Weekly Astrology Forecast | October 11th - 17th, 2021 - structure and stability, a light on old opportunities, renewed faith and optimism, luck, making adjustments, the wound is where the light gets in



We start this week with a FORWARD moving Saturn - DADDY'S HOME. Situations with authority/with our own authority can begin to move forward.


Depending on our natal relationship with Saturn direct - things will either get more stabilizing/help can arrive/delays can end/rewards for hard work can come in OR walls/rules/responsibilities that have been relaxed can feel like they are tightening up. 


The GOOD news - Saturn's first aspect after station will be an opportunistic sextile with Venus in Sagittarius. This can bring structure/stability to financial situations, our relationships, our self-esteem, travel, education, foreign or legal situations. 


The even BETTER news, this is the week the Sun will trine Jupiter - we might find ourselves re-evaluating old opportunities/panning for old gold. New doors can open into old rooms or old doors into new rooms. This is smooth flow. Things falling into place. Luck. Expansion. We won't have to push. An improved/more optimistic outlook is possible now.


There are multiple inconjuncts this week - rocks and hard places, but really spaces where some give and take is needed. Stay flexible. 

Also - there is a heads up that immediately following this forecast the Sun is going to square Pluto (Monday, the 17th, so it is building all this week, coloring the week with the energies of a POWER STRUGGLE - we don't want to be trying to dominate/manipulate someone this week). We've seen this coming since the Sun went into Libra (a cardinal sign like Capricorn). This can bring some intense challenges within relationships/contracts/our natal Libra house themes - keep this in mind. We want to be smart/playing our cards right. Also keep in mind, the day AFTER the Pluto square, Mercury AND Jupiter are going to station direct. So, lots of avenues for forward movement after we get past that challenge.


SEEK OUT opportunities to better/improve the situation. Follow up with what shows up. Give whatever comes to your attention another look.

TUESDAY - Mercury inconjunct Uranus

WEDNESDAY - Venus sextiles Saturn, Sun inconjunct Neptune

FRIDAY - Sun trine Jupiter

SATURDAY -  Venus trine Chiron, Mars inconjunct Neptune, Mercury sextile Venus

TUESDAY - Mercury, retrograde @ 13 degrees Libra inconjuncts Uranus, retrograde in Taurus

Now Mercury is doing what the New Moon did last week. The difference is we now have Venus, ruler of BOTH Taurus and Libra in Sagittarius (instead of Scorpio). She is not so much about diving into the details as she (as us) is about needing to be more optimistic/have faith. If we think about the Libra/Taurus inconjunct this is about cardinal air vs fixed earth. Libra needs some space and Taurus wants to own the situation. Libra's indecisiveness (since she can see both sides) can make Taurus cray-cray. It can be challenging to make a decision now. 


Mercury's inconjunct with Uranus can bring unexpected (not totally because Uranus is retrograde) news or communications/conversations that shake things up. 

WEDNESDAY - Venus @ 6 degrees Sagittarius sextiles Saturn in Aquarius, the Sun @ 21 degrees Libra inconjuncts Neptune, retrograde in Pisces

UPDATE - note our serious/goal oriented Moon in Cappy will go void at 6:53AM EDT off her monthly meeting with Pluto - she will be void until 4:47PM EDT.

Venus/Saturn is support/opportunities to stabilize our relationships, money, values. Our hopes/ideals are given definition. Commitments are made. We are taking responsibility for what we want. Good for situations involving authority and stepping into our own. At the same time the Libra's Sun's inconjunct with Neptune shines a light on relationship imbalances, old dreams and relationship sabotaging escape mechanisms.

FRIDAY - the Sun @ 22 degrees Libra trines Jupiter, retrograde in Aquarius

Old doors can reopen. Opportunities we missed the first time through can come back around. People from the past/old contracts/relationships can prove helpful. This is a smooth aspect - we won't have to force things. There are benefits here certainly, but just keep in mind the Sun's next stop is that square to Pluto.


There is growth/expansion here, but over-confidence/exaggeration/bullshit can lead to challenges as this "over" stuff pulls us into manipulative/compulsive/Plutonian territory. 

We have access to confidence/luck now, YES, just keep in mind this access is solar and this is Libra season - diplomacy, civility, fairness, beauty, relationship.  

SATURDAY - Venus @ 10 degrees Sagittarius trines Chiron in Aries

Venus/Chiron - here is a healing opportunity for our values, finances, relationships through optimism/faith or maybe here is where our vulnerabilities are making us stronger and not weaker. We attract what we need/want by NOT having all the answers/by allowing ourselves to be seen as flawed. This is smooth flow in fire signs, so some action will be needed on our part to get this energy lit.

At the same time Mercury @ 10 degrees Libra is sextiling Venus, so creating opportunities via ideas/communication. Good for being out and about/social. Having an adventure together. Good time to ask for help/attract what you want via our words. This all flows into the Venus/Chiron healing.

The challenge today is Mars @ 20 degrees Libra inconjunct Neptune in Pisces - this aspect can bring out the more passive-aggressive Mars in Libra energy and create challenges within relationships. Keep things direct, but not heavy. A time out might be needed (or a nap) just don't take the 'escape/fantasy' or any kind of bending over backwards/self-sacrifice too far either.

xo all


artwork by the talented Diego Fernandez

Today and Tomorrow's Astrology Forecast | October 8th - 9th, 2021 - getting something started/moving forward, clarity, attracting old gold and old love, ironing out the details, revising an agreement



We have a lot going on over the next couple days! You are already feeling this.


On FRIDAY, the Moon is deep in Scorpio - we are nourished by getting to the bottom of things (and the kind of 'hitting rock bottom' that precedes an emotional overhaul), intensity, intimacy, secrets, power, control. She opposes a retrograde Uranus (in Taurus) at 8:59AM EDT. This is unpredictable energy, good for changes through elimination - clearing our closets, inboxes, plugging money/energy leaks. The Moon trines a retrograde Neptune at 8:52PM EDT (compassion, art, spirituality) and squares a retrograde Jupiter at 11:03PM EDT.


The Sun meets Mars at 15 degrees Libra - starting a new cycle. 


This is a GO. Just keep in mind this is happening in balanced Libra, so we want to be seeking fairness, beauty, civility. We have to take the other person into consideration, too. The Sun opposed Mars almost exactly one year ago (October 13, 2020) - that was the culmination/ending, our relationships were rocking and rolling and maybe not in a good way. Now we have the fresh new BEGINNING. New relationships. New energy brought into our existing relationships. New ways to achieve greater balance/justice.  


A light shines on what we have to do to get what we want.

Mercury retrograde sextiles Juno (in Sagittarius) - this is part two of a three-peating aspect - their first dance was back on September 9, 2021. This is opportunity for agreement within our partnerships/contracts. Balanced/harmonious/agreeable communication is supportive. Something has changed in the last month, since we are now revising/reviewing, but still things are looking up/more hopeful/expansive. Just keep in mind that sextiles require some efforting on our part. We will get the third Mercury/Juno sextile with Mercury direct on November 4th - when the deal is sealed. 

On SATURDAY, the Moon in Scorpio goes void off a sextile to Scorpio ruler Pluto at 2:05AM EDT and will be void until 11:24AM EDT (sleep in you won't miss anything important) when she moves into Sagittarius. Now we are nurtured by something BIGGER, bolder, more expansive, our hope/faith/big picture beliefs. She meets up with Venus at 3:36PM EDT and sextiles a retrograde and stabilizing Saturn at 10:23PM EDT. 

Her meeting with Venus happens just as Venus is crossing over the South Node. The South Node of the Moon is a portal to our most common patterns, our past lives and ancestral inheritance. Old loves, hopes, beliefs, money situations are activated now. Maybe something from the past makes us feel more hopeful/expansive. Past life/old situations with love, money, our values and self-esteem are energized. We are attracting old gold/old love and people and situations that feel familiar. Something could fall right into - or out of - our laps this week. The Moon fires up this situation today and makes things more emotional.


AND this is happening while a retrograde Mercury, the ruler of the North Node (future) is meeting the Sun and then Mars! This adds another layer to the Venus/Moon/South Node story.  


A retrograde Mercury meeting the Sun (at 16 degrees Libra - people with cardinal planets/points near the middle degrees are on fire this week) is the inferior conjunction of the Sun/Mercury cycle. HERE (what is happening now, what we are talking about/thinking about/finding out) is what this Mercury retrograde back and forth has been/is all about. Even though Mercury is still retrograde and reviewing/revising, etc - there is some CLARITY/insight now. Then Mercury takes this clarity to Mars - who had his own fresh start with the Sun just yesterday. Now our thinking and our actions are working together. We want to be taking action AND we want to continue to let this story unfold a bit/expect some revisions as Mercury's retrograde journey continues.

How this works into the Venus/Moon/South Node depends on what we do with what we learn. Mercury rules the North Node - the future, our smoothest path ahead - and Venus is opposing the North Node now. The familiar may not be the best way to go. Karmic doesn't mean 'happily ever after', it really just means unfinished. 


But if we are smart and play our cards right we might be able to get the best of both worlds - familiarity/comfort AND something lighter/smarter/fresher all at the same time. This is all about Libra, so again, focus on cooperation/collaboration, civility, balance, fairness. This is a tricky week, probably uber challenging for some of us being directly impacted, so if you are breezing right through this stuff, keep in mind other people might not be - be kind ....

xo all

artwork by the talented Kerantenita

Pluto stations direct | October 6th, 2021 - power, intensity, here is the death that was postponed, here is the transformation the dying has brought us, who are we now



Pluto stationed retrograde back on April 27, 2021 at 26 degrees Capricorn and started (from our perspective on Earth) moving backward.


Today, the Lord of the Underworld, stations direct at 24 degrees Capricorn. He will get all the way to 28 degrees Capricorn by April 29, 2022 when he will station retrograde and then move back to 26 degrees Cappy. 


So, 24-25 degrees start their final pass right now. People with planets/points in Capricorn (and the other cardinal signs - Aries, Cancer and Libra by squares and oppositions) nearest these degrees might feel this movement strongest.

(Facebook launched in 2004 with a natal 26 degree Capricorn Mercury (ruler of everyday tech, communication) went dark a couple days ago, as Pluto slowed to station and transiting Mercury, had just stationed at 25 degrees Libra - squaring Facebook's natal Mercury. They had a bunch of other things going on and we had Mercury inconjunct Neptune created confusion about what/why the blackout happened. Mars is combust in Libra, too, the sign of 'social'. Eris is squaring Pluto and Facebook had a whistleblower speaking out at about the same time. I do think there is more here than meets the eye, the whistleblower story, yes, but also either internal manipulations, maybe a data dump, and/or external pressure, not just the congressional hearings, to limit Facebook's power and probably our own)

Pluto is an outer planet, our most outer, arguably the strongest. Can we beat Earthly death? Well, we can maybe beat it back a bit, surely, but entirely? Of course not.

Since April something in our life has died/transformed/the truth been exposed. Now, as we prepare to pass over these mega-important Cappy degrees one final time in our lifetimes through 'death' we want to be stepping toward something more empowering and away from what was keeping us stuck/invested in what someone else owns/controls. 


Through the truth that has come (or will come) out AND from allowing (and we probably had no choice) something to end/die/transform WE are transformed/being transformed/made more powerful (even if it looks like we have lost our power, are standing in a wasteland - trust me, we are being made more authentically powerful - there are power/resources that can only come to us through death/what we lose).

Maybe what we feared would happen, has happened or is happening. 

Keep in mind now, we are not the same people who lived through these Cappy degrees in the past. 


We can bow to the grief or rise from the ashes. 


With a stellium of planets in Libra and a powerful New Moon as Pluto stations direct - we are right on schedule to change/transform the way we do relationships/give ourselves balance/fairness and peace.


In fact, life is demanding it of us. This is Cappy so our next move will always be mature/practical. 

Keep in mind - Mercury is still retrograde, Mars is blown out by the Sun and in detriment. We are in a space where we want to be NOT AFRAID of conflict, but allowing cooperation/diplomacy/civility to HANDLE IT. 


We are letting go of the idea that life is hard and we have to fight to survive or need someone else's authority/protection. Or we are clinging to these ideas with our shriveled up, old lady fingers. This is up to us.


Venus is about to move into Sagittarius and cross the South Node - we are letting go of limiting beliefs. Boldness/a need for adventure will allow us to see things we hadn't seen before. Consider new options.

If something ends now, know the ending is creating the space to be filled, by us, with SELF EMPOWERMENT. An old space/identity has been outgrown. Clarity about all this is coming and we are making much of this up as we go along as always.


Keep a cool head. Keep moving forward. 


Take a breath. Work the New Moon - avoid Libra's shadow of people pleasing/bending over backward to keep the peace. Stand up for yourself without being an assh*le. Big girl/boy pants on. 


The world is moving from surviving to thriving, but we have had so many lifetimes barely surviving we all think we are dying! 


Ask yourself - who am I now and how do my relationships/the way I relate to other people - need to change as a result of the changes within me?


Set your New Moon intentions:




Get grounded - we have moved from an earth sign into air so this is important - always make affirmations from a  positive place (positive meaning both certain and light-hearted/happy). It is a good idea, since the New Moon is literally a blank sheet, to work in a clean, uncluttered space and maybe right after a bath or shower. 

I find affirmations are most effective if I speak less on New Moon days so my words will hold more weight when I need them to. I usually burn a white candle to help me focus and thin the veils between me and me. It also helps to channel ancestral energy a bit since I am always thinking as I move my story forward, their story moves forward with me. Write your affirmations down by hand in cursive, we want the letters all connecting and flowing together. Speak the words out loud. 

This month, I'm writing mine on my chalkboard while burning a white candle - when the candle burns out, all by itself, then I erase the words first and then clean the blackboard with water. Some people store them until the corresponding Full Moon (in this case during Aries season) and burn them then. Do what feels right. 

I don't think it's terribly important what we do with our writings as long as we are not pulling them out and checking on them all the time. 

We are not handing a honey do list to the universe! We are lining up with the universal energies of creation here.

And I wouldn't be sharing them with other people, although this is Libra so there might be exceptions to this, which also feels like it dilutes the process or pulls them into our story. I was writing them on my blog for a few months, as examples for people, and that definitely wasn't helpful.

Then - and this is the important part - release your attention from your words knowing your intention is known. 

Know these things are already yours. 

xo all

artwork by the amazing ZHANG Jingying

the astrology of the New Moon in Libra | October 6th, 2021 - the stuff that won't stay stuffed, what's worth defending, power struggles, relationship imbalances, something begins with a bang, keep a cool head


On Wednesday, October 6th at 7:05AM EDT, the Libra Moon meets the Libra Sun at 13 degrees giving us this month's New Moon - our annual New Moon in Libra. 


We look to our natal Libra house (13 degrees) for the kind of theme we will be working with personally. Then we consider the general Libra themes (relationship, partnership, balance, justice, women, beauty), our natal relationship with Venus (and Mars for this one), and we look at the event chart for the time of the New Moon, to see how this all might play out.


Happening with a stellium (group) of planets in relationship-focused Libra including Mars (EXACT with the Sun and Moon), as the Sun and Mercury and Mars get closer and closer and as Libra's ruler Venus prepares to leave Scorpio for Sagittarius and cross the South Node and just hours before Pluto (co-ruler of Scorpio) stations direct after a six month retrograde - makes this an uber POTENT fresh start.


Libra New Moons are about new ways to partner/new people/new connections/new situations. New LOVE - not the deep kind necessarily (although it could be), but the social kind that gets us invited to coffee and walks in the park. New peace and harmony. New negotiations. What is fair now? What is balanced now? What does justice look like now? This is a cardinal energy - something is going to START.

Let's take a look at this specific New Moon - let's unpack the chart!


The Moon/Sun are EXACT, conjunct with Mars and tightly conjunct asteroid Karma. They oppose hurting/healing Chiron and trine Ceres. The Moon/Sun form the apex of a Finger of God formation with Uranus/Chiron as the base. Venus, the ruler of Libra and so the ruler of this lunation, sits uncomfortably at the end of Scorpio, opposed by Sedna and answering to Mars and Pluto. Mars is in Libra answering to Venus and Pluto is retrograde, strong and still at station and preparing to begin moving forward within hours. Pluto is in Saturn's sign, Capricorn, and Saturn is also strong and still at station and preparing to move forward within days. 

The New Moon's conjunction with a challenged Mars, not able to be his fiery Martian self in Libra, the sign of his detriment (his opposing sign as the ruler of Aries) brings some challenges.


The good news for Mars is he is in a mutual reception with Venus (for just a little while longer), since Venus is in his other sign - Scorpio. So Mars can access Scorpio, but has to go through Venus (women, balance, civility, diplomacy, beauty) to get there. AND Venus is in Scorpio so can access Libra, but has to go through Mars (men, passion, action, anger). Likely there is an elephant in the room we are trying to avoid dealing with and that ain't gonna work. Cue potential passive-aggressive madness. 

This Mars conjunction brings passion/fire/impulsivity, maybe anger to whatever is starting. And keep in mind something is always initiated at the New Moon.  Mars likes to push, but this pushing can come out all passive-aggressive sideways in Libra, so we need to be on our toes here. The feeling that we have to do this NOW can be strong. Mars position tells us action on our part (maybe connected to our identity or the need to defend something of value) IS required. 


We'll get back to Mars.


The New Moon is opposing Chiron. This aspect is separating, so the wounding/painful trigger - whatever is inspiring the New Moon event - is in our past. Chiron is also retrograde so this trigger will actually have its roots in a much older situation we may or may not remember.

The New Moon is trining Ceres (preparing to turn retrograde in a  couple days). Trines speak of free-moving energy/obstacles removed. In Gemini, Ceres speaks of smart nurturing. Giving people options. She isn't all cuddly here, so we won't need to be either. Nurturing is expressed through learning and then acting on what we have learned. Gemini is the sign of duality, so there may be more than one way forward, more than one thing that needs to be done at the same time. Ceres also rules season of life situations - are we nurturing something no longer in our life or something that is STILL ALIVE?

With the New Moon (plus Mars) forming the apex of a Finger of God whose base is Uranus and Chiron, it might be the Chironic wounding came out of the blue (if we are honest with ourselves this will not be something totally unexpected with Uranus and Chiron both retrograde) and connects with our future and is a GIFT. Probably because it pushes us to take some action we have been avoiding or maybe because something unexpected happens/some 'third way' through that helps us with this New Moon situation. 


The New Moon is inconjunct Uranus which speaks of a sudden event/situation that pushes us to move either before we are ready or in a way we were not totally expecting (Uranus is retrograde, so this won't be something we couldn't somewhat see coming). We are going to need to avoid sudden moves - our Mars will be itching - and we need to avoid passive avoidance - our Venus will be maybe wanting to sit this one out or maybe in Scorpio she wants to go over things again and again, especially if we are feeling neglected/scapegoated and then not get anywhere. Neither way will work and compromise will be uncomfortable and not so effective. What do we do?

Pluto will station direct just hours after this New Moon and with Venus in Scorpio answering to the Lord of the Underworld, his station is even more prominent here. Here is the death/ending that was postponed or here is the transformation that has resulted from the 'death'. Pluto is POWER. Pluto is FEAR. Keep in mind, his movement here is slow, almost imperceptible, but IS happening. Consider when you change gears in your car from reverse to first, but still have your foot on the brake. Our car/our body will feel the change even though we haven't moved. People with planets and points in late-ish Cappy but before 24 degrees will feel this as a lessening/unburdening/things feel less like life and death/less urgent. People with planets/points in late Cappy and on or after 24 degrees might feel pretty much the reverse of this (this includes the United States natal Pluto set for its first exact pass on a Pluto return in February 2022, but in play now - this is about massive structural change in our systems). This is all part of the New Moon story.


OK, back to Mars (and what do we do?).


Mars will push us to move fast and if we do this, well, we will find out the ways fast is good and the ways fast is not so good. The bathwater gets tossed, but probably the baby does, too. Things can get dicey. This isn't some 'charge into battle' Moon with Mars so debilitated, BUT Mars position in this chart tells us some kind of balanced/civil action is probably needed. 


The Moon's applying trine to Jupiter might indicate that impulsive/brash action can make problems bigger than they need to be. It also warns of over-doing, over-promising or over-trusting - this might be brought home to us when the Moon meets up with Jupiter in the middle of October. On the other hand, this applying trine to Jupiter - the Moon will meet up with Jupiter on the 15th - brings us luck/good news if we can play our cards right.


Think assertive instead of aggressive.  


Take a moment. Catch your breath. 


The Moon's final square to a recently stationed Pluto asks us:

Are we willing to let go of our ego attachments that are no longer serving us/making us feel loved/bringing us peace? Can we let go of the stuff we are no longer passionate about? Our old ways of doing relationships? The old things we are doing within our relationships? The old ways we fight or the old ways we flight?


Are we willing to step into new spaces/step up to new plates? Defend what we value? Take action on someone else's abuse of power?


This looks like a power struggle plain and simple.


We need to be facing the facts and taking organized action.  


We need to keep a cool head - and this cooling our head thing won't mean burying it. 


The Sun/Moon/Mars are conjunct asteroid Karma, so the New Moon situation will have some connection to us resisting old trauma/the spaces we are holding it in our cells. Mostly we fear change/chaos rather than seeing its opportunities. 


Be smart - and Pallas is sitting with Uranus in Taurus at the base of the Finger of God, so we have access to her wisdom (how to keep what we have/what we need). Angry moves, too much haste, exaggeration will not work out so well for us. Balanced action, diplomacy, being on the right side of the law/being fair will work out better for us. 


There are some things that are meant to go now and Pluto will see to that. 


We proceed with caution, but proceed we must.


xo all


Keep in mind Mars and Mercury and the Sun will all meet up within a couple days AFTER this New Moon - this will bring more clarity and help us decide what actions we need to take. We will talk about it as we move through it.