Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, january 6, 2021 - a battle for balance/fairness/justice, taking action that gives some kind of safety and stability back to us in return


The Moon is in Libra now - we are nurtured through our relationships, through balance, through beauty. She squares the Sun at 16 degrees Capricorn at 4:37AM EST which will color the day until her square to Pluto (uncomfortable power plays) at 6:23PM EST.

The square to the Sun is the Moon's monthly Last Quarter Square. This month - Libra/Capricorn. 


Balance/fairness vs one-sided power/authority. Cooperation vs 'my way or the highway'. Beauty vs starkness. Also pushing our problems into a closet/pouring pink paint over them vs getting real and dealing with them. This Moon is the waning of the promise of that Sag Full Moon Eclipse as we move toward next week's powerful New Moon in Capricorn conjunct Pluto - at 23 degrees, so past that devastated 22 degrees of last year. It's a whole new world by next week.


For today, we are adjusting. Who has the power now and how is this shifting/needing to shift? 


It is not often (or maybe ever) from evil intent that power gets cemented - that power/hierarchies/families hold their shapes for too long for their own good. Really how long can anything maintain its structure/theme/pattern and survive without dying out or falling apart or rotting away? There comes a point where our struggle to maintain is the very thing that hastens the demise of something. The necessity for cleansing/change is preceded by an over-concentration of energy in one area and then we (individually and collectively) become kind of possessed of that energy for awhile. Kind of the way a child is born into a family playing a certain role to release the clan from their overabundance of whatever it is that has grown old and moldy. Interesting to see what happens in U.S. politics today - shifts that bring more fairness/justice/civility - maybe?

And from the monthly -

"Mars has FINALLY finished up our 6 month journey through his home sign of Aries and moves into Taurus today. He loves Aries/is strong in Aries, his home sign, but he (as we) might be a little burnt out from all the passion/fire. We are probably ready to get down to solid work/hands in the dirt/plant the seeds.  


Mars wants to build something now, so let's give him (as us) something to build. New ways to make money, improve our resources, take physical action with things we can see/taste/touch. We want to take action that gives some kind of security/safety back to us in return. 


Keep in mind Taurus is the space in our natal chart that naturally encloses what we are here to nurture, preserve and grow. It may be a space we have a bit less passion and ambition because we most naturally feel the need to sustain what takes root here. A bird in the hand thing usually applies to the theme of whatever space Taurus occupies in our natal chart. The energy is cautious because the thing we are holding/carrying here is precious. It can also become the fear-based space where good things go to die - and then we carry around a bunch of dead stuff like a crate of rotted vegetables and wonder why we are so tired all the time (and smell like moldy cabbage).


Mars is forced to slow down when he gets into Taurus. This is fixed earth.


That stop and smell the roses thing applies here and it will this time, too, but after all these months in Aries and with Mars on a collision course with anything-can-happen Uranus in just a few days - we are just as likely to feel an increased build up to THAT. 


A kind of - change is coming. Here it comes. OMG. Electricity in the air.

xo all - lost my internet yesterday, so will try to finish up that vac series tonight, very interesting connections between the UK and USA (not unexpected) and crazy connections with dwarf planet Sedna

photo by the talented Charles Hildreth

The astrology of the covid vaccinations in the UK and the United States | part 1 - the UK goes first, a Grand Mutable cross

Let's take a look at the charts for the UK and USA's first covid vaccinations and see what they can tell us. 


Since the UK went first - during Eclipse season, those crazy Brits, although their chart is established on a Full Moon, so there's that  - let's look at the UK chart first. I have used the 1801 chart that my old astrology teacher Liz Greene works with. The first UK vaccine was given to 90 year-old grandmother, Margaret Keenan, at her local hospital in central England on December 8th, 2020, so we are looking at both the chart for this date/time and how that chart interacts with the UK's natal chart.

Let's unpack the charts!


The chart for the time of Margaret's actual shot in the arm - ouch!- is the top chart. HERE is my post for that day, keeping in mind Margaret is five hours ahead of me. It was a very positive forecast. I have added the asteroids to this chart that have worked in previous charts as significators for covid - Pandora, Wuhan and Hygiea as well as my significator for the reason/trigger for the pandemic ie Narcissus and dwarf planet/planet Sedna (we'll talk why in detail later as we unpack the UK and USA charts). 

At the time the needle is going into Margaret's arm - and it appears she woke up pretty early for this honor - we have Scorpio on the ascendant. This seems rather appropriate. Is there another sign that makes us think of waking up on a dank late autumn morning and sticking a needle in our arm better than Scorpio, I don't think so. The chart is at 27 degrees, which makes it very late, almost too late to judge. I wish we had previous charts for the trials, etc, but we don't. 


When we compare to the UK natal, though, we will see the chart looks very workable/reliable.

So we have Scorpio rising - answering to Mars and Pluto. Mars is in his home sign of Aries - direct and strong (and keep in mind this is his third pass through here, so not his first rodeo with this, and we know there have been trials, people who have come before Margaret, so this make sense) - in the 4th house of home/family/country/patriotism. Mars is trining (brakes off) that hopeful Sagittarius Sun - applying now and this trine will actually be his NEXT aspect. Mars is also trining the South Node as well as widely trining Mercury. Pluto is in that 2nd house of our resources/values/self-esteem at 23 degrees (the degree of next week's New Moon and a hot degree this winter) squaring Mars and exactly squaring Eris in Aries. Pluto is also trining the Moon (at the top of the charte and straddling the MC with asteroid Pandora) and trining Venus (in the 12th). The Midheaven of the chart is at 22 Virgo - Virgo is about service and humility, and on the 22nd degree which is a master number, but 22 also sometimes speaks of self-sabotage. We have the Sun sextiling (opportunity) asteroid Hygiea (another significator for the virus). Dwarf planet Sedna is exact on the descendant - we will get back to this! Scorpio's ancient and modern rulers squaring each other - is reminding me of 2021's journey through Aquarius and the upcoming Saturn and Uranus squares. The young Gods vs the old Gods - are we trying to cheat death? or just trying to not die?

This chart's most powerful aspect is its Grand Mutable Cross - very powerful - between the Moon, Neptune and the Nodes of Fate. A Grand Cross is formed when four (or more) planets or points form two sets of oppositions/four squares. Traditionally Grand Crosses are challenging configurations (our cross to bear sort of thing). It also gives great strength and endurance as we work with it. Here we have a planet/point in each of the four mutable signs and this speaks of the ongoing/flexible nature of this event chart.


This won't be a one-shot deal, but we know this already.

Let's unpack the cross. We'll start with our first mutable sign Gemini - here as the North Node (our North Star/future). Gemini is an air sign, ruled by Mercury and all about the processing of information. Gemini is the space where we TAKE IN the information. We evaluate facts and figures. We stay flexible with our thinking because there is always something new to see/think about/learn. There is an innate restlessness to Gemini. So, the North Node is in the 7th house of partnerships and Mercury (ruler of Gemini) is in that first house conjunct that hopeful Sag Sun. This speaks of this event involving partnerships/agreements and that first house physicality and expansive hopefulness.

The second mutable sign is Virgo - here represented by the practical Moon, who is making good aspects to that Cappy pile-up and again answering to Mercury. In the mutable definition Virgo is about self improvement, purification, the need to serve the greater good. The need to adjust via perfection/imperfection. So we have Gemini - the North Node - collecting the information and Virgo - the Moon - organizing it. 

The third mutable sign is Sagittarius - here represented by the South Node/Sun conjunction. With Sag, we move from our right brain Gemini - to our left brain. This is more unconscious/our belief system. Why we do what we do. How we interpret the info Gemini has collected and Virgo has organized. We lean into our intuition here, into our instinctive knowledge of right and wrong. Natural law. Now we have to keep in mind, because by now we have a square to Virgo (tension, frustration, any sense of inferiority/imperfection, our health/purity, is this going to work?) and an opposition to Gemini (do we have the facts/right information) - the cross, by its very nature - made up of squares - is CHALLENGING. This third point of the Cross is in the first house of the chart/Margaret (what she represents here and the people who will follow her) and that vaccine in her arm.

The fourth mutable sign is Pisces - here represented by Neptune, strong as sh*t in his home sign since 2008 and upending our sense of what is real. Now, we are outside the confines of space and time. Neptune is the ethereal realms. Ultimate meaning. Also because we are outside reality - illusions, delusions, fantasies and ... God. Also things that connect us in ways we cannot see - things like viruses. This is in the third house of the vaccination chart. This is also the polarity point for the Nodes in this chart - in evolutionary astrology what is known as "a skipped step" is this us needing a better understanding of the virus? playing God - have we, the collective, been here before? - the resolution point would be the South Node. 


Adjusting our beliefs. More wisdom needed.


I realize this is alot of astro jumble, but 

when we connect this chart to the UK natal chart is when things really get interesting!

So, let's unpack that second chart. 


Same cast of characters. Remember the natal chart for the UK works the same way our own natal charts do. The UK literally, in some sense, which I guess means not really literally, but you get the idea - the UK is #literally, #notliterally, January 1, 1801 at 12:01AM. As the world moves on the very next second and forever, planets will interact with this chart, so what we are looking at next is the way the chart for that first vaccination interacts with the UK origination chart. I haven't worked with this chart before, but we will see some interesting details right away.

As Margaret was getting that first shot in the arm, transiting Chiron (wounded healer) is exactly conjunct the UK natal asteroid Wuhan (a tested significator for the virus) from the 6th house of health and trining the UK natal Chiron! Crazy what these asteroids and dwarf planets bring to flesh out a chart. This speaks of what is happening very clearly.


Transiting Narcissus is exactly conjunct the UK natal Pandora/Uranus conjunction - at 1 degree Libra conjunct the U.S. midheaven and the UK ascendant - this is happening in the UK's 12th house. Yes, the UK has an exact natal Pandora/Uranus conjunction! Pandemic (also the first woman) and 'the future'/trauma/change/technology wedded and embedded deep in its DNA.


The Moon is conjunct the UK natal Narcissus. The Sun is conjunct the UK natal Mercury - applying, but on the South Node. Transiting Mars is conjunct the North Node (action supportive of the future - this is waning). Transiting Venus is conjunct the UK natal Neptune - Venus rules the natal chart and Neptune the 6th house of health - this is good. Transiting Neptune is exactly conjunct the UK natal Sedna. Transiting Hygiea opposes the UK exact natal Venus/Hygiea conjunction.

Now, I realize that is alot more astro-babble, although the celestial suspense is building, I hope. 


We'll take a look at the chart for the first US jab in part II and then we'll look at Sedna and some conclusions in part III that won't take an astrology primer to decipher, I promise. Gives me something to ponder this week other than this messy studio after the holiday rush. 

xo all

Today's Astrology Forecast and a peek at the week ahead | Monday, January 4, 2021 - speaking our truth even if our voice shakes, destructive/transformative information, changes right out of the gate



We talked about most of this in the January monthly HERE. And we'll iron out the week with a couple dailies as we factor in the Moons.


This is a pivotal week. Anytime we have all three inner planets - Mercury, Venus and Mars - changing signs in the SAME WEEK (I can't remember the last time this has happened), we know CHANGE is going to be hitting our personal lives in some noticeable ways. 


By February, we are going to have a MAJOR Aquarius stellium the likes of which we haven't seen since February 1962, but we are still in Capricorn territory today.

The Moon is in organized and grounded Virgo. She opposed Neptune while we slept (EST) and goes on to trine Mercury and Pluto (both in Capricorn) - good for grounded communications and practical power moves - in the mid-afternoon and finally go void at 4:33PM EST off a square to Venus (at the end of Sag). She will be void for the rest for the day, so chill.


This is the day Mercury meets Pluto at 23 degrees Capricorn (the degree of next week's New Moon, but we knew this already) .


Truth/secrets/financial/sexual/life and death - information/news comes out. Words are very powerful. Information can ruin/kill/transform. This might speak of communications with powerful people or conversations/ideas where our own powerful underpinnings are awakened. All possibly combinations of words and power/transformation are on the table now.


On FRIDAY, Mercury (communication, conversations) is going to move into Aquarius and quickly square Mars who has just  moved into Taurus. Mercury/Mars squares are arguments/tense communications and these are fixed signs, so no one is budging - 


maybe this is within a group situation or maybe over finances, resources, our self-esteem. Aqua can help us keep a cool (and slightly detached) head. And now that I was written "detached head" this doesn't sound like a good thing after all! 


The next day, SATURDAY, Mercury meets Saturn - new rules/limits are communicated. What can be said/what is off the table now. Social commitments/maybe internet projects get firmed up. This might be some kind of wrap-up to Friday's disagreements - conjunctions with Saturn can bring results/endings.

At the END OF THE WEEK, Venus is going to replace Mercury in Capricorn as she exits Sagittarius (crossing over the Galactic Center - our seat of creation homing signal, and getting NEW instructions, in the process). Back in November 2019, she crossed the Galactic Center with Jupiter. I always imagined her whispering in his ear, "be careful in Capricorn Jupe, Saturn and Pluto are determined to destroy whatever is necessary to cement Saturn's power - can you bring some hope? can you do your expanding routine without making things worse?". This year, it is Venus alone getting the new intel as she crosses the Galactic Center and moves into the more sober/serious pastures of Capricorn. Keep in mind, Uranus, and Mars by this time, are in Taurus and answering to Venus. So, Venus in Cappy, as well as the Sun in Cappy this week, will hold us still firmly in that grounded/but kind of backward-feeling energy. Trust this. This is perfectly timed to move us toward the New Moon next week in Capricorn - when we start again from a higher level (23 degrees Capricorn). More about Venus in Cappy in the monthly HERE - see January 8th.

Mars has been in Aries for six months and on TUESDAY finally leaves his home sign and moves into stable Taurus (where, yes, he will start answering to Venus, who will actually be very helpful trining from the  master-builder sign of Capricorn). Mars is forced to slow down. Consolidate. Build something one brick at a time. In Taurus he is going to square the Aqua planets and bang smack into Uranus, so our Taurus house is going to be bringing the fire/chaos this month, knowing the theme of your natal Taurus house will be helpful. Keep this in mind.

In terms of your personal natal chart - what are we talking about? 


For all of us our Cappy house loses Mercury (so maybe some of the busyness) and gains beneficial Venus. Venus attracts. We will take her anywhere we can get her! Our natal Venus - and the houses she rules - Taurus and Libra  - become more serious/grounded. Our natal Aquarius house- already starting to get heated up, although we might not be feeling it yet because we don't have a personal planet there - well, now we will have a personal planet there (!) and Mercury will just start speeding things up. Our vision/thinking turns to the future. Our natal Taurus house - rocking and rolling for years with Uranus - will welcome (and not with open arms I suspect) fiery/passionate/active and sometimes angry Mars. And with Venus, Taurus's ruling planet changing signs at the same time, we will certainly feel this one! Our natal Aries house for the first time without Mars in 6 months - will start to ease-up. When we take rulerships into consideration our - Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio (thru Mars co-rulership), Capricorn and Aquarius houses are shifting - all in one week, so 2021 is wasting no time.

I am going to keep this short since we have the monthly covering most of this. Going to pop up the vaccine charts (first doses UK and USA, which are very interesting) and then the Narcissism and then finish up January. This month is going to be cray-cray by the middle, so use this first week or so to get yourself organized and prepared. 


We are living in a new world with new possibilities/writing a new story - it almost makes no sense for me to write these forecasting posts anymore because it feels like I am just pigeon-holing us with my words. I have to think about this.


Neptune is squaring the Nodes - the past is being erased, the future is a collection of possibilities, too dynamic for us to remain stagnant, but too amorphous to hold onto just yet or maybe we have to come to understand the concept of un-solid things still being things. To holding on without holding on. Change is coming. Change is here.

xo all

photo by the amazing thefirebomb

Today's astrology Forecast | Sunday, January 3, 2021 - small fixes, the healing of relationship wounds, good surprises, the beauty of practicality/stability is illuminated


Lots of trines today, so the brakes are off.  


Something, maybe even multiple somethings, are falling smoothly into place here. 


The Moon moved into organized and health conscious Virgo last night. We are nurtured through our schedule/routine, our daily practices, work, service. She trines a retrograde Uranus at 8:11AM EST and then the Sun at 8:44PM EST.


The trine to Uranus integrates the new/the future/the unexpected - do something different! expect a good surprise! Taurus rules your resources, your self esteem, your bank account - ka-ching! 


The trine to the Sun is this month's Waning Trine - Virgo to Cappy at 13 degrees. This is a smooth flow between the small details/fixes and our goals/ambitions/authority. Something is wrapping up here - falling into place. Venus is parallel the Sun - the beauty of practicality/stability is illuminated now.

At the same time we have Chiron (in Aries) trining Juno at 5 degrees Sagittarius. 


These two squared each other last summer and we were dealing with painful relationship imbalances and projections. The trine now suggests we can move into a healing through sharing our woundings/vulnerabilities. Partnerships/agreements are strengthened and hopeful. We are in this together.

Although I can't see your personal chart - this look like a pretty SMOOTH day folks. Enjoy it.

xo all

photo by the talented bird of decadence