holidays by julie-rc
This is a BIG forward leaning week!
Welcome 2018!
2017 - well, don't let the door hit ya'.
Yes, 2017...

an astrological look ahead to 2018 - the year reality bites back, part III of IV
Friday, December 29, 2017
Hello by krmenxa
See Part I HERE
See Part II HERE
Both Mars AND Venus will station retrograde in 2018.
This is kind of unusual...
Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of December 25th - Merry Christmas, committing to reality, avoiding addictions/escape, healing through helping, start meditating, making art, the third time is the charm, news about the future
Monday, December 25, 2017
merry christmas from sully
Merry Christmas Week!
On MONDAY, Venus leaves flirty Sagittarius and enters "I do give a damn about...
Jupiter Squares the Nodes, Venus into Capricorn Conjunct Saturn | the only thing between us and our heart's desire is ... Santa Claus? getting serious about what we are worth
Sunday, December 24, 2017
Santa claus by anpan-man
Merry Christmas Eve everyone!
Today we have Santa Claus (Jupiter) in Scorpio squaring the North Node...
Winter Solstice Conjunct Saturn | longest night of the year, Mercury standing still, tradition, accomplishment, report card time
Thursday, December 21, 2017
come see inside my bones by natalia drepina
Happy Solstice everyone!
Doesn't it feel better to call the Winter Solstice the...
Saturn into Capricorn | get off the fence/the couch/our ass .. or be pushed off
Tuesday, December 19, 2017
Climb by little-moonshine
Saturn moves into Capricorn tonight, the sign he rules, for the first time in 28 years. He will be in...
Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of December 18th - HUGE week, New Moon, Saturn home to Capricorn through the houses, Winter Solstice, Mercury stations direct, stepping into our authority, moving on, thoughts become things
Sunday, December 17, 2017
through the distance by Julie of the world tree
This is a BIG week with a New Moon, Saturn's move home to Capricorn, the Winter...
New Moon in Sagittarius | starting from an older wiser position, growing younger, shaping the energies for the quest ahead, the ducks start lining up, that new door to the left where'd that door come from?
Saturday, December 16, 2017
...... by Frozen-photo
We have our annual New Moon in Sagittarius at 1:30AM Sunday night.
This Moon will bring us back (emotionally/maybe...
Venus Conjunct Mercury | love is in the air, say what you want, balanced communications, balance the books, talking to women, getting along, tell someone you love them
Friday, December 15, 2017
fatigue curves 2 by boratarhan
We have a long Void Moon during the work day today, making this a good day for routine, practiced...
Venus Trine the North Node | lining up money/ love matters with our heart, journeying with an open heart, giving what we want to get, getting in proportion to what we have given away, born to do this
Thursday, December 14, 2017
joan quote
Venus (love, money, beauty, self-esteem, our values) in Sagittarius trines (brakes off) the North Node in Leo (our...
Mercury Retrograde Conjunct the Sun | what information is being spotlighted for you? what has come to light? transparency, truth, it ain't over 'til it's over
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
11835547086 by kosmodisk
Moving backward (from our view on Earth) Mercury hits the halfway point of his/her retrograde - meeting...
Mars into Scorpio | strategy, what we do in secret, compulsion, obsession, passion, strengthening our emotions, plastic wire ties
Saturday, December 9, 2017
What grows in me by Anina-Bird
The Moon is in Virgo today focusing us on the nuts and bolts of whatever we have going on. If...
Astrology Forecast for Creatives | let's take a look at 2018 - reality bites back, part II
Friday, December 8, 2017
I Was Broken by Martin Stranka
OK, back to the future!
Chiron moves into Aries in April (until 2026).
Chiron is called the...
Astrology Forecast for Creatives | let's take a look at 2018 - reality bites back, part I
Thursday, December 7, 2017
I Found The Silence by Martin Stranka
I have been hesitating to look too closely at 2018 until we get through this month's Mercury...
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