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On Saturday morning (8:35 EDT) we have this month's Full Moon at 10 degrees Libra. As always at a Full Moon, the Sun opposes - this month from 10 degrees Aries. The Full Moon is squaring both Mars, ruled by Aries, (action, initiative, anger) and Saturn (limits, authority, time) strong in his home sign of Capricorn - these two bad boys will be meeting up exactly on Monday when the rubber hits the road. The Moon will also trine (brakes off) the South Node in Aquarius.
This is the Aries/Libra polarity. Too much Aries and we get selfishness or we are rebelling just to be rebelling. Too much Libra and we get boundary issues and codependency. Together they represent wholeness of the me vs. we paradigm we are all playing out.
With Libra this is all about our relationship to others. Any imbalances will show up now. We need to really take a look at the disagreements we are having with other people - what are we projecting onto them that we need to take ownership of now. Full moons are about release - how can we let go of what isn't working?
Mars meeting Saturn in Capricorn (where one is ruler and the other is exalted) is something we haven't experienced in almost 30 years. This happening just hours after a Full Moon in Libra with Venus (ruler of Libra) moving into Taurus (she also rules Taurus) at the same time - and squaring the whole thing, feels rather massive to me.
If you are trying to plow ahead with something I hope you have put in your 10,000 hours (Saturn likes hard work and people who come prepared for tests with a number two sharpened pencil after many hours of focused study and Mars supports action, passion and initiative), although even that will not guarantee us a free pass.
Full Moons bring things to light, to a culmination or to a conclusion. The squares tell us some action, forward momentum, passion (Mars) is stopped, blocked or ill-timed (Saturn). With Mars active there could also be something here about dealing with conflict, especially within our closest relationships.
Whether this is a wall we can climb, navigate ourselves around or that stops us in our tracks (probably because we are wearing someone else's track shoes or are running on someone else's track or because our own shoes, all shiny and brand-new, have not put in the required 10,000 hours). Not that this 10,000 hour thing is true - we actually moved past Saturn with the invention of the telescope - but Saturn (as us) can make it true.
The Sun (in Aries) conjuncts Mercury (retrograde). So this is part of our Mercury retrograde journey - the delay, re-vision, re-view, that needs to happen. Occurring at the mid-point of Mercury's backward journey through Aries - the bright light of the Full Moon should provide some answers. Also know this Mercury story isn't over because we are going to walk these same degrees one more time moving forward.
With Venus ruling this Full Moon and just coming off her conjunction with unpredictable Uranus (was exact on Wednesday) - the squares to this Moon could slow down some energy that burst on the scene then. With Mercury retrograde it is a good time to STOP AND THINK. The Libra/Aries polarity in general is about our relationships vs our self.
On Saturday, Venus also moves into her home sign of Taurus where she wants things to proceed in a comfortable and uncomplicated manner. She says - work with what you have people. Taurus Suns and Risings become more attractive - both easy on the eye and with an increased ability to attract what they want. All our Taurus houses become more attractive, too.
Taurus is a fixed sign, so things happen slowly. It can take some time for a person who is used to (remember we are hardwired to crave what is familiar) seeing beauty in a lush green lawn to appreciate the magnificence of a dandelion.
(did you know the word dandelion comes from the Latin "lion's tooth" - dandelions are some of the honey bees earliest food, are reproductive superstars - an energy sorely needed now and have centuries of usages in food, drink and medicine)
Taurus is a fertile earth sign. She is the earth in a sense. Taurus rules our 2nd house of love, money, values and self-esteem. Where is Taurus in your natal chart? This space is about to receive its annual visit from Venus (beauty, love, self-esteem, values, women).
How can we make her feel more welcome?
Taurus is the sign of comfort, but not always the comfort of five star hotels and maid service. She values simplicity - fancy or complicated embellishments just get in the way of true comfort. It gets easier to see (and feel) that now. With Venus here until April 24th what we want and what we need are fused into the same thing. The power and real beauty of Venus in Taurus is a deep seeded belief that everything we need is available to us.
With Venus in Taurus we either already have it, or we can attract it, if we believe we are worth it.
And this "believe we are worth it" thing, isn't a trap set by so-called New Age thinkers to account for why their teachings don't work and why we continue to stay stuck. It actually is why we continue to stay stuck. This is incredibly good news if we can just really absorb it. With Uranus waking up this sign/house in just a few weeks - we could get a preview now of some of the themes we will be working with. And some of the ways our beliefs around self-worth and values might keep us stuck with those Taurus house themes and also financially.
Uranus isn't in Taurus yet though. At this time, with Venus moving into Taurus at the Full Moon we will likely be focused on how we can be more stable and secure through whatever situations Uranus and those squares are stirring up!
OK- let's look at the signs. This general forecast is done with whole sign charts. As always check your Sun and Ascendant (rising sign, cusp of your first house), but also look around and see if anything else is resonating with you. You might connect to my writings through another sign (this always happens to me with Susan Miller's astrology postings) for whatever reason. As always accept what helps, toss what doesn't.
ARIES (Aries Rising) this Full Moon is happening in your 7th house of partners and partnership. Whatever Uranus/Venus burst out with this week - in your sign so could be any area of life for you - it might culminate at the Full Moon as a stop sign/need to pivot in your 7th house. The squares from your 10th house says there is something career related or about a dealing with authority or your public life gumming up the works. The Moon's ruler Venus's move into your 2nd house of money, values and self-esteem has you looking at your financial and emotional stability and structures. That trine to your 11th house could bring an old friend back into the picture or maybe the way you merge your resources with others or something about the way people at a distance see you comes to light now - there could be something here that needs to be brought to a conclusion or broken down into smaller, more bite-sized parts. With Mercury retrograde and moving through your own sign maybe whatever this situation is with another person or that is happening to another person will be ripe for a re-balancing via a decision, answer, conversation, or re-view of something done or stated previously. Take a deep breath Aries. Step back from any confrontations and power plays. Don't burn bridges unless you are absolutely certain you won't need to re-cross them. Time is on your side with this.
TAURUS (Taurus Rising) this Full Moon is happening in your your 6th house of your day-to-day activities, your routine, work, co-workers, pets and your health. Whatever Uranus/Venus brought to your attention this week from your 12th house - of what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing - could be a hint of what Uranus in your sign will bring in May? maybe something you have been not wanting to look at - might culminate at the Full Moon as a stop sign/need to pivot in your 6th house. What habits need to be changed Taurus? What is no longer working for you? What has been outgrown? The trine to your 10th house could also mean something happening in public or with your career goals/relationship to authority or to your own authority - there could be something here that is brought to a conclusion/culmination or broken down into smaller, more bite-sized parts. The square from your 9th house - travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking - indicate there could be something here gumming up the works. With Mercury retrograde and moving through that 12th house you will be re-viewing and re-visiting whatever it is you haven't wanted to think/talk about. Uranus is headed into your sign in May to confront beliefs you have had since childhood. Your whole life is going to change over the next few years Taurus. For now take a look at that 6th house - the day to day stuff, the way you take care of your health and anyone else you are responsible for, your work, your pets - change things up, get curious about what would happen if you did things another way!
GEMINI (Gemini Rising) this Full Moon is happening in your your 5th house of creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation. Whatever Uranus/Venus brought to your attention this week from your 11th house of the collective - your friendships, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology - might culminate at the Full Moon as a stop sign/need to pivot in your 5th house. Whatever is happening here will be 'public' (although the public face of the situation could be different from the real situation) or group related and uber tense/frustrating. The square comes from your 8th house - other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction. With Mercury retrograde and moving through that 11th house - you are re-viewing, re-vising, etc whatever you are dealing with here anyway. Whatever the Full Moon brings to light or to a conclusion/culmination will add transparency and focus. With Venus moving into your 12th house on the same day - maybe whatever has been public will be taken behind closed doors for awhile while you re-vamp, re-view. Venus in Taurus will offer you behind the scenes guidance (including angelic assistance) and help you discover what you really want/value NOW. The Full Moon is designed to remove any blocks to your self-expression and allow you, over time, to create something that speaks your truth Gemini!
CANCER (Cancer Rising) the Full Moon is happening in your 4th house of home, family, your roots, mother, mothering, your ancestry, real estate or a home business. Whatever Venus/Uranus brought to your attention this week from your 10th house - your career, your calling, your achievements, your achievement goals, dad, business, authority, responsibility - might culminate at the Full Moon as a stop sign/need to pivot in your 4th house. The square/tension comes through your 7th house - a partner or partnership. Mercury is retrograding through your career house - re-viewing, re-vising, communicating with authority figures - what needs to be shaped up here. Remember Saturn is in Capricorn now Cancer - be professional and responsible. Your work life balance is being shaken not stirred Cancer - how are you going to make this work? What are your priorities? With Venus moving into your 11th house of your friendships, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology - how can your social connections/group activities help the situation? The next month will be a good time to take stock of your friendships and group activities - what/who is helping and what/who is hurting - your finances and your self-esteem. What isn't in line with your values Cancer? Do you want to play small and keep everyone liking you or are you ready to step up your game?
LEO (Leo Rising) the Full Moon is happening in your 3rd house of communication, information, writing, siblings, transportation or your local neighborhood. News, a decision, etc comes to light now. Whatever Venus/Uranus brought to your attention unexpectedly from your 9th house - travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking - might culminate at the Full Moon as a stop sign/need to pivot via your 3rd house. The square/tension comes through your 6th house of day-to-day activities, your routine, work, co-workers, pets and your health. Something here could seem impossible. The good news is the Sun is trining the North Node in your sign. Whatever is unbalanced here, and relationship issues are probably part of this, can come to light to be re-worked now. Mercury is retrograding through that 9th house anyway - you are re-vising, re-viewing - make the time count. With Venus moving into your 10th house of public life and career this area of life is becoming more attractive for you. Something here, maybe a professional partnership, is ripe for nurturing. Remember we are playing the long game fiery Leo. Patience and your career skills earned over time are what will work for you.
VIRGO (Virgo Rising) the Full Moon is happening in your your 2nd house of money, your values, your resources and self-esteem. Whatever Venus/Uranus brought to your attention suddenly from your 8th house - other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, death, rebirth, reproduction - might culminate at the Full Moon with a stop sign/ need to pivot via that 2nd house. Mercury's continued retrograde through that 8th house has you re-viewing, re-working 8th house areas already. You will probably have to consider how much you want this thing you are wanting because it won't be just sliding into place. The square/tension comes from your 5th house - your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation. The Moon will provide some clear-headed insights and bottom line answers. Take care now with decisions and cravings that are apt to undermine your security. Are you putting too much at risk? Is there another way to do this/to get what you want? The trine to your 6th house of day-to-day activities, your routine, work, co-workers, pets and your health - indicates it is time to end unproductive daily actions and unhealthy routines. Venus's move into your 9th house of travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking makes you more attractive to opportunities within these areas.
LIBRA (Libra Rising) the Full Moon is happening in your 1st house of yourself Libra! Whatever Uranus/Venus brought to your attention this week especially in regard to a partner/partnership issue or situation that brings you into partnership with other people might culminate at the Full Moon with a stop sign/need to pivot or wait something out for you. The squares/tension are coming through your 4th house - a home, family, roots, mother, mothering, your ancestry, real estate or a home business situation. The trine to your 5th house - creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation indicates the brakes come off something here. Remember Mercury has been retrograding through your partnership house and is now at the mid-way point. Maybe you and a partner have been back and forth about something, maybe something within your relationship becomes clear now. Something could come to light or culmination. Something could end. Maybe a relationship expectation? With your ruling sign Venus entering her other ruling sign Taurus and your 8th house of intimacy, other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction - your point of attraction could pivot toward something here. You could be focused on what you have, what you own, what you need from someone else to be comfortable. It won't be something complicated. Keep in mind you learned how to relate to other people by watching the people in your early life relate to each other - this paradigm is gone now, but you could still be relating to people from these old, broken threads - since Uranus and Eris, two disruptive energies, both interacted with your sign ruler this week think about the clashes/interactions you have had with other people and what you might learn about yourself by putting yourself in their shoes.
SCORPIO (Scorpio Rising) this Full Moon is happening in your 12th house of what is hidden or put away or done behind the scenes, secrets, the ethereal realms, imagination, hospitals, spirituality, addiction, healing. Maybe something you have been avoiding looking at will come into focus. Whatever Uranus/Venus brought to your attention this week from your 6th house - day-to-day activities, your routine, work, co-workers, pets and your health might culminate at the Full Moon with a stop sign/need to pivot via that 12th house. With the squares coming through your 3rd house there could be a health diagnosis or work obligation or information/communication that clarifies and adds pressure. If you are the one delivering important information, check to be sure the person is hearing what you are actually saying. Avoid assumptions. With Mercury retrograding through that 6th house - it could be something (health, work, pet, service or daily routine related), you are probably already aware of what needs re-vising, re-viewing. The trine to your 4th house tells us something regarding home, family, your roots, mother, mothering, your ancestry, real estate or a home business factors into the Full Moon situation or maybe something career/work in the world related - or maybe both. Your goals for the future could change with this Full Moon's revelations/culminations. Venus's move into Taurus and your 7th house of partners brings opportunities to stabilize and bring security to this area as well as attract more stable partners - by being a more stable partner. It will also be a month to consider what you are relying on other people for and what you can do/bring to the table yourself.
SAGITTARIUS (Sagittarius Rising) this Full Moon is happening in your 11th house of the collective - your friendships, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology. Maybe something you have been doing is coming into the public sphere or to the attention of the group/friends/cause. Whatever Uranus/Venus brought to your attention this week from your 5th house - creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation might culminate at the Full Moon with a stop sign/need to pivot in a public way. The squares/tension will be coming from your 2nd house of self-esteem and your values, so there could be something here that doesn't feel so good. This could also be a financial lack or lack of resources (time, skill set) that creates the challenge. The trine to your 3rd house could provide an answer through something you had previously thought about or talked about or through a sibling or your local community. Give yourself some time to sort out the details - what has been simmering in the background just waiting for you to talk about it/write about it/do something with it. Mercury retrograding through that 5th house has had you re-vising, re-working your self-expression, issue with children or romantic situation anyway. Now at the mid-way point you can get a clear look at what has been accomplished and what is lacking. Venus in Taurus will help you attract what you need by nurturing 6th house themes day-to-day activities, your routine, work, co-workers, pets and your health - time to appreciate what you have going for you on a daily basis. And time to bring those back-burnered ideas into the light of day.
CAPRICORN (Capricorn Rising) this Full Moon is happening in your 10th house of your career, your calling, your achievements, your achievement goals, dad, business, authority, responsibility. Results come in. Whatever Venus/Uranus brought unexpectedly to light this week from your 4th house - that home, family, your roots, mother, mothering, your ancestry, real estate or home business situation could culminate at the Full Moon with a stop sign/need to pivot in some way. The squares/tension are coming through your 1st house of yourself so could manifest in multiple ways - basically there is something that is outside your control with whatever is happening and it doesn't feel good. If you have right timing and have put in the effort/work things will still be challenging. If you have been drinking margaritas by the pool, well good luck to you. Have a back up plan and a back up plan for your back up plan. With Mercury retrograding through your 4th house - this home situation has been under re-view and re-work already. This should be the time when you get some answers/clarity. The trine to your 2nd house indicates money/resources/spending could be involved or this could be about releasing a value that is no longer working. What do you really want Capricorn? I know you are not afraid of the hard work and time that is required! Venus moves into Taurus and your 5th house of creative projects, your self-expression, what you give birth to, children, romance and recreation bringing opportunities for you to attract what you need/want in these areas. Get your family on board, get your ducks in a row, know some things are out of your hands.
AQUARIUS (Aquarius Rising) - this Full Moon is happening in your 9th house of travel, higher education, weddings, politics, legal issues, the media, publishing, foreigners, everything outside your comfort zone, exploration, your beliefs and higher thinking.Whatever Venus/Uranus brought unexpectedly to your attention this week via your 3rd house - a communication, conversation, idea, sibling - could culminate at the Full Moon with a stop sign/need to pivot in some way. The squares/tension are coming through your 12th house - a secret revealed, something you don't want to look at, something hidden or behind the scenes. The trine to your sign assures you that whatever is happening here, whatever is coming to light or being held up will prove helpful in the long run, especially within your relationships with the people closest to you. With Mercury retrograding through that 3rd house - the way you communicate, maybe even the way you have communicated or the way you think that has been active since childhood is ready to be released. Your mental wiring is being updated - those old, outworn beliefs you carry - any negative thinking and stuck intellectual constructs Aquarius! - it's time to wave them bye-bye. Venus moves into Taurus and your 4th house of home and family bringing opportunities to attract what you need in these areas or with your mother, mothering, a home business or renovation. If something about the home/family situation is uncomfortable or gotten too complicated the next few weeks will give you a chance to smooth these issues out.
PISCES (Pisces Rising) this Full Moon is happening in your 8th house of other people's resources, other people's values, intimacy, other people's money, spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, death, rebirth, sex, reproduction. Whatever Uranus/Venus brought unexpectedly to your attention this week regarding your 2nd house - that income, self-esteem, personal resources or value situation could culminate at the Full Moon with a stop sign/need to pivot in some way. The squares/tension are coming through your 11th house of the collective - your friendships, groups, causes, the internet, the public, the goals that bring you into relationship with other people, your advancement, technology. The trine in your 12th house indicates something going on behind closed doors, behind your back, a death or ending, maybe something you do not want to look at or a healing/hospital situation factor into whatever is happening. Mercury's retrograde journey has had you re-looking, re-viewing your money, self-esteem and personal values anyway - something now should get clarified as part of this three week process. Venus moves into Taurus and your 3rd house of communication, information, writing, siblings, transportation or your local neighborhood bringing opportunities to attract what you want within and through these themes. Don't be afraid to ask for what you want/need. Last week's hook up with the Sun and Chiron in your sign was the beginning of the end of your eight year journey with Chiron in your sign. You are preparing for a well-earned giant leap forward Pisces!
xo all
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