Super Full Moon in Taurus on Monday | we either own it or we don't

untitled by oprisco

I am going to write a post on the election/weeks ahead this Sunday.

I've been busy with work and also working through my own feelings to detach from them.

The reason almost every (every?) well-known astrologer predicted a Clinton victory is that we all bring ourselves to whatever we are looking at. All I can really see in you is the place in me that vibrates to it.

(I think this is true of everything not just astrology charts)

His victory (and there are twists and turns ahead before Inauguration Day people so stay tuned) shows to me the power of Uranus and the power of our progressed charts. Next year, or the end of this year, we are going to focus on our progressed charts here and regular readers will learn to work with their progressions.

I think we'll all feel a little better if we prepare for Monday's Full Moon in Taurus. The Moon loves Taurus (the sign of Mother Nature) and this is a "stop and smell the roses" moment.

Sometimes not getting what we want let's us see very clearly what we already have.

The Full Moon is at 22 degrees Taurus. People with planets or points 20-24 degrees of the fixed signs (Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius) will feel this energy strongest.

Taurus is ruled by Venus and rules the 2nd house of everything money can buy and everything money can't. She rules finances, love, stability, security and comfort. She rules our values and also represents Mother Earth. Taurus energy is nurturing - it brings us back to ourselves.

It also represents fear based thinking when our security is threatened (real or imagined) focusing us on all the reasons something we want to do won't work or all the reasons we can't have what we want. Taurus energy is stubborn (like the bull) or passive (like the cow).

We either own it (whatever "it" is) or it doesn't belong to us.

Like all Full Moons, this a Sun/Moon opposition. The Sun is in deep, dark, transformative Scorpio and the Moon is in earthy, grounded Taurus. Full Moons represent fullness, peak power, endings - that moment of our breath when our lungs are full just a second before we begin to exhale.

Oppositions are just what they sound like and often at a Full Moon we might find ourselves working with the polarity

(and speaking of Polarity - warning shameless plug ahead - have you seen my lockets?)

of the two energies involved. With Scorpio, some transformation comes to light (Full Moons bring things to light) maybe we have to surrender, there could be a loss of control - with Taurus, we turn toward the present moment - what already exists. We take solace in what brings us comfort - nature, food, our physical senses.

So, all of that applies to every Full Moon in Taurus which happens around this time every year. There are also some energies that apply specifically to the Moon next week.

Remember that Venus (ruler of both Libra and Taurus and ruler of this Moon) is in Capricorn - the sign of business; the energy of 'just get 'er done'. This Moon isn't about any pie in the sky dreams for the future, this is about what we can hold in our hands, see with our eyes - stuff that is real and practical. She will have us focused on our money and on our relationships. If we are a positive thinker we will see clearly what is working. If we are a negative thinker we will see clearly what isn't. Either view will show us what we need to see.

The Moon and Sun will trine (brakes off) Chiron (the wounded healer) and Black Moon Lilith (female taboo energy). A light can be thrown on something hidden. The taboo female energy of Lilith is threatening to existing power structures (male and female). The healing salve of Chiron can make disappointments easier to handle and make us more compassionate for those who are disappointed and for whatever this Full Moon illuminates.

Something simmers here .....

We'll talk more about this Full Moon on Monday. I had some of this post written a couple weeks ago and decided to post it now .... hang in there everyone.

xo all

Sun sextile Pluto | transformation and trusting our future self

autumn angel by ankazhuravleva

See my weekly forecast HERE. Today we have the Sun (in Scorpio) sextile Pluto (in Capricorn) at 15 degrees.

Sextiles represent opportunity. Sextiles with Pluto represent opportunities for transformation. Transformations must be allowed with this energy - we can't push for them or we end up all Frankensteiny.

Power (and stepping into our responsibility) comes through the path of least resistance - stuff falls into place, if it's the right stuff.

This feels especially opportunistic for those Aries, Cancers, Libras and Capricorns being affected (since 2008) by Pluto's journey through Capricorn AND everyone with planets in these signs can benefit.

This is a good time to get our finances in order - opportunity comes of it. This is a good time to reconnect within our relationships - opportunity comes of it. This is a good time to work with authority figures or step into our own authority - opportunities come of it.

This is a good time for career and business opportunities - with Capricorn there will be work involved here (plus we've still got that Virgo North Node urging us to not skip any steps), but if we have been working hard already there can be rewards now. Even maybe a breather. The situation can shift in our favor.

Fresh starts offer rebirth opportunities with this energy, but there is no forcing anything. It will happen or it won't. This is not an energy to push. This is about power and it is friendly. When wielding or working with power and powerful people and situations now - it pays to be respectful.

Our Sun is much more powerful (Scorpio) when focused (Capricorn) - imagine this energy a magnifying glass clearing the way to your new opportunity. Don't stress yourself about how something is going to happen or if you have what it takes. Your future self can handle it. You are ready.

xo all

Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 7th - a change is gonna' come

knitting in november by ankazhuravleva

By Saturday all three personal planets - Mars, Mercury and Venus - will have changed signs (and we'll have a new President elect).

What a week!

First, Mars leaves Capricorn for Aquarius on Tuesday night (thru January 28th).

Mars (energy, action, initiative, anger) hasn't been in Aquarius for over two years. Aquarians and Leos will feel this change in energy and everyone's Aquarius natal house will have more energy and be more active.

On a universal level this will have our collective Mars energy focused on Aquarian themes : groups, the internet, technology, sudden change, rebellion, invention, freedom, independence, charity, our vision and the 'collective'.

We'll have Mars in Aquarius (ruled by Uranus) and Uranus in Aries (ruled by Mars) - there's that mutual reception (extra power) thing we had going on for the last few weeks with Venus. To me, this would seem to fuel anarchy or rebellion .... or vision and invention. Probably both. Hold onto your hats, people.

EXAMPLE for Scorpio Rising - (Aquarius 4th house) Mars into your 4th house could increase family squabbles, bring increased activity to your home or home business, be used for renovation - even small changes can create big energy shifts - makes this a good time to relocate - active energy will be focused on home and family

Next, Venus (women, love, our values, money, beauty) leaves big-picture, freedom loving Sagittarius and moves into serious and security focused Capricorn on Friday (through December 7th).

Venus grows up and faces responsibility here. We get more serious with our money. Relationships take a more serious turn. Flings and flights of fancy in our relationships no longer cut it. There is an emphasis on tradition and respect for personal authority and boundaries. Women get to work.

Capricorn Sun and Risings (1st house Capricorn in your natal chart) get more attractive (both physically attractive and more able to attract what they want). Our Capricorn natal houses get more attractive, too.

EXAMPLE for Taurus Rising (Capricorn 9th house) Venus into your 9th house can bring travel and educational opportunities, relationships with people or one special person from another country or background. Publishing, media and legal avenues can attract women, love and money.

Then on Saturday, Mercury moves from deep, dark Scorpio into big-picture, expansive Sagittarius (through December 2nd).

This is fertile ground for both words that feel good and positive and optimistic and words that are overblown, overstated and conspiratorial. While in Sagittarius it will square Neptune in dreamy Pisces the results could be over-promising and probably some talk about things that are too good (or too big) to be true.

Conversations and communications will revolve around things/people that are foreign, legal issues, media, education and politics - yes, more politics - sorry!

EXAMPLE for Leo Rising (Sagittarius 5th house) Mercury into your 5th house can increase communications and conversations around creative projects, children, romance and fun and games. Excellent time to write. Great transit for teaching. Great transit for flirting and romantic chitchat.

If you are an artist or craftperson headed into the holiday season maybe the things to keep in mind with all of this are:

1. People will take action (Mars) on things involving their groups, technology, innovation and that give them a sense of freedom
2. People will be attracted (Venus) to things that make them feel safe and secure with a connection to tradition. I know this is a bit of the opposite of Mars - but that's just how it goes. Things don't always fall all one way.
3. People will be communicating about and listening to (Mercury) BIG words and ideas - use optimistic and positive language. Avoid over-promising.

In our personal lives we will experience all these transits over the next few weeks, but depending on our individual chart one may take precedence.

I will try to write a post on each transit but I'm trying to get my wholesale orders orders out today and will probably blog about the election again tomorrow (I did one here over the weekend and no, I won't choose sides, so everyone can read without feeling that their candidate might get bashed)- I'll see how much time I have.

The Moon is void pretty much all day Tuesday (working hours) 8:54am to 4:45 pm EST so this would not be a good day to start anything new or launch anything that you would like to lead to anything. This is the only Void Moon during work hours this week.  

And it's Election Day - ack - it could make things rather problematic or messy and then it moves into dreamy and elusive Pisces which won't help much!

Are you ready? Change is coming (although not as much as 4 years from now!).

If you are in the U.S. please vote - every person counts!

xo all

the bigger picture and next week's election ...

crystal ball by heroinx-x

Astrology can be a tool for prediction, but not a very good one. It is a language of archetypes and patterns. Our chart isn't fate or destiny - it's really a blueprint of our God given potential!

(astrology recognizes free will as the central axis of any chart - some things we have to meet up with, how we handle them is always up to us)

Astrology looks at what has happened in the past when planets and points were in similar spaces and rubbing against each other in similar ways to see what we experienced then. Then it hypothesizes and imagines what those energies could bring to current situations.

And, of course, the experience and intuition (and bias - we all see what we are looking for to a large degree) of the astrologer play an important role.

As an armchair astrologer I am not going to wade into prediction - but it might help to put the election into a bigger framework.

Think about it this way. This election is an epic battle between two warriors. Either of these warriors could win or they couldn't be in the ring. There is no future set in stone for any of us. Either of these warriors can take us on the next leg of our collective journey, too.

Let's not get caught up in thinking one of the two of them is going to destroy us (or save us - that's up to us) - the road we are on is the road we are on.

We have been on this road since 2008 when Pluto moved into Capricorn and really we have been on this road since the last time Pluto was in Capricorn and our forefathers signed the Declaration of Independence.

The United States is four years from its exact Pluto return (Pluto the planet of karma and transformation will be back in the exact position it was in when the Declaration of Independence was signed) and four years is a blink of the eye to Pluto. The unethical and corroded structures of Capricorn (government, big business, banking) are transforming.

One of the most active planets these past few months has been Eris (dwarf planet). Eris is Mars' trouble making sister - she is the outsider. Aided by Uranus, planet of revolution and 'anything can happen' they have been turning things upside down (not just in the U.S.!).

And as we move from the Age of Pisces (patriarchy) to the Age of Aquarius (equality) the conservative/liberal split is strongly emphasized. We are polarized with a father based mindset or a mother based mindset. Whichever one we most connect to, the other side looks nuts. They just don't make any sense to us, but the truth is, it's literally the ways our brains are wired (see the studies of George Lakoff).

Both sides have wonderful gifts and both sides have their problems.

Let's take a peek at the warrior's charts.

Clinton's chart (which like Hillary herself is somewhat hidden since her birth time is unknown) shows she is an intense person leading an intense life. It's a BIG chart. She is undoubtedly reliable and steady and will see things through. But with multiple planets in Scorpio, what we see is not always what we get.

She is predictable but there is a lot going on behind the scenes she doesn't show us.

She has a compassionate Moon that gets overshadowed by her Scorpio Sun (I bet her mother who she has a strong spiritual connection to was overshadowed by her father). She has a past life victim/scapegoat story and needs to be careful taking advice from men or subjugating herself to male energy. She will fight for what she thinks is right, for what she wants and for her own survival.

She is manipulative and cunning. And if we see this as always a bad thing - we have probably never won a game of Monopoly.

Life is complicated. Clinton is complicated. She was born with Saturn conjunct Pluto and Mars which is a very powerful and ambitious combination (with an ability to survive almost anything and almost a death wish). She moves in a ruthless world. She fits in.

With all the scandals (and yes, some and maybe many are fabrications and exaggerations) she has weathered, it is amazing she could be the next President of the United States. Think about it - we had a candidate who yahoo'd or yodeled or whatever you would call it (does anyone remember Howard Dean's Presidential run?) and was practically run out of town.

How is this woman still standing (maybe in much the same way all women are still standing)?

Love her or hate her (and with all this Scorpio energy she will engender strong reactions) she is mirroring the feminine shadow energy we need to see right now. Some will see a manipulative witch and some will see a woman who does what she has to do to get things done - both will be right.

Now, let's take a peek at Trump's chart.

He actually published his birth certificate online when he was claiming Obama wasn't born in the United States, so we know it is 100% accurate..

His Sun is in Gemini. His Moon is in Sagittarius. Geminis are clever and good with words. They are fast thinking and often funny. They can say one thing to one person and something else to someone else - they are changeable. Sagittarius is the sign of the adventurer. It's the sign of big beliefs and BIG (or I should say bigly) EVERYTHING.

They are opposite each other in his chart so we know he was born on a Full Moon. He has the North Node conjunct his Sun so we know he was born on a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse. He has Uranus, the planet of 'anything can happen', the future, rebelliousness and genius conjunct his Sun and North Node - this is a pretty big deal. Yes, I'd say his chart is bigly.

With Trump's chart what we see is what we get. Stuff isn't hidden but things are always in flux. Lies aren't always lies (although with a Gemini Sun, yes, there are definitely lies and exaggeration) as much as they are the way he previously thought or operated that he is done with. He used to do this and now he does that. He used to think this way and now he thinks that way. He used to say this and now he says that.

Uranus conjunct his Sun and North Node makes him a human lightning bolt ... and you know how we never know where lightning will strike! He carries that electricity we feel in the air right before a storm.

So, yes, he was born to do something big and his energy is totally unpredictable. No one can know what he will do, even Trump himself. When he says he will not be controlled by big money (or foreign countries) I actually believe him. He cannot be controlled - even by the people who elect him though. If someone thinks they know what he will do, they are mistaken.

Remember eclipses bring things to light and eclipse things out - this is his destiny. Could he eclipse out corruption as some people believe? Yes. Could he eclipse out the important stuff we really need as other people believe? Yes.

Trump's lunar eclipse is closely aligned with the United States' Mars.

His Sun (life force) conjunct the United States' Mars (initiative, anger, courage, war) is one reason so many people see him as powerful and energetic and capable of leading the country. It also explains the "anger at authority" and "fear about security" he "shines a light on".

Having his Sun conjunct the United States' Mars at a lunar eclipse (Full Moon) means his Moon is opposing this same Mars. The Moon represents emotional, feminine, maternal, nurturing energy. The Moon rules Cancer and the United States has the Sun in Cancer. This is where his woman problems come in and his troubled relationship with feminine energy.

Love him or hate him he is mirroring the masculine shadow energy we need to see right now. Some will see a bullying narcissist and some will see a powerful, energetic man who does what he has to do to get things done - both will be right.

No one is just one thing and these two are just people after all - even though they are both working with some strong archetypal energy and showing us their shadows.

There are things we can do to have an impact on how all this plays out. I don't mean the election results but how this journey we are on plays out.

And I am not talking about telling other people how to vote. Everyone has made up their mind - although maybe not - looking at election day maybe people get up thinking they will vote one way and then end up voting the other way!

We can watch our language. This election has a lot to do with truth. We spent the entire year dealing with the Saturn/Neptune square of dreams vs reality. It is very hard to know what is real right now.

We can see how the media and 24 hour news cycle is a big problem and draining our energy.

There is a totally different energetic signature when we say "the truth is being revealed" than when we say "lies are being revealed". Can you feel that?

There is nothing happening in the collective that isn't happening within us, too. What is our own truth - specifically an event in our own personal life we are being challenged by now?

Somewhere here there is a truth we don't want to look at. This isn't a time for judgement. This is a time for every one of us to move closer to a truth that is pressing against our paradigm and needing to break free.

Can we get to a place of observation and objectiveness within ourselves where we can ask - what is the truth needing to be exposed? Also women need to hold a clear space without apology. If this sentence resonates with you there is a reason.

Election Day could be a nail biter. We start the day with a Void Moon! 

Void Moons are not good times to launch things and I take this seriously because the Moon needs to be aspecting something else to get results. With the Moon by itself we would just dream our life away!

When we start things during a Void Moon the saying goes "nothing will come of it". I have found this to be true over and over again. Then late in the afternoon EST, the Moon moves into Pisces. 

(the Sun will be in Scorpio and the Moon will be in Pisces which is Clinton's chart - this election is really all about her and what she stands for in the mind of each individual voter)

Maybe one of our warriors will look like they are doing well early in the day but then things will flip around.

Or maybe whoever pulls out a win has something happen after the election and "nothing comes of it" (the win).

Or maybe there is a recount needed after election day or someone contests the results - I guess this is the most likely scenario. There are multiple possibilities.

The Moon in Pisces is drifting energy. Stuff can slip right through our fingers ...

More on this in next week's forecast. Have a nice weekend everyone - relax! xo