the astrology of the Full Moon in Pisces | August 30th, 2023 - Saturn tightens the screws, Eris shows us what we don't want to see, neptune carries the past into the present, lying in the beds we've made, the need for a sacrifice, big emotional release with this one


weekly astrology forecast | August 28th to September 3rd, 2023 - changes of direction, good week to keep plans flexible, not a week for business as usual, expect change and a big full moon in pisces, take your vitamins


weekly astrology forecast | August 21st to 27th, 2023 - confusion, exhaustion, reality checks, new perspectives, power moves, culminations, time to clean up our act, mercury stations retrograde and two planets change signs


the astrology of the New Moon in Leo | August 16th, 2023 - the fiery fresh start with its feet in the past that comes from the disruptive chaos and cord cutting, roaring from the space created for us to roar, doing without over-doing our Virgo


weekly astrology forecast | August 14th - August 20th, 2023 - disruptions that lead to unexpected and fiery new beginnings, new moon in heart-centered leo, the long game plays on


weekly astrology forecast | august 7th - 13th, 2023 - money and relationship shake-ups, taking a calculated risk and then checking yourself before you wreck yourself, clarity around our values as Venus meets the Sun and seeds a new cycle


Today's astrology forecast | Thursday, August 3rd, 2023 - adjusting our course, feeling tired, drained or drifting, nostalgia, release, let go and let God


the astrology of the Full Moon in Aquarius | August 1, 2023 - exaggeration, over-doing, finding our courage and taking action, a need to stop looking at the past or the things we don't have or can't do and being pissed off about it
