Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, February 12, 2020 - needs vs wants, the old vs the new, too much or too little, keeping our balance, a turning point

The Moon continues her journey through Libra - nurtured through balance, fairness, love, peace. She opposed Venus at 3:06AM EST (we talked about this yesterday for last night) and will square Jupiter at 8:53PM EST.

In between she squared the North (Cancer) and South (Capricorn) Nodes at 7 degrees, which is what Libran ruler Venus is going to do tomorrow. 

The Moon opposing Venus is something like what we need (the Libra stuff - cooperation, to feel loved, for things to feel fair and just, to partner) vs what we want (the Aries stuff - independence, initiative, passion, to be first). Maybe we vs me. Partnering up vs doing it ourselves. This can also show up as tension/frustration via our natal chart's Libra and Aries house themes.

Venus, in her detriment in Aries and opposing her own Moon complicates things.

After the opposition the Moon moves into her square to the Nodes of Fate - setting up tomorrow's path for Venus - so this is likely all one thing. Or generally all one thing. Squares to the nodes are crossroads - are we sticking with the old stuff or moving toward something new.

This, too, is complicated by the Moon's square to Jupiter, in between the Moon squaring the Nodes and Venus squaring the Nodes.

Libra/Venus is about balance and Jupiter is all "go big or go home". We could - since this may be playing out within our relationships or our resources/money -  overextend ourselves/give too much or on the flip-side want too much from someone/something else.

That square to Jupiter (in serious Cappy) could also bring us to a peak with this turning point via a commitment.

At the same time, Mercury walking degrees he/she will walk two more time in Pisces, is semi-square Saturn. Our thinking could be more creative/imaginative/spiritual than realistic/practical now. The semi-square to sober-headed Saturn warns of a "fly in the ointment" we can't see from our perch in the here and now - maybe he's tucked himself under the lid somewhere taking a nap. This isn't intended to stop us, just something to take note of, since we have the gift of astrological foresight - a possible "no" or limit later that could require an adjustment. But keep in mind Mercury in Pisces can stir up unconscious/and very old stuff - so we don't want to imagine problems that aren't even there!

xo all

See more in the weekly HERE

photo by the talented YouAreViolentRed

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, February 11, 2020 - get it done early, practical and ambitious action, afternoon void moon after some tension, bringing everyone to the table

Get up and get it done early. 

The Moon is in earthy, organized and level-headed Virgo, a sign that is making nice with those sober and ambitious Cappy planets - she trines Pluto at 8:35AM EST, then Saturn at 12:36PM EST before going void off a square to Mars (in Sag) at 1:25PM EST.

She will then be void (so chill!) until 6:37PM EST when she moves into Libra for the next couple days.

It should be smooth sailing early in the day with our Cappy/Virgo themes - paperwork, work, co-workers, employees, pets, our health, day-today activities, career, commitments, authorities, our goals and ambitions.

Great for taking action and getting practical and serious stuff accomplished.

The square to Mars in the early afternoon could make situations a bit more tense. We could be feeling more critical or pushed to our limit with something.

The Moon's void would be a good time to take a break. It would NOT be the time to launch anything brand new if we want something to come of it. Either nothing will or we will somehow find ourselves having to do it all over again. Good for the stuff we do all the time (again and again anyway). Time will get stretchy. Things can go a bit sideways.

Tonight the Libra Moon will turn our attention to partnership matters, our relationships, bringing something into balance or making something more beautiful or more fair.

In general a Libra Moon is good for compromise/teamwork and socializing. 

As the night moves on, the Moon in Libra will be building toward an opposition with Venus (Libra's ruler) in "me, me me", "I want it now" Aries very late night EST (could feel this more tomorrow morning), so something to keep in mind if looking for any late night cooperation - which might be hard to find!

With Black Moon Lilith here, too, the needs of each person must be heard - remember we talked in one of the 2020 posts about the need to bring everyone to the table this year - or that table is going to get flipped (think Real Housewives New Jersey circa 2009) and there goes dinner ...

We also have Venus (who is uber active this week) sextiling (opportunity) Ceres in Aquarius at 4 degrees. Again the need to bring all voices to the table - to nurture our groups and friendships. The Aquarius/Aries sextile emphasizes individualism/innovation/groups and courage/independence. Venus/Ceres emphasize love, mothering, resources, our values, self-esteem, things that feel outside our control, cycle of life issues. The 'opportunity' will likely come from giving everyone the space to be themselves and taking that space for ourselves, too.

Mercury will station retrograde on Sunday at 12 degrees Pisces (back up your files - Carbonite is super easy and inexpensive - it took me 2 days running 24/7 to back up 85000 files - whew).

Watch for inspiration and intuition to come in as she/he grinds to a halt this week and strengthens.

And watch your language. 

I have a relative with his natal Mercury in Pisces who has at least a dozen colds/allergies a year. He speaks of 'his illness' as part of him all the time (my sinus infection, my allergy, my cold, etc). With our collective Mercury in Pisces - we want to watch for the ways our language might muddy the lines between ourselves and an illness or ourselves and the past/an addiction, etc. With a LONG Mercury in Pisces season ahead of us, we don't want to blur the boundaries between ourselves and something we don't want!

See more in the weekly HERE.

xo all

photo by the talented cahilus

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of February 10th, 2020 - love hurts, issues around our self-worth and finances, a crossroads, ambitious actions, big girl/boy pants on, mercury retrograde

Sorry I didn't get the monthly up. Still hoping to make time for that - but let's dig into the week ahead in the meantime!


MONDAY - Venus conjunct Chiron
THURSDAY - Venus square North Node/South Node, Mars on Galactic Center
FRIDAY - 3rd Quarter Moon in Scorpio
SUNDAY - Mars into Capricorn, Mercury stations retrograde

We begin the week unwinding from our annual Leo Full Moon - who has the center stage and who doesn't? Who is living from their heart? What has culminated/reached a peak? The Leo Full Moon is always a reminder to step forward with what we came to do - no more hiding out in the audience. The Oscars is always so well-timed, isn't it? A little, or alot, of Leonine inspiration, just when we need it!

On MONDAY, Venus, in early Aries, is going to meet wounded healer Chiron.

We could be dealing with hurts and imbalances around our value, our worth, our self-esteem, our money, maybe our ability to take care of ourselves and stand on our two feet or just be ourselves. Maybe love hurts. Or we have to be brave enough to allow ourselves to be vulnerable!

Situations provoking self-doubt or requiring us to work through issues around self-worthiness might surface. Aries energy can be impulsive and hot-headed, so we want to take care with fiery words and actions we won't be able to take back.

This doesn't mean we sit on uncomfortable situations, stuffing our own (or someone else's) anger into our cells - the gold is always found tucked beneath the dragon, keep in mind. Sometimes things need to come up and out. It might pay off though to think/talk it through with a third party before any shots are fired from the hip.

Chiron/Venus in Aries forms a natural opposition to Libra, so this could be a time when the other people in our lives, and the people we meet, who have the energetic frequencies that can easily re-wound us (trigger our early wounding/past life wounds/familial karma), will do just that. It can be painful, but this is the path to self-love.

And yes, it will be strewn with roses and thorns.

Big girl pants on.

Mercury will be sextiling smart Pallas, so we can find (or absorb) the words and ideas that are strategic and wise if we take a breath and reach/search for them.

On THURSDAY, Venus (in Aries) squares the North Node in Cancer at 7 degrees (and at the same time the South Node in Capricorn at 7 degrees).

Any square to the nodes triggers a CHOICE (although it can sometimes feel more like our back is against the wall) via tension/frustration - we can stay with the South Node - what needs to be completed/the past, in this case CAPRICORN - so our Cappy house theme or the collective theme of our career, work in the world, our goal, old rules, our ambitions OR we can move toward what needs to be developed/the future, in this case CANCER - so our Cancer house theme or the collective theme of home, family, mothering, mom, real estate, home business, family business, what feels more authentic to who we really are and more emotionally satisfying.

With Venus in warrior-mode in fiery Aries - whatever we do will likely require courage and initiative, maybe even acting alone which Venus doesn't really like to do since she is a partnership sign, but in Aries she (as us) can make this stuff work.

At the same time Mars (Aries ruler) is at the very end of Sagittarius, so crossing the Galactic Center on his way into Capricorn at the end of the week. Things are different now. We can't unsee what we see. We can't have what we lost. We can no longer avoid what we need to do. So, what are we going to do?

On FRIDAY, the Scorpio Moon will square the Aquarius Sun.

This is the Moon between the Full Moon and the New Moon - she will rise at midnight, peak at dawn and set at noon. Here we have that deep-diving and truth-seeking, often to the point of being uncomfortable, Scorpio Moon squaring off against our detached and analytical Aquarius Sun.

Our Leo Full Moon agenda is unwinding/waning. Scorpio/Aquarius are fixed signs, so we are probably dug in, ankles deep, in something here. We need to shift/adjust - we need to evolve. Neither of these planets are happy/strong in these signs, so there is no natural flow here/no natural winner - this could be quite stressful. And, yes, this is Valentine's Day :) The Moon will make some nice aspects though!

On SUNDAY, things start to really shift and get even MORE INTENSE for most of the rest of the month and well into March, as first, Mars moves into Capricorn - where he is exalted and on a path toward his destiny, and, second, Mercury stations retrograde in Pisces (for the second year in a row) where she/he is in her detriment.

Mars in Capricorn wants a PLAN. Mars is extremely effective in Capricorn (answering to Saturn), kind of the way a hot-head tossed into the serious, structure of the military can thrive. In Capricorn, Mars (as us) has goals and deadlines - he can't be just mucking around town causing trouble.

Our actions (Mars) are ambitious (Capricorn). Our results come over time. With Mars in Capricorn if we make some serious commitments and apply some serious discipline, we can make some SERIOUS PROGRESS.

Again big girl pants on.

Now, we know Capricorn is a sober (maybe I would add dangerous) space right now because both Pluto and Saturn and the south Node and Jupiter are all in Capricorn.

And Mars is going to hit, not only the January eclipse degree and the Saturn/Pluto degrees from January, while he is in Capricorn, he is going to meet Pluto (and then Saturn after they both move into Aquarius), so we know our actions are going to have CONSEQUENCES.

Mars is also going to meet the South Node in Capricorn (exact on February 26th, but in play once Mars gets into Cappy) which hasn't happened since mid-September 2001 (yes, that September 2001!), so the stakes are VERY high while Mars is in Capricorn this year.

Some of the good news though, I think, because Neptune is hard to read and Jupiter expands everything, is we have a waxing sextile (opportunity) between Neptune in Pisces and Jupiter in Capricorn (exact on Monday).

If - and I am talking about the collective here - nothing goes terribly wrong now and over the next few weeks, THIS WILL PROBABLY BE THE REASON.

We have to have faith. We have to hold onto our dreams and our connection to each other and to something bigger than ourselves.

I don't want to be a fearmonger with the 9/11 references and I am definitely not saying another 9/11 will happen, but the next couple weeks with Mars on and near the South Node could be kind of gnarly. Because the chickens can come home to roost. Keep in mind this isn't the same as Mars crossing your personal South Node (unless it is) - which yes, might rip you a new one. These are collective energies. Some people will be more impacted than others.

The South Node almost always activates uncanny reminders of the past. Groundhog days. From this lifetime, from our past lives, from the familial DNA we carry. With Mars, very strong and stable in Capricorn, we are here now to make better, more responsible choices. If we are just repeating our old behaviors, we will just be getting the same results. Watch out for instinctive, in-grained responses that didn't work last time.

Just keep in mind there are positive energies, too, to help us through whatever this is. There is always help. Always.

That gold under the dragon thing again.

By the time Mars leaves Capricorn at the end of March if we put in the necessary work and end the stuff that isn't working anymore/is blocking our new path - we could be amazed at what we have accomplished.

SUNDAY is also the day Mercury stations retrograde at 12 degrees Pisces (we had this retrograde at the end of Pisces last year, so now we get the re-do's with the degrees we missed last year!).

Another look is needed. We missed something. The "i's" are not dotted (and no, hearts don't count). Maybe there is a "t" left uncrossed, somewhere back in chapter seven. Everything is not the way we thought it was. The truth shifts. Our reality shifts.  

We have to re-think this!

And we have to re-think this with a brain that is frying on the sidewalk. 

We are going to have to DOUBLE CHECK everything.

And yes, it makes me tired to hear this, too. I want ease and comfort and somebody to tuck me in and read me a bedtime story ... and someone to finish this annoying jigsaw puzzle that is taking up my entire coffee table with its excessive amounts of baby poop colored browns and winter-dreary grays.

What do we really know?

Keep assumptions to a minimum because we could be looking through rose colored glasses now (or baby-poop colored glasses - things won't be quite as good or quite as bad as they seem). Boundaries are blurry. It can get harder to stay in our own lane. Answers only bring more questions. Avoid alcohol and drugs under this aspect because the effects will be magnified.

Mercury is going to make a sh*tload of aspects during her retrograde and at the same time Mars is going to make a sh*tload of aspects as he moves over this loaded Cappy stuff.

Something big is happening. We are going to be back and forth and all over the place with something.

Basically at just the time we need to know what we are doing, we aren't going to know what we are doing. And we are probably still going to have to do it.

A karmic re-balancing is happening - yes, again or still, or however you want to think of this - this time through the early Cappy and early Pisces degrees. The stuff we missed last year or maybe another shot at some of that stuff that we mis-handled or avoided. 

There is no stopping this ... and please don't try, because you are just going to have to do this all over again (or your children or their children will) and you will just be holding the rest of us up (not exactly, but since Pisces is also connected with 'guilt' I thought I'd toss that in there). The Age of Pisces is ended (ending) - the Age of Aquarius is here (coming). By the time Pluto moves into Aquarius in 2023, we will have already had Saturn and Jupiter in Aquarius - everything is going to be different. Everything.

If we can release the need to try to control how this whole thing works this is going to go a whole lot easier.

Just do your part and you'll know what that is because it will be right in front of you. We'll flesh this all out in some dailies when we factor in the Moons.

xo all

photo by the talented VasiDragos

Full Moon in Leo | February 9, 2020 - recharging our batteries, finding the courage and initiative to make the first move, something from out of left field, allowing ourselves to feel the love and really shine, talking about the future, paying attention

At 2:33AM EST on February 9th (Saturday night) the Leo Moon will oppose the Aquarius Sun giving us this month's Full Moon - our annual Full Moon in fiery Leo.

Full Moon are always oppositions. The Sun and the Moon are on opposite sides of the earth or more precisely the ecliptic longitudes of the Sun and Moon are 180 degrees apart.

Full Moons bring things to a culmination, a conclusion or into the light. 

Leo is represented by the lion. A lion is a cat. If you live with a cat you have some idea of what this 'king of the beasts' thing is all about. It becomes the cat's house. You become the cat's human. Cats rule. The male lion doesn't just get to mate with his choice of lioness. He gets all the lionesses.

(and now I am picturing a whole lineup of that little guy from Peanuts dragging his blanket)

Leo represents royalty and generosity and fun and romance and children and creativity.

The shadow of the Leo archetype is a kind of arrogance or greed or self-importance, but what you will find with most Leos is that they have a presence - they impress us. Sometimes it's hard for other people to relate to Leo as "one of us".

There is a reason the king of the jungle is the king of the jungle.

There is dignity here.

Leo rules the space we are meant to shine through self expression, so yes, the energy needs a lot of attention and needs to feel special and, yes, Leo cares what other people think.

And because there is a need to leave a legacy here, things can get overblown.

Leo has trouble with 'humble' (hence this energy leads us to the next sign - the 'humble' Virgo). Leo is ruled by the Sun and MUST shine (the Pluto in Leo generation isn't called the 'Me Generation', for nothing'). It is attached and emotionally reactive.

Aquarius energy (where is Sun is now and opposing the Leo Moon) is the opposite side of the same coin.

It's the energy of "we". It is detached (this doesn't mean unaware or uninvolved) and emotionally non-reactive - note I mean the energy and not all Aquarius people, no one is just one thing! It doesn't need to feel special because it already knows it is special. It knows everyone is special (which kind of means no one is special, so you see where Aquarius energy is headed).

Ruled by Uranus, Aquarius is the sign of the genius, the rebel, the criminal. The Aquarius space in our chart is where things will work best by being 'outside the box'. It is unpredictable. Aquarius doesn't do humble either. It's hard for other people to relate to Aquarius as "one of us", too.

So, we have this opposition at any Leo Full Moon.

We come to this part of winter (in the northern hemisphere), and keep in mind, our Sun, the ruler of Leo, is in his detriment in Aquarius and he is all the way to 20 degrees now and he (as us) is just really needing this Leo Full Moon to recharge his (our) batteries!

Let's unpack the chart for this one!

The Moon is sextiling Juno, trining Eris and squaring Vesta. This is alot of activated feminine energy! And with Venus conjunct Lilith at the Aries point - makes me think a woman/women will be in the collective news now.

The Moon's square to Vesta is the only thing that is waning (in the past), so let's look at that one first. Keep in mind the Moon is in Leo - so creative/generous and also in need of lots of attention. And Vesta is in mid-Taurus, like "hey, pay attention to this really, really important stuff over here, like your money and your resources and your values, because Uranus is going to crash through here one day and maybe you might want to sort this all out for yourself first".

This could be about a situation where our priorities/commitments or our money/resources are not meshing with what we want to do!

At the same time the Moon has good aspects - and these are waxing, so building - with partnership and status conscious Juno (in serious and ambitious Capricorn) and "let's burn this whole thing down" Eris in "let's start something brand new" Aries.

So, we've moved through the square to Vesta - the tension/frustration around stagnant commitments and priorities (that thing that used to keep us up at night, the stuff we want to preserve at all costs that maybe we are now thinking about do we really need to be holding on here for dear life) and then here comes the partnership/status 

OPPORTUNITY (that sextile with Juno) that, yes, this will involve work and patience and maybe ambition and with Juno in Libra almost certainly taking a look at what is really fair and balanced, 

which releases the brakes (that trine to fiery Eris) via a challenge to be brave, to be first, to START - in order to change our life (Uranus ruler of this lunation via disposition), 

so that we can fully SHINE via love and creativity and us taking the center stage in our own life, which is ultimately what that Leo Full Moon is all about!

The Moon is trining and the Sun is sextiling an out-of-bounds Mars (he is beyond the path of the Sun, so not playing by the Sun's rules/limits).

We can find the courage/initiative to make the first move. To act in ways we might not normally act. We can be direct/assertive without being an asshole.

Keep in mind the Leo Full Moon is answering to the Sun (the Sun is the ruler of Leo) - and the Sun is in Aquarius. This makes the Leo Full Moon different from any other Full Moon, since for rulership we have to look at what the Sun is doing, ie answering to Uranus. So what is Uranus doing?

Uranus is in Taurus squaring Ceres (in Aquarius so also answering to Uranus) at 3 degrees.

So, we have unpredictable Uranus slowly making his way through Taurus - unsticking our stuck Taurean spaces, changing up our money/resources/values/self-esteem - and Ceres has moved into an exact square with him at exactly the time of this Full Moon. Coincidence? No.

Ceres in Aquarius is about unconventional nurturing. Nurturing through friends/groups/causes. Maybe through indifference/being left to our own devices. Ceres can also activate situations outside our control and cycle of life issues - in Aquarius, we can step back a little bit and detach from the emotions of this stuff. So, maybe we are a little more detached here or leaning a little more into unorthodox nurturing and then wham-bam we hit this square to the king of unorthodox - Uranus.

Are we all in or is this too much disorder/chaos? Maybe there could be a feeling like we are being ambushed somehow because Uranus is very unpredictable. But with Mars out of bounds and, so many active energies answering to Uranus, who in Taurus is answering to Venus in Aries and bringing us back to Mars - we can not only handle this (because we have been prepared for it, this isn't our first rodeo folks), we can THRIVE by taking action toward what we are passionate about, by being brave, by allowing ourselves to FEEL THE LOVE - the romance, the creativity, the children, the recreation, the risk - and focus on that, during times of instability. Venus is exactly conjunct Lilith, so the power balances/imbalances within relationships are activated. Female power is new and fresh and more about going after what we want, ie more active than attractive now.

And finally Mercury is trining the North Node in the Full Moon event chart (and this is a three-peat aspect, so there is more clarifying information to come).

Our conversations/words about the future are very important and moving us toward a more authentic/more stable/more emotionally fulfilling timeline (although it can seem to make us more vulnerable at first). Information could come in now that points us in this direction or confirms where we are headed. This probably won't be some big thing because trines are subtle. So pay attention. This has been a week all about powerful INFORMATION and receiving information that will matter later (because Mercury is walking degrees she/he will walk two more times in the upcoming weeks).

And speaking of walking, let's make sure we get out and walk in this one! We have seen all the things in the collective news that came to light, culminated and ended this week.

It's a powerhouse.

xo all