Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, November 26th, 2021 - long void moon, healing very old familial wounds, deciding what stays and what goes, not a day to shop til you drop



The Moon is finishing up in Leo this morning (EST) - we are nourished/nurtured through romance, recreation, children, generosity, following our heart. She goes void at 11:23AM off an opposition to Jupiter. She will be void until 9:12PM EST when she moves into Virgo. 


The Sun is at 5 degrees Sagittarius now and conjuncts Vesta (both answering to Jupiter who is opposing the Moon). The Sun meets Vesta starting a NEW STORY. Our focus shifts. Broadens. The stuff that is keeping us up at night maybe feels more opportunistic/less tragic. We can see the blue skies if we look for them. 


At the same time, the Sun and Vesta move into an opposition with Ceres who is retrograde at 5 degrees Gemini. Here a story is ending/energy is culminating. 


Ceres in Gemini is re-working/re-thinking nurturing, mothering, change of life situations, situations where we feel out of control through conversations, information, dealing with the details. The Sun/Vesta opposition brings a culmination/ending to a mothering or season of life situation. This is a Sag/Gemini opposition - our hopes/ideals/optimism vs intellect/information/facts. So maybe Vesta in Sag is showing us our devotion to some ideal (idea about what mothering should look like or this new phase of life should look like) is in contrast to what is actually needed. Or maybe Ceres in Gemini's style of teacher mothering needs a shot of something more adventurous.

(this is making me think of the many Thanksgiving celebrations in the U.S. this weekend which has activated the Saturn/Uranus square through the Leo Moon - some people struggling to hold onto traditions, because stability/traditions are what we are made of - personally I dangled from the rafters to hang some holiday lights I hadn't hung in years - and some people only too willing to find reasons/excuses to let traditions go because more than tradition they are needing change/needing freedom - and all of us are really both these people ... neither is right or wrong ... just the way we are making our way through this year's challenging energies as we decide what stays and what goes/what we are made of now/what we want to bring with us - also notice today is the exact Saturn/Chiron sextile this year's other BIG repeat aspect, not a coincidence folks)


The way through today's struggles is Saturn (at 8 degrees Aquarius) sextile to Chiron in Aries. This has been in play off and on all year.


This is a BIG repeating aspect this year as we heal by taking responsibility and working through group challenges. Grown-up actions/words. Big girl/boy pants on. Being responsible. Stepping into our own authority. Connecting with elders. Being patient. Not taking things so personally. Anytime Chiron is triggered we can feel vulnerable. In Aries, fears of not being able to take care of ourselves are activated, but the smooth and opportunistic connection with a strong Saturn in Aqua tells us the way to handle our triggers is not to turn away, but to take care of our responsibilities and those that connect us to other people/our groups/causes/and the goals that bring us together. Very old, very deep wounds are being healed.

Keep in mind today's long Void Moon ability to provide twists and turns and then nothing comes of these things anyway. Stay flexible. Probably NOT a good day to make important purchases - things might not work out as planned with them. Plus that Moon/Jupiter opposition will encourage overspending/excess.


Better to use the Moon/Jupiter for optimism/adventure. Time with the kiddos or your creative projects.

xo all

artwork by the talented Harkale-Linai

weekly astrology forecast for creatives | November 22 - 28th, 2021 - the eclipse spin cycle, the past is brought to our attention, a crossroads, important information and conversations



This is a BIG Sagittarius week. 


The Sun has just moved into Sag where he is very happy to be out of the Scorpio intensity - feeling expansive, wanting to explore, travel, take some risks, know what he's talking about/be seen as wise. Mercury is going to join him this week, as ruler of Sag's polarity sign of Gemini, Mercury is not so happy here as his friend the Sun. Still Mercury, through us, will be able to see the blue skies in the distance he might have missed while looking through the darker/more complicated lens of Scorpio.


The Sun and Mercury will separately cross the South Node of the Moon (the past) opposing the North Node of the Moon (the future) and then meet up to talk about it.  


Choices, crossroads, nostalgia. Endings.

We are in between two powerful Eclipses. The eye of the storm that feels less cray-cray, but with that feeling of electricity in the air like after a storm that isn't finished with us yet.


Last week's Taurus Lunar Eclipse pulls us into the next 18 months (some of us kicking and screaming as our North Star/focus begins to shift) - situations NOW are giving us a kind of preview of that. 


Next week we have the FINAL Sagittarius Solar Eclipse and the last 18 months begin to wrap up. See my posts about that transit HERE. Collectively, in the United States, we finished up the Leo North Node back in 2018 having elected a "king" of sorts with an obsessed media focused on him, the Cancer North Node back in 2020 hunkered down in our homes and, it looks like we are polishing off the Gemini North Node - divided/localized/split in two. Sounds about right. We always seem to go out with a bang.

Let's take a look at the week ahead!

We talked about MONDAY - here.

On TUESDAY, the Sun at 1 degree Sagittarius meets the South Node and opposes the North Node. This is our attention/a light on our past. Old opportunities/beliefs/ways we once grew. People and situations from the past are spotlighted. The Moon is finishing up in her home sign of Cancer, making smooth trines to Mars and Neptune (good for action/imagination) and once again going void off her faceoff (opposition) with powerful Pluto (power struggles, things feeling like life and death). This is the Moon's soft space to fall and facing DEATH every month at the end of her visit home, is there any wonder we are all so emotionally wrung out? 


We could be at a crossroads, making a decision between the old/comfortable and the new/untested. What isn't working might be right in our face. The key with these particular nodes is to keep things small and manageable and local (when the North Node gets into Taurus in a couple months we are really going to want our lives to be less complicated, so keep that in mind now, too), look at facts and figures and details. Ask questions. Thinking we know is going to toss us off course/make things harder. Stay flexible. Small steps. Small conversations. See what comes up.

On WEDNESDAY, Mercury enters Sagittarius. 


The ruler of our mental life, our thinking, communication, the process and physical means of getting things from point A to point B, our local environment, our siblings, commerce, our tech - coming up from the depths and obsessions of Scorpio and moves into the "sky's-the-limit" space of Sagittarius which sounds like good news even if Mercury doesn't really want to be here.

The scope of information available to us broadens. All the little details we have been immersed in during Mercury's transit through Scorpio fade from view a bit. It's like we have applied a wide angle lens to our camera. There is more to see (know), but less to specifically look at. 


If we have used his/her (our) time in Scorpio well we will be more than ready to come up for some air!

Sagittarius (ruled by Jupiter) is optimistic energy. So those big bodacious ideas will carry us further now. People will be thinking and talking BIG. Making BIG plans. Using BIG persuasive, language. It's a good time to sell your "whatever it is", but also a good time to be sold a bill of goods. Keep in mind that words and information could mislead us as our focus moves away from those pesky details (still important with the North Node in Gemini, so keep that in mind) and onto the larger landscape.

Sag's mutable energy is boundless and stretchy. This can be a good thing. Sometimes a very good thing. But it can also have its drawbacks. The fly in the ointment - always a fly in there even as the weather grows frosty - is a kind of over-estimating/over-confidence/exaggerating/know-it-all/preachiness, and, of course, not seeing the trees for the forest. Damn flies. 


Sagittarius is the great teacher/sage and rules wisdom and philosophy. Sagittarius season is a good time to take something we are interested in to a higher level. Sagittarius rules our collective 9th house (plus the house in your chart with Sagittarius on the cusp) so communications and information could focus on 9th house themes - legal issues, foreign issues, higher education, travel, religion, weddings, politics, the media, marketing. The United States is consumed with legal cases as the Sag South Node wraps up and Sagittarius season begins. 


Our personal Sagittarius houses, with both the Sun and Mercury in town for a visit, are really waking up now!

On THURSDAY, Mercury opposes the North Node. 


Now Mercury is following in the Sun's footsteps, doing what the Sun did on Tuesday. We are talking about what we have seen/what's come to our attention. More information is coming in. Choices. Decisions. We are likely to be busy. Even our errands are showing us who we are/what we want/what we are made of/where we are NOW. This is part of the Gemini/Sagittarius nodal cycle of the last 18 months reaching its conclusion. This week will include IMPORTANT INFORMATION and conversations. Or maybe it's the conversations we aren't having that are standing out to us/shaping the future. Maybe we are going over the details of the past. An old situation/story. People from the past can show up this week for a chat. We could be feeling nostalgic. This is Thanksgiving week here in the United States - maybe people are coming back together after a long time apart. Maybe some won't be. Maybe some holidays have been changed forever. Communications can bring endings - and keep in mind every ending is actually a beginning, too. 


During Eclipse season doors are opening and closing all over the place!

On FRIDAY, Saturn, at 8 degrees Aquarius, sextiles Chiron in Aries. The Moon squared Chiron at the beginning of the week (ouch!) showing us our vulnerabilities and now we have a nice healing sextile to daddy Saturn - being practical, responsible, stepping into our authority/dealing with authority and father figures is healing. This is Aries/Aquarius, so feels a bit like Monday's way through (the Uranus sextile) - being ourselves, detaching a bit, not taking things too personally, looking toward the future. Keep all this in mind - your mind is ruled by Jupiter now, it will hold quite a bit and stretch as you need it to.


On SATURDAY, the Virgo Moon is going to square the Sagittarius Sun at 5 degrees. This month's Last Quarter Square before next week's New Moon. The Moon in Virgo is nourished/nurtured by the details, by getting it right/organized. By practicality. Her exactness is challenged by the Sag Sun's need to explore, feel/see a larger landscape. The Moon in Virgo's goal is to fix it/figure it out, but we can get lost in the sauce here - too many details and we lose sight of the big picture or get ourselves stressed out over unimportant things. Optimistic and adventurous, the Sun is fiery Sag will overlook the details/be annoyed by Virgo's fussiness, but sometimes take things too far. This is a square so tension/frustration between the details/reality and the big picture/the way we want reality to look. This could show up as simply as we need to work/attend to things and want to play/go and explore. These signs are mutable/adaptable - we can figure this out. The Moon in Virgo will feel safest with routines, rituals, boundaries, but we need the Sun's energy to feel alive. We can't have an adventure and keep all our ducks in a row at the same time. Some ducks want to wander. Adjustments are needed.


On SUNDAY, Mercury meets up with the Sun at 7 degrees Sagittarius. After both planets crossed over the South Node (a spotlight on the past) while opposing the North Node (a culmination point here with the future/maybe a crossroad) they have a lot to chat about.


Information comes to light/a conversation/communication/our thinking that points to a culmination and then starts a NEW STORY. Maybe here is an answer/result. Where do we go from here? Happening during Eclipse season gives the Sun and Mercury's superior conjunction - which takes us back to October 9th when they met while Mercury was retrograde in our relationship sector - added OOMPH. 


Maybe more Oompa Loompa than just Oomph - cue Willy Wonka.


xo all


artwork by the talented Bazevian DelaCapucinere

Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday, November 22, 2021 - detaching from what hurts



The Moon is home in Cancer now. We are nourished/nurtured by home, family, mom and apple pie. She squares Chiron in the afternoon and then sextiles Uranus at 10:58PM EDT.

The Moon in Cancer is sensitive/vulnerable or maybe moody/needy. The square to Chiron in Aries triggers tension/frustration/painful wounds around being ourselves, being able to take care of ourselves, having to stand up for ourselves, our Aries house theme. 


The follow-up sextile to Uranus speaks of the way through any touchy situations - detach, focus on the future, do something different, don't take it so personally.  


We are in the Eclipse spin cycle (in between two powerful Eclipses) in Sagittarius season with the South Node in Sag and the Sun moving over that South Node on Tuesday followed by Mercury on Thursday then they meet up with each other at the end of the week. BIG endings/information/conversations. 


We'll unpack this in the weekly on Monday.


xo all


We are now in the last 60 days of the Gemini/Sagittarius lunar nodal cycle. 60 days to drop beliefs that are no longer working. 60 days to change the conversation/and how we do conversation. 60 days to change our mind .... 

artwork by the talented MagentaMarie

the meaning of the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Taurus | Friday, November 18th, 2021 - the eclipse spin cycle begins!


On Friday, November 19th, 2021 at 3:57AM EST, the Taurus Moon will oppose the Scorpio Sun at 27 degrees - giving us this month's Full Moon, our annual Full Moon in Taurus. Happening so near the Moon's nodes gives us a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse (partial).

Taurus is ruled by Venus and rules our collective 2nd house of everything money can buy and everything money can't. She rules finances, love, stability, security and comfort. She rules our values, our resources and also represents Mother Earth. Taurus energy is nurturing - it brings us back to ourselves. On the flip-side, Taurus can also represent fear based/scarcity thinking when our security is threatened (real or imagined), focusing us on all the reasons something we want to do won't work or all the reasons we can't have what we want. Taurus energy is stubborn (like the bull) or passive (like the cow).

We either own it (whatever "it" is) or it doesn't belong to us.

Like all Full Moons, this is a Sun/Moon opposition. The Sun is in deep, dark, transformative Scorpio and the Moon is in earthy, grounded Taurus. Full Moons represent fullness, peak power, endings - that moment of our breath when our lungs are full just a second before we begin to exhale. 

With Scorpio, something hidden is brought into the light (Full Moons bring things to light, but with Eclipses some things are still hidden, so there will be things we won't know with whatever we have going on). Eclipse events are fated. We could feel a loss of control with whatever is going on. What we value might feel threatened. A situation could be stimulated involving our use or avoidance of power. With Taurus, we turn toward the present moment - what already exists. Can we appreciate/take solace in what we HAVE? We move closer to what brings us comfort now - nature, food, touch, our physical senses.

Now, let's unpack the chart! 


The Moon in Taurus opposes the Sun near enough to the Nodes of the Moon to give us a Partial Lunar Eclipse. This is the first Eclipse of the Taurus/Scorpio axis that starts in December (in two weeks we will have the LAST Eclipse of the Gemini/Sagittarius axis that is finishing up). So this Eclipse has the potential to be a kind of 'kick off' point for the new axis which will be in effect for 18 months - we will be focused on making life more simple/changing our VALUE SYSTEM (what we value and how we feel valued) and burying what is dead/moving away from what is too complicated/paying off our debts.


Lunar Eclipse Full Moons are different than regular Full Moons because they are happening on the Moon's South Node - the Moon is full but the Sun's light is blocked by the Earth. So although things are still concluding and 'coming to light' other stuff is hidden, too. Nothing is exactly as it seems. Eclipses are cosmic course corrections. Things get eclipsed out or out of our way. 

Like a computer being rebooted after a change to its operating system - we get a RE-SET.

The time in between these two eclipses (the next one is in two weeks) is kind of like being in our washing machine spin cycle. It's not the time to take out the wash unless we want a soggy mess. Stuff isn't finished. We have to let the machine (the set of eclipses) do its work.

So, if you can, save the big-bodacious moves until after that second eclipse in two weeks. Let things unwind a bit. Let's let the Eclipses work their magic first. See where the washing machine spits us out and what we have to work with. Plus we'll be clean and smell like fabric softener sheets without polluting the planet and our immune systems by actually using them.


The Taurus Moon reaches fullness at 27 degrees Taurus. This is TIGHTLY conjunct fixed star Algol - considered by some to be the most malevolent star in the Milky Way Galaxy (sounds like fun) and also interestingly enough the name of an early (first?) computer language/program that initiated 'algorithms' (started in 1958 and published during the mega Aqua conjunction of 1963 - a time famous psychic/astrologer Jeane Dixon stated would be the birth of the Anti-Christ). Not saying Algol/algorithms is the anti-Christ consciousness, but I'm not saying it isn't either. Interesting (slightly out-there and not religious) post about all that in the works.

This is also tightly conjunct the degree of the United States natal Wuhan/Pandora conjunction in the 6th house of health/work and EXACTLY opposing Biden's natal 12th house Sun (the transiting Sun conjunct his natal Sun) with Mercury on his natal Mercury, Mars on his natal Mars, the South Node on his Ascendant, North Node on his Descendant/Uranus conjunction of "the other" (!), asteroid Wuhan opposing his natal Narcissus, too much to list. BIG stuff happening for him and with the ruler of his Scorpio planets in his 8th house of death/transformation that looks physically challenging for him, keep in mind his chart is all about 12th and 8th houses death/endings plus that Uranus Descendant (the U.S. also has a natal Uranus/Descendant)  - Biden bringing us "the other" - and for the United States now and over the next 6 months as this Full Moon Lunar Eclipse plays out and we move through the United States first ever Pluto return.

The Full Moon squares Jupiter in Aquarius. This is waning/unwinding. This is in the past, but near enough to the Eclipse to still be in play. This might speak of a big opportunity. Or maybe something not quite so grandiose that we have somehow exaggerated/caused to balloon out of proportion. With Jupiter ruling the South Node and Vesta EXACTLY conjunct the South Node, maybe an old hope/faith/wisdom/what we BELIEVE is being shaken up. Or maybe our NEW focus/devotion (that Sag house) is causing challenges/tension or maybe it is - keeping in mind this is a Taurus Eclipse - something about the way we OWN what we OWN that needs to shift. Also the empty leg of the Taurus/Scorpio/Aquarius T-Square landing in Leo, reminding us of the need to stay in our heart, shine brightly, bring ourselves to the world and hold for the world what we came here to carry.


The Moon trines Pluto making whatever is going on more intense/feel like 'life and death', but also more able to EMPOWER us if handled correctly. I know many people who have had surgeries/important health tests this past week.

The Moon is conjunct asteroid Sedna who can bring challenges, especially health challenges or situations where we have been 'cut off' from stability/what we used to know or count on - particularly when we've ignored what we 'didn't want to know'. This might also be looked at as repeating that separating square to Jupiter - an opportunity to create lemonade from lemons or maybe something that looked much better or worse than it actually was/is.


Venus, ruler of Taurus and so ruler of this lunation, is in Capricorn and trining Uranus EXACT. She is also applying to a sextile to Mars. Both smooth aspects. That trine to Uranus speaks of change/progress/the future. The NEW is being set up. The sextile to Mars speaks of serious/focused action. 


New money, new values, new relationships, new beauty, new self-esteem. 


Venus is walking her upcoming retrograde shadow now and we will be back here two more times. Whatever this is, it won't be all squared away until next year. We have been mentally preparing (North Node in Gemini) the last year and a half for the physical changes of 2022 and 2023 and starting with this Eclipse we will begin to physically EMBODY the changes.

To bottom line this one, and although I used to be a banker, I really hate bottom lines - this is a POWERFUL portal for a timeline shift. 

An extremely potent one. 

This will influence the next two weeks, six months, 18 months and even 18 years. Although this is a partial Eclipse it is a VERY long Eclipse. And this is the FIRST Eclipse of the upcoming Taurus/Scorpio nodal axis and the way something starts is the way something goes. 

Often during Eclipses we are making very serious decisions - or the people around us are - or very serious situations are playing out. 

This is the first Eclipse of two, so hold on loosely. Stay flexible.

Venus is in sober Capricorn and ruling this Eclipse, so take care of your responsibilities, treat people respectfully - yes, even people you don't agree with, a world full of people who agree with us would suck big-time, trust me on this - focus on what you love/value/what matters most. With Venus in Capricorn until the end of year we will be working to make Venusian issues MORE STABLE. 

Mercury (in Scorpio and opposing the Full Moon) is trining Neptune - kind of dissolving our Scorpio obsession/focus. Taking the bite from our words, but also the certainty from our minds. Certainty is so 2019 anyway, right?  This is good energy for heightened intuition. Prayer/meditation/imagination is powerful. The right words come to us. Just stay away from narcotics and alcohol because the effects will be greatly heightened.


Balance your books. Organize the money in your wallet. Get/give a massage. Take a bath. Bake some bread. Hug a tree. 

The next Eclipse in two weeks will be a BIG one, too, and pull us back to the Gemini/Sag North and South Node axis of the last 18 months for one final BLAST - minds will change/old beliefs and old judgments must be released. 

It will be let go or be dragged time. 

xo all