the astrology of venus cazimi | August 13th, 2023 - laying it all on the line

Part I of Venus retrograde this summer is HERE

This might be the time to reread that post since this post will make more sense if you do :)

On Sunday, August 13th, 2023 at 7:15AM EDT, the Leo Sun catches up with a retrograde Venus at 20 degrees Leo. This is the mid-point of Venus's 40 day and 40 night cycle that started on July 22nd when Venus stationed retrograde. Venus is now in-between the Earth and the Sun (this can only happen with Venus, Mercury and the Moon) and is actually closer to the Earth than the Sun!

So, what is the Sun illuminating for us now - about our values? About what we want? About what we love? What have we learned? HERE, now, is a light on what all the fuss is about.

And from this moment in time when our heart is clear about what we want, even if we are not totally conscious of what this is (!) - a new solar cycle of Venus begins.

Note - this new Venus cycle ALWAYS begins when Venus is retrograde allowing us to pull the past into the present/get to the heart of the thing. Old blocks, sticking points and oppositional energies that no longer line up with us/who we are now can DISSOLVE. 

Situations, relationships, projects that BEGIN NOW matter and will grow from the soil of August 13, 2023 (which, remember, because Venus is retrograde, this is not brand new soil - this is WELL-FERTILIZED soil). They will continue to grow until Venus meets the Sun again in June 2024 and then start to unwind as we prepare for the next Venus retrograde cycle in 2025. 

We are always learning what we really value by noticing what we give our time and attention to. We are always learning what we do want from experiencing what we don't want. With Venus - the invisible force of attraction - we get these chances every couple years as she moves through the dance of her amazing sacred geometry - to realign ourselves with ourselves and because this only happens when she is retrograde - pull the past into the present for a re-evaluation. And, as she reaches this sacred time period when she is in between the Earth and the Sun - we get this cosmic reboot of what we are attracting/attracted to - and then life begins to interact with us from this new wavelength. This realignment of ourselves with ourselves.

For the next week, Venus will completely disappear from the evening sky, transforming herself into a morning star. 

And because nothing happens in a vacuum, we can look at a chart for August 13th to unpack this new cycle a bit more. Venus cazimi - Venus in the heart of the Sun - is happening as Venus semi-sextiles Mars (at 20 degrees Virgo) and sextiles Vesta (at 20 degrees Gemini) AND with Pluto retrograde (back to 28 degrees Cappy by now) in an exact opposition to Juno in Cancer. Pluto/Juno infuses our closest relationships with a COMMIT OR QUIT intensity.

So, what does all this mean?

The Sun/Venus is a beginning, much like a New Moon.

We can see now what this retrograde cycle is about for us. This doesn't mean we have everything, or even anything, all figured out - Venus, is STILL RETROGRADE. We are only in the middle of things, but if we are honest with ourselves and paying attention we HAVE LEARNED SOMETHING important about what our heart wants. 

Attention? Appreciation? Passion? Courage? Love?

Venus's sextile to Vesta in Gemini speaks of pivotal information or a conversation - PAY ATTENTION - that is directing us forward. Sextiles are opportunistic aspects, but can be gentle and easy to miss, so again PAY ATTENTION. Venus' s semi-sextile to Mars in Virgo allows us access - and, again, this will need to be used consciously, it's subtle and can even be aggravating - to Virgoan practicality, discernment and "fixes" and can maybe tone down our egos and the "me, me, me" Leo stuff a bit if that is getting over-emphasized. 

With Pluto opposing Juno, the Goddess of marriage, important contracts, the things we will do to hold onto the power we gain through someone else/a relationship/job, etc - relationships are really in a pressure cooker as the new Venus/Sun cycle begins. Power struggles are likely. It should be fairly obvious if you should be staying or going. There is no middle ground with Pluto. If you are strongly feeling this one, know this is a karmic ASSIGNMENT, a very old story between soul-mates you are dealing with, and Pluto returned to Capricorn and opposed Juno at precisely the moment of Venus in Leo's inferior conjunction to the Sun just for YOU. To help you figure this out. So you can see what you need to see. And feel what you need to feel. Pluto retrograde opposing Juno asks you - are you committing (because there is life left in this thing) or quitting (because this thing is dead)? 

With Venus ruling the South Node (Libra) for the next eighteen months, being in the 'thick of it' within our closest relationships and with women will be par for the course. 

After the Sun meets Venus, Venus will trine Chiron. The past is healing the present. Our vulnerabilities make us more attractive to what we need/want now (this aspect will be repeated in late September with Venus direct). The Sun trine Chiron and squaring Uranus speaks of unexpected events/situations/even people that draw our attention to neglected or wounded pieces of ourselves. Why? So that we can feel MORE ALIVE - Sun in Leo!

Then, on August 22nd, Venus is going to square Jupiter in Taurus at 15 degrees (Leo/Taurus). This square will be repeated on September 17th from the same degrees with Venus direct and Jupiter retrograde. Here is where we can really attract some old luck and opportunities. Even though squares are tense aspects, these are our two most benevolent planets and with Jupiter answering to Venus, these should be mostly beneficial alignments.

The focus in the week ahead, with a big New Moon in Leo reinforcing the Venus/Sun and a cray-cray square to Uranus pulling in the unexpected - will be on the UNEXPECTED BEGINNING. 

If this Venus retrograde has been kicking your ass, like mine, and you are losing your passion for what you love and reviewing a bit of this and that connected to the past and relationship power struggles have you at the end of your rope, my rope is about 2" long at this point - HANG IN THERE. The female polarity carries a great capacity for adaptation and Mars is in Virgo creating big changes through small steps over time. The fixed signs, who literally carry the world on their shoulders like Atlas, are being required, again, to shift and re-orient. 

Re-reading, I feel this is disjointed and not super helpful, so I think I will stop for now. :(

Maybe I should just say, remember to get enough rest - we are literally RE-CALIBRATING our powers of attraction. 

This is no small thing :)

xo all

Back with the weekly.

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