Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, July 22, 2020 - Void Moon, the king comes home to his castle and calls his lawyer, brainstorms and lightning bolts, getting fired up, getting some sun

The Moon , void in Leo, until 7:40PM EDT when she moves into Virgo will make no aspects until she trines Uranus at 1:16AM EDT (tomorrow). Keep in mind our Void Moon Mantra if things get wonky "nothing will come of this". This is not the day to start something/launch something you need "something to come of". Time gets stretchy. Excellent for routine concerns and getting things done. When the Moon gets into Virgo tonight we will be feeling the need to get organized/clean stuff up.

Mercury (in home/family centered Cancer) sextiles Uranus (in steady-as-she-goes money/resource/values centered Taurus) for the third and final time.

This is our final chance to change our thinking/change the conversation/latch onto one of those Uranian ideas floating around the cosmos just waiting to grab the right person's attention.

Keep an open mind today. Think about what you are thinking about - look for different thoughts/ideas. See what words get stuck in your head (song lyrics, phrases, words) and give them some thought. Life (universe/our subconscious/our guides) speaks to us in mysterious ways. This is a smooth connection. No static. And it's the third time we've got this message so we should be paying attention!

We previously had this aspect on June 5th and then again on June 30th when Mercury was retrograde. Pay special attention if you have any planets/points near 10 degrees Taurus/Cancer. BRAINSTORM.

Coming off that painful conversation/words/news yesterday - here is where the energy can change if we move toward something different.

The best news today, in a year when we could really use some, is the Sun comes home to Leo for the next month!

I am pretty sure he is 'fired-up' to be here and shocked at what Pluto/Saturn has done to the place. He is probably talking to his lawyer while pacing the pool as we speak.

The Sun's (ruler of Leo) move into fiery, proud and performance-focused Leo offers multiple layers of good news. The Sun (our life force) gets out of the firing range of that Capricorn opposition. YES! He exits lunar ruled Cancer and moves into the sign he rules. YES!

In Leo, we focus on what our heart wants, children (our inner child), romance, fun, creative projects - we (and everyone else) want attention, love, to feel good/generous.

Your Leo house (like the house of your natal Sun) is the space you are meant to SHINE.

Prepare to get very shiny!

This year, this won't be about garnering applause or even the center stage (although some will) - serious times call for serious attitudes - this is still about putting our own needs first though. Doing what we do best/love to do and attracting by virtue of our shimmering glow the best we line up with through our previous choices/actions and taking action from where we are right now - who doesn't like shiny!

(and yes, I am talking about that warm summer glow, not a slick layer of gunky Coppertone coconut oil)

Keep in mind next year when the Sun is home in Leo (and the year after that) we will have Saturn, opposing from Aquarius, and then we'll start moving into an era when Pluto opposes from Aquarius.
Let's suck the juice out of this one, keeping in mind we are the king now with the honors and also responsibilities that entails - this is the space of EGO - don't be an asshole.

The Sun will be in Leo until August 22nd.

For, today, keep in mind the Moon may be void, but she is in Leo answering to a strong Sun in his home sign today (unlike yesterday) - requesting that we show up and get more personally/physically involved in our own happiness!

Life's an inside job folks. Happiness is a choice. We lose sight of this at our own peril.

Get into the SUN.

xo all

photo by the talented lidlshmidl

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, July 21, 2020 - taking action, making changes, painful conversations, widening our focus, making today count

The Moon has moved into fiery Leo now - our focus turns to our creative projects, children, romance, recreation, our heart, our natural 'spotlight', our happiness.

We are nurtured through fun/attention/generosity.

She will square Uranus (in Taurus) at 10:22AM EDT - a surprise twist will need to be dealt with, trines Mars at 3:22PM EDT - heart-felt/passionate action and finally goes void off a sextile to Venus at 8:27PM EDT - good for connecting/socializing/opportunities with love and money.

This is also the day we have the third (of three) squares between Mercury and Chiron. Painful/emotional conversations. Our thoughts could turn to our fears - maybe the ways we are afraid of standing up/taking care of ourselves/even being alive in these challenging times. Our vulnerabilities are raw/maybe on display.

Since this is the final square, something here should be wrapping up.

We want to be looking at why these words HURT.

There could be a conversation that needs to happen. Information that needs to be looked at - with Mercury in Cancer this could be about the family/past/childhood or maybe a home/real estate situation. Maybe we are confronting a painful memory. It might feel like no matter what we say we can't win/feel good and that's OK, some things may still need to be said. This won't be a new conversation.We've been here before.

Like the first time we had this aspect, it is quickly followed by Mercury's sextile to change-maker Uranus (exact tomorrow, but with the Void Moon tomorrow we might be better off using this energy today) - an opportunity to change. 

It's not the time to stay stuck in the past. Talk about what's next.

At the same time we have Vesta (from 20 degrees Cancer) trining Neptune in Pisces.

Our focus can naturally widen. The picture becomes less defined. Boundaries more fuzzy.

Maybe with Vesta in home/family oriented Cancer, our familial circle widens. Or we can see that home/family situation from a more spiritual/higher perspective. Maybe (remember yesterday's New Moon speaks of self-care and so does Vesta here) - we need some Neptunian self-care ie extra sleep, relaxation, music, art, water, meditation, prayer.

Trines are smooth energetics, things just fall into place, we won't have to push. If some kind of Piscean sacrifice is needed for family/home business/mom, etc - it will come naturally to us. And, on the other hand, if we are already swimming with the fishies (lost in Pisces through a personal natal transit) and need some footing, the contact with Vesta could bring that Neptunian energy into a healthier focus.

A heads up tomorrow is an all-day Void Moon, and TODAY we have the Leo Moon trining Mars and sextiling Venus - so it would be a good idea to MAKE TODAY COUNT, especially the time between 3:22PM EDT and 8:27PM EDT.

xo all

photo by the amazing thefirebomb

New Moon in Cancer | July 20th, 2020 - a second chance, endings and new commitments, the one that's like a New Moon and a Full Moon happening at the same time, the one where the porpoises spring from our fingers

On Monday, July 20, 2020 at 1:32PM EDT, the Cancer Moon meets the Cancer Sun at 28 degrees giving us another New Moon in Cancer (we had one at 0 degrees Cancer in June). Two New Moons in the same sign is very unusual and, I think, indicative of a need for MORE TIME here.

This one is EXACTLY opposing a retrograde Saturn (in Capricorn - and with Saturn ruling Cancer's polarity sign - making this kind of like a New Full and Full Moon AT THE SAME TIME) and EXACTLY sextiling Sedna (in Taurus - we'll have to think about what this might be about).

Cancer rules home, family, our roots, mother, mothering, our ancestry, real estate, country, patriotism, home businesses, family businesses, the root of the matter - our emotional security - and, of course, the theme of your personal natal chart's Cancer house - this is where we get the new beginning - YES, AGAIN. The first one was at 0 degrees, so now we are all the way to the very end of Cancer to 28 degrees.

It's like, oops wait up, we need ANOTHER shot at this! A second chance.

(For some people this SECOND CHANCE will be about nurturing and maybe especially self-care - are you taking care of yourself?! Or maybe we are trying to rush through the wee beginnings of something? Saturn can slow our roll - help us, over time, create something longer lasting.)

It's not an easy Moon, by any stretch of our imagination (which if you are feeling anything like I am is already stretched quite thin). With the Moon and Sun, opposing a retrograde Saturn there is stuff from the past that still needs to be dealt with. A stop sign. Limit. Rules. Authority. Ending. Unfinished business. Maybe a need to set boundaries. Maybe a commitment begins or needs to end or a responsibility needs to be stepped into or dissolved. There could be regret. Fear.

That strong Saturn opposition tells us this New Moon beginning (keep in mind, this is part ll, we've been here before, but not exactly right here) comes with a pronounced ending/outcome/responsibility and with Saturn retrograde, this won't be a total surprise, we'd have to be half-baked (and we are, but we aren't) not to see this one coming

(something could connect back to early March when Saturn was first at this degree and we will be back here again at the end of November).

Collectively this would be a new beginning with that home/family/inner security situation connecting to an ending/responsibility/limit connected to our career/public life/outer security situation.

It's like we finally get mom and dad on the same page/in the same room/on the same sofa and here's the boss yelling "everyone get back to work!" and the kids are like "what about us?". This will show up in different ways for different people, but most likely external responsibilities/pressure will impact our personal lives over the next month and especially the next couple weeks.

OK let's unpack the chart!

The Sun and Moon are meeting at the critical final degree of Cancer. This is the first Cancer New Moon we've had in a couple years that hasn't been an eclipse and this one should put a definitive PERIOD to the end of this summer's eclipse season. Stick a fork in her, she's done. YAY for that.

Having two New Moons in Cancer in a row suggests there is something here we need extra time to nurture. Lining up with Saturn as she does (that darn opposition!) denotes heavy responsibilities, possibly an ending (yes, I know this is supposed to be a New Moon, sorry!) - there is maybe something here about what we just CAN'T have/can't do/can't say.

BUT this is still a New Moon/new beginning.

So, if one door closes another door will quickly be opening!

This could be the virus restrictions/the virus itself/the virus ramifications (that Cappy pile-up) interfering with any actions/fresh start we are desiring or people wanting to be focused on home/family, etc and instead needing to worry about job security and paying the bills. Also a second chance, a temporary opportunity because remember Saturn is retrograde, to use authority/restrictions/responsibilities while prioritizing home/family/safety to reduce the virus's ramifiactions. We get another shot at prioritizing what matters most/determining what is most valuable. Balancing this stuff.

We are learning to accept/live with certain restrictions and insecurities and figuring out HOW TO KEEP MOVING FORWARD anyway.

At the same time we have Mercury applying to a sextile to Uranus - this is exact on Wednesday and we have the Moon/Sun exactly sextiling Sedna and Saturn exactly trining Sedna.

Sedna is a dwarf planet named for an Inuit Sea Goddess - her story is of a woman betrayed by her husband and then her father whose death birthed the sea creatures she later ruled/protected. Yes, we are talking mythology again - stay with me!

She wanted so much to believe in the promises of a comfortable, easy life (from the trickster bird she would marry) she didn't look too closely at the fine print. When she called to her beloved father to bail her out of her predicament, he came to her, but then later, when his own life was threatened, betrayed her also - in a most gruesome way by chopping off her fingers as she clung to their boat before drowning.

She seems to connect to our "victim" story, father/patriarchal issues, loss connected to not seeing the way something is simply too good to be true/to last.

In Taurus, this could be connected to our money/resources and is making me think of what is happening in the United States with cuts to the pandemic unemployment program that are being voted on this week in Congress.

Maybe the sextile/trine (softer aspects) will make the "cuts" (from father/government) less drastic/easier to take.

Whatever happens - because the things outside our control are outside our control - keep in mind what the Inuits tell us happened to Sedna when she lets go of her victim story/fears that she couldn't take care of herself ... she moves into her immortal identity/her soul .... she gives birth to all the creatures in the ocean.

(yes, she ends up dead, but we almost certainly won't and now there are dolphins, people ... dolphins!)

Building at the time of this New Moon and exact on Wednesday we have the third of three sextiles between Mercury (in Cancer) and Uranus (in Taurus) - so new conversations/information about our money, our resources, our values and self-esteem. There could be positive news if we have been insecure about our money/resources and/or indicate the final conversation in this area - just don't go all 'Sedna seduced' with promises of an easy/comfortable "happily ever after".

Bottom line and you know I like words way too much to want to "cut" to that - whatever is started now will require time, responsibility, dealing with boundaries and rules. Things that seem too good to be true will be and there could be cuts and cut-offs and feelings like we are being tossed overboard.

The day after the New Moon we have that final Mercury square Chiron - maybe a need to stand up for ourselves, situations conspiring for us to know we can take care of ourselves no matter what happens, our vulnerabilities triggered by words that HURT.

Almost immediately Mercury moves into a positive aspect with "expect the unexpected" Uranus. We are talking about what's next/looking to the future. Opening to new ideas. Changing our mind.

The overall vibe here, is the repeating nature of the Moon - THE SECOND CHANCE - and the Moon/Sun powerful conjunction - remember the Moon rules Cancer, this is HER New Moon - opposing that retrograde and restrictive Saturn (which can feel heavy so hang in there) with Sedna urging us toward the birth of our immortal identity ...

I am not guaranteeing porpoises and jelly fish will spring from our bloody fingers if we get 'cut off' but some good is going to come from this -

if one door closes another door opens. 

That's just how this works.

And with the Sun at 28 degrees Cancer we know it's almost Leo season, so hang in there - just having the Sun in his home sign is going to make all of us, regardless of our situation, feel BETTER!

xo all

Saturday Night Mystery | the astrology of the death of Jeffrey Epstein - Saturn's final stoplight, Pluto on his mind and the revenge of Juno

In July 2019, Jeffrey Epstein, a previously convicted sex offender was re-arrested and charged with sex trafficking by federal prosecutors.

A few weeks later, on the morning of August 10, 2019, Epstein was found by prison guards, dead in his jail cell. He was 66 years old, had been denied bail as a flight risk, was facing a lifetime prison sentence and was believed, by prison authorities to have attempted suicide three weeks earlier, but was not on a suicide watch at the time of his death.

The NYC Medical Examiner ruled his death a suicide by hanging (ironically given his crimes, by bed-sheet, since there appeared to be cords in the room) but a controversial forensic pathologist (Michael Baden of HBO's "Autopsy" series from the mid 90's), helping to fuel massive internet/public skepticism, stated he believed the evidence pointed to murder, noting what he called 'unusual fractures' in Epstein's neck.

Considering the powerful people he ran with (he was friends with Presidents Donald Trump and Bill Clinton as well as Britain's Prince Andrew and others) and the possibly unsavory secrets he might be privy to, certainly the possibility of his death being a murder made to look like a suicide should be investigated

(and it was, although we will never know for sure precisely how well, and confirmed a suicide and Michael Baden's ultimate determination was that it was inconclusive).

But what does the astrology show?!

Let's unpack the chart.

The inner wheel is a chart for the time of the 911 call made when prison guards found him unresponsive/dead in his cell and the outer chart is his birth chart (time unknown). I have added asteroids Epstein, Ixion and Chaos and will explain why as we move through his.

First, we go to the ascendant/what is rising on the horizon.

Imagine we are looking at the chart as a scene and the ascendant, and first house, is the victim - who/what is right in front of us. The ascendant is 24 degrees Leo conjunct a 25 degree Mars. Juno conjunct the ascendant and Mars in that 1st house. Leo is ruled by the Sun in the 12th house

(which rules places and people put away, like those in prison, the 12th house also rules endings, endings in small or confined spaces, suicides).

Also keep in mind that as we are looking at the Ascendant, the first house, the 12th house is behind us, so not everything that happens in the 12th house can be seen - it's a house of mysteries and holds the secrets people sometimes carry to their graves.

An archetypal Leo would be an older male, strong features, thick blonde or reddish hair, ruddy complexion.

That Mars (violence) conjunct the ascendant could indicate anxiety/a triggering situation/self inflicted injury maybe to the head. Notice Epstein's natal Pluto (death, power) is sandwiched between the death chart's Mars (violence) and Sun (standing in for Epstein).

We have Venus (young women, also ruler of Taurus/the throat and in this chart the 10th house of public life/the events of this chart becoming known) conjunct the Sun (Epstein).

The other significator (stand-in) for Epstein is the Moon.

Shown here in the 5th house (Leo's house that can lead to excess - gambling, recreation, children, romance) in Sagittarius (justice, the legal system), along with Sag ruler Jupiter which is in the chart's 4th house of home as well as 'the end of the matter'. So, the 4th and 5th forming a little closed loop. The excesses that lead to his legal situation and this chart's 'end of the matter'.

Case closed.

Two other energies in Sagittarius (both exactly conjunct each other and the Galactic Center/our cosmic homing signal!) are the Part of Fortune and Ixion. We will get back to the significance of this when we look at the mythology, including Juno, at the end of this post!

Let's move over to the 7th house cusp/the descendant/the perpetrator.

The descendant is 24 degrees Aquarius. There are no planets in the 7th house. Aquarius on the 7th can sometimes imply a perpetrator who feels the victim has or might impede their future or it might imply criminality through humanitarian related issues  

(so is this a hired job at the bequest of some rich SOB or did Epstein, the sex-trafficker/blight on humanity do this to himself?).

Aquarius is ruled by ancient ruler Saturn and modern ruler Uranus.

Saturn is in the 5th house (again Leo's natural house of excess) and at 15 degrees Capricorn is exactly conjunct Epstein's natal Chiron (his old familial wounding). So Saturn (death, endings, karma) at the time of his death is EXACTLY where Chiron (unhealed wound) was when Epstein was born.

(also note transiting Chiron is conjunct his natal asteroid 'Epstein" - he is born/marked by Chiron, as Chiron touches asteroid Epstein at his birth - we can't see what house, although his chart could be rectified and time of birth determined - and dies as Saturn touches that natal Chiron! Epstein a Chironic character in the sense he may hev used people's wounds/vulnerabilities and secrets against them)

Saturn (the stand-in for the perpetrator) is applying to a conjunction with Pluto (approaching) and Pluto is EXACTLY conjunct Epstein's natal Mercury at 21 degrees Capricorn

(Kate Spade had transiting Pluto exactly conjunct her natal Mercury at 18 degrees Capricorn when she committed suicide).

Mercury/Pluto - thinking about death. Making death reasonable. Pluto transits take away your power and leave you with what really is your power.

Or in this case, nothing - since we've got that 21 degree Mercury, 21 being Juno's number, the number of the power we get through our connection to the powerful and his connection to the powerful had ended.

Saturn's modern ruler Uranus is in Taurus answering to Venus in Leo answering to the Sun (Epstein).

The 8th house (house of death and whatever the means we know there is a death here) is home to Neptune in his home sign of Pisces. A mysterious death. Neptune is conjunct Epstein's natal Mars/Venus conjunction - so draining that charismatic aspect he always counted on, leaving him, in a sense - impotent. Also activating his watchful/natal Juno as we will talk about when we get to the myths.

The transiting North Node (17 degrees Cancer) conjunct his natal Uranus (at 15 degrees). And Uranus in this chart being co-ruler of the Descendant (perpetrator).

Also notice he was born with a natal Neptune/Saturn conjunction allowing him to elude authority/responsibility/limits as Neptune dissolves those Saturnian 'stop signs', but eventually, at a time with his natal Neptune's power dissolved by that square to Pluto and with transiting Saturn conjunct his natal Chiron (and transiting Chiron conjunct his natal Moon in that 8th house of death) - and remember Chiron at his birth was powerfully imprinted to asteroid "Epstein" -

Saturn's final red light can't be avoided. Fate (Saturn) steps in and he is STOPPED.

I would expect, if Epstein was murdered, to see something representing that in the 10th (authority), 7th (perpetrator) and 6th (people hired) houses, maybe the 2nd house, but those are ALL EMPTY.

The indicators I see of the possibility of murder - are the 10th house ruler (Venus) in the 12th (secrets) conjunct the Sun (Epstein), but we saw in another case where the perpetrator committed suicide when he was trapped, a significator for the victim(s) in that house with him - in this case Venus representing the young women Epstein raped and, with Venus in Leo, the risks he took with the reputation/his resources/what he valued - his downfall. The other indicator for murder that Aquarius 7th house, a possible indication of "a perpetrator who feels the victim has or might impede their future" and answering to Saturn in Capricorn (natural 10th house ruler/authority) and Uranus (who is answering to Libra, the 10th house ruler in this chart).

Whether these indicators are strong enough to over-rule the indicators for suicide laid out in the rest of the post I will leave up to you to decide.

Mysteries are mysteries for a reason though. The chart is always going to show some ambiguity with a story missing a clear-cut ending that's why it becomes a mystery.

I believe, based on this chart, his death is most likely a suicide. But since if it is a murder, it is designed to look like a suicide, it would not be possible from this chart to be 100% certain. I do think though his natal chart itself shows the possibility of suicide with the right transits.

OK, let's get back to the myth of Ixion because his namesake asteroid is conjunct Epstein's natal Neptune/Saturn conjunction (Neptune/Saturn btw being the signs we'd expect to see prominent in a suicide chart) and transiting Ixion exactly conjunct the Part of Fortune for this chart (the final outcome).

I warn you the myth might only add to the mystery for you!

Ixion, in Greek mythology, was the son either of the god Ares (Mars) or of Phlegyas (a notorious bad guy), and king of the Lapiths in Thessaly. 

He married Dia, daughter of  Deioneus to whom Ixion promised a sizeable dowry. Some time after the wedding with the dowry payment still unpaid Deioneus steals some of Ixion's horses in revenge, a crime Ixion quickly discovers. 

He invites Deioneus to his castle for a feast, but when his father-in-law arrives, Ixion pushes the older man onto a burning bed of coal and sticks and kills him. Note this is the first murder in Greek mythology related to someone killing 'family' and so Ixion is often labeled by astrologers as an indicator for murder or a murderer and that might be true sometimes, and even here if the myth ended there, but it doesn't.

Ixion, reputation and soul, ruined by this act, is driven mad. The other kings are so offended by his act of xenia (poor hospitality, which was held sacred) they refuse to perform the rituals of catharsis (probably think Pluto's death and rebirth here) that would cleanse him of his guilt/sin. 

So, Ixion is shunned and made to live as an outcast.

(we can connect this part of the myth to Epstein's original sex abuse convictions, over a decade before his death, that he 'got away with/received a slap on the wrist' - via a secret, highly controversial plea deal in 2008 thanks to former U.S. Attorney Alex Acosta, who is now Trump's Labor Secretary - much as Ixion did, but which did result in Epstein's powerful downfall/public shunning and desertion of his powerful friends and his life as an outcast - although a wealthy outcast - before an in-depth series of articles by the Miami Herald - keep in mind Jupiter rules the media as well as the legal system - sparked renewed public outrage over his sexual crimes and the judicial inequality of his sentence)

OK, back to the myth.

At some point, Zeus (Jupiter, king of the Gods to the Romans) takes pity on Ixion and instead of making him pay for his crimes decides to offer him a seat at his table where Ixion in another act of xenia (poor hospitality) begins to lust over Zeus's wife Hera (Juno to the Romans, and right on the ascendant of this chart). 

In disbelief when he is told of this, Zeus (Jupiter) sets a trap for Ixion by forming a cloud into the shape of his wife and placing the Hera (Juno)-cloud naked beside a sleeping Ixion (what a temptation!). 

When Zeus (Jupiter) discovers Ixion having sex with the Hera (Juno) cloud - and impregnating it/her (?) - the ultimate act of poor hospitality and ABUSE OF HIS PARDON - Zeus/Jupiter expels Ixion from Mt. Olympus with his thunderbolt, binding Ixion (via Hermes/Mercury) eternally to a winged fiery wheel that is always spinning - 

and I didn't mention Mercury in the post, but notice he is in that 12th house of the death chart, the house containing Epstein/the Sun and at the powerful/critical 28th degree of Cancer, so answering to that Moon (Epstein) in Sagittarius (the law). 

The sex Ixion had with the 'cloud' named Nephele (nephos meaning cloud) produced a child named Centauros who later mated with the mares on Mount Pelion creating the race of Centaurs, including Chiron.

Are we looking at ancient archetypal patterns playing out through the life of a man called Jeffrey Epstein (which no more absolves his guilt/sin than anyone else's) or have I gone mad as a hatter? Both?

Although archetypes are impersonal patterns of influence that are both ancient and universal, they become personalized when they are a part of our individual psyche. Encoded in all of us to enable us to fulfill our sacred purpose/contracts while on Earth, but how high or how low we go with these energies - we do have some free-will here, of course - is up to us ....

Endowed with the rain-making gift of creating from thin air (his reputation/financial abundance) and charged with tests involving his use of xenia "hospitality" (think about his plane and island), his acts through sexual abuse/excess/no limits, used in perversion - turning young people into inanimate objects for his own pleasure.

And it is not only Saturn and Pluto that end Epstein's excessive lifestyle/life.

We can see Juno (Hera), an essential Goddess necessary for sustaining life, on the ascendant - bringing Mars and the noose - as echoing that Uranus in Cancer - remember we are always on the lookout for repeating patterns - since Juno's revenge is unleashed when the integrity of the social structure is threatened by behavior that might destroy the family unit and the social cohesion that is dependent on it.

Social taboos are part of her domain.

The need to create family structures is inherent in nature and we violate Juno's territory at our own risk.

Notice in Epstein's natal chart Juno is conjunct (we might say looking over) his Mars/Venus conjunction, that love/passion aspect that can bring charisma/contact with powerful people/an urge toward too much sex - watching what he does with that. 

Juno is "violated" by the chaos that ensues when individuals cannot control their instincts ... and she always has her revenge.

Also Juno is about the power we hold through our connections to the 'real' power/the king and what we will do to hold onto it - Juno a powerful player in his chart and life story. 

So there are a kind of 'deep-state' murderers at work here, but maybe they are the ancient archetypal ones we carry inside us and misuse at our own peril.

xo all

Today's Astrology Forecast | Friday, July 17, 2020 - communication, errands, small stuff, finishing up, going with the flow

The Moon finishes up in Gemini today - she met Venus at 2:40AM EDT and later (5:15PM EDT) will go void off a square to a retrograde Neptune. She will be void until tomorrow morning (10:24AM EDT) when she comes home to Cancer and starts setting up this year's rare second New Moon in Cancer on Monday.

The Moon/Venus (exact late last night, but will unwind today) shows a need to chat/socialize. Share information/our feelings - keep things light. With both the Moon and Venus answering to a newly direct Mercury in Cancer maybe home/family situations are on our mind/lips. The Moon is waning - finishing up - as she heads into her dark phase this weekend. A time of rest.

The square to a retrograde Neptune could have some wistfully looking backward - at what we used to have or thought we would/the way it's supposed to be? Words/promises could feel empty. Keep in mind our life has always been more about what we "notice" than about what is actually happening. We can choose to change/soften our focus. Neptune is like anesthesia. We don't want to sleepwalk through life, but we don't want to have surgery wide awake either. Everything has its time and place. If we are feeling drained/anxious get some extra rest/sleep. Get into the water. Listen to music.

Know everything you hear/see, maybe especially in the late afternoon and then during that Void Moon will likely be somewhat delusional and can unwind quickly.

This would not be the day to make any important long-term decisions.

Just roll with what happens.

Chat. Do errands. Write. Communicate. Call your sibling. Keep things light.

Get small things done.

This weekend will be all about home and family stuff (a Cancer weekend Moon is the stuff working men and women's dreams are made of, but things could feel a bit 'empty' due to her balsamic phase if we push, so just let things move at their own pace). 

Keep in mind always we are all in this together ....

xo all

photo by the talented Ceecore

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, July 16, 2020 - getting busy, making adjustments to what we call nurturing, staying curious, finding a new way through

The Moon is in multi-tasking/curious/chatty and information hungry Gemini now - there is enough to keep everyone busy like it or not. This late in the lunar month the Moon might have been happier yesterday in slow and comfortable Taurus.

Now, maybe she starts to feel rushed, like she is falling behind somehow.

On the other hand if she (as we) will just roll through this day (stay in the moment and flexible as the pace quickens and shifts), getting this done and that done this can feel very good, too!

The Gemini Moon will sextile Mars at 10:26PM EDT and meet up with Venus at 2:40AM EDT (tomorrow).

In Gemini our focus naturally turns to Gemini themes - information, communication, errands, education, writing, teaching, our siblings, local community, transportation/electronic situations. 

That Moon/Mars sextile from Gemini/Aries is a trigger to be curious. Get out there into your local neighborhood. Make the call. Write the email. Do/think/talk about something NEW.

This is also the day Venus (in Gemini) squares a retrograde Ceres (in Pisces) again. 

Maybe we can see the ways  nurturing without boundaries isn't really nurturing. What/who are we smother mothering with our good (or not so good) intentions? Venus is Gemini likes to keep things light/humorous/curious. Maybe mama Ceres needs to chill out. 

(my daughter obviously tunes out when I talk about "important" things, but when we chat about recipes, quick plans, newsy gossip, etc, and I allow her to decide when a heavier topic can be broached ie wait for her to initiate - my thoughts are more welcomed. And I knew this already, but must have forgotten and have been reminded again lately)

Conversely this might be something about how too much frivolous conversation/flitting from this to that keeps us from really connecting/listening. Ceres in Pisces wants the complete merger. Gulp! 

Ceres also rules season of life issues/things outside our control and Venus in Gemini is about wanting different things/being attractive to and attracting a variety. Maybe something about baby steps toward something else. Be curious.

(Ivanka Trump's - somewhat premature/ill-timed - campaign with business leaders, "find something new" is on target with the North Node in Gemini - should have been announced during the Gemini Moon though instead of comfort/stability-loving Taurus and probably with a Leo Sun! - I have no idea if the actual plans have any meat on their bones or it's just a fluffy headline, but the idea "find something new-ish" is going to be the way through for all of us, sooner or later, unless we want to be just hanging onto everything by our finger nails until they are ripped out, too.)

Ultimately Gemini/Pisces are mutable signs and Venus is the queen of balance and Ceres got what she wanted when she learned to compromise. 

This ain't our first rodeo with this square (we had this on June 8th with Venus retrograde and Ceres direct), so what have we learned? 

xo all

photo by the talented surabhiguptaphotoart