At 4:19PM EDT, today, with the Moon at 4 degrees Aquarius (on the South Node) opposing the Sun at 4 degrees Leo (on the North Node)...

Mercury Stations Retrograde in Leo | finding our voice, re-thinking what our heart wants, expect delays, mechanical glitches, give yourself time to think, expect over-reactions when things go wrong
Thursday, July 26, 2018
anna-o photography
At 1:03AM EDT last night Mercury (communication, ideas, thinking, fast moving gizmos, transportation, siblings,...
Sun Square Uranus | unexpected outbursts, out-of-the-blue situations and people, getting ATTENTION, staying open to change, the white hot spotlight, healing by re-inventing ourselves
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Seaside by rabbit888
Today we have the Sun (at 2 degrees Leo) move into square with Uranus (at 2 degrees Taurus).
This energy...
Venus in Virgo Opposite Neptune in Pisces | when the fantasy clashes with reality
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
playing with origami cranes by holunder
Neptune retrograde has been very SLOWLY backing through mid-Pisces, and today, Venus,...
Astrology Forecast For Creatives | Week of July 23rd - unpacking Monday and Tuesday, wanting and wanting and wanting, something could be looking a little too shiny right about now
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Perceive the light by anaispopy
I hope everyone enjoyed Sunday's relaxing sextile between Venus and Jupiter.
This is setting...
Weekend Astrology Forecast for Creatives | regrets, second chances, keep a cool head, power plays, a deep cleaning, words hurt, cooperation, generosity, the SUN will come out tomorrow .. and then he does
Thursday, July 19, 2018
confetti by quadratiges
Let's finish unpacking this week!
By FRIDAY morning EDT the Moon is in Scorpio and squaring Mars (retrograde...
(tribute to football 2 by ZNZtazmanijus) - viva la france!
We are fully in Eclipse season now, with this week looking like the...
like stars on your skin by quadratiges
On FRIDAY we start the day with a Void Moon until the Moon moves into Leo at 1:31PM EDT....
New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer | we can look back but remember - we're not going THAT way
Thursday, July 12, 2018
New Moon July 11, 2018
Sorry I didn't get this up sooner.
I wrote the post on Monday night and then accidentally highlighted...
gaia by ezorenier
This is a very important week and kicks off our summer eclipse season - three eclipses this time, instead of...
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