Polarity and Making Things Happen - the wrap up - Part IV

You may have noticed that when you hold an intention with strong emotions, it will often happen - partly because your...

Polarizing Our Intentions - what to do when we aren't a narcissist, but we aren't Mother Teresa either - Part III

OK, back to my polarity series- you will find Part I HERE and Part II HERE to see if you are attracted to these concepts. (couldn't...

Part II - Polarizing our Intentions or How Daisy Does It (not the 80's bachelor party flick)

So back to Polarity today and how this connects with manifesting our dreams. Our strong emotions for our intention are actually...

GIVEAWAY - Studio724 - Gorgeous Lime and Aluminum Tote!

CLOSED- WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED HERE THIS WEEK! Studio 724 is the incredible shop of designer Lucia Bennett where some amazing urban...

How to Use Polarity To Make Things Happen (you do not need a locket for this, but it might help)

I have been sitting on this series and considered not posting it because I feel like I am getting a little too heavy and serious...

If Your Karma Runs Over Your Dogma - don't panic, just sprinkle nuts ... the dry roasted kind ... (a wednesday whine of sorts)

I have a new friend - (or a friend depending on who you talk to) she is an artist who teaches Hindu to non-Hindus and we...

Leaving the Poetry in What We Make - embracing wabi-sabi

At its most nakedness, wabi-sabi is the Japanese art of finding beauty in imperfection and wisdom in nature. It's simple, slow, and...

Self Discipline Part II - making things happen when we'd rather be doing something else

Ok, so back to WCIT. (see Wednesday's post if you have no idea what I am talking about - you may have to read it two or three times...

Upcycled Tutorial - Leftover Clay Tile and Rubberstamp Chalkboard!

This is another easy-peasy reuse tutorial. We always have a leftover tile or two when we do tile work (you can also purchase individual...

Why Passion Without Self Discipline Might Never Make Us Rich (or even pay our cable bill which is actually the same thing, now that I look at my cable bill) - Part I

Self discipline is our ability to take action regardless of whether or not we feel like taking action. (imagine the amazingness...

we are all Japanese now ...

our only planet and its people - our brothers and sisters - are hurting. I remember the days after the Three Mile Island explosion...

GIVEAWAY - Hand Embroidered Secret Message Necklace by love, maude - CLOSED

CLOSED - WINNER WILL BE ANNOUNCED FRIDAY!"love, maude" is the amazing hand embroidered accessories shop of Sandie from Indianapolis,...

when a hug isn't really a hug ....

I recently had a conversation about Facebook with my brother. He believes that Facebook represents the time we are living in and...

10 Days Until Spring (or is it 9 because we won't count today or is it 8 because we won't count the actual first day)

let's just agree on 8 that sounds alot better ... * some new pieces in my shops within the last few weeks 1) the royal wedding cork...

Upcycled Tutorial - Window Corkboard - create an industrial size corkboard with some old fashioned character in minutes!

There is almost no limit to the amazing things you can do with an old window! If you don't have one in your garage you should be...

one guy's trash is another girl's excuse to dumpster dive ...

I am in the process of de-cluttering my life - making space for something new. This is a big undertaking for a packrat like me....

GIVEAWAY - Spring Cleaning at Olive Bites Week # 2 - Another Scrap Happy Giveaway

CLOSED- WINNER WILL BE POSTED THIS WEEK! This week's giveaway is more stuff from my crafty closet clean out! Most of these things...

Have a Happy 1st Weekend in March Everyone!

I'm a little late seeing this quote since I haven't been reading as many blogs lately - trying to get myself organized...

Upcycled Tutorial - Acetate Transparencys For Your Matted Photos

This is a cool way to add a layer of words and whatnots to your framed pictures - looks especially amazing with black and white...

Look At Me ... if I stand on my head and don't tell anybody that I stood on my head - did I actually stand on my head?

When I was growing up we had self-esteem classes in school where we filled our notebooks with everything anyone would ever need to...