Mercury into Pisces - this is your brain on drugs

Illumination II by tdg-addict

The forecasting for the weekend's energies is HERE.

Today, Mercury ingresses from Aquarius into the sign of Pisces. Mercury rules our thinking, our communication, our ideas. He/she is considered in her fall/detriment in Pisces (because she rules Pisces polarity sign of Virgo).

Virgo's Mercury likes things clear and concise - she wants B to follow A and is sure things would move more efficiently if everyone would just dot their i's and cross their t's.

Pisces (ruled by Neptune and ruler of our collective 12th house) is the space where rules/boundaries are more fluid. B might follow A. But just as easily A could drift right on past B.

It is the space of imagination, universal love, our dreams, spirituality, our connection to each other through the ethereal realms and our emotions, the ways we escape, the things we do last, the things we put away, addictions, delusions, hospitals, prisons, addicts, victims, saviors, martyrs.

You can see how fast-moving Mercury could be a bit out-of-whack here.

So maybe our thinking slows down a bit. Our words drift off course. We started to say this and now we are saying that. The words that were so clear and crisp in airy Aquarius, don't come as easily because maybe we start feeling their impact on the other person now. Or maybe we start feeling like one of those old anti-drug commercials but instead of eggs - it is our brain frying on the sidewalk. 

Details will be fuzzy. Our thinking might be, too.

With Pisces ruler of the last house of the zodiac maybe a conversation comes to an end now. Our natal Pisces house - what house has Pisces on the cusp in your natal chart? - a space we are naturally inclined to more dreamy, Piscean ways - suddenly WAKES UP. Our attention goes there. 

This is wonderful energy for artists, poets, musicians, meditation, spirituality, healing. With Mercury (ruler of Gemini) in this universal space our words can cast even more powerful S-P-E-L-L-S - keep this in mind. And if you haven't done your New Moon intentions - there is still time - do it today!

Not such wonderful energy for to-do lists and more practical concerns. Double check communications. Re-read important papers. Give other people a break when their language isn't as concise as you would like it to be. When we just can't decide. Mercury in Pisces takes in so much universal information from the world that it becomes hard to take a singular stance. Our thinking becomes more intuitive. Cold facts are not so cold and hard decisions go limp. Lies might be spoken and take on a life of their own. That whole "alternative facts" thing applies.

It is the time to let our mental defenses down and just feel it. Or to guard against this very thing - depending on the situation!

We don't have to understand everything or figure everything out. Pisces dissolves. Pisces feels. Pisces is a water sign and heals through wetness - blood, sweat and tears (I would avoid the blood though if possible). If we want/need to cry, and even if it turns into one of those big old ugly cries that has our eyes all scrunched up two days later and people asking us what the hell is the matter - it's time to cry. You will probably not need me to tell you this though .....

If you really need to knuckle down mentally now it could be best to give Neptune some creative time - meditate, color, paint, etc, FIRST.

This isn't so much about lessening our verbal/mental standards, although yes, some restricting standards could be lessened - the Sun will be right behind Mercury! - as it is about loosening our grip!

Mercury will be in Pisces through March 6th when he/she moves into fiery Aries. She will go retrograde in Aries, so we will have to make the best of his time in Pisces for forward movement which won't always be easy (at least for a Mercury in Capricorn person like me)!

Her ingress into Pisces tonight will be just hours after she meets up with Sun at the end of Aquarius. So there is clarity - maybe a culmination - then we move on into Pisces.

We are about to be living the dream folks. xo

Weekend Astrology Forecast for Creatives | sobriety, changing the conversation, detaching from our detachment, walking through the fog, for some - clarity and a clear decision

sadness by rockthenations

FRIDAY'S compassionate, sensitive Moon (in Pisces) sextiles sober Saturn as we wake up here in the United States emotionally wrung-out in the aftermath of another school massacre.

Our eclipse story of what we know that we don't want to know .... the thing that happens over there that we don't want to look at, while Juno (as us) holds together Jupiter in Scorpio's excesses (corporate power and political greed) over here.

Except we can't look away now because there is here.

The eclipse (we also had a Mars/Pluto signature and Mars sitting on fixed star Antares - violence, rash, impulsive acts and extremist views in Sagittarius - higher education -  and we had the building square between Mars and Neptune that becomes exact on Saturday - should have seen this coming) in community focused Aquarius tells us that working together - this doesn't mean we have to be in total agreement with each other!! - over the next 6 months we can make change happen here if we don't become distracted and detached.

There are many ways to get involved. Find the one that speaks to your heart. We can't let ourselves get numbed out by so many impacts to our shell-shocked systems. Yes, this is about easy access to military weapons. Yes, this is about mental illness. Yes, this is about isolation and hopelessness. Yes, this is about a culture steeped in violence that doesn't want to see itself as a culture steeped in violence. This is about an old story of who we were colliding with a new story of who we want to be.

So who do we want to be?

Maybe what comes next could be Trump's powerful and unpredictable Uranus's most powerful moment (Uranus did rule the eclipse). The New York Post's (owned by Fox News CEO Rupert Murdoch, Trump's powerful friend and ally) unexpected headline and editorial regarding common sense gun legislation, Trumps credibility with the people who oppose any firearms restrictions, his natal Mars ability to fight (and get him what he wants from other people) and his natal Uranus ability to not be controlled. Trump's chart shows he isn't an idealogue. His views don't matter. He is a catalyst. He can't not create change.

The people (Aquarius) will have to work though. Hard.

Today is a good day to do something practical (Saturn) with our compassion, with our dreams, with our art, with our meditation, with our imaginings (Neptune).

Mercury conjuncts Juno and hits the eclipse degree exactly.

Old ways of thinking can be released. Commitments/contracts are up for discussion. Whatever the eclipse has brought to light - we will be talking about it. The best use of this energy, since it is happening in progressive Aquarius is to CHANGE THE CONVERSATION. If you are over-thinking something or still thinking about something that is over - catch yourself - hit the reset button - maybe go for a walk, get out of your head, turn off your phone. Usually it is the conversations we are having with ourselves that create the biggest roadblocks. Mentally move on.

On SATURDAY, Mars (in Sagittarius) squares Neptune (in Pisces) at 13 degrees.

This is our actions (Mars) diluted by foggy thinking, indecision, escapist tendencies. We are only a couple days past the New Moon Solar Eclipse, so we don't have all the answers. If we start to move in the wrong direction we won't have moved so far off course that we can't just double back and start over. The important thing now is to use that Aquarian energy in the best possible way - avoid distractions and detachment, use cool headed logic, where is your tribe/cause? Neptune can offer us heightened intuition now, so be paying attention.

This is a draining aspect, so let's give ourselves, and other people, a break here. A glass of wine goes a long way now so keep that in mind, too. It might be OK to drain one glass, but let's put the rest of the bottle away.

Also on Saturday, Mercury meets up with the Sun at 28 degrees Aquarius. This is a finalization aspect related to the last Sun/Mercury conjunction which was on December 12th - this is clarity. This is your answer. A decision is made. Save any big actions for the Mars/Neptune square to unwind over the next couple days.

On SUNDAY, both Mercury and the Sun move into Pisces kicking off Pisces season. I will write a post!

On Monday we'll have the Moon in Aries plus the Moon's ruler Mars trining the North Node of our collective way forward. I will write about this in the weekly - and this is leading us toward Venus conjunct Neptune on Wednesday. It will be an important week.

xo all

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius | deleting the distractions, the things we don't want to know we know, a new way of thinking, what is worth maintaining, moving into our heart space

Winter Wonderland by anyaanti

On Thursday, we have a New Moon Solar Eclipse (partial eclipse) as the Sun and Moon meet up at 27 degrees Aquarius.

They are conjunct both Mercury (communications, ideas, information) and Juno (commitments, contracts and the way we maintain the things we deem worth holding onto at all costs, the ways we don't want to see what we don't want to see) asteroid and wife of Jupiter, a philanderer of literal Olympian proportions (in Scorpio), who is also making an appearance via a wide square to all four major players.

There is also a sextile (we talked a bit about this yesterday) from Uranus who is also, since he is the ruler of Aquarius, the ruler of this eclipse. Uranus is semi-sextiling Chiron, at the midpoint of his sextile with the eclipse posse, indicating whatever unexpected information/change in our thinking is delivered now it has the power to heal/hurt. My money's on the healing.

Plus Venus (love, money) is sextiling Saturn (structure, stability) and Ceres (mother, nurturing) is the lead player in the Yod they form. See more about what is happening with Ceres in the January 31st eclipse post HERE.

And this eclipse is the mirror image of last summer's Great American Eclipse (28 degrees Leo) and this entire eclipse cycle has been building from that cycle.

You might remember that eclipse conjuncted Trump's ascendant and his natal Mars (also Netanyahu's natal Mars and I see he is in the news today) so this eclipse will oppose them. An Eclipse opposition to his natal Mars could bring out any masked conflicts - he could be attacked (justly or unjustly) and have to stand up for himself or he could be the one lashing out. This is one of the reasons I said last month that mid-February looked particularly challenging for him.

With this New Moon happening in Aquarius, ruler of the South Node - what we are releasing - this will be about the ending as well as the beginning that follows. We had this same series of Eclipses back in 1999, so something from that time could feel familiar now, too, as old patterns repeat (in new ways) or as something wraps up. We have taken something as far as it is going to go here.

People think Aquarius represents independence (that's Aries), but more accurately Aquarius represents individuality. There is a difference. Think about it. There is an independent spirit here, yes, but since Aquarius rules the 11th house of groups, it shows people bound together by a cause. So, in Aquarius we find a better way to work together so it benefits everyone or else we go our own way. These are the only two outcomes for Aquarius. Aquarius is the space in your chart where it's never going to work to follow the crowd just for the sake of fitting in.

Our rough, uncomfortable edges are there for a reason

This is the part of our chart, our Aquarius house, where the eclipse is happening. Something is coming to light. Something is being eclipsed out. Something gets a electrically generated fresh start.

Fresh starts with this New Moon will involve information that could be (that Jupiter square!) loud and unsettling or loud and exciting. There could be a surprising twist or turn. There is something now that needs to be said/listened to. Conversations could be uncomfortable. 

 There is alot of energy pointing toward our relationships now.

With asteroid Juno very prominently placed at the time of the eclipse and squaring her man Jupiter this could be the energy that will underline whatever is happening.

Jupiter expands, but Juno seeks to put a functional limit on things and to keep things functioning in spite of Jupiter's excesses. 

With Jupiter submerged in Scorpio since last October busy expanding the #metoo storyline (how appropriate for the old horndog!), Juno, his long suffering wife, is another energy in these situations (and yes, we are all playing all the parts here) - the part of us that puts up with something over here to hold something else together over there. 

The girl who doesn't want to ask why the guy's texts are becoming more and more scattered. The wife who doesn't want to know why her husband is late every night. The husband who doesn't want to look at the credit card bills. The employee who doesn't say anything while the boss is massaging her shoulders. The parent who ignores the reality of their teenager's growing pot habit in the next room or who doesn't want to think about what the coach's harsh words are really achieving, "they are in charge so they must know what they are doing, right? the team is winning, right?".

The part of us that looks the other way so we won't have to see what we don't want to see.

Except now maybe the eclipse isn't letting us look away. We are forced to know what we already know.

Remember Jupiter is squaring Juno here. He is the one digging through the dirt in Scorpio and she is the one seeking individuality/liberation within relationship in Aquarius - this isn't about her independence from Jupiter (although it might be) this is about her liberation from whatever boogie man she has hidden in the closet that is holding her back. It could be his philandering that has to end but it could just as easily be the thing she is trying to maintain that allows her to put up with it!

With Juno this could also be about a commitment/contract - verbal or written. It could be something fresh and new. But pay attention to what you are committing to at this time. You are going to be expected to maintain your end of any bargain here. Know what you are expecting from other people and be prepared to hold their feet to the fire, too.

It will be easy to promise more than we can actually deliver or expect too much from a person/situation now, so keep this in mind.

Another thing Juno could be speaking to is our need to keep on taking care of what's most important in our personal world despite whatever else we have going on. She keeps on keeping on even while Jupiter is keeping somebody else warm at night. She gives us our instinct to manage the resources which may be needed tomorrow as well as today. She maintains. Maybe we use this eclipse energy to figure out that yes, something is worth our continued maintenance.

Also remember it's winter and according to Punxsutawney Phil and the planet Saturn - it is going to be a long one.

One of our most pressing needs for 2018 as we build the bridge to take us into the important years of 2019 and 2020 is to become more self-supporting. Self doesn't mean you all by yourself, although it might in some situations. With Venus sextiling Saturn now we should have some support with whatever it is we are attracting/creating.

Also keep in mind that Jupiter can make good things seem better than they actually are and bad things seem like disasters. We could get so sure of ourselves (or something/someone else), so certain we are right, that we confuse confidence and optimism with wisdom now.

So let's keep at least one foot on the ground and it had better be a tightly laced snow boot with one of those non-skid bottoms.

New and re-committed relationships (not necessarily romantic) could take off very quickly - think: struck by lightning here - so could projects/situations that get the green light now.

This is mostly a positive eclipse, but keep in mind that New Moons are seeds planted in the dark. The solar reset (eclipse) will give us a glimpse of what is ahead, but nothing about Uranus (or an eclipse!) is ever really predictable. 

Whatever is tossed at us with Mercury set to hit the eclipse degree the next day - stuff could happen/escalate pretty quickly!

There is alot of confusing energy ahead for the weekend that is going to factor into this and eclipse energies play out over the long haul - we'll talk about that in the next post.

Let's run through this New Moon Lunar Eclipse by sign. 

I don't like to do this because most people will just skip everything else and move to their sign, which even if it's pretty accurate, and it might not be - misses the BIG PICTURE entirely. 

And we can't just look at our own little piece of anything anymore. This is the Age of Aquarius, folks!

If you know your house sign for late Aquarius use that first - that info is written in parenthesis and will most likely be connected to your rising sign, that, along with the general energy forecast written above will likely be the most useful. 

Also read your Sun sign. 

If nothing seems to fit (and remember eclipse energies are playing out until the next eclipse next summer and also work backwards) look around a bit - there are many players in this eclipse and you could be resonating to a different sign based on your natal chart.

You could also get a good indication of the kind of changes in your thinking/information that could come in now by looking to the themes of the houses in your chart ruled by Mercury.

If you have planets/points near 27-28 degrees of Aquarius (or Taurus, Leo or Scorpio) you will feel this eclipse energy strongest. 

Also keep in mind eclipses illuminate long chapters.

ARIES/ARIES RISING (Aquarius 11th house) - this eclipse is happening in your 11th house of the collective - your friendships, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology. The Sun conjunct the Moon, Mercury and Juno could shine a light, bring in new information, a culmination or eclipse something out in these areas. Maybe there is something here you no longer want to maintain or something you are now forced to look at. Maybe it will become clear to you that you are no longer in sync with a goal or group. Maybe something you are doing will be announced publicly (or something that has been hidden from view comes out into the open). Maybe a contract/commitment will be highlighted. With Jupiter in your 8th house - other people's money, loans, inheritances, intimacy or psychology/research - something here could be behind the situation. Remember Aquarius is about the future and rules advancement and where we are going. The skies are dark. You are not going to have all the answers (you will have some now though!), so don't over-think everything. Just take your time with anything new presented at this time. Use logic and think it through. With all decisions and actions move toward what your heart wants and away from the chaos, detachment and distraction.

TAURUS/TAURUS RISING (Aquarius 10th house) - this eclipse is happening in your 10th house of our career, our calling, our achievements, our achievement goals, dad, business, authority, responsibility. The Sun conjunct the Moon, Mercury and Juno could shine a light, bring in new information, a culmination or eclipse something out in these areas. Since the 10th house is the peak of your chart and we have not had an eclipse here since 1999 this is a big deal for you. Maybe a new business partnership/career opportunity or commitment/contract is highlighted. Maybe there is something here you no longer want to maintain or something you are now forced to look at. If you have been feeling boxed in (in regard to your career/your calling) this eclipse energy could move you outside the box or just obliterate the box entirely. Keep in mind Jupiter could make the glittery opportunity look better than it is (it could have a connection to your partner or your partner may be pushing it), but that doesn't mean it can't be something good. Remember Aquarius is about the future and rules advancement and where we are going. The skies are dark. You are not going to have all the answers (you will have some now though!), so don't over-think everything. Just take your time with anything new presented at this time. Use logic and think it through. With all decisions and actions move toward what your heart wants and away from the chaos, detachment and distraction.

GEMINI/GEMINI RISING (Aquarius 9th house) - this eclipse is happening in your 9th house of travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking. The Sun conjunct the Moon, Mercury and Juno could shine a light, bring in new information, a culmination or eclipse something out in one of these areas. Maybe there is something here you no longer want to maintain or something you are now forced to look at. With Mercury (your ruling planet) being eclipsed, too - this could be an important six months ahead for you, but you have to move out of your comfort zone!! Maybe a partnership project/commitment - likely something involving travel, higher education, legal issues, the media, weddings - with far reaching potential is highlighted. Keep in mind Jupiter in your 6th house could encourage you to take on more than would be workable or good for your health. Don't over-think this, but keep it in mind. Remember Aquarius is about the future and rules advancement and where we are going. The skies are dark. You are not going to have all the answers (you will have some now though!), so don't over-think everything. Just take your time with anything new presented at this time. Use logic and think it through. With all decisions and actions move toward what your heart wants and away from the chaos, detachment and distraction.

CANCER/CANCER RISING (Aquarius 8th house) - this eclipse is happening in your 8th house of other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction. The Sun conjunct the Moon, Mercury and Juno could shine a light, bring in new information, a culmination or eclipse something out in one of these areas. Maybe there is something here you no longer want to maintain or something you are now forced to look at. This could be intense. Watch your wallet. Watch your boundaries and values. Your shared assets are getting an overhaul - how have you been underestimating yourself or under-valuing yourself. What have you been letting someone else get away with? Not because you are being nice - is that what you tell yourself? - but because you are not stepping into your responsibility to yourself. Remember Aquarius is about the future and rules advancement and where we are going. The skies are dark. You are not going to have all the answers (you will have some now though!), so don't over-think everything. Just take your time with anything new presented at this time. Use logic and think it through. With all decisions and actions move toward what your heart wants and away from the chaos, detachment and distraction.

Eclipses are wild cards because we can't see everything that is happening. - keep this in mind.

LEO/LEO RISING (Aquarius 7th house) - this eclipse is happening in your 7th house of partners and partnerships. The Sun conjunct the Moon, Mercury and Juno could shine a light, bring in new information, a culmination or eclipse something out here. Maybe a relationship enters a new chapter or a new relationship kicks off with a fast start. Maybe a contract/commitment will be highlighted. Maybe there is something here you no longer want to maintain or something you are now forced to look at. Keep in mind Jupiter could make something appear better than it is, but that doesn't mean it can't be something good. Just take your time with anything new presented at this time. Use logic and think it through. What has changed in your life since last summer's Solar Eclipse in your sign Leo? How have those changes impacted your relationships? Relationship shifts (business/personal) will play out over the next 6 months. Remember Aquarius is about the future and rules advancement and where we are going. The skies are dark. You are not going to have all the answers (you will have some now though!), so don't over-think everything. Just take your time with anything new presented at this time. Use logic and think it through. With all decisions and actions move toward what your heart wants and away from the chaos, detachment and distraction.

VIRGO/VIRGO RISING (Aquarius 6th house) - this eclipse is happening in your 6th house of day-to-day activities, work, co-workers, pets and your health. The Sun conjunct the Moon, Mercury and Juno could shine a light, bring in new information, a culmination or eclipse something out in one of these areas. Maybe there is something here you no longer want to maintain or something you are now forced to look at. With Mercury (your ruling planet) being eclipsed, too - this could be an important six months ahead for you, but you have to be willing to retool your day-to-day routine or your health regime. Pay close attention to your habits and routines. Notice if they are advancing you closer to your purpose or getting in your way/causing you to drift off course. Maybe a contract/commitment (written or verbal) with someone you work with, who works for you or someone you are taking care of is highlighted now. There could be an issue with a pet that needs your attention. Remember Aquarius is about the future and rules advancement and where we are going. The skies are dark. You are not going to have all the answers (you will have some now though!), so don't over-think everything. Just take your time with anything new presented at this time. Use logic and think it through. With all decisions and actions move toward what your heart wants and away from the chaos, detachment and distraction.

LIBRA/LIBRA RISING (Aquarius 5th house) - this eclipse is happening in your 5th house of creative projects, children, romance and recreation. The Sun conjunct the Moon, Mercury and Juno could shine a light, bring in new information, a culmination or eclipse something out within one of these areas. Maybe there is something here you no longer want to maintain or something you are now forced to look at. Maybe a commitment/agreement is highlighted regarding a creative project or new romance. Maybe there is an issue around children/creativity and partnerships. With Uranus in your money house an unexpected expense could pop up or money talk could be part of the eclipse's conversation. Libras career goals are in flux - the old stuff is no longer doing it for you. What do you want now? How are you going to use this one precious life you get at this point in time and space?
Move toward what your heart wants and away from the chaos, detachment and distraction. Avoid the urge to stay busy just to stay busy, but don't bury your head in the sand either. The skies are dark you don't have to have all the answers- you are an air sign - just keep your mind open to new ideas - you are getting a whopper of a download. Remember Aquarius is about the future and rules advancement and where we are going. You are not going to have all the answers (you will have some now though!), so don't over-think everything. Just take your time with anything new presented at this time. Use logic and think it through. With all decisions and actions move toward what your heart wants and away from the chaos, detachment and distraction.
SCORPIO/SCORPIO RISING (Aquarius 4th house) - this eclipse is happening in your 4th house of home, family, roots, mother, real estate, renovation, home business. The Sun conjunct the Moon, Mercury and Juno could shine a light, bring in new information, a culmination or eclipse something out in one of these areas. Maybe there is something here you no longer want to maintain or something you are now forced to look at. Over the next 6 months a new chapter kicks off for your home or home business. Maybe you relocate or commit to a home renovation. Maybe you launch a new home business (the next eclipse will be in your career house!). Someone could move in or out of your home. Think about where you live, who you live with. There are changes coming and something could be committed to or contractually set up at this time (verbally or written). With Jupiter in Scorpio squaring the whole thing your roots could literally be dug up and replanted over the next 6 months! Remember Aquarius is about the future and rules advancement and where we are going. The skies are dark. You are not going to have all the answers (you will have some now though!), so don't over-think everything. Just take your time with anything new presented at this time. Use logic and think it through. With all decisions and actions move toward what your heart wants and away from the chaos, detachment and distraction.

SAGITTARIUS/SAGITTARIUS RISING (Aquarius 3rd house) - this eclipse is happening in your 3rd house of communications, information, teaching, learning, siblings, transportation, your local environment. The Sun conjunct the Moon, Mercury and Juno could shine a light, bring in new information, a culmination or eclipse something out in one of these areas. Maybe there is something here you no longer want to maintain or something you are now forced to look at. New information could come in now leading to a commitment, understanding or contract (verbal or written). Network! News could be very good. Keep in mind Jupiter could be inflating your expectations and since he is in your 12th house of what is operating 'behind the scenes' you will need to double check the facts. Your focus this year has probably been on increasing your income and good ideas and information or a conversation could come in now to help you with this. Remember Aquarius is about the future and rules advancement and where we are going. The skies are dark. You are not going to have all the answers (you will have some now though!), so don't over-think everything. Just take your time with anything new presented at this time. Use logic and think it through. With all decisions and actions move toward what your heart wants and away from the chaos, detachment and distraction.

CAPRICORN/CAPRICORN RISING (Aquarius 2nd house) - this eclipse is happening in your 2nd house of your money, resources, values and self-esteem. The Sun conjunct the Moon, Mercury and Juno could shine a light, bring in new information, a culmination or eclipse something out in one of these areas. Maybe there is something here you no longer want to maintain or something you are now forced to look at. Maybe news comes in about a new source of income/new job or an increase in your current salary. Your values/self-esteem and/or financial picture get a fresh start over the next 6 months. This looks good for the money honey! Keep in mind Jupiter could be inflating your expectation about what is happening or motivating you to spend too much on a large purchase. Remember Aquarius is about the future and rules advancement and where we are going. The skies are dark. You are not going to have all the answers (you will have some now though!), so don't over-think everything. Just take your time with anything new presented at this time. Use logic and think it through. With all decisions and actions move toward what your heart wants and away from the chaos, detachment and distraction.

AQUARIUS/AQUARIUS RISING (Aquarius 1st house) this eclipse is happening in your first house of yourself dear Aquarius! This is your eclipse! Not since January 1999 have you had such a big opportunity to reshape your life! The Sun conjunct the Moon, Mercury and Juno could shine a light, bring in new information, a culmination or eclipse something out of your life. Maybe there is something here you no longer want to maintain or something you are now forced to look at. Maybe you are making a commitment to something/someone. Or maybe this is about you making a commitment to yourself. What have you been talking about doing but not taking any action with? Is there a dream/situation that is dead in the water and you are still hanging onto it? What kind of life would make you leap out of bed in the morning and take off running without even stopping for a cup of java? Affirm what's most important to you - you could be well on your way to a whole new life in the next 6 months. With Jupiter in your 10th house of career/public life something here could be the fuel for your expansion. Remember Aquarius is about the future and rules advancement and where we are going. The skies are dark. You are not going to have all the answers (you will have some now though!), so don't over-think everything. Just take your time with anything new presented at this time. Use logic and think it through. With all decisions and actions move toward what your heart wants and away from the chaos, detachment and distraction.

PISCES/PISCES RISING (Aquarius 12th house) this eclipse is happening in your 12th house of what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing. The Sun conjunct the Moon, Mercury and Juno could shine a light, bring in new information, a culmination or eclipse something out of your life in one of these areas. Maybe there is something here you no longer want to maintain or something you are now forced to look at. Maybe a hidden resource/potential comes to light. A 12th house eclipse is excellent energy to wipe the slate clean with something and free yourself of distractions/addictions. Self-sabotaging beliefs and activities can be shown the door now! There is the possibility of a private agreement/contract, even a promise you make to yourself now that you do not share with others. The 12th house brings increased fate and hidden luck as sources behind the scenes (think:guardian angels here!) work to assist you. Respect your intuition with this one, but keep in mind that over-inflated Jupiter. Maybe something here about releasing old memories? The 12th house is kind of happening behind our backs - so you have to accept some things are just not going to be revealed to you right now. Embrace the unknown - you are a Pisces and Pisces rules the 12th house anyway! On Sunday, the Sun will return to Pisces, along with Mercury and Venus, this will allow whatever the eclipse has revealed/hidden to move into a more public sphere - also allow, over the next month, all the emotional confusion and upheaval Pisces has been dealing with to start to ease up as you turn toward a less distracted future! Aquarius is about the future and rules advancement and where we are going. The skies are dark. You are not going to have all the answers (you will have some now though!), so don't over-think everything. Just take your time with anything new presented at this time. Use logic and think it through. With all decisions and actions move toward what your heart wants and away from the chaos, detachment and distraction.

                                                            NEW MOON INTENTIONS

AFFIRMATION TIPS for your monthly New Moon: always make affirmations from a  positive place (positive meaning both light hearted and certain) - write your affirmations down by hand in script, speak them out loud. Then release your attention from these things knowing that your intention is known. Know these things are already yours.

xo all

Mercury Square Jupiter | the BIG mouth - Sun sextile Uranus | the NEW opportunity to shine

Shout It Out Loud by Khomenko
Mercury (in Aquarius) squares Jupiter (in Scorpio) today at 22 degrees.

Mercury in Aquarius is about clear-headed, dispassionate thinking focused on the future. Its clarity comes from the space that is generated from detachment. We mentally step back a little bit and the pictures in our head get a little clearer, our words a little more sharp. She can also focus us on what "the crowd" is doing. Not so Aquarius can join in (I don't think so!), but so she can think about what the crowd hasn't thought about yet!

Squaring boisterous Jupiter (imagine these guys elbowing each other in the belly) there could be big talk, BIG ideas and big pieces of information probably focused on future possibilities (although with the South Node - what we are releasing - in Aquarius it is equally possible the BIG talk is centered around something from the past).

Either way Jupiter can introduce optimistic, new possibilities into the conversation. 

It can also open up a situation where too much information creates as many problems as too little.

And there is also the possibility that we (or someone else) exaggerates the thing over here while resisting the facts that are all laid out neatly over there. Those pesky details get overlooked in our rush toward whatever has gotten our attention by being the biggest, LOUDEST thing in the room.

So avoid any tendency to over-share it - especially regarding intimate/financial matters (Jupiter in Scorpio) - over explain it - "No" is a complete sentence, so is "Yes" - or over-think it - we are still in the eclipse spin cycle and can't possibly out mentally maneuver the spin right now, even if we use the "ultra delicate" setting.

This will probably be most strongly felt by anyone with planets or points around 22 degrees of the fixed signs - Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio.

At the same time we have the Aquarius Sun sextiling Uranus in Aries.

Now, unlike the square (tension) sextiles (opportunities) are something we have to recognize and reach for. Even if you are looking at an astrology chart it is uber easy to see the squares (90 degrees) and the oppositions (180 degrees) which are challenging aspects - the easier/luckier trines and sextiles are harder to spot.

Isn't it just our luck to wind up on a planet that works this way?!

The nice thing about this one, the part that gives this sextile a little extra kick is that Uranus is the ruler of Aquarius - so we get kind of a double-dose of Uranus electricity to power it up. Sextiles are probably harder to miss if they carry 120 volts and can set us on our ass.

So, yes, Uranus rules the sudden and unexpected, but we can most likely expect something good to come of this one. Important insights and ideas could come to us in a flash. We could meet someone new or unusual now who has an impact on our future, so pay attention. Be out and about.

A light (the Sun) could be shone on something that builds on the past (South Node) in a new way (Uranus). We tap into (the Sun) a unique (Uranus) ability. Increased freedom (Uranus) could put us in touch with our purpose (the Sun). There are lots of ways this energy could pan out.

Whatever happens we will recognize it by the fact it has never happened before.

This would be more likely to be most significant to people with planets and points near 25 degrees Aquarius or Aries. This is where knowing your astrology chart comes in handy.

Personally, I don't have any planets in Aries and my Aquarius planets are not near 25 degrees, but I do have a house ruled by Aquarius and a house ruled by Aries. And so do you! For me this opportunity is between my 4th house (home, family, home business) and my 6th (daily actions, pets, health), so I am going to focus my efforts in these areas. Although, of course, with Uranus's "out-of-the-blue" way of working it's best to just stay open to change and be yourself now.

Keep in mind, today's aspects will make it hard to stick to just one thing and that's OK because it will probably be our ability to maneuver ourselves and our thinking outside of boxes and boundaries that will produce the best results.

xo all