New Moon in Leo | July 31, 2019 - BLAST OFF!

On Wednesday, July 31, at 11:10PM EDT the Leo Moon meets the Leo Sun (8 degrees) giving us this month's NEW MOON. The Leo New...

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 30, 2019 - emotional stress, getting some extra rest, going with the flow, lying low, miscommunications more likely, a devotion to the dream

Today the dark Moon in emotional Cancer is kind of stressed out and challenged as she (as us) faces that Cappy line-up. She...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 29, 2019 - shake, rattle and roll, disruption, changes, clarity and answers, changing our mind, no more looking backward we turn our attention to something new and innovative and near and dear to our heart

Some disruptions, shake-ups and surprises this week as change-maker/revolutionary Uranus squares the Sun, Moon and Venus! We...

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 29, 2019 - our pride takes an unexpected hit, the hit lands on an already sore spot which is somehow healing if we own up to it, freak flags fly, how far will we go to get attention, is it time for a radical solution to a chronic problem

There is LOTS of Uranus action this week which means - change, disruptions, surprises. Today we have the Moon (in lunar-ruled...

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 26, 2019 - feeling nurtured by our resources, good for business, socializing, nice date night, an instinctual knowing, meeting some kind of reality check

The Moon continues through Taurus - we are nurtured through, and likely focused on - what we own, our money, how we love, what...

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 25, 2019 - that gold nugget we missed the first time through, bold action expands our reach and makes us more optimistic, cleaning up the mess, finishing something, getting lucky

We had a storm blow through here on Monday night knocking down trees (four of our trees dropped major branches - one on our front...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 22, 2019 - the pressure starts to ease up, we all get a little more shiny, another look at that home/family/real estate situation, fortune favors the bold

Eclipse season continues (until the New Moon in Leo at the end of the month) BUT unless your chart is directly challenged, the...

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 19, 2019 - one more time with feeling, back into that home/family situation now older and wiser, making time for rejuvenation and relaxation

The Moon is void until 5:19PM EDT when she moves into imaginative and elusive Pisces. This is a good day for group activities,...

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 18, 2019 - accepting what we can't change, letting go gracefully, taking a break, tuning into our instincts and intuition, forgiving and connecting, re-thinking how and what we are nurturing, long void begins

The waning Moon continues her journey through Aquarius - opposing Mars (in  Leo) at 1:49AM EDT and going void off an opportunistic...

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 17, 2019 - we feel the weight of it all and then we keep going, moving on, fated meetings, saying yes to something new

The Moon moves into detached Aquarius at 5:19AM EDT. We might find ourselves focused on and nurtured through Aquarius themes...

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 15, 2019 - the past is over but that home/family situation isn't, trusting in what is difficult, letting go of what we built, feeling the fear and knowing you will survive it, aligning ourselves with our values

"Most people have (with the help of conventions) turned their solutions toward what is easy and toward the easiest side of the...

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 16, 2019 - karmic lessons

Today's Capricorn Moon moves toward her exact opposition to the Cancer Sun happening at 5:38PM EDT - bringing us a Full Moon...

Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Capricorn | July 16, 2019 - karmic chickens coming home to roost, secrets exposed, releasing grief, releasing old and deep fears, who's got the power, a good job can't hug you back, the death of the McMansion

On Tuesday, July 16th the Capricorn Moon opposes the Cancer Sun at 24 degrees giving us this month's Full Moon - happening conjunct...

Weekly and Full Moon Eclipse Posts are coming ... Today's Astrology Forecast 7/15/2019

The Weekly and Eclipse post I wrote on Sunday has vanished - so funny/#notfunny it included the word "vanish". Note to self...

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 13, 2019 - the gold nuggets we missed the first time, an adventure, a need to look under the hood, plan a healthy escape tonight, all day void Moon tomorrow so get some rest before the Eclipse

The Moon in Sagittarius will trine Mars at 9:30AM EDT, conjunct Sag ruler Jupiter (retrograde) at 4:10PM EDT and go void at 9:30PM...

Today's Astrology Forecast | July 11th, 2019 - a whole lot of water, shake ups and break-ups, keep a cool head but keep your head out of the sand, bold independent action is healing, fast change that gets attention, we've been here before

The big news today is we have Mars (in Leo) squaring Uranus (in Taurus). Fuses can be short. Impulsive actions are possible....

Today's Lunar Forecast | tension, power struggles, the dead won't stay buried, the cat's out of the bag, going deep, all's well that ends well, watch for synchronicities, a light is thrown on our best path forward, stepping into the light

The Moon dives into Scorpio at 5:29AM EDT - we are nurtured through Scorpian themes for the next couple days - intensity, intimacy,...

Weekly Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of July 8th - changing our mind, changing our direction, passionate words, breakdowns and breakthroughs, ego drama, preventing accidents and impulsive moves, following the path home, report card time, daddy issues, a battle of wills

This is a HUGE week. AND we are in-between eclipses in the eclipse spin cycle, so anything can happen - BIG changes ahead folks,...

New Moon Solar Eclipse in Cancer | July 2, 2019 - new opportunities for home and family, putting down roots, growing where we are planted, moving toward something more authentic, a new focus, a magical escape, the fly in the ointment is the unfinished business that can't be ignored, the dust won't settle until 2020

On Tuesday, July 2nd at 9:31AM EDT the Cancer Moon meets the Cancer Sun giving us this month's New Moon - happening conjunct the...