MONDAY - Full Moon in Aquarius (11 degrees), Mercury opposes Saturn
TUESDAY - Mars squares Jupiter, Mercury into Leo (!)
WEDNESDAY- Venus conjuncts the North Node
FRIDAY - Venus into Cancer
SATURDAY - Mercury trines Chiron
This is a powerful week and takes off right out of the gate with a powerful and surprising Full Moon in Aquarius. We have the first of multiple Mars squares to the Cappy planetary pile-up, Venus meets the North Node and two of our three inner planets - Venus and Mercury - both after long retrogrades, finally CHANGE SIGNS.
So multiple indicators for change this week folks - new doors will open (we might have to kick them a little bit) as others close.
We talked about MONDAY'S Full Moon in Aquarius shock that jolts us out of any remaining complacency HERE.
This energy lasts about two weeks as culminations/endings/mad dashes for freedom and whatever has 'come to light' that is surprising/creates disorder and change - plays out.
This is also the day Mercury opposes Saturn - this is a "no", a limit. Reality check/report card. No room for compromise - we have been here before, but this time the decision/ending/commitment is STICKY.
On TUESDAY - and we talked this in the Full Moon post, too, we get the exactly exact Mars (at 19 degrees Aries) square a retrograde Jupiter (at 19 degrees Capricorn) - the first of two repeating aspects. We get the second with Mars retrograde and Jupiter direct on October 19th.
This is BIG action/moves. Maybe a BIG win. The challenge with Jupiter is over-doing or over-extending. We could overestimate/exaggerate our strength/power. Move too fast. Use too much force or maybe too little. Jupiter is going to amplify the challenging August and October squares - but, keep in mind Jupiter's basic beneficial nature. He is protective. He widens our scope. He gives us hope.
The good news with this square, even if it brings tension/frustration is that it also increases our confidence and ambition - our desire to get something GOING/make it bigger. The downside - the potential for BIG anger, impulsiveness, taking something too far, inflammation, maybe even accidents - so keep this in mind, too.
Also on Tuesday, Mercury finally leaves Cancer (YAY!) for fiery Leo - conversations and our words and ideas will be more dramatic, attention-seeking, generous. Volumes will be set to HIGH. This is excellent energy for self-promotion and creative self-expression and speaking from our heart.
If you are a girl who likes things quiet, invest in some ear plugs - you are going to need them.
Everyone will tell us what they are thinking and doing because Leo loves an audience - wait, isn't everyone already doing that?! Our Leo natal house (where is Leo in your natal chart?), home to our fiery Sun, wakes up even more with increased activity and requires more of our attention.
Leo also rules children and we will certainly be talking/thinking about them.
This is not the most cooperative energy, but it can often bring out the best in people.
The BIG picture will be easier to buy into while the tiny details may get lost in shuffle. That's OK for now - we'll take care of the details when Mercury gets into Virgo next month.
On WEDNESDAY - Venus, on her way out of Gemini, connects with the North Node (our collective and best way forward).
Pay attention.
An important message/information could come in now. EXPECT GOOD NEWS. Gemini offers choices, so maybe we are making an important decision that puts us on a better/higher road.
WATCH FOR OPEN DOORS! Even with all the ways we have become de-stabilized - look for the love, the balance, the value and beauty to show us a new direction. Opportunities and ways to make money/find love can knock. Keep in mind the flexible nature of Gemini. Be out and about (if you can) - talk to people. Send the email, the resume, make the call. Venus is covering fresh territory, so this could be something brand-spanking-new.
On THURSDAY - Venus (love, money, values, resources, self-esteem, women, beauty) finally exits airy Gemini for watery Cancer. So, just as Mercury takes his/her exit from Cancer, Venus makes her arrival. Yes, our home, family, mother, nurturing, security, home business, family business, inner life focus, Cancer natal house theme CONTINUES. This also means we still have an inner planet answering to the volatile Moon, so, our emotional moodiness continues, too!
Cancer Suns and Cancer Risings become more attractive - both able to attract what they want and easier on the eye. All of our Cancer houses become more attractive, too!
Venus themes will be emotionally tended to. We will require more emotional connection to feel safe and secure. We will want (or feel the lack of) whatever feels like nurturing to us. Instead of just talking about it like we did, over and over, with Mercury here - we will be feeling it now/desiring it.
Home becomes a more valuable space. Family is a resource.
Our empathy increases along with our hurt feelings when we don't get what feels like "mom and apple-pie".
What we want (Venus) is to feel safe (Cancer).
Cancer is both the mother and the child. So we get what we want/need by being cared for and by caring for others now. Ruled by the Moon, who changes signs every two and a half days, Cancer can be moody. Our emotions around what we want are subject to lunar whims now, but the actual thing we want can become more solid. The active feminine energy (Venus) connects with the responsive feminine energy (Moon). What we need (Cancer) meets what we want (Venus).
Because Venus is an inner planet, when she changes signs, we feel it and experience it personally - and we move the collective energy forward (as opposed to the outer planet transits that move the collective energy and then we adjust to that).
Venus is much more comfortable in Cancer (ruled by her friend the Moon) than she has been for the last couple months in Gemini where she's been attracted to and attracting "one thing after the other". She's been flirting and "keeping things light" but nothing really turns into anything here.
Universally, home and family will feel more precious. We will want to feel safe. We'll want to move in the direction of whatever feeds this need now. Since she is in a cardinal sign, we know she is going to, at some point, square Mars in Aries and that Cappy pile-up (Jupiter, Pluto and Saturn), but for now, she isn't! One day a time, people.
The fly in the ointment with Venus in Cancer (especially with Ceres in Pisces at the same time) is the kind of smothering/mothering that suffocates or we overindulge ourselves in some unhealthy way or we have an unrealistic expectation of someone else filling some childhood need. Watch for emotions that are "over-the-top" compared with what is actually happening.
What are we storing that is triggering these emotions?
SATURDAY - Mercury (in Leo now) trines Chiron - healing conversations. Using our gifts/our natural spotlight is healing. Conversations with children are healing. Our inner child gets a voice. Brave words make us braver. A lovely aspect to end a potentially tumultuous week.
OK, that's the basic weekly run-down except for the Moons that add the personal juice and we'll fill them in as we move through the week with some dailies.
The energy this week speaks of CHANGE, so ruts will be jumped folks!
xo all
photo by the amazing Sea-of-Ice