The Jupiter Saturn Conjunction of 2020 - ground zero, the king is dead long live the king, what kind of world are we going to create | The Astrology of December Part III - December 21, 2020



On December 21, 2020, on the day the Sun moves into Capricorn and ushers in a new season - the Winter Solstice here (longest night of the year) - Jupiter meets Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius. This is the closest they have been in 800 years and might resemble the Bethlehem Star that guided the Magi at Christ's birth. I hope we all get to see it!

We get a new 20 year Jupiter/Saturn cycle (the last was in Taurus, this one in Aquarius), a new monthly solar cycle, a new seasonal solstice cycle and a new 200 year Jupiter/Saturn (air) cycle all at the same time (they met in air - Libra - in October 1980 into 1981 to test this out - if you were born then, this transit will be particularly impactful/beneficial). This Jupiter/Saturn is super charged!


If "time ran out" in January 2020, here is where time starts up again. 


This is the meeting of our great benefic expander - Jupiter - and our great malefic constrictor/lord of karma - Saturn - in the very first degree of the sign of the people, the higher intellect, the future, humanity, technology, equality, astrology : Aquarius. Our optimism/hope/beliefs just a hair's breadth away from our pessimism/fear/death - what will we collectively choose? What have we chosen? It's a nail biter, folks.

After spending the last year cramped up in Capricorn (Saturn's sign), here is where Jupiter can finally get past Saturn (our hope/beliefs/faith surpassing our fear/limits/moving past the death). In the blink of an eye (and over the course of a year) a kind of stoic preservation of the old will give way to a more radical reinvention of ... just about everything. In Aquarius, co-ruled by Uranus - who is outside the bounds of Saturn - Jupiter has some room to maneuver. And, in Aquarius it is hard, if not impossible, to know what to expect! We talked about Saturn into Aquarius by sign HERE.


We have to keep in mind Jupiter is not only moving into Aquarius. He is meeting with Saturn who will be in Aquarius, too! Jupiter/Saturn is MORE AND LESS. Something expands and something is reduced. This can be about all the same thing - a kind of two steps forward/one step back or this can be about two different things. Something becomes more in our life as something else is reduced, maybe to make way for it or maybe the two things seem totally unconnected, although they won't be. Jupiter moves faster than Saturn (he will be in Aquarius for one year/Saturn for more than two) and is going to pass him rather quickly. So, we will get the expansion and then the contraction. Keep this in mind with any big moves - the reality checks later. 

In your own chart - your Aqua natal and progressed house gets this push and pull of NEW. The house ruled by Jupiter (your natal Sagittarius house) and the house ruled by Saturn (your natal Cappy house) will be working together. This conjunction unites them for a good long time, so think about their themes and what this might be about for you - again, keeping in mind, Aquarian changes (ie Uranian changes) will not play out as we think they will!

If we look back at the tumultuous/life changing year that was/is 2020 - we have had not only the virus and its likely unprecedented response/ramifications/grief, but a treacherous journey with Venus/Juno requiring us to work through imbalanced relationship energies and take responsibility for what we are mirroring through our relationships AND a journey through Mars/Aries requiring we take responsibility for our actions/in-actions/our passions, our ANGER.

Let's see what the chart for the moment of the conjunction tells us about what we might expect. 


Let's unpack the chart.

We have Jupiter and Saturn at 0 degrees Aquarius. We have the Sun and Mercury conjunct at 0 degrees Capricorn (superior conjunction) with Mercury combust. The Moon is at 23 degrees Pisces - having just crossed over illusive Neptune. She is void! She will then move into Aries and square the Sun. We have Mars and Eris conjunct at 23 degrees Aries and squaring Pluto at 23 degrees Capricorn (this will be exact in a couple days). Lilith is conjunct Uranus (!). Two of our stand-ins for the virus are opposed (Hygiea and Wuhan) from Leo (royalty/the heart) and Aquarius (the people/the intellect). Venus (ruling the 6th and 10th houses here) is inconjunct Lilith/Uranus in Taurus from the Sag ascendant of a chart drawn for Washington DC.

This is a crazy chart (and 2021, especially early 2021, is filled with charts like this one!).


Look at all the 23's - which we talked about HERE - and all those 'starting at the  very beginning' zeroes. The Moon is void and Mercury is combust (blown out of the Sun) - more zeroes? There is power here, but also a kind of fragility. We are starting at the very beginning. This is about the Age of Aquarius, yes, but keep in mind this age is being born THROUGH US. This is not something we are just stepping into. Nothing is set in stone in this chart. The void Moon and a combust Mercury speak of the risk of 'nothing ventured, nothing gained'. We are going to have to be active here. Mars is strong and helping us, but also rather dangerous now. There is a strong potential here - because we have Eris/Mars (square Pluto!) and Uranus/Lilith - of real rebellion - almost always needed to overthrow the old - and again a life and death requirement to bring everyone and all parts of ourselves to the table. 


Jupiter and Saturn meet. They meet every 20 years. 


They last met in Taurus in 2000, preceded by Libra in 1980. So, they stuck a big toe into air (Libra), then moved back for a final earth conjunction (re-emphasizing our possessions, our values, our money, our self-esteem) - kind of the way planets changing signs will sometimes retrograde back into the old sign before moving forward. After today, their meetings will be in air for the next 200 years. They began their journey through air in 1980, in Libra, bringing us into a very important 'relationship' timeline - this was also the time AIDS was being brought into our consciousness - for, maybe the first time, our intimate connections with other people could quite literally kill us. We can see the foreshadowing with what is happening now, and also the important lessons we learned about the need for connection and 'embracing the other' as we moved through that. Jupiter/Saturn return to air now for the long haul; this time in Aquarius. Aquarius air is original, humanitarian, intellectual, scientific, detached.  

Mercury is conjunct the Sun at 0 degrees Capricorn. 


Almost 1 in 3 people have Mercury conjunct the Sun in their natal charts, since Mercury doesn't get very far from the Sun, but this is an exact conjunction and happening at the time of the Solstice. Mercury is blown out. Overpowered. In a natal chart, this might speak of a parent/father/authority who overpowers the child's ability to speak. So, maybe the child grows up more tentative/not confident in his ability to communicate - she might expect other people to interrupt/not hear her/blow her off, and so this will be exactly what she notices/creates. So, maybe she talks too much or too little. Keep in mind this is a very common aspect in a chart and one of the reasons so many communication problems exist! Mercury also rules our lungs/nervous system, so a person born with Mercury too close to the Sun tends toward physical problems in these areas - this is just all in general, other factors can mitigate this. 


In this chart this is something we have to SEE CLEARLY and with the Sun so close it will be hard to see it. On the one hand it is simply showing us what is happening (we are masked/silenced, our lungs and nervous systems weakened by disease/grief/disconnection), but on the other hand, since this isn't just an event chart, but a chart initiating a new CYCLE - this is something we really need to think about (the dystopian nightmare we do not want to be creating)!

The Moon (the people in an event chart) is in Pisces. She has just moved over illusive Neptune (can also be said to represent the virus here) and is VOID - this makes me think of that blown out Mercury. No power. Unplugged. This also makes me think of all the zeroes and all the planets bundled together at the base of the chart. Whenever something is stated more than once in a chart we need to pay attention. 


Now as this chart progresses she moves into independent Aries and squares the Sun. Now she is sextiling (opportunity) Jupiter/Saturn. This is VERY IMPORTANT - the blood and guts of this chart probably. Note she must move into independent/fighter Aries to GET THE OPPORTUNITY - the sextile to Jupiter/Saturn and it comes through a square with the Sun in Cappy (authority, tradition, old goals, what used to stabilize us). A first quarter square - so a tension point created as we move forward from last week's powerful New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius. First square/first challenge - Aries/Sag. Risky new moves. Yes. But the chart is showing us - it is the risky/new move that WILL WORK. The opportunistic sextile - which being Jupiter/Saturn is, remember, both MORE and LESS, so not totally without rules/limits, and, almost certainly outside our comfort zone - the opportunity comes through that square!


Also in Aries we have Mars conjunct Eris squaring Pluto in Cappy. All at 23 degrees. Eris, showing us what is tucked underneath/hidden (within society and structures, but also within us!) and powered up by a strong Mars in his home sign. 


The square to Pluto speaks of power struggles. 


This isn't an easy beginning!

Outsider asteroid Lilith is conjunct outsider planet Uranus - ruler of Aquarius. Everyone gets a seat at the table or the table gets flipped! There are no two ways about this. The outsider needs to come inside/be embraced. Lilith/Uranus are inconjunct Venus so this won't be easy. The Sag/Taurus inconjunct we have spoken of before. With the rebellious energies in Taurus they are rather stuck on being rebellious. Taurus hangs onto whatever it needs to maintain the status quo. Venus in Sagittarius is a traveler/don't fence her in. She is easy come/easy go. Venus rules Taurus, so would be comfortable there. Lilith/Uranus would be more comfortable in easy/breezy Sag than in solid Taurus. It's almost like a mutual reception, they might be better off if they could switch places, but this is the next best thing!


Providing, of course, we can understand/accept the contradictions that the horizon can be broader and more secure at the same time.

Another thing to keep in mind is Jupiter is the ruler of the South Node now. What we are releasing/leaving behind. The beliefs we have outgrown. And Saturn will be coming along behind him with reality checks all year. 


It's not a 'leap and the net will appear' scenario. It's more like "take those first wobbly, BRAVE and independent steps and the path will start to appear". 


The path MUST be a new path. 

The path will not look like a path until we start walking it. We are CREATING this new path/new world as we go. Forget the idea of re-building anything. Nothing is being rebuilt. Think creation from the ground up - think of the zeroes in this chart! 

And we cannot allow ourselves to be silenced or docile/unplugged. This chart may not guarantee utopia, but we know we don't want dystopia!




This is a major pivot point as we clear out the old structures to make way for the new ideas. The Moon is waxing (growing) - something within us, birthed through that major Solar Eclipse New Moon in Sag last week, is growing, too.


As we mobilize these new ideas/projects, etc, we need to keep our grounding/keep it organized. Things/situations/relationships get phased out responsibly as we begin to open ourselves up (through our actions) to this new/untested and EXCITING future. We will talk more about this when I start writing the 2021 posts about this ascension process after the holiday.

Powerful new cycles are beginning as this life-changing year comes to a close.

xo all

Please excuse any typos, I am too tired to re-read. My jewelry shops have worn me out this holiday season as I struggle against the tide to do something the way I've always done it. UGH! :) In Part IV we will look at the final Full Moon of this month and year on December 29th with its supportive aspects to change-maker and Aquarius ruler (co-ruler) Uranus! Change won't be stopped folks.

Today's Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Friday, December 18, 2020 - payoffs through individual and group efforts, taking a broader view of our relationships, being smart and strategic, Jupiter reaches the end of the line in Cappy


The Moon is in Aquarius now - we are nurtured through our groups, causes, the goals that bring us into connection with other people, our friendships, the internet, astrology, our freak flags, by giving something a little air/space. Not her favorite place to be since the Moon rules our emotions and Aqua can be a bit detached, but not as God-awful exhausting as these recent Cappy Moons certainly.


The Moon here gives us some air between Cappy responsibilities and Pisces connectivity. And we are going to be talking Aquarius, Aquarius, Aquarius soon. And it's Friday. Let's all take a breath. 


Her only aspect today a productive (opportunistic) sextile to Mars at 22 degrees Aries. 


Squaring that uber activated 22 Cappy from last January, Mars (as us) can make things happen via our individual (and group - that Aqua Moon) efforts. If the U.S. Congress cannot get a stimulus deal together under these skies - especially with Jupiter in his final day of Cappy and his only day without Saturn - they really all do need to just go home ... forever.

Juno moves into Sagittarius today - applying a wide angle lens to our relationships/contracts. We talked about this in the weekly HERE. She is going to be in Sag for a nice long slog, so if you are in a close relationship/commitment/contract - maybe give it a read and, more importantly, a think.

This is Jupiter's final full day in Cappy where any and all rewards have been hard-earned for us for the last year. He (as us) is more than ready to get the hell out of dodge. Venus is sextiling Pallas - the opportunities here coming (for our relationships, our resources/finances/self-esteem) by being smart and strategic. Pallas is in Aquarius now, so prepared to try new approaches/futuristic thinking. Venus in Sag, looking for adventure/a reason to be optimistic. We attract what we want by embracing potential. Seems clear cut this Sag/Aquarius sextile, but somehow never is (maybe because everything feels just a touch out of reach). Just keep in mind Venus is answering to Jupiter now, so his position at the very end of Capricorn comes into play here, too. 


Not alot of opportunities/rewards, but at least one. WE ALL GOT/GET AT LEAST ONE. Jupiter always does his job.

Next up will be the Saturn/Jupiter post (the world re-starts, like a computer rebooted with a new operating system) and then we will take a look at the charts for the first vaccinations - the UK chart and the US - and see what they can tell us about what the hell is going on. Also I noticed something interesting/peculiar in Obama and Biden's charts that could connect to the virus and we'll talk about that.  

xo all

photo by the talented winonaramon

Saturn into Aquarius thru March 2023 - working through our collective karma with trauma, innovative/alien tech becomes reality, taking personal responsibility for the group, new rules for society/social media, an old man gets his first computer


At 12:04AM EST last night, Saturn exited his home sign of Capricorn for his other (ancient) home sign of Aquarius (he shares rulership of this place with Uranus, so if Cappy is his main dig, Aqua is his second home in the mountains, that condo with the noisy and unpredictable neighbor). This timing is good news because that pile-up in Cappy will start to break up before Mercury and the Sun get back there. 

Saturn dipped his big toe into Aquarius back on March 21, 2020 - this was a kind of preview of what was to come - new rules/limits/boundaries. Then he retrograded back into Capricorn on July 1, 2020 and we re-did those final Cappy degrees again


Now he's back in Aquarius for the long haul - through March 7, 2023. Deep breath Aquas.


Our Capricorn natal house is freed up from Saturn's restriction. So yes, our problems are over and yes, there is a whole new set of problems over there. But at least they will be new problems. His move out of Capricorn will feel good, but because this is a house where we are naturally structured and regulated, we might not feel it as strongly as we would when he leaves another house. Plus he is co-ruler of Aquarius so strong here, too. If we have used Saturn well the last two and a half years we could see rewards for our past efforts come in now.


In general Aquarius rules the people, the future, technology, the internet, our higher mind (hive mind), our groups, our friends (not super close friends necessarily, sometimes older sibs show up here or unusual siblings), our causes, our eccentricities/freak flags, astrology, the goals that bring us into connection with other people, aliens, the unusual/chaotic/disruptive/sometimes traumatic. Aquarius is the space in our natal chart where it's never going to work to follow the crowd just for the sake of fitting in. Our rough, uncomfortable edges are there for a reason. Something here or something within your natal/progressed Aquarius house theme can become more work/demand greater responsibilities now. It can feel more limited/restricted, but should over time become more solid/stable. 


This transit is a pretty good indication we are not going to be as social as we used to be (other than online) for still some time and that our responsibilities to the group/collective will continue.

Our Aqua planets/points will feel the intensity of this (and Jupiter is about to join Saturn here - we will talk about this in a BIG post). Our Leo planets will get the opposition which can bring a challenge or conclusion (for Leo risings, maybe within a close relationship). Our Taurus and Scorpio planets get the squares. Taurus, maybe through financial situations that require us to conserve or protect what we own/stake our claim. Scorpios might have to confront limits/boundaries, deal with control issues (for Scorp risings maybe confront a partner or someone else's limits/aging). The other air planets - Gemini and Libra - get the smooth/productive trines. Helpful where we have been indecisive or unfocused.

Ultimately Saturn is paving the way for Pluto's entry into Aquarius in 2023 which will shift everything - in Aquarius we have Saturn paving the way for Pluto, whereas in Capricorn we had Pluto ripping out the pavement in preparation for Saturn! Between now and 2023 we are kind of in the birth canal of the New Age of Aquarius. Past the point we always died before (our past lives/ancestors) within a very important collective story-line (about how we deal with power), but not totally spawned into this new reality/timeline either. 


Many important choices lie ahead of us ...

Now, Saturn is going to get all the way to 13 degrees Aquarius on May 23, 2021 when he will station retrograde until October 10, 2021 when he will station direct at 6 degrees. So, that 6-13 degrees will get the three-peating Saturnian intensity this year - our Aqua planets the conjunction, Leo the opposition and Scorpio/Taurus the squares. And our air planets those smooth trines. In 2022, it will be 18-25 degrees that will get the intense three-peat. 


While Saturn is in Aquarius he will meet Jupiter once on the Winter Solstice.


He will square Uranus (in Taurus) three times - these are BIG deal aspects, the modern and ancient rulers of Aquarius duking it out - February 9, 2021 (7 degrees), June 14, 2021 (13 degrees, also the degree of his station three weeks earlier, so we can see he is taking a long squat here at 13) and December 24, 2021 (yes, Christmas Eve!) at 11 degrees - this one will deliver the final blow/the result.

He will sextile, so opportunities for healings of old/deep woundings, Chiron (in Aries) three times - February 9, 2021 (6 degrees - remember this is also the degree he will station direct the following October, so will be doubly important), June 24, 2021 (12 degrees) and finally on November 26, 2021 (8 degrees) - again, here, the final result. 

He will trine the North Node (in Gemini) once, on April 11, 2021 at 12 degree - brakes off on our future.

In the end, Saturn ALWAYS rewards our patience/hard work. ALWAYS. We are going to talk about this more as we move through this and also in the BIG Jupiter/Saturn post this weekend. For the first year Saturn is in Aquarius, we will have Jupiter in Aquarius, too. This is a protective influence, but can also make some situations even bigger. And keep in mind, Aquarius's other ruler, unpredictable/"don't fence me in" change-maker Uranus is going to be squaring both Jupiter and Saturn. 


We are going to have to feel our way through much of this as we go along. This is about working through our collective karma (Saturn) with trauma (Aquarius)


and ultimately, no matter what we think we know, Aquarius is uncharted/alien (and so chaotic) territory - there is no map. 


We will run through the signs and I will admit I tossed this up rather quickly and we have to keep in mind those squares from our Taurus houses (Uranus!) and healing opportunities to our Aries houses (Chiron) which I haven't factored into these short paragraphs. This is geared to rising signs (sign on your first house cusp), but bringing your Sun to the first house cusp - making it your rising sign, can usually work, too - feel around, see what fits. 


As always take what helps and leave the rest:

ARIES (Aquarius 11th house) - Saturn coming home to your 11th house of friendships, groups and the internet says it is time to take this stuff seriously. Some friendships will end and others will become more committed. Your relationship to the "group" may require you to step into added responsibility and pressure. The good news for you dear Aries is Saturn is 'exiting stage left' your 10th house of career so work pressures will start to ease up. Changes to your career are possible - if something ends now, it is meant to end - let it go. Rewards for your hard work at work could come in now, too


TAURUS (Aquarius 10th house) - Saturn coming home to your 10th house of career/public image says it is time to take this stuff seriously - yes, I know you already take this stuff seriously Taurus! But, now you will be required to step up to the plate, step into your responsibility, change what isn't working to see results - there will be rewards over the next two to three years for the hard work you put into this area of life. Any slacking off/shortcuts will come back to bite you in the butt. If you are dragging around a dead career Saturn will see to it that it gets a nice funeral. A brand new career is possible. You might have to build it from the ground up.

GEMINI (Aquarius 9th house) - Saturn coming home to your house of travel, higher education, foreign people/places, legal issues, publishing, weddings, the media says it is time to take this stuff seriously. Sober and dedicated efforts made in any of these directions will pay off over time. A half-assed attempt at anything here will land you on it. For your sake I hope it's bouncy. The best news for you may be that Saturn is 'exiting stage left' your 8th house of other people's resources/money, debts, loans, taxes, sex, intimacy, reproduction, so situations dealing with these issues will start to ease up and rewards will come in for your hard work over the last three years within these areas. Do I hear a collective Gemini sigh of relief? YES!

CANCER (Aquarius 8th house) - Saturn coming home to your 8th house of other people's resources, sex, death, intimacy, debts, taxes, loans, inheritance, spouse's income says it is time to take this stuff seriously. What is mine? What is theirs? What is ours? Over the next two and a half to three years these issues will become more clearly defined. I am not going to sugar-coat this, this is a tough transit. You have had Saturn in your relationship house for the last couple years, and that hasn't been a picnic either. Alot of what happens now will depend on what you worked through then. A relationship could end or maybe the intimacy just kind of fades to black for a bit. Now stuff has been known to "rise from the ashes" in the 8th house, but it is going to take work. And that is OK. The 8th house is your natural Aquarius house - the space you have always had to do things a little differently - so now you have solid Saturn to give you a wall to push against. The wall is your friend. You've got this thing Cancer! 

LEO (Aquarius 7th house) - Saturn coming home to your 7th house of partnerships says it is time to take this stuff seriously. Relationships started over the next couple years could bring you additional responsibilities. Business partnerships will require firm rules of duty and obligation and firm boundaries. Existing relationships will become more clearly defined as parties become more self-sufficient and self-governing. If you are relying on someone else for something you should be doing for yourself or carrying for yourself, that kind of dependency will end. Committed relationships could strengthen and casual relationships could commit. Anything less than that will fade to black. Saturn's 'exit stage left' from your 6th house of health and your day-to-day routine should lighten your load in these areas. Whew!

VIRGO (Aquarius 6th house) - Saturn coming home to your 6th house of health and your day-to-day routine says it is time to take this stuff seriously. What you eat, how you move your body, what you do everyday, any health issues will require your committed focus. This is an excellent transit (the next three years) to "get your act together". Tend to medical issues as they crop up. Take care of yourself. There could be changes in your daily routine due to increased responsibilities/work load. Saturn is 'exiting stage left' your 5th house of children, romance, creative projects - something here that has required your hard work has peaked/culminated.

LIBRA (Aquarius 5th house) - Saturn coming home to your 5th house of children, creative projects, FUN and romance says it is time to take this stuff seriously. This is the Leo ruled house we talked about all through 2019 - what does your heart want? Well, you are about to find out dear Libra. This stuff won't come easy - you are going to have to work for it and plan for it, but Saturn assures that much can be accomplished here if you step into your responsibility. Saturn is 'exiting stage left' your 4th house of home and family so pressure here will start to ease up. 

SCORPIO (Aquarius 4th house) - Saturn coming home to your 4th house of home and family says it is time to take this stuff seriously. The cracks in your foundation will be mended over the next three years or the whole place will be torn down. Additional responsibilities within the home or for family members is likely. Home businesses will require additional time commitments and hard work to succeed. Family situations will worsen if neglected. If you move homes during this transit the move is likely to be long-lasting and bring stability. Be sure any home renovations are done with quality products and responsible vendors. The good news Saturn is exiting stage left your 3rd house of communication - all that third house stuff (your conversations, writings, sibling situations, local community interactions, transportation/tech snafus) will become less of a struggle.

SAGITTARIUS (Aquarius 3rd house) - Saturn coming home to your 3rd house of communication, writing, speaking, the local community, siblings, transportation says it is time to take this stuff seriously. Thoughts become things now so think about what you are thinking about. Words need to be more deliberately used. Relationships within your local community or with siblings become more sober. You could be required to step up or into your own authority in some way. Learning, teaching, writing will bring rewards but require hard work. Official documents will be signed. Verbal and written commitments should be taken very seriously because they will be built to last. Saturn's 'exit stage left' of your 2nd house of finances should ease up the pressure here. 

CAPRICORN (Aquarius 2nd house) - Saturn coming home to your 2nd house of finances, self-esteem and personal resources says it is time to take this stuff seriously. Start a budget. Do it now. Know where your money is coming from and where it is going. Streamline. Trim the fat. Saturn will firm up your financial foundation by requiring you to be responsible and disciplined with your resources. The best news for you is Saturn is exiting your sign - YAY! - the things you have worked hard with and committed to over the last two and half to three years will bring rewards now.  

AQUARIUS (Aquarius 1st house) - Saturn is coming home to your 1st house of yourself dear Aqua. Yes, you like your freedom, but unlike the other signs when Saturn comes to call - you are ready for him since he co-rules your sign! His move into your first house could require you to step into a new responsibility and deal with added pressure and authority. Your entire persona could change over the next three years. You will be ambitious. There's that mountain. Here you are. Enjoy the view, because I know you are going to reach the top! 

PISCES (Aquarius 12th house) - Saturn coming home to your 12th house of what is happening behind the scenes and what is hidden from view says it is time to take this stuff seriously. Make the time to be alone. Make the time to meditate. Make time for music/art. Do charity work. Something will be pulled out of the closet and worked through during Saturn's stay here. Tend to your health. Something major will end to free up the time/space. Saturn here is preparing you for the years ahead when Saturn moves into Pisces in March 2023. You will be ready! 

xo all


photo by the talented IrinaJoanne

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of December 14th - December 20th, 2020 - HUGE shifts this week!! time to look up



I feel like the white rabbit in Alice's wonderland, "I'm late. I'm late".

MONDAY - New Moon Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius, Venus sextile Jupiter, Mercury conjunct South Node

TUESDAY - Venus sextile Saturn, Venus into Sagittarius, Chiron stations direct

THURSDAY - Saturn into Aquarius

FRIDAY - Juno into Sagittarius

SATURDAY -  Jupiter into Aquarius, Mercury conjunct the Sun, Venus trine Chiron

SUNDAY - Mercury into Capricorn

A HUGE - and optimistic - New Moon Solar Eclipse this week plus no squares, no oppositions, four planets changing signs and one stationing direct - what forward-leaning magical NEW VISION is this as we head toward Jupiter and Saturn's historic meeting on the Winter Solstice (the 21st) as Mars makes his final square to powerful Pluto?! It ain't all popsicles and puppies, but there is A GIFT FOR ALL OF US in here somewhere. And I'd bet we have earned it.

MONDAY - BIG New Moon Solar Eclipse at 23 degrees Sagittarius - post HERE

TUESDAY - Venus sextiles Saturn - at the very end of Scorpio/Capricorn - then moves into Sagittarius. So, over the last month Venus has traveled all the way to the end of Scorpio and Saturn (since December 2017) has traveled all the way to the end of Cappy. Venus, in her detriment, moving through a sign that opposes one of her own and Saturn, king of the heap, strong and steady in his home territory. 


Now, they move into an opportunistic sextile - something, maybe financial/relationship/resources - concluding/moving into a new chapter on a positive note. The bottom line getting firmed up. A reward for our hard work/perseverance? Here is where a financial situation can be stabilized, maybe through old resources. Or this might speak of a relationship situation or financial situation or life/death situation - whatever we've been through 'hell' with that has confirmed in us how strong we are because WE ARE STILL HERE.

Venus moves quickly into Sagittarius. Sagittarius Suns and Ascendants (1st house cusps) get more attractive now - both able to attract what they want/need and easier on the eye. And all of us get a visit from Venus in our Sagittarius houses (what house or houses carry Venus energy in your natal chart?) and those houses get more magnetic.

Sagittarius is the sign of the archer. If we were archers - we would gather our energy. We would pull back our bow. We would take aim. We would hold our bow "in tension".

This holding position is important to landing our arrow where we intend it to go - to hit our target.

(of course, if we are in some kind of life and death battle with that arrow then I guess we just let it fly and hope for the best, but most situations we are facing are not quite so dire)

The same way an archer's "in tension" allows her arrow to hit her mark, our own "intentions" release our energy where we need it to go. Intentions are not wishes; they are not hopes - wanting to do something is 180 degrees from intending to do it. Intention releases the potential that makes things happen.

So, we have Venus (love, women, beauty, what we value, our self esteem, money) moving into the sign of "potential".

The search we began when Venus dove into Scorpio continues. But now instead of looking at the stuff that is underneath, the underpinnings none of us really want to look at, she looks way out into the horizon at the stuff we might one day meet up with.

Sagittarius is the sign of hope, optimism and faith (also bullsh*t and bombast, so check yourself before you wreck yourself can apply here, too). 


Do we have faith that better days are ahead for us? Things can be different AND better.

This is also the day wounded healer Chiron stations direct. We are moving on from what hurts. Remember Chiron in Aries healing requires action/independence/bravery. We are still covering old ground, but we aren't just sitting here/wallowing/waiting. Progress will start to be made. Chiron is in Aries for a few more years so we are still dealing with very old (even familial DNA/past lives) personal insecurities, lack of independence, lack of motivation, etc, but Chiron's direct station as Venus sextiles Saturn and moves into Sag is all very supportive of the New Moon's promise that THINGS WILL GET BETTER.


On THURSDAY - Saturn exits stage left, his home sign of Capricorn, and enters stage right, his "ancient" home sign, of Aquarius (Uranus - what the hell have you done with the place?).

Saturn (limits, structure, authority) will be in Aquarius (the future, groups, humanitarianism, tech) until March 7, 2023. The last time Saturn was in Aquarius was 1991-1994 - what was happening in your life then? I had some crazy big responsibilities and powerful beginnings followed by HUGE endings. 

We start this transit with limits/rules (Saturn) with groups/our freedoms (Aquarius), chaos/disruption (Aquarius) as our new reality/structure (Saturn), but it is going to be about much more than this as we move through it. We are on the Age of Aquarius timeline now. Anything is possible as long as we have never done it before.

Looking backward, trying to do "it" the way we did "it" before (think: what Saturn collectively rules here - our careers, work in the world, government, business, structure, time, your Cappy house theme) IS NOT GOING TO WORK. Business as usual is over. Remember what we talked about in THIS post about this time of UNKNOWING. We are going to need a beginner's mind to navigate these new waters. The future will not look like the past. We are going to have to balance Saturn's need for structure, limits, supportive routines, etc with Aquarius/Uranus's need for innovation, freedom and spontaneity as we turn toward each other instead of looking for someone above us to care for us/control us. 


We will talk about this in a BIG Jupiter/Saturn post!

On FRIDAY - Following right behind Venus, Juno moves into Sagittarius. 


Our relationships/commitments/contracts should begin to feel less intense/less heavy than they did with Juno back in Scorpio. We pull ourselves out from under the microscope and apply a wide angle lens to the situation. Maybe our ideas about commitment expand/become more hopeful or idealistic. For some people, relationship justice/legal situations can be happening. Relationships/commitments that are started now are going to need to allow for some freedom/exploration for both parties or things are going to get very uncomfortable. There might be more judgement with Juno here or maybe our expectations with partners/commitments are just too high. There could be promises made that prove very hard to keep. Including her retrograde, Juno will be in Sagittarius until November 2021, so this will be a LONG transit. Good news for some relationships that will benefit from this type of energy, but if you are in a legal situation within a relationship/contract  (or in something where you are being overly optimistic/too hopeful) that story-line could take some time to play itself out.


On SATURDAY - Jupiter moves into Aquarius, Mercury meets, and then passes, the Sun (kicking off a new cycle and concluding the old one) and Venus trines Chiron.  

Venus (at 4 degrees Sag) trines a newly direct Chiron (in Aries). Can we believe Chiron is only at 4 degrees Aries after all this time?! We release the little hurts as we look toward a more hopeful future. We can more easily move through our weaknesses/vulnerabilities as we open ourselves to broader/foreign experiences. Or maybe our weaknesses/vulnerabilities (freak flag) actually opens the door to something more expansive. Love (Venus) heals (Chiron). Peace (Venus) heals (Chiron). Beauty (Venus) heals (Chiron). Women (Venus) are healing (Chiron). What supports our new vision is healing.

Mercury catches up with the Sun at 28 degrees Sagittarius. Here is TRUTH/what we need to know to move forward. Information comes in. Clarity. PAY ATTENTION.

The BIG news, Jupiter leaves Capricorn for the airier energies of Aquarius kicking off a new chapter. That pile-up of Cappy energies is NO MORE. Now, Saturn is in Aqua, too, of course and Saturn is strong here, but Jupiter is better equipped to deal with Aquarius air than Capricorn earth. This is where we are challenged to change as we open ourselves up to progress/the future. Jupiter will be in Aquarius until the end of 2021, except for a brief couple months in Pisces (his ancient home sign where he can really get his groove on) from May until July.

We are going to really dive into this in the Jupiter/Saturn - "time starts back up" - post for the Solstice! The chart is cray-cray!


On SUNDAY - Mercury gets serious/goal-oriented and heads into realistic Capricorn. So he/she got the big idea/the truth/the expansive news from the Sun (in Sag) and now he takes this information into sober Cappy to see what he/she can realistically DO WITH IT.


We didn't think Cappy energies were just going to ride off into the sunset with Saturn and Jupiter did we? We haven't even reached Capricorn season yet!


Capricorn is a serious sign. It rules the dead of winter and that indomitable mountain goat who just puts one foot in front of the other until he reaches the summit.

With Mercury (thoughts, communication, ideas) moving into Capricorn, our words will want to be taken seriously. Communications will be fact-checked. Sentences will be properly punctuated and spell checkers will be applied. Ideas will be more traditional, at least for awhile. Words that are focused and precise will be most effective now.

This isn't Mercury's favorite place to hang out - he prefers words be fast and flexible and Capricorn is the opposite of this. Words are solid and sturdy here. Flowery language isn't welcome. We mean what we say and we say what we mean. When we take our words and ideas seriously other people will, too. It's just what we need for grounding with all the fire and air and perfect timing as always!

xo all

photo by the talented CarpeSav