Today's Lunar Forecast | tension, power struggles, the dead won't stay buried, the cat's out of the bag, going deep, all's well that ends well, watch for synchronicities, a light is thrown on our best path forward, stepping into the light

The Moon dives into Scorpio at 5:29AM EDT - we are nurtured through Scorpian themes for the next couple days - intensity, intimacy, power, the resources we've merged with other people, other people's values, other people's money, our spouse's income, loans, debts, taxes, inheritance, sex, reproduction, death/rebirth, third party situations.

She will square Mercury and then Mars after lunch before opposing Uranus at 4:20PM EDT.

We are dealing with fixed aspects now, so we could all be more stubborn and entrenched in our position. Tension. Stress. Deep conversations. Arguments. Power struggles. It will be easy to feel pushed, push back and get into a tussle. With that Uranus opposition, the crap we have been repressing, could explode rather spectacularly at any time.

(keep in mind today's energy will feel alot like tomorrow's Mars/Uranus and Sunday's Sun/Pluto - so the whole week is pretty volatile - we will need to balance keeping a cool head (good idea) with burying our head in the sand - not so good)

Finally the Moon will trine Venus at 9:28PM EDT, so it looks like whatever is shaken and stirred today will lead to greater balance, love, beauty, self-esteem or maybe we shift toward home/family to lick our wounds.

We also have the Cancer Sun meeting the North Node at 17 degrees. We talked about this in the weekly, but let's repeat it here:

A light (Sun) is thrown on our best path forward (North Node).

It could be a bright spotlight we can't miss or maybe it's a tiny flicker that catches our eye and pulls us over to investigate a new direction. 

We might receive some confirmation we are on the right path now. Or a gentle shove in a direction we hadn't before considered.

This could be in response to all the lunar/emotional challenges today - us stepping up and stating "this is where I am going."

There is also a wide trine from the Moon to Neptune today that echoes and supports our Neptunian assistance later this week and really all year. Meditate. Go for a walk. Paint. Listen to music. Dance. Show compassion. Take the higher ground. Our past/ancestors/God has our back here.

We are in-between eclipses with Mercury retrograde uncertainty is likely.

xo all

photo by the amazing anyaanti


Theresa said...

can you give an example of a mess to be cleaned up to step into greater integrity? thank you

Catherine Ivins said...

Yes. It could be something that is lingering and preventing wholeness NOW. Something we didn't take care of before most likely. A space we have taken on too much by just adding more and more and never releasing what we are done with. Like we buy a new house and haven't sold the old one yet, so our energy is divided. Or we are spending more money than we make and haven't wanted to look at this. Or we need some kind of credentials to be taken seriously, then it is time to get the credentials. Or we are in a relationship that isn't supporting us or a space that isn't supporting us and we know it. This is something we already KNOW is a problem. It could be an actual physical mess with our space or body. Any kind of unethical conduct that could cause our world to come crashing down. Whatever the words make you think of ....