the astrology of jupiter into Aries | may 2022 to may 2023 - waking up from the dream, greater passion, greater initiative, greater anger, having faith in ourselves, starting something big

On May 10, 2022, Jupiter leaves his old stomping ground of watery Pisces for fiery Aries. He will be in Aries until May 2023, but will dip back into Pisces for several weeks at the end of this year during his retrograde.

Jupiter's role is expansion - to create the BIG PICTURE. 


Jupiter is huge, but not solid. He grows whatever he comes in contact with, then, through contact with the other planets, this unchecked growth gets form/structure/limits. 


Considered the greater benefic (as Zeus he was king of the Gods), he promotes abundance, wisdom, our ability to stretch outside our comfort zone.

Now Jupiter brings OPPORTUNITIES to our Aries house and to the collective themes of - men, the masculine, initiative, new ventures,  new actions, independent actions. Jupiter rules fiery Sagittarius, so is perfectly comfortable in fiery Aries. 

Jupiter brings LUCK and we get lucky in a couple different ways with this energy. One way is by ACTING lucky. Having confidence/courage. Knowing things are going to work out and so things work out. The whole king of the Gods thing and all. The other way is by taking something FURTHER. Going out on a limb. This can be through a reckless/adventurous spirit or through the wisdom gained by putting the time/energy into learning something really, really well and/or by taking a wider view. Think about the guy who is climbing the mountain and also the guy he meets in the cave on the way up, contemplating the BIG PICTURE. 

On the downside, having the planet of expansion in the sign of the youthful masculine - we might collectively be more extremely angered, more prone to arguments, more impulsive, more war-like. 

(Brene Brown wrote a timely article yesterday - she's always very timely/keyed into the collective consciousness, 12th house Sun/Neptune in Scorpio - on the space between stimulus and our response to the stimulus, this is certainly something to think about with Jupiter in Aries)

"Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and freedom" - Viktor Frankl

Allowing ourselves this "space" is going to matter. We are going to need to have faith (Jupiter) in ourselves (Aries), to trust ourselves and know when we respond and not react it will be ok, better than ok ...

because there are a couple good indicators it would be best to not run off too far and too fast with whatever we have going on now. 

One is the ingress chart (chart for the time Jupiter ingresses into Aries) has a very still/recently retrograde Mercury backing up in Gemini - time to re-think something, re-look at facts and figures. Also, Jupiter, due to his upcoming retrograde, is going to be back in Pisces AGAIN, which means he will be entering Aries TWO MORE TIMES. Once, moving backward on October 22, 2022 and then finally, moving direct again, on December 20, 2022. 

The Jupiter Aries ingress is NOT a "one-and-done"/full-steam-ahead kind of thing. 

When Jupiter gets back into Pisces on October 23, 2022 (thru December 19, 2022) we will be back in dreamland/back to the "end" and incorporating what we have started with that. There is the chance what we have started will be DISSOLVING because that's a Pisces kind of ending and Pisces rules endings.

This won't be something where we start something new and then charge ahead and never look back.

This possible start/stop/adjustment thing ISN'T an excuse to not start. 

We sit out a forward motion Jupiter in Aries to our own detriment. But it IS something to pay attention to. 

And after saying that, I should reiterate this whole thing is tricky because Jupiter gets lucky by stretching/going big and Aries gets lucky by not being afraid to start, sometimes even when we don't really know what we are doing. So, hanging back or playing small isn't going to work. "Go big or go home" or "leaping and the net will appear" probably won't either. 

We will need to be smart. Also, with Jupiter in Aries, we are going to have to pay more attention to what Mars (ruler of Aries) is doing and what sign he is in. 

We begin the Jupiter ingress into Aries with Mars in Pisces, so we are rather EXHAUSTED/not seeing things clearly. Maybe it won't be until Mars gets into Aries, too - May 24th - when we are really feeling this PUSH. With Mars in Pisces, pushing isn't so effective, but once Mars gets into Aries THERE WILL BE PUSHING. 

Let's take a quick look by sign. 

Check your ascendant and your Sun - any questions shoot me an email.

For the house/theme Jupiter is LEAVING, check the sign AFTER your sign. You will surely be able to see the gifts/benefits his time in Pisces has brought you and this isn't over. Jupiter will be back in Pisces in October for the BIG finish, so October - December will probably be the best time for the benefits/results of Jupiter in Pisces to be visible. We can count on this - Jupiter always does his job. 

ARIES | Aries Rising - this is YOUR TRANSIT Aries and is happening in your 1st house of yourself. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE. You can physically take up more space during this transit/stand taller/get noticed (just watch that one donut doesn't turn into the whole dozen). Arian qualities - a passionate nature, impulsivity, anger, initiative can grow. Just keep the more, more, more thing in balance and know this is a sneak peak of what you can expand during the first half of 2023. 

TAURUS | Taurus Rising - this is happening in your 12th house of what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, art, music, relaxation, meditation, water, compassion, forgiveness, secrets, the ethereal realms, the past, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing. Something here EXPANDS. Your intuition increases. Your dreams/imagination gets bigger. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE.

GEMINI | Gemini Rising- this is happening in your 11th house of the collective - your friendships, your tribe, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology. Something here EXPANDS. Your confidence/optimism in social situations grows. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE.

CANCER | Cancer Rising - this is happening in your 10th house of your career, your calling, your achievements, goals, your father/paternal story, business, authority, responsibility. Something here EXPANDS. This could be about a change of career, recognition or the confidence to explore something in a bigger way. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE.

LEO | Leo Rising - this is happening in your 9th house of travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking. Something here EXPANDS. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE. This is Jupiter's natural house, so should be a good thing!


VIRGO | Virgo Rising - this is happening in your 8th house of other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, death, rebirth, sex, reproduction. Something here EXPANDS. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE. 

LIBRA | Libra Rising - this is happening in your 7th house of partners and partnerships. Something here EXPANDS. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE. A new/idealistic person could enter your life or a partner could become more fiery/passionate. You will experience Jupiter in Aries through your relationships/other people. There might be fast changes/expansion. One or both partners might desire more freedom. Worst case a partner takes this Jupiter/Aries energy too far/blows something up. Best case, and this is probably way more likely, the relationship grows in optimism/faith/passion.

SCORPIO | Scorpio Rising - this is happening in your 6th house of your day-to-day activities, your routine, work, co-workers, pets and your health. Something here EXPANDS. Take care of your health. This house can get tricky, so you want to keep things in balance/avoid burnout/growing the wrong things. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE. 

SAGITTARIUS | Sagittarius Rising - this is happening in your 5th house of creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation. Something here EXPANDS. Faith. Luck. Confidence. The desire for MORE. Jupiter is your ruler, so you will feel his move from mutable water to cardinal fire more than most. 

CAPRICORN | Capricorn Rising - this is happening in your 4th house of home, family, your roots, mother, mothering, your ancestry, real estate, renovation or a home business. Something here EXPANDS/becomes bigger or a bigger focus. Have faith. Here is luck/confidence. The desire for MORE. 

AQUARIUS | Aquarius Rising - this is happening in your 3rd house of communication, information, writing, siblings, transportation or your local neighborhood. Something here EXPANDS. Jupiter's move from watery Pisces into fiery Aries can help you reboot your tired mind by expanding your optimism/faith. Your mental health or communication could become a top priority under this transit and you will find ways to improve it. A good transit to learn something new, write, talk, grow in your local environment.

PISCES | Pisces Rising - this is happening in your 2nd house of your money, your values, your resources and self-esteem. Something here EXPANDS. This transit can increase your income/expenses which can be a good thing or maybe not, so keep an eye on the bottom line Pisces and focus on increasing what you really value/need/want to keep.


Jupiter is going to get to 8 degrees Aries when he will station retrograde on July 28th (the same day we have a New Moon in Leo at 5 degrees), so people with planets and points between 0 and 8 degrees Aries - and the other cardinal signs, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn - will probably feel this first leg the strongest. Also people with late degree Pisces/water signs as he takes his first exit.

So, from now until July 28th we get a preview of this energy/a chance to learn how to work with it. 

If things expand we are not so happy with, we will have a chance to re-structure/re-vise before things are 'full steam ahead' with whatever is GROWING starting at the end of 2022 and continuing into May 2023 - as long as we don't get too far ahead of ourselves now

Besides the retrograde "re-working's/looking for the missed opportunities" starting in late July, also pencil in October 2022 when Jupiter backs back into Pisces as a kind of 'cooling off' period before things push forward at the end of December.

If things expand nicely - greater optimism, faith, initiative, passion, courage, independence - just know we have a few weeks of Jupiter in Pisces (that October to December 2022 period) to finish up later in the year. 

Don't count those chickens just yet. DO allow yourself to feel/explore this new area of growth/hope. 

We'll talk more about this transit as we move through it.

Heads up our next post, unless I toss up a daily, will be about our Scorpio Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on Monday which is BIG. BIGGITY BIG. 

xo all

artwork by the talented Marita McVeigh

weekly astrology forecast | May 9th to 15th, 2022 - Jupiter into Aries, Mercury stations retrograde, huge energetic shifts, starting something big, changing our minds



Another week in the Eclipse spin cycle! 

With Jupiter's jump into fiery Aries the same day Mercury stations retrograde - we've got this HUGE push into something new or expansive - GO BIG OR GO HOME - at the same time we need to double-check information/are advised to BE CAUTIOUS.

WTH! Talk about mixed messages.


Cautious won't get us anywhere with Jupiter in Aries, but big leaps with Mercury retrograde usually end up with us having to do something all over again or stuck in a mess of our own creation. We are going to have to work both ends of this somehow with one eye on that game-changer Scorpio Lunar Eclipse Full Moon at the end of the week.


We have to be SMART. 


Luckily we've got both the Sun and Mars interacting with the North Node this week, so we should have some CLUES to work with. 

Let's scope out the week!

TUESDAY - Mercury stations retrograde, Jupiter enters Aries!

FRIDAY - Sun conjunct North Node

SATURDAY - Mars sextile North Node

SUNDAY - Venus conjuncts Chiron, Sun squares Saturn, Sun sextiles Neptune, Ceres enters Cancer


TUESDAY, MAY 10TH - Mercury stations retrograde, Jupiter enters Aries


Mercury, at 7:47AM EDT, at 4 degrees Gemini, turns around. Hold up. We missed something. Time to re-think, re-examine, re-visit, re-vise. In Gemini, we will be re-evaluating ideas, conversations, facts. Communications/information/situations from the past can come back around.


We know the Mercury retrograde drill. PAY ATTENTION TO THE DETAILS. The details are what will trip us up with Mercury retrograde in Gemini. We lose the thread, things unravel. We keep an eye on the thread we make a nice pillow for Grandma - you get the idea. Also have a back-up plan/plan B and give people multiple options.


Now, Mercury retrograde in Gemini, his/her own sign isn't such a bad thing. He is only answering to himself, so there is no looking at what the ruler of the sign he is in is doing. We know what Mercury is doing. He is retrograde. 


Also, he doesn't have any repeating squares or oppositions, so mostly the stuff we are going back over, to re-vise, re-think, re-view, etc, are things like plans, information, ideas, OPPORTUNITIES. 

Just know that things can get a bit wonky with Mercury retrograde, especially the stuff he rules - communication, information, tech, siblings, transportation, local community, commerce, travel - BECAUSE there is no additional dispositor to kind of smooth things over. 


So, yes, the positive that we only have Mercury/Gemini to deal with (for the first couple weeks) is also the negative, because it will be all Mercury/Gemini for the first couple weeks.


We MUST re-check those emails before hitting send. We MUST take a breath before saying something we might regret. We MUST measure twice and cut once. If we can make the most of this 'change of direction' and do the "re's" as they apply to us then by the time he backs into Taurus on May 22nd and our re-vised ideas/information/communications gets more sticky/solid we will be ready for that.


On the other hand if we just continue to plow full steam ahead right now, we might get stuck in the mud THEN. Keep this in mind. It's not the time to make any big decisions that can't be FLEXIBLE. 

This is all kind of tricky with Jupiter's entry into fiery Aries on the same day, because this can make us want to jump into something new or expand something into something BIGGER and Mercury is saying - hold on, let's REVIEW THIS. There could be more/better options - let's think about this. New can be a good thing, bigger can be a good thing, but let's get our ducks in a row, let's not totally commit to something JUST QUITE YET.

BIG post on Jupiter in Aries coming early this week. 


Jupiter last crossed from the last degree of Pisces to the first degree of Aries on June 6, 2010 - started totally over again, you might say - so, there could be some connections from then to what we have going on now. Jupiter in Aries speaks of STARTING SOMETHING BIG. Being BRAVER. Being FASTER. Being more MASCULINE. Being BOLDER. Taking more ACTION. Being more NEW.


Once Jupiter gets into Aries THINGS CAN HAPPEN FAST!


This will be about our Aries house theme (and the placement of our natal Mars) - the space where we have always had to fight/stand up for ourselves, always had to walk through that door alone, always had to initiate, be brave, be motivated in order to get things done. 


Now here, for the first time since 2010-2011 is a BIG gulp of 'go big or go home' confident/optimistic Jupiter OOMPH!


The caveat here, and we'll talk all about this in its own post, is Jupiter can be over-the-top at times and that Mercury retrograde on the same day is advising we allow ourselves some time to RE-VIEW the FACTS. Yes, this requires our mind be sort of split in two, but with Mercury in Gemini, this is pretty much what is happening (and how it is anyway, hemispherically speaking), so there's THAT. 

Also keep in mind, Jupiter will be in Aries WAY LONGER than Mercury will be retrograde.


FRIDAY, MAY 13TH - Sun conjunct North Node


The Sun, at powerful 22 degrees Taurus meets the North Node. Here is a light on our best path forward. Pay attention. Significant developments - maybe regarding resources, money, our values or self-esteem can be spotlighted. 

Note the Sun is applying to Sunday's square to Saturn and sextile to Neptune, so we are encouraged to use our imagination/intuition and know there will be some limits/responsibilities/hard work required with whatever path is potentially opening up now.


SATURDAY, MAY 14TH - Mars sextile North Node


Here is where we are taking action, and Mars is still in Pisces, so the action might be more of a dreamy/imaginative nature - toward our best path forward. Sextiles are creative opportunities and require some effort, but things can fall right into place. Smooth flow to something more simple/stable/comfortable/satisfying. Note - Mars is trining the South Node at the same time, so something we are needing to release can slip right through our fingers/drift away.

SUNDAY, MAY 15TH - Venus conjuncts Chiron, Sun squares Saturn, Sun sextiles Neptune, Ceres enters Cancer


A complicated sky as we make our way toward Monday's BIG Eclipse.


Venus/Chiron can be about attracting something HEALING. This might speak of being brave enough to love or brave enough to be vulnerable and the healing that can come through that. IN AN INSTANT. The Sun's square to Saturn brings a reality check/limit (maybe regarding our finances/resources/self-esteem and groups or authority) while the sextile to Neptune reinforces the Venus/Chiron's healing/forgiving/compassionate/creative vibe. Ceres move into Cancer will start to make traditional nurturing feel more more nurturing. We'll talk about her/this in a follow-up Goddess post. 


MONDAY, MAY 16TH - Full Moon Lunar Eclipse


On Monday, May 16th the Scorpio Moon will oppose the Taurus Sun at 25 degrees giving us this month's Full Moon, happening close enough to the Moon's Nodes makes this one a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. This is the bookend to the Taurus New Moon Solar Eclipse two weeks ago. 


We will start feeling the Eclipse as we get to the end of this week and will talk about it in its own post in a few days.

xo all  

artwork by the talented kelogsloops

Today's astrology forecast | Friday & Saturday, may 6th-7th, 2022 - good news, new choices, socializing, allowing one practical action to flow into the next, using our intuition, focusing on what matters



The Moon is home in Cancer now - we are nourished/nurtured by home, family, mom and apple-pie. 

On FRIDAY, she will sextile Uranus and the Sun then trine Mars and Neptune. All smooth flow.

The sextile between the Moon and the Sun is this month's Waxing Sextile. Cancer/Taurus. Growth/stability through something nourishing and safe. 

At the same time Mercury, at 4 degrees Gemini is sextiling Venus in Aries. GOOD NEWS. Conversations flow. New choices/decisions/ideas. Social activity/commerce. Remember we talked in the weekly about all the sextiles - creative opportunities - this week. 




On SATURDAY, the Moon opposes Pluto (in Capricorn) then goes void off a trine to Jupiter, nearing the end of Pisces. Yes, the Moon in Cancer is still having her monthly face-off with powerful Pluto, BUT now she has a smooth interaction with Jupiter to finish things off. Things started during this Cancer Moon will end well, lead to growth/expansion, confidence, LUCK.

This is also the day the Sun, at 16 degrees Taurus, sextiles Mars in Pisces AND Vesta meets up with Saturn at 24 degrees Aquarius. 

The Sun/Mars energy through stable Taurus and dreamy Pisces - one action flows into the next. Taurus won't be hurried and that's just fine with Mars in Pisces, who really wants a nap, and, it is SATURDAY after all. 

Saturn/Vesta could bring our personal and collective focus/attention to something that MUST be taken care of. In Aquarius this might be about causes, groups, tech, friendships, liberty. Vesta might pull in home/tribal situations and it is Mother's Day here in the U.S. Conjunctions with Saturn can feel restrictive and bring pressure/deadlines/responsibilities. We might be feeling what we are missing/losing/don't have. 


The way through this and the Moon/Pluto power struggle which might be all the same thing - will be that magical Sun/Mars sextile. The Taurus/Pisces. Practical actions that flow. Using our intuition. Exercising compassion and forgiveness. No pushing. No wildly extravagant moves. The Sun/Mars will make things more personal, but also provide us with the strength/spirit to do what needs to be done now. To keep that sacred flame/what's most important - ALIVE.

xo all

artwork by the talented scri3e

the goddess wars and our personal lives | women stirring each other up, the wounded mother who wounds her children, what happens when the goddess falls



I wrote this about a week ago, but somehow it didn't get posted. 


This is all still in play, and although some of it has dispersed a bit, much hasn't and it might still pay off to think about. We talked about the Goddesses' relationship with the collective's current conflicts, but not as much about our personal lives and it always pays to keep in mind that everything that is happening OUT THERE is happening within us, too. 

With Venus, this week, making her annual exit from Pisces, the sign of her exaltation, for Aries, the sign of her fall (since she rules Aries polarity sign of Libra) we will find there is a kind of collective/personal feminine "fall". Sometimes this will play out through something or multiple somethings that catch our collective attention and it will also play out in our personal lives. 


Women losing power, women fighting amongst themselves, female scapegoats, feminine dysfunction, maybe the feminine energy in some kind of power struggle/struggle for AIR. 

(a similar thing happens with masculine energy when Mars leaves Aries for Taurus)

Whatever this is, it won't be 'black and white', 'good guys and bad guys' at all. Not with the Eclipse spin cycle's reset pulling in Uranus, Ceres squaring Neptune and sextiling Eris and Black Moon Lilith's recent entry into Luna's 'home and family' territory. Not to mention rebellious Black Moon Lilith is now answering to the 'moody' Moon who changes signs every two and a half days. And Ceres' trine to Saturn pulling in groups and responsibilities.

People, maybe especially women, but not always, stirring the pot. Getting riled up over all the wrong things. And sometimes pots that seem to stir themselves. We might think someone, maybe a group of someones, is against us and actually we don't have the whole story/can't see things clearly (Pisces!). 

The energy is ripe for MISUNDERSTANDINGS.  

If we are triggered, and we could be on any side of this thing - maybe feeling slighted or ganged up on or not understood or being accused of something we don't think we have done, etc - thinking about other times we have faced something similar, seeing what we can learn from this, seeing if we are over-reacting NOW because of something back THEN, can help. Some bridges will be burned and that won't always be a bad thing, but we don't have to burn down the house, too. Keep in mind things aren't exactly what we are thinking they are. 


Maybe the good guys white hats are dirty and the bad guys are helping little old ladies across the street. 

It's not a time to be too damn certain. 

Black Moon Lilith's transit of Cancer is a long transit. Through January 2023. Old family dramas will be stirred up. Arguments. The things we've run away from will be drawing us home or landing on our doorstep with a THUD. Our insecurities might be activated. Our vulnerabilities/the spaces we have lacked nurturing. Our hidden emotional history. Wounded mothers and wounded mothers who have wounded their children. Feeling unsafe/maybe unwanted. Childhood traumas. Toxic roots. Tribal ugliness. The ways we've passed on what we wish we hadn't and what we can do about it. Maybe something about the myth of the noble/self-sacrificing empath/martyr in here, too. The need to take care of ourselves/give ourselves what we need/mother ourselves now. 


This will be a rich, sometimes painful transit and we will learn and grow alot. 

And this is making me think I need to take a look at the Depp/Heard charts. I am sure we will see many connections to the Goddesses between them. Whenever things capture the collective attention/become a zeitgeist for the rest of us, it pays to REALLY look at them.

Vesta is in a T-Square with the Nodes of Fate. Even in the Eclipse spin cycle and with so much in-flux, it's clear our sacred focus matters. It's important for us to know what's most important to us. From Vesta's perch in Uranus ruled Aquarius, she, too, is showing us something ELSE. Something new to care about. Her meeting with Saturn this week can have us feeling what we are missing/losing, feeling what is restricting/limiting us/limiting humanity. 


As the feminine energy rises and Chiron in Aries works his painful magic on the wounded masculine - we will see more and more clearly the way what is stuffed into pretty little boxes became/becomes ugly/distorted, controlling/manipulative. Can we hold space for the female shadow? Without judgment? We have embraced the Goddess as victim (#metoo), but that's the same old story really.

In between Eclipses is a good time to think about what we do and what we become when our light is trapped, when our natural relationship with light and dark has become polluted. The current situation is not sustainable. If the Taurus Solar Eclipse has a central core, it’s about sustainability. And that sustainability demands that we face the trauma in our shared DNA codes and find a new way to relate to each other. Feminine and masculine. This is a deep and powerful shift.

Anyhoo, we are expecting a rainy weekend and I am looking forward to getting a big picture up!


xo all 

artwork by the talented Tattersail