Today's astrology forecast | Tuesday, June 7th, 2022 - honing our focus, what needs to be fixed, what is most helpful/healthful right now



Now the Moon is in practical Virgo. We are nourished/nurtured by being of service, dotting our i's and crossing our t's, a well organized closet, being helpful, being practical, being right/critical (ouch), taking care of our physical body, taking care of our pets, taking care of our employees/co-workers, prioritizing quality over quantity, doing good work, fixing something.


She trines Venus at 12:05AM EDT, Uranus at 10:25AM EDT and squares the Gemini Sun at 10:48AM EDT.

That square to the Sun is this month's Waxing Square - pushes us to get something FIXED. 


This is an important obstacle to last week's New Moon in Gemini. Won't be overlooked. The Sun is in Gemini and the Moon is in Virgo. Both Mercury ruled signs and Mercury is direct in Taurus on transformative Sedna.

We talked about the square in the weekly HERE


The Moon in Virgo needs to FOCUS/be productive. Sometimes a square to the Gemini Sun brings something to our attention and then we change our mind. Virgo is excellent for spotting that fly in the ointment/problem and for problem-solving. Also for helping pull our scattered Gemini attention back to something THAT MATTERS.  


Again, what needs fixing? What will be helpful/healthful?

The Moon is trining both Venus and Uranus in rock-solid Taurus. If this is something about our stability/our money/our values - the smooth trines will allow something to fall into place if we take some kind of action. Today is part of the Venus/Uranus journey to each other that is exact at the end of the week that could bring financial/relationship shake-ups, but ALSO unexpected new connections/new money/new resources/new love. 

For today, let that Virgo Moon move you toward something pure/practical - maybe something postponed with Mercury retrograde, that now needs to be focused on/fixed. 

xo all

artwork by the amazing AaronGriffinArt

Weekly Astrology Forecast | June 6 - 12, 2022 - talking about the bottom line, shocking clarity, changes with love and money, plots twist


I hope everyone had a nice weekend! 


Hang in there. Summer is COMING!


So where are we now? Mercury is direct and Saturn is retrograde. Something might have/might be about to TURN AROUND on us. 

On Friday we have the final perfection of April/May's repeating Mercury trine Pluto (this is the one with Mercury direct and Pluto retrograde, new conversations/information, old truths/intense situations). TRUTH, deep excavations, intimate conversations, intensity around money, sex, taxes, resources, values, inheritances, careers/goals, third party situations, health situations. 


Thinking/talking about 'life and death' matters, actual deaths or situations that feel like 'life or death'.


This has been in play for a few weeks, is exact again on Friday and then will wrap up a few days after that. This is transformational energy, is what Eclipse season was really all about. We aren't the same people we were a few weeks ago. How will we use these transformed energies?

(when we fight Eclipse 'upgrades', and believe me I understand, I have multiple middle-degree fixed placements that are getting hammered since I like things TO STAY THE SAME - we get as glitchy as our tech when upgrades are not made)

On Saturday, Venus will meet up with Uranus (this is really in play all week as it applies, strongest at the end of the week) - unexpected money, love, values. 

Money can come in or go out. Relationships can CHANGE. What we want can change. 

We don't want it anymore or we suddenly want SOMETHING ELSE. People can come in or make an exit. What we own can turn out to be more/less valuable than we thought it was. 

Something we thought we could count on might be shaken loose, and, yes we can't count on it anymore, but at the same time we are somehow freed up. 


Combined with the Mercury/Pluto feels like this week could bring some kind of SHOCKING CLARITY.

MONDAY - Sun sextile Chiron

TUESDAY - First Quarter Square (Gemini/Virgo)

FRIDAY - Mercury trine Pluto (3rd of three)

SATURDAY - Venus conjunct Mercury


MONDAY - Sun sextile Chiron, Uranus conjunct Pallas, Mars squares Ceres


Uranus reaches the degree of Pallas in Taurus (heads up - Gemini and Cancer season will both have oodles of Taurus energy this year). Out of the box insights. Sudden wisdom. New, even sudden/shocking strategies. Old patterns/routines, etc gone. New patterns start in an instant. This is about physical/real-world stuff, not pie-in-the-sky imaginings. In Taurus (fixed earth) stuff gets SIMPLIFIED. Does it makes sense/cents? It's a go. This isn't about some fancy/decorative thing. This is about SURVIVAL. Our security. Our resources. Our values. Our self-esteem. Our money. New plans. New strategies. Maybe something is stuck and gets a reboot.

Keep in mind Uranus has been in our Taurus house, "shaking stuff up", since the middle of 2018. Now, here's Pallas, a change agent, too, stripping away illusions.

At the same time, Mars, at 9 degrees Aries is squaring Ceres in Cancer. This is tension/frustration. Mars in Aries wants to GO/do and he (as we) runs into this challenge with mama-bear Ceres. Maybe this is our/someone's personal needs vs home/family. Maybe a situation forces us to take action to protect ourselves or someone else. Maybe we are forcing nurturing/mothering on someone or some situation that doesn't need it/want it. Maybe this is about a change of life/season of life issue that needs a kick in the ass, so here comes Mars to do just that. 


Rather than down a half gallon of Ben and Jerry's we can use today's third perfecting aspect as a way through the scuffles - the Sun, at 15 Gemini sextiles Chiron in Aries. 


Ask questions. Don't be afraid to discuss what hurts. Creative opportunities come as painful issues/wounds are talked about. Although the subject matter may be deep/important this is Gemini, so KEEP CONVERSATIONS LIGHT. Consider your options. There is more than one answer/way through here. Or maybe this is about seeing two sides to the story. Be brave. Everyone's weak spots/fragile spaces/vulnerabilities are being exposed with a Sun/Chiron and that's ok/that's what HEALS. What did Rumi say, "the wound is the space where the light gets in"? Look for options. Be willing to adjust. Keep words light.

Gemini season (Sun in Gemini) requires flexibility. We can plant that flag on the 'hill we will die on', but even if the flag gets to stay, we might still be dead. Do some yoga. We want to live.

On TUESDAY, the Moon in Virgo squares the Sun in Gemini (16 degrees) giving us this month's First Quarter Square - challenge to whatever started at last week's New Moon in Gemini. With both Virgo and Gemini ruled by a newly direct Mercury trining Pluto (and unwinding a square to Saturn as they move away from each other) - this is IMPORTANT. The Moon in Virgo wants us to focus on one thing/stick a pin in something/DECIDE. This is a square, so won't be comfortable. This is Virgo, so the best choice will be practical, helpful, healthful and sensible. The Sun in Gemini, who wants to move from one fast thing to the next NEEDS to adjust to the Moon here and so do we.

On FRIDAY - Mercury trine Pluto, Mercury, at 28 degrees Taurus, trines Pluto, retrograde in Capricorn.


This is the final hit of a three-peating aspect we first had back on April 28th. We are getting to the truth/the bottom line. This will be about your Taurus house theme or the collective themes of money, resources, values, love, self-esteem, Pluto in Cappy can pull in career/reputation situations, too. Trines are smooth aspects, this makes deep/intense words/information easier to discuss. The 'keep conversations light' thing is so four days ago. Now, information is intense, BUT the smooth connection allows something to click into place. Pluto/Mercury speaks of transformational ideas. Powerful words. People speaking their truth. It will be easier to manipulate/be manipulated, too, so keep this in mind. Some might take advantage of this energetic flow for their own agendas. Both planets are in earth signs, so there is something practical here. This has been/is a long transit. Reality is transformed.

NOTE - the Moon is in Libra. She makes a nice trine to a retrograde Saturn at 8:27AM EDT, but by 1:36PM EDT she is going void off a challenging square to Pluto. So, although Mercury has the smooth trine, the Moon is making a tense/frustrating square. Whatever this Mercury/Pluto trine has been about for us - it's been in play for weeks and wraps up in about another week - it is likely challenging our partnerships, tossing something out of balance or just feels unfair.


On SATURDAY - Venus conjuncts Uranus. Venus, at 16 degrees Taurus already meets up with disruptive Uranus. People with planets/points near the middle of the fixed signs are already feeling the quaking and shaking of this one.


Collectively here is where our love, money, resources, values, the planet/weather, self-esteem, Taurus house theme is DISRUPTED/changed/innovated.

What we want can change. We don't want it anymore or we suddenly want SOMETHING ELSE. What we own can turn out to be more/less valuable than we thought it was. Something we thought we could count on might be shaken loose, and, yes we can't count on it anymore, but at the same time we are somehow freed up. PLOTS TWIST. Hearts are OPENED. Sometimes broken opened. 


Venus in Taurus wants ease/comfort, but here Uranus is merging with the Goddess, SHAKING THINGS UP. There is no telling what we or someone else will want right now.


On Monday, Mercury will be back in Gemini and the pace/communications will pick up! 


Back with some dailies and a big picture about next year.

xo all

artwork by the amazing Harkale-Linai

the astrology of friday and the weekend | June 3-5, 2022 - decisions, a change of direction, a Leo Moon weekend so have some fun

Sylvia Demers Artwork


We begin FRIDAY with the Moon wrapping up her journey through her home sign of Cancer. She trines Neptune at 5:04AM and goes void off an opposition to a retrograde Pluto (power struggle, home vs career, family responsibilities - Neptune is the way through this one - chill out a bit, pray/meditate, listen to music, get yourself to the ocean) at 11:14AM. 


The Moon is void until 2:38PM EDT when she moves into Leo and trines Jupiter - making late Friday afternoon/Friday night a good time for adventure/to shine. Good for date nights, fun with the kids. A time to be generous. Have some fun.

This BIG news today is Mercury stations direct! 


We talked about this HERE


Delays, revisions, etc - whatever has been holding us up since about May 10th will begin to move forward. Decisions will be made. Some things that BEGAN during the retrograde period will begin to unwind. But, Mercury is still in grounded/stable, but fixed earth Taurus, he won't get fully up to speed until he gets back into Gemini (his/her home sign) on June 13th. 


With Mercury in stable Taurus what moves forward now will need to make sense/cents.

On SATURDAY, the Moon continues her monthly journey through Leo. We are nurtured/nourished by fun, romance, children, attention, THE WHITE-HOT SPOTLIGHT. She trines independent/action oriented Mars at 6:15AM EDT, squares Venus at 6:46AM EDT (some relationship/financial tension possible), sextiles the Sun at 7:22PM EDT and squares Uranus (tension/frustration/surprising developments) at 11:46PM EDT.

The sextile to the Gemini Sun is this month's Waxing Sextile. 


This one is all about strutting our stuff. Information, choices, following our heart. Here is some of the 'potential', the creative opportunity of the May 30th New Moon in Gemini. The Moon is waxing/growing and so is our NEW IDEA/CHOICE/WHAT WE HAVE LEARNED.

The challenge today is the Sun's square to Juno, bringing a light on a relationship/contract tension or frustration. We could be having trouble deciding/committing or with Juno in Pisces, the terms of the agreement/relationship can be too unstructured, loosey-goosey. Maybe one party is distracted. The way through this one is that Waxing Sextile - Gemini/Leo - talk about it/deal with facts and details/follow your heart. 


There IS a creative solution here.

This is also the day Saturn stations retrograde until late October (25 degrees Aquarius). We talked about this, too, in the weekly HERE. We are reviewing our careers, goals, responsibilities, obligations/relationship with groups and authority. Saturn's retrograde can see us letting go of certain restrictions/obligations or stepping into them. Situations with authority can turn around. This can be a second chance to do the right thing. 


We will talk about this more as we move through it.

On SUNDAY evening, the Leo Moon steps into some tension/frustration - an opposition to that retrograde Saturn at 5:03PM EDT, followed by a square to a direct Mercury at 7:12PM EDT, so both planets stations are challenging us emotionally. Maybe through work/responsibilities/authority/group situations/financial situations. Maybe we just don't want the weekend fun to end and it's time to get serious. She goes void off that Mercury square (disagreement/argument/challenging information) and is void the rest of the night. So, enjoy Sunday before that opposition to Saturn might rain on your parade and use the void of course moon at night to rest/relax/prepare for next week.

xo all

artwork by the talented Sylvia Demers

weekly astrology forecast | May 30 - June 5, 2022 - decision time, change of direction as mercury stations direct, daddy takes a powder giving us a cosmic second chance to get something right, attracting the right kind of care


We start the week with a New Moon in Gemini. New conversations, New ideas. Decisions are LOOMING. With the ruler of Gemini (Mercury), retrograde, this may be more about re-vising/re-deciding something we started to do/think about/discuss earlier this year. 


(remember this New Moon, and we talked about this HERE, is well-aligned with Neptune : trust your intuition, meditate/pray for guidance, get enough rest, the Moon is also well-aligned with Jupiter and Mars in Aries, and although this can add volatility/arguments, this will also add courage, energy and the super-power of EXPANSION and LUCK to whatever we are starting)

Our thinking/the conversation/plans might flip around on us toward the end of the week as Mercury stations direct and Saturn retrograde AS THEY SQUARE EACH OTHER. For some, restrictions will come off, others can expect delays. 


It might be until Mercury gets back into Gemini on June 13th (a great travel day BTW) or Mercury reaches the degree of Monday's New Moon (June 23rd) when New Moon beginnings can really TAKE OFF. 


Don't sit around waiting though - keep moving - but do keep this in mind if things feel stuck/slow.

We have no planets changing signs this week, but we do have two planets changing direction. Something in our lives will be, too.


Let's take a look at the week!


MONDAY - New Moon in Gemini

FRIDAY - Mercury stations direct

SATURDAY - Saturn stations retrograde

SUNDAY - Venus sextile Ceres

On MONDAY - the Gemini Moon meets the Gemini Sun at 9 degrees. We talked about Monday's New Moon HERE. The Moon is Gemini has a better closing aspect than the following Moon in Cancer, so I would get your New Moon intentions done on Tuesday when there's a nice trine to Saturn to close things out. 


This is a great time for affirmations for Gemini themes - movement, flexibility, wit, communication, logic, writing, social graces and ease, siblings or cousins, local community issues, teaching/learning, mental anxiety, areas of life where you are seeing double or doing two things at once or need to choose between two things, our nervous system, hands, wrists, arms, shoulders and our lungs.


AFFIRMATION TIPS: get into a good frame of mind - always make affirmations from a  positive place (meaning both happy and certain) - write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud - then release your attention from them knowing that your intention is known. Know what you seek is seeking you (Rumi). Know these things are already yours.


On FRIDAY - Mercury stations direct! 


This will be at 26 degrees Taurus, yes, right on malevolent fixed star Algol, so activating last year's BIG Taurus Lunar Eclipse from mid-November 2021 and the HUGE Solar Eclipse in Scorpio (life and death) from mid-May 2022 that we talked about HERE.


Born 23 years apart, BOTH, Johnny Depp and Amber Heard have their natal Venus (Goddess of Love) at 26 degrees Taurus on Algol (wth, is it any wonder they fell head over heels in love - lost their heads - and then chopped off each other's heads!), so I would expect their trial to be winding up this week. Her birth time isn't known, but he has some nice 9th house (legal) transits that will make him hard to beat in a courtroom. Going to get a post up about them this week. It's fascinating.

Mercury is stationing direct in a square (which will not perfect) to Saturn, who will station retrograde tomorrow. So, even as something moves forward, it is possible to still be dealing with delays and limits for a while longer. 


Still, choices/decisions WILL BE MADE. And Mercury is moving forward, so are we.


On SATURDAY - Saturn stations retrograde at 25 degrees Aquarius (until late October). People with planets points from around 25-29 degrees Aquarius will feel this easing off, as daddy Saturn takes his annual sabbatical. Saturn will get back to 22 degrees Aquarius before stationing direct, so those of us with planets/points from around 19-25 degrees Aquarius might feel restrictions/limits increase or something tighten up as Saturn makes his three-peat (first pass has already happened and that's usually the biggie) over our planets/points. This will also apply to our other fixed planets placements (Taurus, Leo and Scorpio) as he squares and opposes them. 


And, if we were born with Saturn retrograde, and so the need to face up to certain responsibilities in this lifetime we have previously avoided, we will feel his retrogrades more intensely, too.

For everyone else, and for all of us collectively, Saturn's station will either:

1. ease restrictions/limits/traditions (daddy on vacation

or 2. create delays/pull back support (again, daddy's on vacation). 


It just depends on which kind of "daddy" we have via our natal chart! 

Saturn retrogrades give us a second chance to get it right/do the right thing. 


This is also a time for a second look at our responsibilities, obligations, our support structures, our goals and group situations, our paternal inheritance, our father and daddy issues.

He will station direct in late October and it's report card time.

On SUNDAY, Venus, strong in Taurus, will trine Ceres in Cancer. 


This is about love and nurturing. We are attracting the right kind of care. Maybe our 'change of life' situations/spaces where we have felt we had no control are more stable. Hopefully, with Ceres in Cancer, this eases the baby food shortage! The trine is a smooth aspect where things fall into place and could help with certain supply/resources chain issues (maybe especially related to food) and the War in Ukraine (Russia/Ceres, Zelensky/Venus).

Have a nice week everyone!

xo - Catherine :)

artwork by the amazing Duy Huynh