random ramblings wrap-up - today: wth do we do with this or the stuff that hides behind the back fence

Yes, that's a tree crushing a truck. Yes, this is my backyard. Yes, there is a bucket loader (I think it's a bucket loader)...

random ramblings week - today: when things look too good or am I really sitting around waiting for my flowers to wilt ....

Three times in the last week someone has asked where we bought our hanging baskets. One, an old man quite unsteady on skinny...

random ramblings week - today: buffer zones - or good fences make good neighbors or if you turn around in my driveway I'll cut ya'

the view of our new fence from our front porch Every house we've looked at since the idea of moving took root has been built on...

random rambling week ....today - why biting off more than we can chew is more than bad manners

My brother and I at NJ's rally Some random ramblings this week feels like what we need. (also a scary bad pic of my brother...

Marching to Save our Food Supply

Tomorrow I will be walking, along with my favorite brother and favorite sister-in-law (of course we are expecting rain - this...

pulling back to strengthen the foundation of our business (and our lives) part I

I may just be talking to myself with this one, but I have come to realize as we fix up our little house in preparation of selling...

avoiding toxic chemicals - a few quick tips and why ralphie was right about those bunny pj's

ralphie 1 - aunt clara 0 Bill Moyers had a great show recently discussing toxic 'disinformation'. I believe you can see the...

wtdmb (not so sure this is going to catch on, it's not quite as catchy as wtf)

sarah donnell - patience The best advice I've heard for the current planetary cycles is the practice of patience. (Now life is...

when the rare is everywhere it stops being made of magic

Sooo, Kella and I drove up to Brimfield yesterday for the east coast's largest spring flea market. We were planning to spend the...

happy mother's day week (yes, we all get a week now)

Happy Mother’s Day to all the mothers, Earth lovers, goddesses and all those who nurture and love others! (I realize I am a day...

maybe what seems like it's in the way actually is the way part IV - growing where we are planted

I am not totally sure what yesterday's post had to do with 'maybe what seems like it's in the way, actually is the way' but I did...

maybe what seems like it's in the way actually is the way part IIl - growing where we are planted

grow where planted locket - jude mcconkey Maybe that thing that we are so certain is in our way - that thing that we are most...

new moon solar eclipse may 9th - it's taurus time

wish / new moon polarity locket Tomorrow's solar eclipse new moon in the earthiest of earth signs makes this an especially powerful...

maybe what seems like it's in the way actually is the way part II - the why behind the what

cork ring by olive bites When I sit down to do some kind of work (noun) and I feel a certain tightness in my chest or neck I know...

maybe what's in the way actually is the way part I

myan soffia 'you're a star' polarity locket Last night I was driving down the parkway totally lost in my own thoughts when a...

accessing that big vein in our necks ..... without any sharp objects although toxic odors and permanently stained fingers may be required

 "Listen to the sound of the waves within you - you are dreaming your thirst, when the water you want is inside the big vein...

maybe life is just an endless quest without knowing what our quest is ...

I have been advised by hubs (yes, more than once) that the cereal dust at the bottom of the box is not a good enough dinner for...