Today's Astrology Forecast | October 5, 2019 - doing the thing we are afraid to do, our relationships vs our goals/ambitions, deeper conversations, more information, pushing past an obstacle, working on the dream

The Moon in Capricorn squares the Libra Sun at 12:47PM EDT and then moves on to conjunct Saturn at 4:39PM EDT and finally sextile a retrograde Neptune at 9:26PM EDT.

The Moon square Sun - first quarter square after last week's Libra New Moon - indicates tension/frustration, an obstacle between our relationships (maybe being Mr Nice Guy) and our work/goals/responsibilities. Maybe a line is drawn in the sand now.

For us, or by us.

The Moon in Cappy says "put on your big girl/boy pants" - the square says "push through this" - the Libra Sun says "please can't we all just get along?!" Or maybe the Libra Sun is speaking more of fairness or beauty or love.

And how do we reconcile our ambitions and the kind of structure we need to feel safe while surviving/thriving on such shaky ground (that Cappy Moon) - with that?

If we had all the safety in the world, goals met, mountains climbed, silver polished and tucked away - would it matter if we didn't have the love, the beauty, the justice, the kindness, the connections with other people?

Let's see what else is happening to broaden the picture a bit.

Mercury (in Scorpio now for the long haul) is inconjunct a retrograde Chiron (in early Aries). A rock and a hard place. We don't want to look/hear. We don't want to know. It hurts to look. It hurts to know. We have to look/hear. We have to know. Painful information/conversations. Hard to find a win/a compromise.

But the First Quarter Square Moon tells us the time is here to push through an obstacle.

Not to run away/look away/stay silent and hope for the best.

Maybe we need to do the thing we are afraid to do now. Say the words. Really listen.

It isn't going to be comfortable, but Uranus is in Taurus changing our definitions of "comfort" anyway.

Big shifts and healing can come through challenging information. We have to go deeper this time. We won't be tying anything up with a pretty bow right now, but to get to the good stuff we have to get past this obstacle. Take some action. Journal. Focus.

Pluto is direct. Clean up your mess. Clutter is like quicksand right now.

The Moon's conjunction will Saturn speaks of responsibilities, dealings with authority and stepping into our own authority. The sextile to Neptune tells us it's time to WORK to make that DREAM real.

Feels like a heavy load for a Saturday. But a Cappy Moon weekend can be very productive.

Don't forget the North Node in Cancer (our north star this year) - whatever feels like home, taking care of yourself, knowing you don't have to have all the answers, looking within.

xo all

photo by the talented Sofia Lupul

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 4, 2019 - sleeping in maybe then getting some serious work done later, intimate conversations tonight while cool heads prevail, a balancing act

The Sag Moon went void at 3:34AM EDT off a sextile to Venus (expanded creativity, love).

She will be void until 1:43PM EDT - so, feel free to sleep in - yes, tell your boss you read that here, you won't miss much that will amount to anything, kerfuffles early in the day won't amount to anything either (nor will work put out into the world so be judicious with that), stay flexible, time gets stretchy, sometimes we do things we have to do over later during void Moons, so it might be best to do things we have to do again and again anyway ;) THEN the Moon moves into sober Capricorn setting up a serious weekend.

The Cappy Moon will square Mars at 2:25PM EDT (newly minted in Libra, the sign of his fall).

This is a Venus/Saturn aspect - frustration tension around love/money/our resources/values/self-esteem. The Moon in Capricorn can be ice cold and Mars in Libra hasn't had time to find his footing. And Mars in Libra likes compromise better than conflict which could be challenging for this weekend's ambitious Capricorn Moon.  

Independent work is favored.

The good news for our Friday night - the Moon will sextile Mercury (in Scorpio) at 5:52PM EDT. Serious, but intimate conversations. News we can take to the bank. Focusing on our taxes/investments/loans - wait, is this a good use of our Friday night? Maybe it is! Or we could go see a scary movie or detective type thriller - is something like that out? There must be with Halloween approaching. Sex/dating will be 'all-business' with this aspect.

The big news today though is Mars move into Libra (for the first time in two years) until November 19th.

Our Libra house theme and the collective theme of our relationships/balance/justice/women/beauty will be a focus of our action. Any planets/points in our natal chart in Libra will get a Martian visit (action, initiative, passion, anger) and he will square our Cancer and Capricorn planets and oppose our Aries planets.

We talked about Mars into Libra in the weekly:

"On FRIDAY, Mars exits Virgo - having done all the fixing, clean up and detailed work he could possibly do (although keep in mind since he met the Sun while in Virgo and kicked off a new cycle until 2021 -  the details of what we are doing and practical action will retain their effectiveness for all of us).

He enters sociable and diplomatic Libra, the sign of the other person, for the first time in two years.

Mars rules Aries, the sign of "me" and is uber uncomfortable and in his fall in the sign of Libra, the sign of "we".

Our actions/passions can get mired in indecision. Mars wants to just go, go, go and in Libra is required to 'see/interact with' the other side of things. There is more flirting than commitment (job hunters prepare for a possible extended interview or 'getting to know you' process). More passive-aggressiveness.

Fiery Mars in our collective 7th house of other people means our actions trigger fast reactions. That whole "I'm rubber. You're glue" thing isn't working. Or maybe it's working backward.

The more Mars becomes a smiling caricature of himself , a phoney Mr. Nice Guy rather than the warrior he actually is, the bigger the eventual blow-up will be when his (ours or theirs) Arian head explodes. We need to be honest about our anger, passions, actions without crapping all over other people. It is a balancing act and Mars' combat boots are not made for tight ropes.

The good news for the next few weeks and there is plenty - situations will arise that create opportunities for more fairness. More balanced actions. More social activities. More compromise. More win-wins. More allies. Doing it together. Plus our Libra house theme gets a kick-start."

xo all

photo by the talented Marina Coric

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 3, 2019 - going deep for the next two months, it's not only what we dig up but what we put into the ground that matters now

While we slept (EDT) Mercury slipped into Scorpio and Pluto (Scorpio's ruler) stationed direct after five months retrograde.

Pluto is now on his direct journey to Saturn - mid January- and Mercury (due to her/his upcoming retrograde) will be in Scorpio until December! Yes, that's two months in the underworld folks! Are we up to it? Or should I say 'down for it"?

The Moon in Sagittarius sextiled the Sun (12:41AM EDT - inspiration, optimism) and will square Neptune (1:14PM EDT - tension via imagination, spirituality, double check emails before hitting send, avoid over-doing it with any escape/avoidance tendencies, the effects of alcohol/drugs get amplified) and conjunct Jupiter (4:40PM EDT - this could bring up big emotions or inspiration or even weepiness around whatever reality Jupiter coming off illusory Neptune over the last week or so has brought up for us).

This is the last day of Mars in Virgo. He will move into Libra late tonight.

The day will likely be overshadowed by Pluto/Scorpio.

We talked about this stuff in the weekly:

Pluto stations direct - the death that was postponed/the mess that needed to be cleaned up - here we go. Pluto forges ahead again - bent on deconstructing the old order.

Pluto direct speaks of a loss (this could have already happened with Saturn's station a few days ago in the same sign), a total transformation or change of course of some part of our life and/or real empowerment.

Pluto stations direct on the degree Saturn stationed retrograde last April, so events now can again be connecting us back to that time (there is actually a reason I did an April monthly and left it on the bottom of the blog!).

If you have planets or points near 20-22 degrees of the cardinal signs (the middle degrees, too, are feeling something similar with Saturn on the South Node) - you are no doubt feeling this (Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn).

Now that Pluto is direct - there is nothing stopping his fated meet up with Saturn on January 12, 2020 - their first meeting in Capricorn (our ambitions, goals, the patriarchy, government, structure, our careers) in 507 years. At the end of this year, Jupiter will join them in Capricorn and we will be in totally uncharted territory (one reason for all these endings/releases/karmic clean-ups and free-ups).

Pluto's direct station (as Mercury dives into Scorpio) is a time for truths to come out. a time for us to consider things we didn't want to have to deal with/think about - the stuff we shoved into closets and pushed under carpets. Situations that require authentic Plutonian power (a kind of fearlessness; a sense of being past-death) - from intimate and honest financial or sexual conversations to indomitable power moves in business are likely.

Mercury dives into Scorpio.

This is excellent energy for deep (Scorpio) investigation/research (Mercury). This would be an excellent time to go into therapy. A GOOD TIME TO FIND HIDDEN RESOURCES.

Instead of learning/thinking/communicating about a little of this and a little of that, now is the time to go "all in" with a subject we are passionate about. Our mind can focus. Multi-tasking will be harder because our intellect will want to sit with one thing for longer than we usually do.

I recommend the Netflix series Unbelievable for Mercury in Scorpio season. Good. With smart and complicated female characters.

We will be getting to the bottom of things and will not be satisfied with Libra's (Mercury's last stop) conversational civilities. We'll want to know, and think/talk about, what is really happening.

It won't always be comfortable.

The hard truths won't be blurted out spontaneously - we will have to dig for them. Decide first if you really want to know what is hiding underneath because Plutonian authenticity is not only transformational - it is permanent. There is no going back to "not knowing". Mysteries can be solved. The truth could come out. Secrets can be languaged and spoken out loud.

Difficult conversations will create deeper levels of intimacy now. If you are dating someone and you have sex (also Scorpio ruled) with them you can never go back to not having sex with them even if you never have sex with them again. The intimacy is still there. It will be like this with our words now. 

And once we know the information - we own it. It's our move (with Scorpio the move might be internal). 

It changes who we are and we ignore who we are at our own peril.

Careless language (disrespect for ourselves and others) and our careless treatment of other people's words (and their reaction to ours) will be karmic. Keep this in mind.

There could be battles for mental supremacy and mind games during this transit.

People prone to manipulation could be extremely effective (or someone will finally see right to the bottom of what we are doing - maybe that someone will be ourselves).

This is a time to take a good, long look at what we are really seeking when we are trying to make a situation/person behave in a way that pleases us. Think about it. There are gold nuggets to be mined now. Even tiny specks can be used to create great fortunes.

Scorpio rules our inheritance.

The fly in the jelly here is that we might think we are mining for gold when we are really just obsessing on the same old same old. Scorpio rules obsession and compulsion and our minds could easily go there now.

Notice it. Don't judge it. Think about - "what does it mean that I keep thinking about this?".

Scorpio rules death, too.

It's not only what we dig up, but what we put into the ground that matters now.

With Pluto stationing direct at the same time almost certainly some words/language/story needs to be put to rest now.

With Pluto stationing direct at the same time Mercury dives into Scorpio - we need to be alert about our personal safety. 

Take care driving. 

No dark alleys. Use caution as needed to feel safe. 

Mercury will get all the way to 27 degrees Scorpio on Halloween when she/he will station retrograde, reverse course (from our perspective on Earth) and get all the back to 11 degrees Scorpio on  November 20th and station direct. It will be early December before she (as us) will be covering completely new ground .

If you have planets/points in your natal (or progressed) chart from 11-27 degrees of Scorpio - or the other fixed signs Taurus, Leo and Aquarius - you will feel this retrograde period strongest. This retrograde will pass over my Ascendant and square my Sun/Saturn in Aquarius and my Mars in Leo - so I will be right there with you!

We are all getting to the bottom of something ...

Keep in mind that big-picture meeting of Pluto and Saturn in mid-January during a Cappy stellium and a Cancer eclipse. Mercury's long passage through Scorpio is preparing us for that. Hang on loosely.

xo all

photo by the talented esmahanozkan

Today's Astrology Forecast | October 2, 2019 - the eye of the storm, coming up for air, taking in the bigger picture, stretch something

Our waxing (growing) Scorpio Moon goes void this morning off an opportunistic sextile to Mars (in Virgo - so get to work EARLY).

She will be void until 7:44AM EDT when she moves into fiery and enthusiastic Sagittarius.

There are no obstacles today for our Sag Moon who turns our attention to Sag themes - what is foreign to us, higher education, broadening our view, the big picture, travel, politics, religion, legal issues, weddings, grandparents, media, marketing.

Take a deep breath. 

Stretch something. 

Open your eyes. Take in the bigger picture.

We can move forward with increased confidence and optimism after our days in the dark/with tunnel vision.

A week flavored by Scorpio and Pluto isn't over yet (Pluto stations direct tomorrow) - but today is a break in the heavier energy/an eye in the storm.

Jupiter is moving off this year's foggy, and draining, square to Neptune.

(As soon as we moved past 2019's final Neptune square Jupiter - not being able to tell fact from fantasy - and Saturn stationed direct - daddy's home - Trump/Ukraine comes to light and a movement for Trump's impeachment gains ground. I said months ago his chart noticeably weakens in September - now we know, most likely, what we will be dealing with in the U.S. in January when Saturn meets Pluto. Whatever happens with Trump in January, for the United States, there is no going back to a life before Trump. Pluto will see to that. Also keep in mind the energy surrounding September/October "disappointments" is that the shoe drops now to avoid losing our feet later. So, maybe impeachment strengthens him for a re-election or maybe it saves his physical life somehow if he resigns, etc - hard to say and each time I feel the impulse to focus on Trump's chart, I get the message "focus on your own life, this is all playing out for everyone else, too". And of course, in the U.K. through Brexit, which is, I believe, delayed until October 31st, the day Mercury stations retrograde in Scorpio, and right after the Scorpio New Moon that opposes chaotic and unexpected Uranus, so that should be a proper mess, too, I would expect.)

For all of us - dealing with our fears, unconscious motivations and exposure and opportunity through radical new insights are on the agenda for fall!

We only have lucky Jupiter in his home sign of Sagittarius for a few more weeks before he joins (thus expanding) that Capricorn pile-up.

Keep your eyes, ears and instincts peeled to take advantage of this. Our timeline shifted with Saturn's station, so we are lining up with different things now. Those gold nuggets (luck, justice, expansion, growth) are still out there, but have shifted, too.

The good news - with Jupiter moving off Neptune, they are hiding in plain sight now ...

xo all

photo by the talented pick a red balloon