - this would be about an event/situation/storyline and you already know what this is because it's been playing out all year. This is your Cappy house event. This event now brings opportunities to your Scorpio house and your Pisces houses. It brings challenges to your Libra house and your Aries house. 


Jupiter expands Pluto (death), so the expired contracts, relationships, situations we are still attending to will feel like five ton weights on our backs. That has our attention, right?! Jupiter expands Pluto (power, big money) - this can be a good thing or a corruptive influence.


Pluto rules what's hidden, so Jupiter is expanding what's hidden. Secrets. Prejudices. Fears. Yes, death counts, but mostly millions more people who DON'T DIE and maybe more importantly figure out how much they DON'T WANT TO DIE. Strengths we didn't know we had. Buried treasure.

What have we learned since April? How have our beliefs changed? We might have come full circle with something, but we are not the same people who started walking that circle. 


What does this speak of in your own life?


All three Jupiter/Pluto conjunctions have been conjunct wise warrior woman Pallas. She is strategic, recognizes patterns, can offer diplomacy and avoid all-out war. Jupiter (knowledge), Pluto (power), and Pallas (strategies) can be incredibly effective

Collectively speaking - governments/companies/systems (remember this is all happening in Capricorn) that feel like they are 'controlling us' can actually be doing what is smart and strategic. 


This might sound like an oxymoron, but maybe it isn't (and this isn't an excuse to stay in fear/numb and let someone else run our life - if that's what we are doing this whole thing is going to turn into a dystopian nightmare - this is a process that we are participating in - this isn't something being done to us even when it looks like it is). 


Without Pallas this is a whole different book; one we don't want to be reading. Without Pallas we are seeing boogeymen around every corner and monsters under the bed. This is why we ignore the Goddess energies at our own peril now.

At the same time we have Mercury (in Scorpio) opposing Black Moon Lilith at 2 degrees Taurus. This is a repeating aspect from the end of October. This speaks of a challenging conversation/information we don't want to deal with. Maybe a female/underdog energy saying/doing what she feels she needs to do for her own survival or to protect her resources - we will NOT be kicked out of the garden again. 


We'll have to see how this factors into the final Jupiter/Pluto/Pallas.


What has happened in your life since Jupiter met Pluto in December 2007 (Sagittarius house)? It's been a hell of a ride with something, right?! Now SOMETHING NEW is starting in your Capricorn house. Knowledge, power, strategy, wisdom - what are you going to do with this?

xo all


Keep in mind we have Mars stationing direct tomorrow - for the first time in Aries since 1941(!), at that time it was right before the Pearl Harbor attack - and a New Moon in scorched earth Scorpio on Sunday. This week/this final chapter of 2020 is just getting started!

photo by the talented TerriMo33