muttering (and mothering) in the Maine woods ...

I spent a lot of time muttering to myself when we were in Maine last week (and eating ... and losing my gloves ... and eating...

Weekend Update | Creativity Forecast for Creatives - Keep It Real, BITE Your Tongue (just a little love bite, don't gouge out a big chunk), Dream Big, Give it Your Best Shot

I am going away for a few days (YAY, Maine!) so thought I would do a quick update of the energies at play while I will be away. We...

Seeing the Forest AND the Trees - Weekly Astrology Wrap up for Creatives

"This burning…this longing…this shaky Aliveness. These are your only scriptures now. You are right on track." ... Matt Licata autumn...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 19th - make some kind of move

Last night, Mars joined Jupiter bringing energy, movement and initiating action to a new 2 year cycle of work and health and...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 12th - New Moon in Libra (who/what do we want to partner with? who's really got our back?)

Today's New Moon (19 degrees) in balanced and cooperative Libra opens up all kinds of new opportunities involving  partners;...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of October 5th - don't take it personally ... and brakes off

"You must close your eyes…otherwise you won’t see anything." ... Alice in Wonderland rebel locket by Jessica Van Braun and me It's...