Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of November 28th - a new direction maybe ...

*** ankazhuraleva

Lots of changes ahead again this week. I'll do daily posts but wanted to pop out something quick tonight.

Monday could be best spent preparing for Tuesday's New Moon in fiery Sagittarius. The Moon is void until 3:45 PM EST. We'll be busy - maybe focused on our Sagittarius natal house activities (where is 6 degrees Sagittarius in your chart?) or Sagittarian ruled themes - legal issues, dealing with what is 'foreign', politics, religion, education, media, publishing, wedding or travel.

On Tuesday we have the New Moon in Sagittarius (I will do a post about this tomorrow).

The Moon will be squaring the Nodes and a newly direct Neptune. Many will be starting a whole new chapter over the next couple weeks. There is great energy here for something important to begin. We may still have to release some kind of illusion, addiction (especially alcohol or sugar), tendency to escape or self-sabotage, but if we stay focused on seeking the most grounded (and healthy) path forward - we will find it.

Keep things slow and steady if the fog has rolled in. The path is there. With the Moon conjunct commitment loving Juno - choices (especially regarding partnerships) will be even more fated.

Also on Tuesday Venus (in Capricorn) squares Uranus (retrograde in Aries). This will be about our relationships, money, women, beauty or values. There could be a surprise or something unanticipated here that creates tension. Maybe something we thought we were finished with comes back around.

On Thursday the Moon in grounded Capricorn should steady our feet and make us more ambitious. Mars (in Aquarius) trines Jupiter (in Libra). This would be a good day for something new (and maybe even revolutionary) since Jupiter is the ruler of Tuesday's New Moon (in Sagittarius) and is now getting a 'brakes off' from fiery Mars. We could find ourselves in the right place at the right time. Take action.

On Friday Mercury moves into Capricorn and goes into the shadow of his December retrograde. Our words get more serious and we will need to use serious language to be heard. I will do a post about this later in the week.

Back on Tuesday with the New Moon post! xo all

Venus Conjunct Pluto | Venus Square Jupiter - intense desire for .....

*** by oprisco

Jupiter (in Libra) squared Pluto (in Capricorn) yesterday.

This has been building for a couple weeks and is the first of three squares (tension/conflict) between these powerful planets over the next 8-9 months. This is important and part of a longer story, so pay attention to what is happening in your life (and in the collective) now.

Jupiter in Libra wants expansion through fairness and balance and beauty. Pluto in Capricorn wants transformation and destruction of structures built on shaky ground and structures that have run their course.

Neither wants us carrying around dead things, ie ideas, beliefs, situations. And if you think "that's ridiculous I drop that dead thing immediately", well, maybe you do, but maybe you are like the rest of us and loaded down like Sherpas.

Squares are tension, but tension creates movement and growth. They don't always feel good though.

Since yesterday was Thanksgiving I imagine there were many dinner tables where opposing views were coming together - maybe even for the first time since the election. This energy is tricky.

Hopefully ideas and beliefs were passed around civilly like the mashed potatoes and turnips. We could digest what we wanted without judging what other people were digesting.

For example I don't like that weird string bean dish that someone always brings. But lots of other people do. I don't have to judge them as wrong or weak or 'different than me' just because they like to add crunchy nonsense to perfectly good vegetables (what is up with that?).

It can be the same way with our other, more important, differences. It really can.

Today, Venus (in Capricorn) joins the party. She squares Jupiter and conjuncts Pluto. It can be good to push for what we want, but we can take things too far. If we find ourselves insisting our way is the only way, we'll know we are in the realm of 'taken things too far'. As my grandma used to say, "no matter how flat you make a pancake it still has two sides" (or maybe that was Dr. Phil).

We could become obsessive about what we want. That square to Jupiter in balanced Libra, can make things quite unbalanced as we reach/go for it. Decide if it's really worth it because it might not be. If someone else has to lose for us to win and we do win, at least let's be kind about it.

Avoid over-promising. Avoid over-compromising. Avoid over-controlling. Avoid comparisons with other people. 

Pluto combined with Venus can be intoxicating but also incredibly destructive.

More isn't always more.

Sometimes when we feel that we don't have enough, anything that feels like more could seem like an improvement. It might not be. 

This is how we end up with stuff we don't line up with. 

We focus on the empty (what we're lacking) and get more empty (what we don't need). Keep this in mind today.

The Moon is void all day. Void Moons result in dubious or non-existent outcomes. We could buy some big expensive thing and then realize we have made a mistake. Hold onto your receipts. The Moon, coupled with Venus, advises us to spend wisely this Black Friday.

xo all

Mercury Conjunct Saturn | focus on what matters, use common sense

self portrait by la-child

Mercury (communication, ideas, thinking, siblings, local neighborhood, transportation) meets up with Saturn in Sagittarius today.

This could bring sobering (or stabilizing) news or communications. Maybe a 'no' has reduced our options. That's OK. Now we can focus in on what really matters.  

This is excellent energy for critical thinking. Common sense is favored.

Negative thoughts can flourish with this energy. We don't want to live here, but maybe we can put this to use. The lie or inflated thinking/idea/communication will be easier to "hear". Not easier in an emotional sense, but the stuff without solid grounding will stand out. Maybe we can formulate solid plans to avoid the pitfalls ahead.

If we are already depressed or worried, words and communications can feel heavier. 2016's Saturn square Neptune transit has worked us all over. We are empty of illusion. I am hoping we are all standing with like-minded others as we make our way through the dissolving landscape.

This is Sagittarius season and Sagittarian themes have been prominent for many, many months. What can we learn from those who are different from us? How are we more alike than different? Can we see the ways we really all want the same things .....

It will be easier to argue with older people or authority figures with this energy. Keep that in mind.

xo all

NOTE - The Moon is void until 2:45pm EST. 

(also today's conjunction will connect us to the Sun/Saturn conjunction on 12/10 - so today's information or communication could further impact us then)

Mercury Sextile Jupiter | make that practiced pitch, make time to listen

___ by oprisco

Today Mercury (communication, conversation, ideas) in Sagittarius shakes hands with Jupiter (expansion) in Libra (partners, women, money).

This seems like a good time to make a pitch about something we are excited about and have some of that enthusiasm brush off on others. More than sweaty palms are exchanged in hand shakes after all.

There is a square to the finicky Virgo Moon that could make us speak without thinking and later regret it, so think through emails and online postings before hitting that enter button. But don't over-think or expect perfection from ourselves or others. Most of the energy is a go to - speak up.

This is also a good time to listen to what someone else has to say and make a connection. Mercury also rules siblings and neighbors - if there is something there that needs to be mended or set in motion - today would be a good day to have a conversation.

Introduce yourself to someone you have been wanting to meet or talk to.

This would also be a good day to start a course of study and learn something new. Science is reporting that learning a new language is one of the best things we can do to challenge and strengthen our brains. With Jupiter in Libra and the ruler of Mercury's host space Sagittarius and ruler of education and what is 'foreign' this would be an excellent time to begin. This is also great energy to make travel plans.

xo all