Let's dive right in!
MONDAY - Mars trines Saturn, Venus inconjunct Uranus
TUESDAY - Mercury opposes Mars and sextiles Saturn
WEDNESDAY - Pallas stations retrograde, First Quarter Moon (Pisces)
THURSDAY - Venus opposes Mars and sextiles Saturn, Mercury squares Neptune
SATURDAY - Neptune stations direct
SUNDAY - Venus squares Neptune, Sun trines Chiron
Early in the week, Mars retrograde (from the degree he walked when direct back on September 28th, so there may be connections now to something from that time period, maybe we are re-doing something or re-thinking or re-discussing things) will trine sober Saturn. This is putting in the work/playing by the rules/dealing with authority and our duties and responsibilities. Good for making commitments and walking our talk. Our efforts/actions are serious/focused/goal oriented and can pay off. Our actions and words can make situations more stable.
The fly in the ointment with Mars/Saturn smooth sailing is Mars, retrograde in Gemini, is going to be opposed by first Mercury (Gemini's ruler) and then Venus while Venus and Mercury square Neptune. This can bring disagreements/arguments, issues within relationships and with finances/resources. Money can slip through our fingers, so watch your wallet. Avoid quick decisions. Squares to Neptune can bring frustrations with water/wet weather. It can be hard to know what is real. Situations could be confusing and unrealistic. What we don't know/don't acknowledge, situations from the past or what is done in secret/behind our back brings tension/frustration/challenges. Squares to Neptune can make us tired, prone to exhaustion or illness (take your vitamins) - show a need to escape, take a break or maybe something is tempting us in that direction. Nostalgia. Fading memory. There could be some disappointment here. Maybe someone is lying to us. We may be wasting alot of energy/running in circles.
There is alot we won't know until Mars and Mercury (Mercury's retrograde is starting in a couple weeks) both station direct in the middle of January.
With Venus and Mercury also making nice with sober Saturn via an opportunistic (when action is taken) sextile - Saturn is the way through this week. Taking care of our responsibilities. Slowing down. Being realistic. Detaching from disappointing outcomes and focusing on the future. Being smart with our energy, our words, our resources. Working within existing limits/structures. Big girl/boy pants ON. Having patience.
Playing the LONG game.
The weeks ends with Venus/Mercury/Mars square Neptune as he stations direct.
It's that moment when the tide goes out and we see what those large/colorful shells and rocks at our feet actually look like.
Rather abruptly it seems with Venus, Mercury and Mars forming a tense T-square. Oh my. It looks like some delusion is ending for all of us. A bubble bursts. THIS really is what we get/have. If we have been spending irresponsibly, in love with being in love, making decisions and seeing things through rose colored glasses, the glasses are off now. On the other hand, and this will depend on the aspects and placement of Neptune and Pisces in your natal chart, Neptune direct can bring us back to the dream that stalled at the end of June. Things can start to move forward now. Of course, we still have the T-Square with those inner planets to deal with at the 're-launch'! Go slow. Assume you don't have all the information. Many times Neptune changes direction and Pisces risings and those with strong Pisces/Neptune or those whose placements are directly impacted are the only ones who notice - this time it looks to want to be noticed by all of us.
Any way you cut it, it's a time to focus on what is actually POSSIBLE and release the impossible dream or addiction/avoidance that has had us running in circles or sleeping/wasting/deluding our life away. The challenges are brought to us through the planets transiting through Sagittarius - there is something bigger/better out there for all of us AND it is going to take Saturn (the work, responsibility, time, saying no, appropriate endings, etc) to get us there.
The week closes out with the Sagittarius Sun's smooth trine to hurting/healing Chiron. The healing comes from being confident/taking a risk. Having hope/faith. Believing in something bigger than ourselves. Coupled with the Mars trine Saturn that kicks the week off, this is also a good time to work with a teacher/older or more experienced person.
Notice life's gifts of the beginning and ending trines that take the edge off any challenges or frustrations we face this week. One as we lean into our one middle planet Saturn via reality/responsibility and the other as we lean into our other middle planet Jupiter via optimism/hope.
I hope something here is helpful. Back with some dailies and we'll look at the Moon and Pallas's station in the middle of the week.
xo all
I should note with Mars retrograde in Gemini it can be very hard to settle down and get things done. It is best to work with the energies and not expect yourself to accomplish something huge right now. Frequent breaks. Giving yourself extra time. Doing two things at a time or doing something over again is kind of par for the course with this transit, so give yourself and everyone else a break now.
Also Mars/Mercury can be dangerous energy especially with Mars retrograde and out of bounds. Tempers can flare. Our words rush out before we have thought them through. We can be moving too fast, so drive safely. Slow down. Cuts to the hands often happen with Mars/Mercury, so take care with sharp objects. Headaches. Burns. Take care of your lungs. It is easy to be shallow breathing for long periods which isn't a good idea. Don't overschedule this week and make yourself crazy. Many people will have alot to do now, but use the trine to Saturn to manage things better - say no to things that don't make practical sense for you, have patience.
photography by the talented Julieoftheworldtree