Today's Astrology Forecast | July 18, 2019 - accepting what we can't change, letting go gracefully, taking a break, tuning into our instincts and intuition, forgiving and connecting, re-thinking how and what we are nurturing, long void begins

The waning Moon continues her journey through Aquarius - opposing Mars (in  Leo) at 1:49AM EDT and going void off an opportunistic sextile to a retrograde Jupiter at 11:53AM EDT.

She is void for the rest of the day and through 5:19PM EDT tomorrow. 

Get things done early. The long void Moon says expect some twists and turns and do-overs. Don't start anything important. Best for practiced work or even rest. Time gets stretchy.

Venus trines Neptune (today/tomorrow) - both in emotional, compassionate and empathetic water signs.

This is an artistic/spiritual/healing flow. Lots of water/movement. We are more easily tuned into our instincts/intuition now. Meditate. Pray.

Venus (our love. relationships, money,. values, resources, beauty. women, self-esteem) is working a complicated story-line this week. This is the part where we get to cut loose a little bit (one glass of wine only please). We want (Venus) an escape (Neptune).

If there is some kind of slippery way around (be careful of this one Venus is still on path to oppose Pluto) or positive side to the Venus/Saturn ending/limit  HERE is where we will find it - in our heart, in our ability to know what we don't know. We can relax. We let go. We accept what we cannot change. We forgive. We connect.

The caveats here would be something like watching that money doesn't slip through our fingers, hold onto your phone/keys/wallet/valueables, fantasies around love, escapes with drugs and alcohol.

Venus/Neptune moves us closer to our ideal.

xo all

Backing again into my puppy saga (Mercury IS retrograde after all), I noted yesterday since I had somehow lost track of Ceres (!) that on the day I got Rosie (the name Rosie seems to be sticking for day two) Ceres moved into Sagittarius. So she came up from the depths of Scorpio (Pluto's realm) and into the bluer skies of Sag. My solar return chart - such a conundrum with so much focused on the 8th house that I considered traveling to change it, but noting Jupiter and Venus in my 6th house in Sagittarius and thinking this looked fortuitous for a new and important pet, decided to stay put. Today as Mercury (collective ruler of pets and our 6th house) returns to 0 degrees Leo on his/her way back into Cancer she trines (brakes off) Ceres. Just as I am re-thinking/re-doing nurturing (maybe you are re-thinking a Ceres theme, too now - nurturing, the seasons of life, things that feel outside your control, grief).

My memory of my last dog Olive was that she didn't bite (wishful thinking or swiss-cheesy memory)  - and that although I called my studio Olive Bites, that was just a catchy name, not an actual situation. This morning I went back and re-read my very first post on this blog 11 years ago when I wrote I was re-naming my studio "for a fresh start, a new year, a new adventure and a new puppy named Olive ... who ... you guessed it ... tends to BITE ...".

There was a comment on that post that included the advice to YIPE! loudly and ignore her for 30 seconds after a bite - that seems to be helping ... :)

Today is Venus (in Cancer - mothering)/Neptune and Mercury/Ceres (mothering) - mega creative energy - what are you nurturing? 

photo by the talented Deliszja

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