I didn't get a chance to get to the weekly this weekend, hopefully I will have it up tonight. The end of the week looks challenging, so plan light.
For now, though, things are looking up and so are we.
The Moon is in optimistic Sagittarius - we are nourished/nurtured through adventure, through our big picture beliefs, our faith, by what is foreign to us, by making something bigger/taking something further. She will trine (brakes off) both the Sun and Sag ruler Jupiter tonight EDT.
We are feeling good.
The Moon's trine to the Sun is this month's waning trine. Sagittarius/Aries at 20 degrees. Our Full Moon story from last week continues to unwind. Something here falls into place - there is a smooth current between our Sag and Aries houses. Collectively this looks something like optimistic action, expansion.
This is all about POTENTIAL.
The Sun is also applying to his annual meeting with Jupiter tomorrow. Some astrologers call this "the luckiest day of the year", (note Sag luck comes through confidence and often a bit of risk taking) but what you will really find is that the positive qualities/the hope of some combination of the house in your chart they meet in - this year it is Aries - and the houses Jupiter and the Sun rule in your natal chart are MADE VISIBLE.
With Jupiter/Sun, again, we get to SEE THE POTENTIAL and sometimes we get LUCKY. In Aries, there is often a kind of 'beginner's luck' when we don't know what we don't know and we move forward anyway. Be brave.
HERE is my post about Jupiter in Aries that could be helpful now.
Note the Moon will be void tomorrow from 6:48AM EDT to 1:33PM EDT and then she goes into Cappy where she is required to be strong and get down to business (not her favorite place, but can be useful depending on your purposes and it certainly helps ground all this fire).
If you are going to use the Jupiter/Sun/Moon to START SOMETHING SPECIFIC - today/tonight are good. Tomorrow is, too, just avoid that void Moon period if you need specific results or are starting something new. Venus will also move into Gemini tomorrow and trine Pluto. That's a smooth flow and pulls in our Aquarius and Gemini houses - this will also pull in focus and INTENSITY. Keep in mind, today is Venus's last day in her home sign of Taurus.
Next week we get that second New Moon in Aries - the one that asks us what we forgot to START and to get going with THAT - this can be powerful motivational energy, but also, combined with these other energies, have us feeling like we have to start NOW and then we muck it up by doing something half-assed. We do/will have to start what we neglected to start or what we couldn't start any earlier, but we can also BE SMART ABOUT IT.
Anyway, back tonight or tomorrow with more, but I wanted to pop this up since the beginning of this week has some nice ADVANTAGEOUS energy - and the end of the week looks more challenging - something to keep in mind.
With Aries - results come through action, courage, starting, our masculine energy, MEN.
This is also the day, Juno meets Uranus and Ceres opposes Neptune.
Juno is about partnerships and contracts (also what we will do to maintain the favor of the "king"/connection to power) and Uranus is about change, liberating/chaotic. We might meet an unusual person now or begin a more "freeing" phase of a relationship. Ceres/Neptune brings a culmination/ending which, in Pisces, could be more of a 'slow dissolve' around something we have been nurturing or a change of life situation outside our control. Ceres is retrograde and this is their second meeting out of three. The retrograde period is always about re-viewing, re-vising. Nurturing. Healing. What is working? What can be revised? What is out of our hands anyway and we need to have faith - Moon/Sun/Jupiter?
I hope something here is helpful.
xo all