Where Have All The Cowboys Gone...

I am starting to think that maybe people and people whose sex starts with M in particular are starting to get a little wimpy on us. I am missing cowboys (maybe) and I'll tell you why.

Today I was standing on the sidewalk getting my mail from my curbside mailbox and a blue Corvette was waiting in a line of cars backed up from my corner.

The driver had the top down, allowing everyone within a four WalMart radius to share in his enjoyment of Van Halen. When he increased the volume even more, I turned around just in time to see him thrust his fist in the air, eyes closed.



Might as well jump!

(fist! fist! fist!)

This was sort of like the Tiger Woods fist pump without the Masters win. Not something a cowboy would do I don't think (of course this move would likely cause the cowboy's trusty horse to go galloping off into the woods so maybe this is not a fair comparison), but still ....

Then after dumping my mail all over the back seat of my car

(who's afraid of lost bills and bill collectors- not this cowgirl- that's who)

I head out for some errands and I go to the gym.

(and when I say "go to the gym" I mean walk past the gym's glass doors and windows on my way to Blockbuster)

And in the gym I see 3 separate guys on treadmills and ellipticals with fanny packs.

Now, the last time I went to the gym (and by "to the gym" I mean actually walked through those glass doors and worked up a sweat ... sort of) this equipment didn't actually take you anywhere, so I am not sure why 3 separate men felt they needed to take provisions ... maybe they are the modern man's equivalent of those sexy, soft leather saddlebags, but let's hope this is not some kind of a trend.

And speaking of fanny packs I once was explaining to Noelle of Xenotees about the cash bag I wear on my waist and use at shows and she said "oh, you mean you use a FANNY PACK?!" - which left me scrambling for a new cash bag.

Anyhoo- hubby came home all grumpy and dirty and reeking of testosterone (or maybe just kind of smelling like the pastrami and provolone he had for lunch) and for once I didn't mind.

And come to think of it he has no rhythm (well, his feet have no rhythm- he can actually tap out some mean Rush on the steering wheel, but I've never seen any kind of eyes closed fist pumps from him) and he would not be wearing a fanny pack (I hope) although he is getting older and does spend an awful lot of time in slippers lately ...

I know cowboys are not all they are cracked up to be (maybe) and they do walk kind of funny from all that horseback riding, but for some reason I am just missing them today ... off to get those bills from my back seat before they get lost....


AND THE WINNER IS : Jean of 3Squares on Etsy! Check out her amazing metalwork inspired by cooking and her totally gorgeous Moo card holder necklace! Congrats Jean and thanks to everyone who entered!

True Random Number Generator Min:1 Max: 328 Result: 219 Powered by RANDOM.ORG

Tobey Meseth has the best rack on Etsy!

Tobey is the amazing artist behind Shauneil (her middle name); the Etsy shop where the most adorable racks are waiting for you! I bought one for myself and one as a gift and they are incredibly well-made, have stunningly beautiful clean, bold lines and are totally unique!

Tobey is (in her own words) a stubborn Taurus (hmmm), a curious watcher (I've told her those binoculars are going to get her into trouble), an excellent listener (yes, she is), an avid reader (we will test her on this), a psuedo vegetarian and a thrift store shopper (ie- she is broke and needs you to buy something from her).

Tobey's creations are also one of the inspirations for my Polarity locket series! If I had never seen her amazing racks I know that first box of little metal 'cups' on my hubby's shop floor would never have found their way into my house and into my studio and into my heart.

We are so lucky to have one of her gorgeous creations for our giveaway this week!

What you get:

One luck winner will receive Shauneil's amazing 3 hanger jewelry display or key rack in turquoise, purple and grey!


Visit Shauneil's gorgeous shop and leave a comment below letting her know about your favorite item or something you would like to see her carry!

For additional entries:

(5) Twitter this post
(5) Blog about this contest; linking to this post
(5) Follow my blog

Let me know if you have done these things so I can give you additional entries. This contest is open to everyone.


MIDNIGHT on Sunday, September 27th! Good luck! CLOSED

Another Saturday Night and What I Ain't Got....

Home alone this Saturday night, so a good time to scout around the web and find us some total awesomeness!

Like this gorgeous textured rug by Gan Rugs that will freak out your feet, these amazing wedding portraits by my favorite wedding photojournalist Kella MacPhee of Faye and Mike's Asbury Park wedding last weekend, Lola Falk's gorgeous clutches, Keetra Dixon's beautiful layered wax now showing at I Space in Chicago, love these new cans of tea, how cool is this sliding barn door for your closet - I really, really want to make this

Rachel Demsick of GetReadySetGo's amazing vintage luggage (have bought 2 of these so far) and Rachel has a locket, gotta love this armoire turned into a bird house, SF's parking spaces into parks- how cool is that, round the corner picture frames, the park seat that you do NOT want to collapse on you - ouch! - the happiest pendant lamps I've seen lately!

A Knightrider Knightmare ....

So, first of all when I get stressed two things happen to me (well, maybe 3 or maybe 47 odd things happen to me, but two that I will own up to here)- One - I have something called night terrors where I "wake up" a couple hours after falling asleep except I am not really awake.

But, I definitely feel like I am awake and I see spiders and shadowy figures and sometimes strangely specific things in the room with me.

Like the other night I saw David Hasselhoff and he was the David Hasselhoff in that video his kids took when he was loaded and eating that hamburger- so you can only imagine how scary that would be at 2 a.m. on a Thursday...

The other thing that happens is that Olive gets stressed, too and mostly from me screaming at David Hasselhoff not to drop his pickles on my new(ish) Anthropologie bedspread (I'm talking dill slices here ladies not the whole pickle)

Olive climbs under our bed to sleep and ... stays there .... and cannot be coaxed out... and makes some strange digging noises that we try to ignore and hope the carpet will survive.

Anyhoo, she has been sleeping under there for the last few nights and this morning when grabbing some laundry and noticing quite a few things missing I decided to move the bed and see what she has been up to

and sure enough she has been slowly building some strange dog bed or nest (or some sort of sacrificial altar where she will eventually drag me to my demise for buying the store brand dog biscuits) out of socks and underpants. And truthfully, it looks kind of cozy, in a gross sort of laundry basket dumped on the floor kind of way.

So tonight I went for a long walk/run because physical exhaustion definitely helps me sleep through the night and we'll see what happens. I decided to leave Olive's little lovenest alone, if David Hasselhoff shows up again, at least I will know where to hide.