On SATURDAY, Mercury retrograde meets the Sun at 0 degrees Gemini. This is the halfway point of the Mercury retrograde cycle, also Mercury's last day in his/her home sign of Gemini.
By tomorrow Mercury will be back in Taurus.
The mid-way point is called the Inferior Conjunction (when this repeats with Mercury direct we have the Superior conjunction). The Inferior Conjunction is an important point in time and allows us to see/interpret how our life (Sun) and mind (Mercury) are interlacing the past and the present to empower and shape the future.
Notice what story you are telling yourself now.
A LIGHT is tossed on our Mercury retrograde journey- what this has been and is about for us. Any planet meeting the Sun is like a New Moon/fresh start. With Mercury in dualistic Gemini, maybe one choice/way forward is highlighted now. This could be because something else isn't working or a conversation/information comes in now that brings CLARITY. New/more facts. Notice what shows up now. Notice what you are saying/hearing.thinking. With the Sun and Mercury together - the normal SPACE/filter/time between our life and our mind is gone. With our mind moving backward, our life catches up with it BRIEFLY.
We can see SOMETHING more clearly. Keep in mind seeds are going into the ground now - so stay conscious about what you are planting/watering/tending to with your time and attention.
Now, Mercury is STILL retrograde, so this isn't a straight line forward kind of thing. We are still doing the "re's" - re-viewing, re-thinking, re-vising, etc. And, by tomorrow, Mercury will be back in Taurus, where things tend to get stuck anyway - think: fixed earth - so this is a PROCESS. Right now, we are back to April 29th - when Mercury first crossed 0 degrees Gemini - except now we are/should be older and wiser.
On SUNDAY, Mercury will back into Taurus. We are re-turning to a conversation/idea/plan from the end of April. Our thinking can be more focused. We know what is more important/what we really value this time through. Collectively we are talking about finances, resources, values, self-esteem. If we have been plowing through the Mercury retrograde season without taking time to re-view/re-think, etc - here is where we might meet an unmovable object. If we have done the work of the retrograde season, we are older and wiser now and making better decisions. Our focus will narrow here.
The Moon in dreamy Pisces now, squares the Gemini Sun. This month's Third Quarter Square. Pisces/Gemini. The Pisces Moon will fog up the Gemini facts and FORCE us to use our intuition.
This is also the day, Mars, at 28 degrees Pisces makes a sextile to Pluto, retrograde in Capricorn. Pluto retrograde is 'the death that is postponed' and now here is the Martian cleaning crew coming through to dissolve what is no longer needed. With Mars in Pisces and a soft sextile we are going to want to move with the flow of this. Maybe a sacrifice is required - we give us this to get that. We won't be able to control everything that is happening, but REAL POWER is being offered up here if we are able to use this Pisces energy productively - maybe via our imagination, our intuition, meditation, art, music. This is Neptune/Saturn - MAKING THE DREAM REAL. A good time to make a commitment to a new goal, which with Pluto retrograde, might not be totally new.
We could feel a renewed sense of purpose/passion.
Something should fall into place here when we make some practical EFFORT, we won't need to push/force a square peg into a round hole.
Hope something here is helpful.
xo all
artwork by the amazing kelogsloops