Today's Astrology Forecast | Saturday, August 1, 2020 - a serious Saturday, leaning into change, intense conversations, spilling the beans, power struggles, words matter, watch your mouth, ruminating, mind games

The Moon is in sober and winter-ruled Capricorn now - we are nurtured by rules and boundaries and how many cans of peas we have lined up in our cupboard. A serious Saturday for some.

Her aspects are a mixed bag.

She trined Uranus at 2:55AM EDT (she will square Uranus during the Full Moon in two days, so maybe we get a prequel to that, but things move smoothly now as opposed to the Moon's jagged square from Aquarius - this one is our goals/ambitions blending with change/the new, in earth, things are practical/stable. Uranus rules lightning-bolt moments, so we might even wake up with a new idea).

Lean into the new.

Later (5:22PM EDT) the Moon moves into a testy square with Mars in Aries. The challenges of the Mars/Cappy square (big post coming!) is going to rule the rest of the year - with the Moon replaced by Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn (!), so it might be enlightening to see what we are feeling around this time. There could be a push to do something/react. Tension/frustration. Fights for power. Then the Moon meets a retrograde Jupiter (release!) at 7:57PM EDT and finally sextiles Neptune (some kind of kiss and make up/sleep on it/escape/ending) at 8:55PM EDT.

The big news as the Moon moves through her Cappy machinations is we have Mercury (news, information, ideas) in feeling and sensitive Cancer move into his/her exact opposition to Pluto (power, secrets, life and death, finances, sex) in realistic and cold-as-ice Capricorn.

This is about INTENSE conversations. Compulsion. Paranoia. Emotional manipulation. Fear of what we might lose/fear of what we have to know and then we can't not know. Oppositions come from outside us, so through other people and external situations/events, and challenge us- but this is all mirroring ourselves back to ourselves. How do we respond? What is the highest ground we can reach for? This is Cancer (home, family security) vs Capricorn (work, ambitions, security). We may feel pressured to speak out or to shut-up. Our thinking can get compulsive/extreme/we can go over and over something and make ourselves nuts. Are things really as life and death as we are thinking?

The Cappy Moon's reality check can help sort this out. Anytime Mercury contacts Pluto - deep insights are possible, just keep in mind if you start to go too dark (the Cappy Moon can makes things kind of depressing) - this is a transit, ie transitory.

Our words are a superpower now and can have a lasting impact on other people - keep this in mind and don't be a jerk.

There is alot happening today and next week will be HUGE.

The next act of the "play" titled 2020 (with tickets pricier than Hamilton and an endless number of front row seats and leading characters) probably kicks off with this week's Full Moon. I might skip the Saturday Night Mystery to work on the Full Moon post and will get the mystery up later because I've found a good one.

Take care of yourself today. Keep in mind that North Node in Gemini. Cultivate curiosity. Maybe a study in the lost art of conversation is needed.

HERE is a course of Daily OM that looks interesting.

I am going to take it. Take a look. Give it a think.

xo all

photo by the amazing sollenafotografie

(an interesting update on an old Saturday Night Mystery, a mom (Suzanne M.) who went missing on Mother's Day on an alleged bicycle ride - I was anticipating some big news this past week as Venus returned for the third time to the space of the original 911 call. Investigation Discovery put up a video on the case (which got hundreds of thousands of views, so I guess that is big - remember this is Venus in Gemini ie news about a woman) - but then inexplicably pulled the video the next day. Maybe because it included inaccurate information (?) because it had subtitles like "last seen on a bicycle ride" when no one actually saw her on a bicycle, this is a statement from her husband of what she was doing and that authorities "do not believe the husband is involved" - what - that can't be right?! Anyway, not the news I was expecting, but the astro still proves accurate since the case, at least for a day, reached a large audience, and I assume it will get re-vised and re-released, but Uranus gave it some wonk.)

Today's Astrology Forecast | Thursday, July 30, 2020 - overblown words/ideas, confrontations, differing points of view, adjusting, working the process

The Moon continues her journey through fiery and hopeful Sagittarius - trining Mars at 10:01AM EDT (go, go go - we are fired up!) squaring a retrograde Neptune at 3:20PM EDT (this could take some wind out of our sails/have us second guessing ourselves) then goes void at 8:07PM EDT off an opposition to Venus.

Mercury (at 20 degrees Cancer) opposes a retrograde Jupiter and trines a retrograde Neptune.

From the weekly:

"Maybe we are thinking (Mercury) big (Jupiter) and having lots of ideas. But not everyone is in agreement here/not everyone is on the same page. Or maybe we don't have the relationships/money/resources to make this stuff happen. It will be easy to slip into a Neptunian delusion, so keep your feet on the ground. Meditate. Create. Pray. Ask your ancestors for guidance. 

We are looking at the trees, but the forest is pressing in on us, too. Or we are looking at the forest and a tree branch hits us in the eye. We might have misinterpreted something because we have been glossing over the facts to make everyone comfortable and we can't not see them. We could have over-promised and now that is biting us in the butt. We could easily over-promise now. We (or someone else) could be all talk and no action.

At the same time, Venus, out of her retrograde shadow now and covering the last few degrees of Gemini for the first time, inconjuncts (rock and a hard place) powerful Pluto, retrograde in Cappy. Gemini/Capricorn is the difference between keeping things light and flexible and getting serious/committed. So how do we make that work? Adjustments are needed and then not everyone will be happy anyway.

Or maybe situations conspire to remind us of the dead values/relationships/resources we are carrying around or have hanging over our head. I said in 2019 that anything 'dead' we were still carrying in 2020 was going to feel like it was eating us alive (ideas, jobs, relationships) ... have you checked your ankles for bite marks lately?"

The order this all happens is important.

Mercury will oppose Jupiter at 10:17AM EDT - Mercury is in Cancer - and he's been here a very long time and probably growing tired of feeling his way through words and every conversational landmine - and keep in mind he is answering to the Moon (this is why we can't make a decision, see what is true/fact - because our brain/thinking is answering to the  Moon who changes signs every couple days!) and the Moon is in Sag answering to Jupiter and Jupiter is squashed in Capricorn - and moving backward.

So, here is big words/conversations - opposite ideas/points of view - interpersonal/social interactions can be challenging. If you are trying to iron some kind of negotiation out today or come to a decision with something important well good luck with that. Or maybe this is more home/inner life vs work/outer life drama and whatever it is it will have its roots in the past and be OVERBLOWN.

By 2:45PM EDT when Mercury trines Neptune we might be waving a white flag or maybe here is where our imagination (and this could be a good thing or maybe not) takes over. Pray. Meditate. Talk to wiser energies. Then the Moon, in hopeful and adventurous Sag, and remember she has already trined Mars (action/passion) and is moving toward an opposition to Venus (and an opposition is exactly what it sounds like and this is our two biggest feminine energies), moves into her square with Neptune - tension/frustration - everything is not as it appears to be! And I am just realizing Black Moon Lilith is at 20 Aries today, so toss our rebellious feminine/pissed-off outsider energy into the mix!

There is an intensity/maybe a tendency to make a mountain out of a molehill - to think our delusions are facts (on all sides) or that we know more than we do. Things could seem to make sense when they don't make sense/cents. There could be confrontations.

By tomorrow we should have a clearer head/our goals more grounded in reality.

The Moon will be in Capricorn and making easier aspects, so if something can wait one more day - let it wait. This doesn't mean we don't have to move through today's machinations - today is a process that moves us to tomorrow.

We can't skip steps by hiding, but we don't need to toss ourselves onto the train tracks and wait for a locomotive either ....

xo all

photo by the talented elly lucas

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, July 29, 2020 - strutting our stuff, expanding our reach, recognizing an opportunity, seizing the day, adjusting to old rules and strategies

The Moon moved into optimistic Sagittarius at 3:25AM EDT - nourishing us through the big-picture, adventure, expansion, travel, education, religion, the media, publishing, politics - for the next couple days.

Her only aspect today this month's Waxing Trine (brakes off) to our powerful Leo Sun at 3:46PM EDT.

This speaks of our ability to confidently step into the spotlight, have faith that things will work out, recognize opportunity, have an adventure - live LARGE.

If you need to bring attention to yourself/to something you have created - here's the energy for that.

The only fly in the ointment (yes, always a fly, maybe the ointment wouldn't be the ointment without the little buggers) - is a square between Mars and a retrograde Pallas at 16 degrees (Aries/Cappy). We want to move ahead/do what we want to do, but maybe there are certain old restrictions/rules/codes of conduct/thinking about how things should be done that we need to adjust to. 

If we have been in the lalaland of Venus/Neptune which can make us feel kind of numb - this aspect, as annoying/stressful as it might be because it brings tension/frustration - can get our ass moving to push through re-vised plans/strategies with re-newed enthusiasm, passion and initiative.


xo all

photo by the talented Art-de-Viant

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, July 28, 2020 - decisions, commitments, getting stuff done, what we have been avoiding, fated choice points, moving forward

Our deep and probing Scorpio Moon makes all smooth aspects today -

she trines Mercury at 5:04AM EDT, sextiles a retrograde Jupiter at 11:07AM EDT, trines a retrograde Neptune at 11:17AM EDT, sextiles a retrograde Pluto at 4:05PM EDT and finally goes void off a sextile to a retrograde Saturn at 12:01AM EDT (our Sag Moon, tomorrow will make good aspects, too!).

The end of the week will get more challenging, so take advantage of these energies while you can. Good for communication, making progress with old projects. Dealing with old emotional issues. Scorpio brings focus/intensity. Good for work/goals. Being productive. Getting things done.

Venus - our money, our relationships, our  values and self-esteem - comes out of her retrograde shadow (starts walking new degrees at the end of Gemini) and forms the focal point of a Yod (Finger of God) with the Moon and Jupiter/Pluto.

Fated energies are woken up around love, money, our values, our resources - choices, decisions, forks in the road.

What have we learned the last few weeks with all this back and forth of Venus in Gemini ABOUT WHAT WE REALLY WANT/VALUE?

Once we make a decision/once we commit - life can gather our muses/our support system behind us - they rub their hands together, "Oh boy, now we've got a project!". But while we are all wishy-washy, doing some cray-cray yoga position trying to keep every door open, they can do little besides stand around, hands on hip, amused by our predicaments.

The Scorpio Moon is bringing the intensity - the feeling like it's now or never or maybe an actual dead-line. Jupiter/Pluto are bringing us back to an old opportunity/project/goal, maybe something we left dangling - Venus brings the NEW, in Gemini, maybe something with a Gemini theme - communication, words, ideas, writing, teaching, learning, something connected to our local community, to education, to transportation. Lighten things up. Think local. Think flexible.

What house does Gemini rule in your natal chart? What is the theme of that house?

If we are avoiding any "facts", because mostly our problems are self-created through avoidance right now, stuff could be nipping at our heels (whether these are puppy nips or alligator bites depends on just how much we have crammed under the bed and is clawing its way out). If we have been covering up any "facts" they could come out now. 

After today, Venus will start working through her inconjuncts (rock meet hard place, dealing with reality) with the Cappy planets as she makes her way to her conjunction with the North Node (our best collective way forward) on August 5th - destiny is calling folks.

So, it's not really like we decide and that's it - no, because everything isn't up to us and we have all these inconjuncts before we get to the North Node - but, we all know by now everything isn't up to us - but in some ways, yes, we decide and that's it.

The doors ahead may only still be barely open. But our decision closes other doors/tosses some of that sh*t behind the sofa into the rubbish bin/makes space for what we need/want to find us. Maybe creates the breeze that blows the doors we have left, open a bit more.

And, we might want to get something figured out before Mars starts squaring the Cappy planets in mid-August!

Working on a BIG Mars blog post because that Aries/Cappy square is going to explode,

but in the meantime if this "decision-time" thing isn't ringing any bells for you - think about what you have learned over the last few weeks about what you value most. About your close relationships - especially partnerships. About your money/resources. About your self-esteem. About your Gemini house theme? What's dangling? What can bite you in the ass later if you don't take some action now/make some decisions/check under the bed?

Keep in mind, our ability today to use that Scorpio Moon for focus/depth - because in general focus can be challenging these days - choose to look at what is working/growing and not what is falling apart! 

Turn off the news/the distractions/the chatter. 

The gold is right in front of us (with its roots in the past, so what did we miss?) and we will see it as soon as we take our eyes away from what we think we are losing.

xo all

photo by the talented Tanja Moss