Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, November 17th, 2021 - explosive change, power struggles and breakthroughs



The Moon is in Taurus now - the sign of her exaltation. We are nourished/nurtured by more traditionally nurturing things - a warm bed, a soft touch, good food, security, time spent in nature, time spent with what/who we value/love, all the good stuff money can buy and all the good stuff it can't.


The Moon is challenged though, busier than a Taurus Moon likes to be. 


She squares Saturn at 1:19PM EST, trines Venus (ruler of Taurus) at 7:38PM EST,  meets up with a retrograde Uranus at 9:44PM EST and opposes Mars at 10:20PM EST. Oh my.


At the same time, fiery Mars (in Scorpio) has moved into his (once every two year) opposition with anything-can-happen, future focused, but chaotic Uranus - currently retrograde in Taurus. This is a release valve on some heavy duty pent up sh*t. THIS IS BIG. Oppositions, are like Full Moons - and keep in mind we have the Taurus Full Moon in two days and within this lunar cycle - they bring a cycle to peak energy, and sometimes to a conclusion. 


The Mars/Uranus opposition takes us back to the Mars/Uranus conjunction (meeting) on January 20, 2021 (this was Biden's inauguration day in the United States, so something now is in a way a culmination of his Presidency). If something BIG was going on in your life at that time, most likely some part of that story or a similar story is happening now - this week/last week/next week. 


Sudden changes/breakthroughs are possible. With Uranus retrograde, there is something #new, unexpected, but also #not new, not unexpected about this. Stuffed energies are made explosive under skies like these. The resulting dynamite can blow things up - (keep in mind the permanence of Plutonian landmines) AND also uncover hidden valuables/old gold.

This is one of multiple opportunities in November to TAKE OUR POWER BACK.

With Scorpian energy pulled into the mix situations involving power/control/intensity/obsession/something that has felt like life and death are possible. Also literal Scorpio themes - taxes, insurance, merged money, other people's money, intimacy, sex, reproduction, third party situations, the theme of your natal Taurus and Scorpio houses.

Collectively something now might bring a reminder (in our face because Mars makes things personal) of what we have given up for safety/security/comfort and what this extra emphasis on safety, this avoidance of surprise/change, something we NEED for aliveness as much as stability, has brought us in terms of the deadening of human experience. Remember the point where 'time runs out' is BEHIND us. We are past the point in the game where we always died before. This doesn't mean we can't still die, because guess what, we were always going to die. This whole year and most of next is all about the Saturn/Uranus square. The old vs the new. Responsibility vs freedom. What will we give up to be safe? What will we give up to be free? And it is easy to lose sight of the ways freedom has never been really free and that taking responsibility doesn't mean passing the buck to some greater authority and then blinding following their rules. This is tricky stuff. Not black and white. Life isn't for sissies anymore. It never was. 

Anyhoo, today's Saturn/Moon/Mars/Uranus (people with planets/points near 12 degrees of the fixed signs will probably be feeling this strongest) might speak of control issues coming to a head. What we can control and what we can't is visible to us. Uranus brings break-ups, break downs and breakthroughs. Earthquakes. Surgically excising what is no longer needed. Again, the only trine - smooth flow - is to Capricorn (Venus) - big girl/boy pants on (which means us taking responsibility for our actions/choices), being serious with what we love/value, taking responsible action. Our natal Cappy house theme giving us somewhere to GO.

Something else to keep in mind because we talked about this year's Saturn/Uranus square (which is applying now) is that this year's other big repeating aspect is applying, too. Saturn sextile Chiron. This is Aquarius/Aries - always an opportunistic combination, but now housed with Saturn/authority/stability and Chiron/wounds/healing. The meeting ground between both the collective/group (Aquarius) and the individual (Aries). The meeting ground for freedom AND responsibility. The way through the Saturn/Uranus being through Aries. The individual. Courage. Initiative. Taking care of ourselves. Standing up for ourselves. Being ourselves.

Drive safely. Be precise. Don't toss babies out with dirty bathwater. This is POWERFUL energy to make real and lasting (permanent) change. These are fixed signs/dug in and sometimes we have to be/feel backed into a corner to take the action that needs taking. Just keep your finger off the trigger unless you really want to kill something. Because you just might.

xo all

artwork by the amazing shahab68

Today's Astrology Forecast | Tuesday, November 16th, 2021 - an intensity of purpose


The Moon continues her journey through Aries. We are nourished/nurtured by passion, action, anger, starting something new, initiative, time alone, time spent with men.


She makes an opportunistic sextile to Jupiter at 8:55AM EST (good for expansion, group situations), inconjuncts the Scorpio Sun and goes void by 10:50AM EST off a challenging square to Pluto. She will be void until 9:18PM EST when she moves into Taurus the sign of her exaltation and home to Friday's first eclipse of the season and precursor to our upcoming (18 month long) Taurus North Node. 

The inconjunct to the Sun is this month's Waxing Inconjunct. 


One final adjustment before Friday's Full Moon. Scorpio/Aries. Mars was the ruler for both these signs until the discovery of Pluto, and they form a natural rock and a hard place like two similar/dissimilar sons. Aries is the energy of starting. It's impulsive/wants to move. Cardinal fire. Scorpio is fixed water. Focused/deep. Slower. Deliberate. 


So maybe we are needing to move quickly with something or maybe we are pushed to go deeper/merge/purge. Adjustments are required. Nothing is totally settled here/nothing works perfectly. Scorpio's modern ruler is Pluto - and that late morning square kind of colors the day with power struggles, obsessions, manipulations, something that feels like life and death.

The way through this emotional pressure is today's Sun/Pluto sextile at 24 degrees of Scorpio and Capricorn. This aspect will allow us to tackle the Moon/Pluto challenges. We are more determined/ambitious/able to do things that are messy. Things we might not really want to do, but that have to be done. The competing Plutos will give us an intensity of purpose.


This is also the day Vesta (what we reverse/hold sacred/dedicate our energies to/what keeps us up at night) moves into high-flying Sagittarius. She will be here until the middle of January when she joins Venus in Cappy (big post on Venus's upcoming retrograde will be up soon). 


In Sagittarius, Vesta's focus WIDENS. She brings our attention to bigger-picture issues. Wisdom, faith, truth. Having her out of Scorpio will help those whose focus has become too dark or too obsessive (the Sun's move at the end of the week will help, too). The fly in the ointment here is when "truth" becomes fanatical. We believe it, so they must, too. Vesta's extreme focus creates "tunnel-vision" and maybe we don't allow ourselves to question/swerve/be curious. The last 18 months with the South Node in Sagittarius has shown us how well any kind of "know-it-all/preachy" thinking/doing/being works - to cut right to the end of that chapter as the world splits right in two - it doesn't! 


Legal issues, foreign situations, education, politics, religion, your natal Sag house theme all become more of a focus for the next couple months.

For today, let's see if we can take advantage of the Sun/Pluto sextile. The Sun is answering to Pluto now, so really powering this one up. Our power/focus/certainty increases. We are blending the light and the dark. The known and the unknown. We can step into our power/authority without triggering the typical resistance from others. Keep in mind we still have the Moon/Pluto square and that long Void Moon to make things wonky and stressy, so let's avoid needing to show/prove how powerful we are in any kind of dark/manipulative ways. Play to your Capricorn. Avoid Darth Vader-y moves/situations.


With Pluto in realistic Cappy and running the day, whatever you are doing, make it something PRODUCTIVE. 


I think we can get alot done even with the Void Moon.

xo all

artwork by the talented Tomasz-Mro

Today's Astrology Forecast | Monday, November 15th, 2021 - warts and all



This weekend was a productive blur and when I sat down to write the weekly tonight I realized we have major aspects EVERY single day. Alot is going on! We are building all week to Friday's first Eclipse of the season - a Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - our first Taurus Eclipse and maybe a preview of what the North Node in Taurus (December 22, 2021 through July 12, 2023) -  will be cooking up for/with us. 

For now, let's talk about Monday and then I will do dailies plus a BIG Full Moon Eclipse post where we'll also talk about the upcoming nodal shift - wake up Taurus and Scorpios, we're looking at you!

On MONDAY the Moon is in Aries. We are nourished/nurtured by passion, action, anger, starting something new, initiative, time alone, time spent with men. 


She will sextile Saturn at 1:59AM EST and move on to meet Chiron and square Venus at 4:05AM EST. 


The Moon (our emotions, our lunar story) is pulled into and AMPLIFIES one of today's BIG aspects - Venus at 8 degrees Capricorn squaring Chiron at 8 degrees Aries. People with planets/points in the cardinal signs near 8 degrees will be feeling this aspect strongest.  


Squares with Chiron are triggering/painful.  


The Moon, as us, is feeling all the ways we aren't enough. Maybe old fears around being able to take care of ourselves/stand up for ourselves or be ourselves. Then Venus, meeting up with the Moon and squaring Chiron pulls in our relationships, money, career, values, self-esteem. Situations conspire for us to feel what we are lacking. Support, money, approval, etc. Our insecurities/vulnerabilities are felt/visible. Old wounds, older than we are, are triggered. 



At the same time the Sun at 23 degrees Scorpio is squaring Jupiter in Aquarius. People with planets /points near 23 degrees of the fixed signs will be feeling this one strongest. Any Sun/Jupiter portal can bring an ego boost/confidence/pride/luck. We just want to be careful, and I know I always sound like your grandma warning of dragons and DOOM, but, still we need to be careful not to overdo something. Physically hurt ourselves (that Moon in Aries can make us prone to rushing or acting impulsively). Over-promise. Exaggerate. Count chickens that haven't hatched yet. The Sun in Scorpio can help us stay focused and avoid scattering this energy, but Jupiter always has a tendency toward more being more. 

A mixed bag kind of day. We've got that early sextile to Saturn (an ease through being responsible, taking things seriously, doing our job) and we have the Sun/Jupiter - although this one is a square, Jupiter is still generosity and luck - so, we'll have some kind of bandage for what hurts. We feel the pain, won't be able to avoid dealing with our vulnerability/insecurity, but we'll have somewhere to go with this - Sun/Jupiter, Scorpio/Aquarius - we shine through generosity, adulting, stretching a bit, being a real person warts and all. 


Also keep in mind the Venus/Chiron is cardinal (wants to start/seed something), Venus is about to start working her repeating/retrograde Cappy degrees, the Moon is waxing (growing) and in "let's START" Aries - what needs to get going? what needs our action/passion?

xo all

artwork by the talented Flauart


MONDAY - Venus squares Chiron, Sun squares Jupiter

TUESDAY - Sun sextiles Pluto, Vesta enters Sagittarius

WEDNESDAY - Mars opposes Uranus

THURSDAY - Mercury trines Neptune

FRIDAY - Venus trines Uranus, Full Moon Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus (27 degrees)

SATURDAY - Mercury squares Jupiter

SUNDAY - Mercury sextiles Pluto, Sun enters Sagittarius


weekly astrology forecast for creatives | November 8th -14th, 2021 - intensity, breakthroughs, how disciplined are you, power shifts, transcendence, words that wake us up!


MONDAY - Pallas stations direct, Pallas squares Ceres, Ceres sextiles Chiron

WEDNESDAY - Mercury conjuncts Mars, Mercury squares Saturn, Mars squares Saturn

THURSDAY - First Quarter Moon (19 degrees Aquarius)

FRIDAY - Sun trines Neptune, Mars inconjuncts Chiron

SATURDAY - Mercury opposes Uranus

SUNDAY - Juno enters Capricorn

On MONDAY, Pallas stations direct at 9 degrees Pisces squaring Ceres retrograde at 9 degrees Gemini who is sextiling Chiron at 9 degrees Aries.

Pallas changes direction, HERE is the Pisces wisdom/pattern we missed/new compassionate, imaginative or spiritual strategy. She immediately squares Ceres, retrograde in Gemini. The Pallas/Ceres is a repeating aspect from early October. Ceres in Gemini is smart nurturing, bringing a kind of open-minded curiosity to change of life/season of life situations. Pallas in Pisces is intuitive, going with the flow, but also maybe seeing patterns when they aren't really there or letting things kind of drift too much, so we've got this tension/frustration between our intuition/dreams and the facts/the details. 


A way through this one is that sextile (opportunity) to Chiron in independent/action-oriented Aries from Ceres. Smart nurturing/action, our ability to stay flexible/detach a bit emotionally and apply a smart focus to the details is healing (the Moon is in Cappy making oodles of good aspects, so taking things seriously/getting down to business will help, too). 


TUESDAY - UPDATE - the Moon in Capricorn will sextile the Scorpio Sun at 12:06AM EST, sextile a retrograde Neptune at 6:00AM EST and goes void off her monthly meeting with Pluto at 12:51PM EST. She will be void until 10:03PM EST when she moves into Aquarius. 

The sextile is this month's Waxing Sextile - Capricorn/Scorpio. This is good, pro-active energy for making headway with goals/projects/finances. Our New Moon seeds are growing. We are taking action. The sextile to Neptune puts us into flow with our dreams/intuition and her meeting with Pluto - our monthly lunar "death" - brings merging/purging/transformation and rebirth. The Moon in Capricorn is practical/counting her cans of beans and dollars in the bank. Her monthly "death" allows these little chinks to be slashed in the armor of thousands of years of patriarchal conditioning  around what we have been made to believe is practical/brings stability. Ideas about hierarchical necessity, Darwin's survival of the fittest (which really meant our ability to change/adapt and has somehow morphed into ideas about strength and power), the ways culture has changed through the worship of one male God/the Sun/Son, our need to be controlled, so we can be kept from doing wrong. This is personal and collective and Pluto is slow and relentless. A little emotional Cappy burial every month followed by a rebirth, always followed by a rebirth. We get a long void, so GET THINGS DONE EARLY (and Pluto has been late enough in Cappy for long enough that we've had many of these "deaths" followed by voids) - time to process what we have worked through - and then the Aquarian lunar cycle begins. The rebirth being more intellectual/less attached/more future leaning. Once the Moon gets into Aquarius she starts applying to all these Scorpio squares and her square to Uranus in Taurus and Thursday's square with the Sun, so our time in Aquarius will not be without its challenges/tension.

As always don't start anything new/important during the void - unless you want nothing to come of it - stick to routine matters and things you 'do all the time', so you won't have to do it all over again later.

WEDNESDAY - UPDATE - the Moon continues her journey through Aquarius - we are nurtured/nourished by intellectualism, our individuality/freak flags, our genius, revolution, our groups and causes, the goals that bring us into connection with other people, the strange and unusual, space/freedom/having room to think.


She squares Mars at 10:54AM EST, squares Mercury at 11:08AM EST, meets Saturn (Aqua co-ruler) at 11:14AM EST and finally squares a retrograde Uranus (Aqua's other co-ruler) at 7:45PM EST. This is all, uncannily as the Moon is apt to do, reinforcing what we talked about in the weekly below. Challenges. Obligations. Uncomfortable news/information/conversations/actions. The key here is the same, too - working with Saturn. Being responsible. Having patience. Doing the grown-up thing/using your grown-up voice. So, say for an example, an unexpected bill comes in. And it doesn't have to be unexpected, but it will be frustrating/produce tension. You will need to live up to your obligation with it. You can't just toss it in a drawer and go back to sleep. 


Remember this is a repeating aspect that started back on October 30th when the Sun squared Saturn, then repeated on November 4th when the Moon (in Scorpio) squared Saturn. So whatever is going on now can connect to whatever was going on back then. People with planets/points near 7 degrees of the fixed signs will feel this strongest. Today, this is number 3 of 3 - we have Mercury and Mars meeting and squaring Saturn while the Moon squares them and meets Saturn (Ginger Rogers doing what Fred Astaire does backward and in high heels). The Moon, being in Aquarius and meeting up with Saturn is SUPPORTING US. Whatever these limits/obligations/roadblock is her merger with Saturn gives us the emotional strength/fortitude to move past the block. Not by cutting corners or throwing in the towel, but by being smart, not taking things personally, being future focused and sober/responsible. This month in Scorpio is about stepping into our own authority/our own power - these transits are part of that.


OK - the lunar stuff above I have added Tuesday night - here's the regular weekly post for WEDNESDAY.




Mercury, meets Mars at 7 degrees Scorpio while they both square Saturn - remember Mercury is doing what the Sun did a few days ago, but now he is joined by Mars to add to the INTENSITY. Or we could say Mars is doing what the Sun did and he is joined by Mercury.


This looks like restrictions on what we can say/hear/access/think and at the same time increased attention to what needs to be said/done. This combination of aspects is making me think of the television series "Succession". Is anyone else watching that one? People can be demanding. Rules won't budge. There could be arguments. The positives of Saturn can provide an outlet here, although this stuff will be done with our back against the wall - knuckle down, do the work, be responsible, have patience. All this Scorpio is asking us to take our power back by doing the inner work/stepping into our responsibility/becoming an AUTHORITY. 


Apply more discipline - I know that doesn't sound sexy, but it is what will work. 


Keep in mind this is dangerous energy - drive safely, take care operating heavy machinery - only you can prevent forest fires. You know the drill. Also, keep in mind, Scorpio is intense/raw BUT isn't fast - although Mercury will speed things up and Mars IS flying, we still don't have to make ourselves nuts and rush around and make mistakes.


THURSDAY - the Moon at 19 degrees Aquarius squares the Scorpio Sun giving us this month's First Quarter Square. This is tension/frustration between merging and detaching. The independent/individualistic Aqua Moon speaks of the the need to step back from what has been absorbing our time/attention/resources. Get some air. It's time for a more intellectual approach. This could be a trigger for this weekend's "surprise" energy, so something could come out of the blue now. 


FRIDAY - UPDATE -  the Moon is void until 2:54AM EST when she moves into magical/mystical/delusional Pisces. As we see over and over, the lunar activity supporting/reinforcing the day's big aspects. She makes a beautiful/opportunistic sextile to Venus in Cappy (love, money, our values and self-esteem, our goals, career, authority) at 3:17PM EST, followed by a smooth trine to Mars in Scorpio (our actions/passions, merged money, intimacy, reproduction, third party situations). 

At the same time the Sun at 20 degrees Scorpio - answering to Mars and Pluto - trines Neptune at 20 degrees Pisces - here is smooth flow, something falling into place. We just have to let go of the need to control the outcome! Get out of our own way. Scorpio goes deep and Neptune dissolves/fades. Something could get more intimate/more compassionate. Here is us taking action on our dreams. Neptune, as these outer planets are apt to do, has been hanging out at 20 degrees Pisces for so long that people with planets/points near 20 degrees Pisces are probably feeling like they are being erased! This will be a nice influence for those planets/points now, a light shines on what you carry here. Something DEEPENS. Passion is felt. Action is taken. Our intuition/creativity is HIGH. This is transcendence, spiritual, universal love. Mars is also trining Pallas now - adding to our ability to navigate the Piscean waters with wisdom/intuition.

The caveat with smooth aspects to Neptune/Pisces is always our ability to get lost in the sauce, float off into lalaland, sleep/Netflix the day away, have one drink that leads to another to another. Keep this in mind.


SATURDAY - UPDATE - the Moon continues her monthly journey through imaginative/healing Pisces. She trines Mercury (remember this is the day Mercury opposes Uranus) at 12:22AM EST, sextiles Uranus (retrograde) at 1:43AM EST, meets up with ruler Neptune (retrograde) at 4:45PM EST, trines the Sun at 7:18PM EST and will go void early Sunday morning, 12:39AM EDT off a productive sextile to Pluto. 

The trine to the Scorpio Sun is this month's Waxing Trine - Scorpio/Pisces. This is emotional flow. Here we are feeling the next leg of our New Moon story. Again the Moon is offering us support with the day's big energies. As Mercury and Uranus oppose each other, she is trining one and sextiling the other - both smooth flow, so we know whatever happens there is a path through this/a greater hand guiding the ship. Our intuition/internal guidance can be trusted. Meditation. Prayer. Time spent near/in water can help. Our ancestors are helping us now.


Mercury at 12 degrees Scorpio opposes Uranus in Taurus. Here is ANOTHER chance (we talked about this in last week's New Moon post) to TAKE OUR POWER BACK - also a chance to say/hear something abrupt/shocking. Burn a bridge. Toss a fit. Scorpio can be deadly, and Scorpian changes are permanent, so keep that in mind. Also note today's lunar aspects will help.


On the other hand, these November oppositions to Uranus are opportunities for necessary power struggles when power balances can FLIP. They are cosmic opportunities for BREAKTHROUGHS. A brilliant idea can pop right into your head.


Mercury/Uranus speaks of unexpected information/a conversation, maybe around whatever came to light last week when the Sun opposed Uranus. Here is an answer. Or an abrupt conclusion. Maybe we change our mind. Here are WORDS THAT WAKE US UP. Words that set us free. With Mercury in Scorpio - secrets, hidden information, the stuff we have to dig up, uncomfortable truths can come out. Uranus is retrograde, so this is #unexpected, #not-totally-unexpected. Conversations will be intense. News challenging. Results permanent. Oh my. 


Keep in mind, we get one more go at these "opportunities to take our power back/surprise/breakthroughs" as Mars opposes Uranus next week.

Also keep in mind, that I am writing about aspects when they are most exact, but they are in play as they apply and unwind also. This is a big week, next week is big, too. Challenges. Opportunities. It's why we're here folks. 

xo all - I will pop back into this post and update the Moons starting on Tuesday!

artwork by the talented PaulWardArt