just because she's beautiful doesn't mean you aren't - part II - scarcity thinking

Part I is HERE. We live in a world where everyone's "bright shiny new thing" that is happening to them is visible to us. We have...

New Moon in Libra September 23 - 24, 2014 - bringing us into relationship

my Libra Polarity Locket - 20% off thru 10/23! Remember to check my daily forecast on the Armchair Astrologer today! We have...

just because she's beautiful doesn't mean you aren't - part I

When my daughter started high school she tried out for the school soccer team. She was going from a very small elementary school (and...

this time for sure, I think

OK, so I really am moving the daily astrology forecasts on to my other blog this time. Check today's post HERE - it's right under...

the enemy of my enemy is my friend

insects by the amazing gollybard We need wasps. You may or may not remember the family visit in July that had me running around...

BIZ Astrology for Monday, September 15th - a logical approach now

Action Mars entered fiery Sagittarius on Saturday - this is a great transit for a fresh, energized new start. If you are normally...

BIZ Astrology for Friday, September 12th - establishing priorities and standing tall in our story

brene brown quote Today, our practical Virgo Sun meets our practical Taurus Moon and makes a great day for establishing priorities...

BIZ Astrology for Thursday, September 11th - ambitious activity

We have a grounded Sun/Saturn sextile today and an action Aries Moon that goes void. Not a great day to start something brand...

BIZ Astrology for Wednesday, September 10th - creative action

collage by spiresburn We have an independent and dynamic Aries Moon pushing us forward today (with Aries we always have to take...

BIZ Astrology for Tuesday, September 9th - after the storm

after the storm print by elly mckay That Pisces full Moon continues until tonight - emotions could be and have been intense....

Full Moon in Pisces - Monday, September 8th - radical compassion with ourselves and others

chalk wall pattern We have a full moon tonight at 9:38 EST. This is a sensitive, powerful full moon and our 3rd super Moon...

BIZ Astrology for Friday, September 5th - changing where we are by loving what we do (not necessarily doing what we love)

We start the day with the Moon in steady, get the job done, Capricorn. Then she goes void just before lunch (EST) giving us a...

BIZ Astrology for Thursday, September 4th - structure creates freedom

Our serious Capricorn Moon conjuncts Pluto and the Sun making a perfect trine - our calling is calling. This can sometimes feel...

BIZ Astrology for Wednesday, September 3rd - stepping into our authority

There are excellent aspects today - other than a Moon square to Mercury that might make us over think/feel stuff - everything...

BIZ Astrology for Tuesday, September 2nd - conversation matters

This morning the waxing Moon is in boisterous Sagittarius and we have a Grand Trine in fire (changing locations may be in the...

BIZ Astrology for Monday, September 1st - Happy Labor Day

aimee ferre print The Moon (and our emotions) moves out of the depths of Scorpio and into Sagittarius today (after being void...