Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini | November 29th - 30th, 2020 - healing old wounds, awkward changes, opportunities to make smart (and lasting) decisions


"Taste as much of this as you can. Swallow what you need and spit out the rest." - Taizan Maezumi


On Monday, November 30, 2020 at 4:29AM EST the Gemini Moon will oppose the Sagittarius Sun giving us this month's Full Moon - a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Gemini.

Full Moons are times of culminations/illuminations. In Gemini this is about communication and learning, opinions and options. Gemini, ruled by fast-moving Mercury, is a sign of change; it holds the space of the crossroads.

Let's unpack the chart!

The Moon and Sun oppose from 8 degrees Gemini/Sagittarius. Happening on the Moon's nodes makes this one a lunar eclipse. Happening a bit far from the Nodes makes this a partial lunar eclipse.

During a Full Moon things come to light or to a conclusion.

Lunar Eclipse Full Moons are a bit different than regular Full Moons because the Moon is full but its light is blocked by the earth's shadow. So although things are still concluding and 'coming to light' other stuff is hidden, too. Nothing is exactly as it seems - plus we have Neptune squaring the Nodes now, adding to the confusion. At least he is direct by the time of this Full Moon!

Eclipses are cosmic course corrections. Things get eclipsed out or out of our way.  


We get a re-set.

With a Lunar Eclipse a woman (Moon) might leave or bring news of a change of direction or ending.


This will relate to our Gemini house theme and the collective themes of communication, information, writing, siblings, transportation, our tech hardware, our local neighborhood. With the Moon in Gemini and Gemini ruling the North Node of our collective way FORWARD - whatever is reaching a peak, coming into the light or ending will move us in a forward direction.


The Moon sextiles Chiron. The Sun inconjuncts Uranus and conjuncts asteroid Diana. Mercury (ruler of Gemini and so ruler of this lunation) is sextiling (opportunity) wise Pallas and stable Saturn. 


The Moon sextiles Chiron - this Full Moon is an opportunity for healing. Maybe a healing conversation has happened. Maybe information that has come to light helped us work through a painful issue/situation. Maybe a new option opens up and enables us to feel better able to take care of ourselves/be ourselves. Maybe something has ended. This aspect is separating so the conversation has already happened. The information has been delivered. The papers have been signed.


The Sun is inconjunct Uranus. Here's that awkward rock and a hard place. Happening just hours before the Full Moon. Sagittarius/Taurus. We saw something like this on Friday when the Moon (in Taurus then) inconjuncted the Sag Sun. By the time of the Full Moon, early Monday morning EST, this Sun/Uranus aspect is waning, too. The destabilizing 'surprise', that isn't totally a surprise because Uranus is retrograde, has in a way already happened. Change is needed, but we don't want to "jump" (unless we are pushed, of course), because change here is best accomplished in a more 'controlled' manner. This might not be up to us, but we can choose (the Gemini Moon) our response. Resist any impulsive urges to just bolt. We need freedom and we need to have the basics/our bases covered. 


(The Sun is also past his conjunction with asteroid Diana, but this is still within orb - I thought this was interesting since history's most famous Diana - Princess Diana 'the people's princess' is featured in so many popular shows right now. Her natal Saturn was 27 degrees Cappy, so she would have been having her second Saturn return just as all these specials were airing - her persona and chart continuing to work their magic long after her death.)

Mercury has moved through his sextiles to Pluto and Jupiter. At the time of the Full Moon he/she is exactly sextiling Pallas and applying to a sextile to Saturn. All in play NOW. 


Gemini's energy can be kind of all over the place/unfocused, but these opportunistic Cappy sextiles bring stability/strength/the ability to prioritize what is most important. Mercury's sextile to Pluto is waning - so maybe a power situation has been decided. The exact sextile to wise warrior Pallas speaks of facts/information now being integrated with practical/maybe traditional strategies. We can use what we know in a smart way. As Mercury reaches Saturn things get even more solidified. Here is a serious conversation/plan/reality check/commitment. 


The sextile to wise Pallas (in serious Cappy) says choices/decisions made now can be practical, stabilizing and long-lasting. Use context. Perspective. Your natural/earned/learned skills. Think about your needs/your goals. This isn't about right or wrong - this is about being smart. Decide what is personally wise and personally practical.

There is also a wide Finger of God/Yod formation with Venus at the apex. So, we've got the Moon, Chiron and Venus - this likely speaks of Full Moon events (that Gemini stuff - so information, conversations, contracts, etc) that are stimulated as we heal old ego woundings/knowing we can take care of ourselves/knowing we can be ourselves/be ok if we are alone/forgive ourselves, etc - impacting our Scorpio house through Venus - pulling in relationship/financial/self-esteem/women situations - whatever we are merging or purging.

I usually say to 'get out and walk in it' during Full Moons, but am still a little superstitious of Eclipses. We don't want to hide under our bed, but we don't need to go looking for trouble either. Stay safe/sane. Know that Gemini Full Moons, in general, can make us more mentally antsy/nervous/irritable and this one is a more powerful Eclipse. It also offers choices/options/important pivot points - keep this in mind, too.

xo all

Neptune stationed direct yesterday, squaring the North and South Nodes. This also speaks of a reality check that dissolves the past/illusion and supports our efforts (through tension/frustration - it's not a smooth process, but squares can be very effective) to creatively move forward.

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, November 27, 2020 - a powerful day of transformation, letting go of what we used to love/want, time to commit or quit, opportunity for change



The Moon moved into Taurus last night - the sign of her exaltation. We are nurtured through comfort, nature, feeling good feels especially good. Lacks of security/a soft space to fall - can be more acutely felt. She inconjuncts the Sun - this month's Waxing Inconjunct - meets a retrograde Uranus and then opposes Venus (in Scorpio). At the same time we have Venus moving into her exact opposition with Uranus. 

The Waxing Inconjunct - rock and a hard place during this month's lunar growth phase - is Taurus/Sagittarius. One way to look at inconjunct planets is that they are trine planets, but at different/awkward phases because, for example, planets in early Taurus will actually trine planets in late Sagittarius. Early Taurus - fresh off Aries courage and newness - wants to own something, be something, but the actual 'something' hasn't solidified yet and this works well with late Sag where we are maybe bored with the adventure and looking forward to the upcoming Capricorn grounding. It's like the point in our vacation where we are ready to go back to work. See what I mean?

But today with planets at the same degree of Taurus and Sagittarius the energies are not so complimentary. This is happening at 5 degrees - so again, early Taurus, here's the Moon - fresh with Aries courage and newness and wanting to solidify/own 'something'/get those seeds into the ground, but now early Sagittarius, too - here's the Sun - so just starting on that adventure (vacation). The Sun wants to explore/go where no man/woman has gone before and the Moon wants to hunker down, pull on some warm flannels and bake cookies. The inconjunct says no one is going to really win here. Adjustments are needed. The basics (Taurus) must be taken care of before the adventure, but we ignore the call to adventure at the detriment of the 'basics'.

At the same time the Moon is aligning us, emotionally, with change-maker Uranus and opposing Venus, Venus is reaching her exact opposition to Uranus. Whenever we have multiple aspects saying the same thing we know this is important.

Venus is in Scorpio - wanting to go deep, get to the bottom-line, get to the truth, merge/purge, bury what is dead. Uranus is in Taurus upending our security/resources/values. Oppositions are culmination points. So, HERE are the results. 

Secrets can come out. Financial/sexual truths faced. This can be chaotic. This can be liberating.  


Uranus is retrograde, so this is not new news, but if we have been lying to ourselves, something might hit us over the head now. Keep in mind Uranus is in Venus's sign - he is not only shaking up the status quo (and because Taurus likes things the way Taurus likes things this is probably not stuff that we want shaken), but also activating unusual desires in us, unexpected ways to invest/make money, new situations/people/things to LOVE.

At the same time, Mercury conjuncts Juno (22 Scorpio) and then sextiles Pluto (23 Cappy). Here's our way through these Moon/Venus/Uranus challenges. 

Mercury's meeting with Juno is the last of three. They met on September 30th and (with Mercury retrograde) on October 19th. Here's the final agreement/contract. Signatures are put on dotted lines now. Commitments made. Or what is dead gets buried. The intense conversation/confession/information - and we've been back and forth over this - within a close relationship, now through this sextile to Pluto (ruler of Scorpio, so both Mercury and Venus are answering to him) creates a powerful transformation. We are able to let go/move on. Or we are able to commit. Commit or quit. Cure or kill. There is a definite 'before and after' quality to this conversation/this paperwork/this agreement.

I think the liberating Venus/Uranus - with Uranus retrograde - allowing us to let go of what we used to love - in a way that connects us to the future. And that sextile to Pluto allowing this to happen in an empowering and opportunistic way. What a day and this energy is pulled into this weekend's Full Moon Lunar Eclipse so will be playing out for a bit ....

xo all

photo by the talented musicandphotography

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, November 26, 2020 - power plays, excess, reality checks, limits, traditions challenged, faith, courage, finding the bright side, giving thanks



The Moon in fiery and independent Aries is put through her paces with pretty much nonstop squares to the Cappy planets. Our actions/personal ambitions/what we do to get what we want - challenged by rules/limits/authority/tradition. 


The power plays (square to Pluto) come in the a.m. followed by the excess (pie!), exuberance and clashing beliefs (her square to Jupiter) and finally by evening her square to Saturn - limits, reality checks (how much pie did we eat!). We make our annual 911 call on Uncle Freddie. Except Uncle Freddie is eating his turkey from a Swanson pan in front of the telly this year, so he's saved from spiking the eggnog again and spending another restless night in the slammer. Who says we can't find things to be grateful for this year? Not me!

The best news today is the Sun's trine to a retrograde Chiron. 


The Sun in Sag is hopeful/confident/doing his "sun" thing. 


The smooth trine (brakes off) to hurting/healing Chiron speaks of our vulnerability somehow allowing us to shine BRIGHTER. A weakness might be on display, BUT it is this very weakness/our Aries human-ness, that allows the LIGHT in, so we can feel BETTER. 


With Chiron in Aries (like our beleaguered Moon) here is our way through any lunar/emotional struggles. SAGITTARIUS (finally not Scorpio!). Faith. Hope. Courage. Embracing the stretch. Finding the bright side/the gold in the mud.

Today's aspects so perfectly represent the United States 2020 Thanksgiving - limits on what we want to do, new ways challenging old traditions - and a road through the morass. A high road. Faith. Hope. Courage. Optimism. Gratitude. Embracing the journey/stretch. Deciding what we are thankful for now.


Happy Thanksgiving America (and Happy Thursday to everyone outside the U.S.)!


xo all

photo by the talented Snezhana Morozova

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, November 25, 2020 - feeling better by taking action, mushy cherry garcia, are we carrying around something that is dead and calling it a Louis Vuitton?


The Moon is in Aries. This is a warrior/worrier position for our dear Luna and we will feel better taking action. Working independently. Being around men. Her only aspect today an important conjunction with Aries ruler Mars at 6:39PM EST. We are acting on our feelings/feeling out our actions. Comforted by fresh starts and things that are moving fast. Our emotional life can be passionate/our home busy. 

This is the day Mercury inconjuncts the North Node. We dug into this pretty thoroughly HERE, so we won't rehash it. Keep this in mind.

This is also the day Venus inconjuncts a retrograde Chiron. We can be wounded/weakened by what we love/obsess about. We know the Sun is going to trine Chiron tomorrow, so we don't want to run away from today's pain/uncomfortableness/awkwardness. We get to tomorrow's smooth trine through today's painful inconjunct. No skipped steps this year. Everyone/everything gets a seat at the table. 

It could be a Venusian theme that hurts/weakens us - relationships (or their lack of intimacy), finances (maybe a large necessary purchase or an ending that nets us less than we were anticipating), self-esteem, beauty, women. There are as many ways this could show up as their are people/charts. Or it could be the depths of Venus's intensity in Scorpio that causes the pain - we are going farther, merging/purging - so we see more now. We know more. This knowledge/truth isn't always pretty. We might feel rejected/unloved.

Bottom line this is about us getting real with ourselves about what we want now/what we love now. Remember we have passed the point where we always died before. Everything can't go with us.

Seeing that Louis Vuitton bag as a dead baby cow's skin is part of waking up. Sorry if I've ruined your handbag forever for you, but it's true. And it's a choice (North Node in Gemini) what we are holding onto even when we think (Mercury, ruler of the North Node in Scorpio) we can't survive without it.

xo all


Our refrigerator stopped working last week. Luckily I had bought some ice cream (I never buy ice cream) and noticed the mushy carton. It is 16 years old, and we spent an inordinate amount of time this week trying to fix it/bring it back from the dead. Or hubs did. I spent an inordinate amount of time trying to save our food and on the internet trying to find a new one that didn't cost four times the price of my first car. 


And, yes, I am one of those people (old before my time with my Mercury in Cap, 3rd house, I think) who compare all large purchases to the cost of a 1970something Mercury Capri (chocolate brown with a black top) that was already almost a classic by the time I bought it. I rode past it on my bicycle and had to have it, but was $100 short of the asking price and the guy wouldn't budge. I sent hubs (who was boyfriend then and barely a boyfriend really) back to negotiate with the guy. He came to my house that night with the keys - to car and heart (it was only a few years ago he admitted to giving the guy the extra $100). 


And, no, this doesn't really relate to today's energies, but then again maybe it does. 


Today, I have to buy a new refrigerator. No way around this.


I am going to have to spend more than I want to. When I got over the 'sticker shock' of refrigerator prices, the lack of in-stock refrigerators in New Jersey right now and lack of variety on Facebook Marketplace - I began to imagine my kitchen with a new refrigerator. One of those with the french doors. One of those with the ice makers/water dispensers. One of those with the freezers on the bottom. Instead of thinking 'this is the last thing we need right now!' I started thinking maybe this is a good thing. I even felt a little worried when it looked like hubs would actually get our old Maytag running.


Luckily there are sales now for the holidays. Luckily there is Facebook Marketplace. Luckily we have the money/good credit to buy one. Luckily I bought that carton of Ben and Jerry's Cherry Garcia and pulled it out at exactly the right time to find it mushy, but still save the rest of our food. Luckily I know someone with an extra fridge in their garage who was willing to move all his beer. It pays to think about things like this when dealing with "sticker shock". And maybe other Venusian heartaches, too. Count our blessings. Keep this in mind.

Eclipse post next! I can't wait to look at the chart!

photo by the talented kittysyellowjacket