Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in taurus | Tuesday, November 8, 2022 - a change of fate, major timeline shift

On Tuesday morning at 6:02AM EST, the Taurus Moon opposes the Scorpio Sun at 16 degrees, giving us this month's Full Moon, our annual Full Moon in Taurus. Happening so near the Moon's nodes (at 13 degrees) makes this one a Total Lunar Eclipse.

Eclipses can act as a kind of cosmic reboot - like when we download new software and have to turn our computer off and back on for the newly downloaded material to function properly. Except in this case, we are the computer, and our connection to a changing cosmos gets "reset". Eclipses are some of the most dramatic means life has to draw our attention to spaces that need to change. They allow us to move from one level to another in some area of our lives very quickly. 

We will just jump right into this one.

The Moon is exalted in Taurus and conjunct Uranus EXACT. The Sun is sandwiched between Mercury and Venus (she is the ruler of Taurus and so the ruler of this Eclipse). Pallas is conjunct Black Moon Lilith EXACT. The Moon trines Ceres (I see Ceres as another possible ruler for Taurus) who is conjunct asteroids Dionysus and Thereus EXACT. The North Node is conjunct asteroid Niobe EXACT. The Moon and Sun square Saturn - applying. Venus, ruler of the lunation is trining Neptune.

The Moon's conjunction with Uranus speaks of a culmination/ending/peak - abrupt and likely chaotic - involving some aspect of our comfort, our wants, our money, our resources, our stability. 

The Moon with Uranus now can make us feel anxious, antsy, rebellious, overwhelmed. There is electricity in the air, which I suppose might feel energizing, like standing on your porch in a thunderstorm. But not so energizing if the lightning strikes too close. If you have planets or points near 16 degrees of the fixed signs, please take this seriously. Turn off the news. Eat food grown from the Earth. Get extra rest. Sleep. Breathe.


Eclipses are times outside of time and Eclipse energies work both forward and backward. Eclipse events also play out over longer timetables than regular Full Moons - here, at least until the next set of Eclipses in about 6 months. In the end, because remember the North Node (the future) is conjunct Uranus in fixed earth Taurus - the changes NOW and over the next few months will lead us to something more fertile/sustaining/simple, but will come through surprising and maybe chaotic situations.


With the Sun's conjunction to Mercury, their superior conjunction (concluding a story that started in late September) being exact on the Eclipse - news, a conversation, communication, information is a part of this lunation's DISRUPTION, culmination, liberation. 

During a total Lunar Eclipse, the Sun, is temporarily and COMPLETELY blocked. 

So, either all information is NOT known/something is hidden - we don't get the full story/can't see the whole picture right now or something that was hidden is now revealed - maybe in an instant with that fast Uranus. 

With Uranus opposing the Sun/Mercury conjunction we are shocked/surprised. What we see/hear is not what we expect to see/hear. With Uranus retrograde the surprise/shock will be something we COULD have seen coming, so #unexpected, but #not-totally-unexpected. Brilliant ideas will find their way to minds who will make use of them. Pay attention.

The Eclipse squares Saturn invigorating the waning Saturn/Uranus square and increasing the PRESSURE. 

There is some kind of reality check here. A limit. An ending. Venus is squaring Saturn, so we might be seeing what we can't have or feeling alone or old. Or maybe it is us who are setting a boundary or saying "no". The Eclipse powers this up. If we are the one releasing powerful information/words - the genie is out of the bottle once we do. There is no stopping whatever we put into play here. Babies tossed with dirty bathwater stay tossed. There are no Lifetime movie revivals. Think about what you are saying/doing. Words are powerful/decisive and final. 

Uranus is a trauma signature. With Pallas in Cancer now conjunct Black Moon Lilith (our wound womb/woman who chooses herself) and trining both Venus and Neptune, there is something here about letting go of the past-life/ancestral trauma we carried into this life with us that was then triggered by our parents/early childhood experiences. Often what keeps us holding onto trauma is pride (the polarity of pride/shame). Niobe, an asteroid who represents how we can be damaged by our pride, is sitting EXACT on the North Node during this Full Moon. Maybe it is a kind of 'humbling' that gets us on our North Node path and teaches an important, and liberating, lesson.

(there is something about old trauma that whispers silently "remember what happened last time!" and then, in a panic to protect ourselves, we miss the chance to open our hearts and minds and make new choices, most of this being an unconscious thing, like the muscle memory that helps us tie our shoes in the morning - Mars, retrograde in Gemini will help us with this 'making new choices' thing, so will an eclipse that forces our hand - take a moment to breathe, to respond and not react)

Ceres is trining the Full Moon and is exactly conjunct asteroids Dionysus and Thereus. She is in Virgo, possibly speaking of Earth events such as weather or climate changes. Her EXACT trine pulls 16 degrees Virgo into Full Moon events for anyone with planets/points there, and, pulls in the theme of our natal Virgo houses and also collective themes of health, daily routines, pets, work. Her conjunction with Dionysus (a complicated character, but mostly known for a kind of hedonistic lifestyle, wine, inebriation, gender-bender alliances) and Thereus. There isn't much information out there about Centaur Asteroid Thereus. Like Pholus, he bridges Saturn and Neptune - the known and the unknown. In Ovid's Metamorphoses, Thereus was spoken of as a centaur said to hunt bears and then drag them around alive and wounded. Since the story noted Thereus's cruelty as a hunter (also his boldness and strength dragging the large wounded animal around for all to see) he was deemed monstrous. Dionysus also had a "bear" connection which makes me think, during a Taurus Eclipse of bear markets and bare shelves and polar bears. Sitting with Ceres (Mother Nature) and trining this lunation might speak of themes that bring about the 'perfect storm'.

Another thing Ceres often represents is NEGOTIATION. It could be the news/sudden information or disruptive conversation requires an old school bare/bear-knuckled negotiation. I'd say a 'take no prisoners' kind of thing, but since Thereus did (take prisoners I mean, which is where the bears comes in), maybe not. As a fixed sign, Mercury in Scorpio isn't much of a negotiator - although people born with Mercury in Scorpio will usually have some Libra in them that pulls those skills in, but remember with Mars in Gemini (and the mutual reception thing) Mercury can get back to himself through Mars and Mercury in Gemini is a good negotiator. Maybe the best.

The connection with Uranus is connecting us with the FUTURE so we are sending energy - whether consciously or unconsciously - to the future we will inhabit. We will surely be more Aquarian, for better and worse, because we can't solve Age of Aquarius problems with Age of Pisces thinking. Uranus is the modern ruler of Aquarius, and Saturn, the ancient ruler, is squaring Uranus during the lunation pulling the 2021/2022 Saturn/Uranus square into play here - after this Eclipse this will be solidly in our REARVIEW MIRROR. The old vs the new. Stability and stagnation vs change and chaos. 

As with any Full Moon, it is good to physically wrap something up. Hmm, maybe a Christmas present, that sounds nice, although I haven't bought any. Maybe you have. 


I always bring a bag of clothes/items to Goodwill. Pay bills. Conclude things that are easy to conclude. I always walk in Full Moons, but am too superstitious to walk in Eclipses, especially this one which is hitting my chart. If you are paying attention, you are surely seeing all kinds of connecting things in your life over the past couple weeks as the Scorpio/Taurus Eclipses play out - this will continue this week as well.


Eclipses are all about the North/South Nodes of the Moon that we talked about HERE, so maybe something here is helpful now.

The saving grace of this lunation is Venus's trine to Neptune (and widely to Jupiter). These aspects will perfect NEXT WEEK when things will FEEL BETTER. Our joy/happiness/peace/balance increase when we release whatever we have been fixated on in Scorpio/hanging onto in Taurus. The release - this week - opens us up for the love and compassion we will feel next week. The most important things in life are infinite. This makes me think of when something terrible happens (and I am certainly not saying it will!) and we are shocked or upset, but once we accept it cannot be changed and resolve ourselves to making it work or going with the flow of what is happening a certain peace comes into the situation.

What we value by the time the North Node leaves Taurus next summer will be TRULY VALUABLE. 


The week ahead in a quickie:

Squares to Saturn really dominate the week ahead with Venus (Monday), Mercury (Thursday) and the Sun (Friday) all squaring Saturn in Aquarius. Squares from planets in Scorpio will feel intense/all or nothing, obsessive, maybe like something is 'life and death'. There will be reality checks. Financial issues. Communication issues. Limits. Responsibilities. We might be doubting ourselves. If we have over-estimated anything - from our abilities to our bank account to how much we can depend on someone else - here is where we get brought back down to Earth. The squares to Saturn will require us to be responsible, work within certain rules and structures. 

The best aspect of the week (and the Eclipse) is likely Venus's trine to Neptune which gives us a smooth/easy opportunity to release old entanglements/blocks and access ancestral inheritances through compassion, forgiveness, sacrifice, music, art and surrender. Prayer works. Meditation works. Your past goodness is helping. Your ancestors are helping. There is more in your bank account than dollars. 

Hidden information can come out, truths or intimate communications can create disorder, liberation or even a total change of direction. Weather/resource issues are possible. Financial  changes for better or worse. So, schedule light this week because unexpected situations will come up. Take breaks and practice self care as needed. Give other people a break, too because we are all dealing with these challenging energies.

I hope something here is helpful. Am under the weather again here, had covid during the last Eclipse cycle and had a totally draining day, so this isn't as detailed as I planned, but I will be back as we move through the week and this all plays out!

As for the U.S. elections - I would guess the polling will not be so accurate and we can 'expect the unexpected'.

xo all

being the observer and not the absorber, then from water to fire, tomorrow's necessary changes and action, saturday is not a day to be too comfortable ..


The Moon is finishing up in Pisces today. Hopefully you took yesterday's respite/healing. Maybe allowed that connection to universal love to heal some tension that Aquarius Moon broke open. As I said in the weekly HERE, Thursday (even this morning) was the calm in the storm (keep in mind this is the EYE of the storm). That Pisces energy continues for most of today, although unlike yesterday, today it is not unchallenged. It's still a good time to make amends/apologies. To make art/music. To pray/meditate. Pisces Moons can bring a magical healing of the tensions between people. Words are connecting/well-received. Yesterday, Venus moved over the South Node - old money, old relationships, things might need to be purchased/paid for that should have already been purchased/paid for. Things/people/situations we used to love are being looked at intensely with an eye toward tossing what is dead/life-less. Or those things are being shaken abruptly loose (Venus's opposition to Uranus).

Today, the Pisces energy is more agitated/overwhelming. There are meetings with Neptune and Jupiter. A square to that retrograde Mars. We are still very sensitive (so is everyone else) and likely nostalgic. There is an opportunistic sextile to Pluto in Capricorn - we want to use that to stay on course/get things done. The Moon's closing meeting with Jupiter this evening (EDT) makes everything BIGGER, but also brings faith/hope, the luck that comes when we - take a chance, follow our good instincts, are confident. 

Let's talk about Jupiter for a  minute before we look at tomorrow because I never did do a post about his return to Pisces. Jupiter back in Pisces brings another connection to what we had going on back in May 2022. Neptune, the ruler of Pisces has been in Pisces for over a decade and has a couple years to go. Jupiter, the ancient ruler of Pisces, has recently returned to Pisces for just a few weeks, before he heads back into Aries for the BIG START. 


Jupiter is Zeus, king of the Gods. He is strong in Pisces, but covering old ground. This isn't a bad thing, but exactly where we need to be. There is something we missed back here in Pisces, something we dropped and need to find. Jupiter in Pisces (among other things) is our impulse to DO GOOD. To be benevolent/charitable. We will feel these kind of impulses now and over the next few weeks. For some people, they will just follow that impulse and do the thing. Other people will overthink the impulse (because Mars is retrograde in Gemini) and think of the reasons why they shouldn't do whatever the impulse is telling them to do (that is good, benevolent, charitable) and then not do it. And still other people will weigh the pros and cons - which is still possible now, with Mars' ruler Mercury in Scorpio (that mutual reception thing we talked about before), so Mercury (our thinking) can get back to himself through Mars - choices, multiple things, doing things twice, etc. There are always reasons not to follow our good instincts, so are we in the habit of following the good reasons or the good instincts? Following our Jupertarian good instincts is really our shortest path to prosperity. Jupiter is also about our joy - so are we in the habit of being joyful/seeking joy or in the habit of thinking "I will be joyful when ...". Or maybe instead of being in the habit of following our joy we are in the habit of waiting for it. And, of course this isn't always, or maybe even usually, a conscious thing. We are in Eclipse season, this is a time of deep noticing, so think about it. We don't want to miss these gold nuggets we missed the first time through here, AGAIN. Mars is retrograde in Gemini - change is possible, we are getting this long period of "re" energy to work with. Jupiter is about THE EXTRA and in Pisces, this EXTRA is unlimited. Something to think about. Also remember, today, with multiple Pisces aspects, through our sensitive Moon (and a sensitive Moon itself may not feel good to you depending on your own Moon), notice what you are ABSORBING. If it is something you don't want/doesn't serve you - push back into observer mode and shake it off.


OK, on to tomorrow, which in most ways is already in play. 


On SATURDAY, we have the Sun conjunct the South Node, Venus opposing Uranus and the Aries Moon inconjunct the Scorpio Sun. We talked about most of this in the weekly - surprises with love, money. Old intensities/mergers/power struggles/obsessions/big money/Scorpio stuff brought into the spotlight, so it can be released or transformed. If we are TOO comfortable on Saturday, this will probably NOT be a good thing.

Saturday's Moon is this month's Waxing Inconjunct. Our LAST adjustment - remember we just talked about the Aquarius square as an adjustment needed before the Eclipse. Well, here is really the LAST one. This one hits us from Aries - our action, ambition, anger, initiative, courage.

The Aries Moon (13 degrees - which is the degree of the Nodes and Sun now in fixed signs) moves into a square with the Scorpio Sun. The Scorpio Sun is intensely focused on what's under the covers/the hood. The deep. The complicated. The Aries Moon comes along and wants/needs something RIGHT NOW. Some kind of adjustment is needed. Aries action - so brave, assertive, quick, likely short-term. We are working with what is right in front of us. And we have to take this action/maybe deal with this (it could be an Aries person, too - maybe even angry or aggressive), so the Lunar Eclipse energy - a few days from now - when the Moon is in Taurus and OPPOSING the Sun - will be PAST THIS. Does that make sense? What is frustrating now needs to be dealt with now. This probably won't be a long-term fix and it may be uncomfortable if you aren't comfortable with Aries energy of quick action. Think of that Fool card in Tarot - off he/we go! Note - the Moon will be merged with Chiron when she inconjuncts the Sun, connecting with our vulnerabilities/wounds, making this more challenging, BUT also MORE EMPOWERING. There is a give and take here, rock and hard place. Things won't be tied up with a big red bow easily, or maybe at all, so don't expect that, but we have work to do here. The Moon will be applying to Sunday's sextile to Mars, ruler of Aries, which will help, especially with old situations that require new action. 

(for some people, the Aries Moon might speak of the need for physical exercise or even sex, or one person's need for sex and another person's need for intimacy)


I am not sure if my next post will be the Eclipse post or more build-up to the Eclipse. I think we have to get back to Venus because so much relationship/money/resource stuff is being activated. 


In the meantime, you should feel the Aries energy come into play tonight as the Moon leaves Pisces - water for fire. 


Allow yourself access to this energy/allow yourself to get fired up. Just remember all the background challenging energies and keep yourself safe. Some people will be itching for a reason to be an angry/irritated assh*le.


xo all 


photography by the amazing ankazhuravleva

the importance of what is happening right now in Aquarius ... cosmic second chances and course corrections, do your Saturn!



We are in the Eclipse spin cycle - moving EXACTLY (since last night until tomorrow morning) through the midpoint of the powerful Scorpio Solar Eclipse (conjunct Venus - the more psychological Eclipse) and the powerful Taurus Lunar Eclipse (conjunct Uranus - the more physical Eclipse). 


It's All Saint's Day. The Day of the Dead. The veils are very thin.

What we are doing now, how we are responding to what is happening, what we are saying/re-saying, thinking/re-thinking, what makes us uncomfortable, what makes us angry is EXTREMELY IMPORTANT. 


Karmic knots are coming untangled.

Today, the Moon is in Aquarius. The sign of the FUTURE.


Through today's machinations the 2021 - 2022 Saturn/Uranus square is pulled into our physical bodies - her square to the South Node/Scorpio, her square to the North Node/Taurus, this afternoon's square to Uranus in Taurus, tonight's crash landing on Saturn/Aquarius - which doesn't have to be a crash. These are the same physical bodies that are made of the bodies of our parents and their parents (the momentum from which we came) AND carry the seeds of our children (even when your physical childbearing days are long behind you). The same is true of our past lives and future lives.


Our time is not our own. What we do now is not just about us. 


We are reaching backward and the future is reaching backward toward us.


The Aquarius Moon can be eccentric, detached, rebellious - she pushes us to be authentic. Sometimes the Moon in Aquarius will create emotional chaos, connecting with the trauma-holding, higher-mind of Uranus, and knowing intuitively the kinds of splintered conflict that might lead to awakening - breakdown to breakthrough. 

The Sun is in Scorpio and the Moon will square him, too. The Aquarius Moon allows us to step back a bit from situations that have grown too intense AND also reminds us that freedom/liberation always comes with a cost.  


The empty leg of this whole thing is LEO. Our heart. Creativity. Love. Our hero's journey. Our spark. And, yes, Leo is also the 'ego' and greed and more complicated than this, but let's keep in mind, something in our current situation may be lacking the Leo - because the leg is empty - so, there is something here - or within the theme of our natal Leo house - that needs to be brought to the table as our hands are emptied and cards played (the Eclipses play out).  

This is fixed energy. Something has to BREAK. Or maybe it broke last night? 


Today, as the Moon approaches Saturn - the ancient ruler of Aquarius, so this is not a bad thing, but it is a SERIOUS/SOBER thing - we want to be doing the RIGHT THING. This isn't the thing that is different for everyone. This is the universal RIGHT THING. Saturn's right thing. Your responsibility. You know what this is.

This is a BIG freaking deal. 


The same thing occurred six months ago during the last Scorpio/Taurus Eclipses. What was going on for you last May - actually, late April through about the middle of May - the days around last Mother's Day? THIS IS OUR SECOND CHANCE WITH THIS STUFF. If we didn't do the 'right thing' then, we can do the right thing now. Note - situations may not be exactly the same, but you can see/feel the connections. It's not our last chance, but we don't want to wait until our last chance because the next one in six months (which also, isn't really the last, but do you want to wait 18 years!) doesn't have this one's THUNDERBOLT. We want to get it right this time. We don't have to get it perfect. Life is pushing us/squeezing us to get us on a better timeline - something more fertile, abundant, self-valuing, more simple.

If we are feeling the squeeze right now, we are getting a SECOND CHANCE.

After the Moon squares the Nodes, three personal planets are crossing the South Node of Fate while opposing change-maker Uranus. This is a very BIG DEAL. There are past life/familial connections to almost everything right now. It is not a coincidence the OTHER personal planet, Mars, is retrograde in dualistic Gemini. Changing our mind. Changing our actions. More second chances.

After the Moon meets and passes Saturn tonight we will be on our course for that Lunar Eclipse on Uranus next Tuesday. Is there an adjustment (in our actions, attitude, language, thinking, beliefs) as a result of what happened last night/today that needs to happen before that Taurus Eclipse's THUNDERBOLT?

Tomorrow morning, the Aquarius Moon will meet up with Vesta - the fire we 'need to keep burning' to stay alive. Our sacred focus. Notice what you are thinking/talking about. Watch your language - this is a powerful time to ENGAGE YOUR MIND/connect with genius thinking that pulls us into the future. The Moon/Vesta conjunction will be in a smooth air trine to that retrograde Mars in Gemini. This is the Moon's final aspect in fixed air Aquarius before she squares the Nodes of Fate during next week's Eclipse from fixed earth Taurus. A trine to that 'doing things twice/doing two things at once' retrograde Mars. Smooth flow. Brakes off. Something can slide right into place. This is fast energy, maybe agitated/angry/impulsive. But it is getting things into the open that need to be in the open. Cards are getting reshuffled. Quickly. 

This mid-point of the Eclipse cycle matters. 

Our Aquarius house is being tested today and tomorrow- A MINI-VERSION OF WHAT THE SATURN/URANUS SQUARE HAS BEEN ALL ABOUT - the battle for the Age of Aquarius!! 


Here is a quick rundown. Use your rising sign for best results, if you don't know your rising sign, you can always bring your Sun to the first house and use that, both are in play here.

The Moon/Saturn today is about (note - Aries is also a collective influence) -

ARIES rising - this is about your groups, friendships, the goals that bring you into connection with other people, the future, your responsibility to the collective

TAURUS rising - gets a challenging square - this is about your career, reputation, voice in the world, step into your responsibility, the North Node is in your sign - you are undergoing a personal rebirth

GEMINI rising - gets a supportive air trine - this is about your beliefs, your travels, religion, legal situations, higher education, weddings

CANCER rising - this is about your debts, merged monies, intimacies, sex, inheritance, life and death situations or situations that feel like life and death - how can something here be handled more responsibly?

LEO rising - gets a challenging opposition - this is about your partnerships/partner/contracts, other people - this is likely something they are dealing with and you are dealing with this through them

VIRGO rising - this is about your health (maybe work, pets) - TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF - this is about being responsible/healthy with your day-to-day routine

LIBRA rising - gets a supportive air trine - this is about your children, creative projects, what you are giving birth to, your heart's desire, your physical heart, romance

SCORPIO rising - gets a challenging square - this is about your family/home, your foundation, your roots, the South Node is in your sign - you are undergoing a very personal transformation

SAGITTARIUS rising this is about your agreements, words, contracts, conversations, ideas, your mental constructs, communications, be responsible with your words

CAPRICORN rising - this is about your money, your resources - big financial transactions happening, be responsible with your money/resources, how are things lining up with your values

AQUARIUS rising - this is about your physical self, your brand, the way you present yourself in the world, take responsibility for the energy/presence you carry

PISCES rising - this is about the past, karmic knots that Cappy people/situations are helping untangle very old knots - this is a cliche I do not like, but know "whatever is happening is happening for a reason" you probably can't see because it is behind you, respond with your highest self, forgive, have compassion

I hope something here is helpful. 

xo all

weekly astrology forecast | october 31 - November 6, 2022 - the eclipse spin cycle continues, scorpio on steroids, breakdowns, breakthroughs, break-ups, surprises and fated change, SEEING THE SILVER LINING


We are in the Eclipse spin cycle now - in between two powerful Eclipses. Personal and collective timelines are SHIFTING. Old karmas are being burned away. So, I will report the aspects, but it is not really possible to see where things are heading in Eclipse season!

Life is determined - between last week's Solar Eclipse in Scorpio and next week's BIG Lunar Eclipse in Taurus - to spit us out in quite a different state than when we went in. 


What is happening in your life? I would guess it is something BIG. Or about to be. 


Old issues have a way of coming back around during Eclipse cycles to be sorted out/put to bed. New situations arrive with big ramifications. Some of these old issues are childhood/familial DNA/past lives, so we may or may not be totally aware of the importance of what is happening now. There are connections back to the last Eclipse cycle in May. Old debts are coming due to be marked paid in full, so we can MOVE ON. 

People are often telling me about the things that are falling apart, but the truth is whether something is falling apart or coming together almost always DEPENDS WHERE WE ARE LOOKING. If we are looking at the old structures/what used to support us/maybe even who we used to be - we are going to see what is falling apart. 

But isn't there some place else we can be looking? Jupiter has returned to Pisces - THERE IS A SILVER LINING HERE SOMEWHERE!

This week, Venus, followed by the Sun and then Mercury, is pulled into the ongoing Saturn/Uranus square through the deep waters of Scorpio - intensity/maybe crisis. WE ARE FEELING THE SQUEEZE - finances, relationships, life and death matters or matters that feel like life and death. That Uranus opposition is asking us just how uncomfortable we need to be before we CHANGE WHAT NEEDS TO CHANGE. With Venus ruling the North Node of our collective way forward and just coming off her solar cleansing and not so strong in Scorpio - we probably aren't getting exactly what we want here. 

There are hidden motives and drives and desires. There are karmas connected to old lives/ancestors being balanced out. There is more happening than what appears to be happening!

As Venus moves away from the Sun, Mercury moves closer. Our mind isn't clear. It is hard to be objective with Mercury combust. We can't believe everything we are seeing/hearing/thinking. Combustion (planet burned out by its proximity to the Sun) is a point when the old is being seared away. The planet being impacted is weakened. The new is being seeded, but the ground is still scorched. This seeding isn't a quick process. It will be December before we really know what is happening now/what we are starting.

And Mars is retrograde and out of bounds! And, in Gemini, answering to that combust Mercury! While we are in between two powerful Eclipses. Lions and tigers and bears, oh my. But, also, good witches and magic slippers and hopefully other people who have our back. 

Jupiter, returned to Pisces for a final few weeks, is asking us to reflect on our highest/most interconnected nature (a remembering of who we really are - who are we at our very, very best) AND our old dreams. Not because we are going backward, because we really, truly aren't. But because there is some gold back there. Something Piscean we need to go back for and bring with us into the future. This connects back to early May (so does the Eclipse!). Jupiter flies through Aries one final time (December 20, 2022 - May 16, 2023) to expand whatever we have been brave enough to start. 

Let's unpack the week!

MONDAY - Sun trines Juno, Ceres trines the North Node

TUESDAY - First Quarter Moon (8 degrees Aquarius)

WEDNESDAY - Venus conjunct South Node, inconjunct Chiron and opposing North Node

SATURDAY - Sun conjunct South Node, inconjunct Chiron and opposing North Node, Venus opposite Uranus

SUNDAY - Mercury conjunct South Node, inconjunct Chiron and opposing North Node

MONDAY - Get work done early as the Cappy Moon, coming off her monthly meeting with powerful Pluto makes an opportunistic and productive sextile to a retrograde Jupiter in Pisces - the dream works when we do/making the dream real. The Moon goes void at 10:15AM EDT through 11:43AM EDT when she moves into airy/intellectual Aquarius. Should be a nice Halloween - Happy Samhain! - except for the possibility of a snafu around dinner time (again EDT) through a square to Mercury - disagreement, misunderstanding, transportation/local community/school/sibling/tech issue. The square does pull Scorpio into Halloween though which this Scorpio rising/8th house Moon feels appropriate :)

This is also the day the Sun trines Juno and Ceres trines the North Node. The Sun/Juno in Scorpio/Pisces speaks of smooth flow with emotional commitment/depth/intimacy/honesty within close relationships/contracts. Ceres/North Node in Virgo/Taurus speaks of tangible improvements/fixes via taking care of ourselves/our work/our pets in ways that contribute to a more fertile/bountiful/simplified future. Brakes off for good things baby.  

On TUESDAY, the weather changes via this lunar month's First Quarter Square (Moon in Aquarius squaring the Sun in Scorpio) which stirs up tension/frustration that creates a need to step back/detach. Too much immersion in the dark waters of Scorpio - secrets, third party situations, dark issues, power struggles, life and death, merged money - becomes uncomfortable/stressful and this is a time to approach things from a smarter/newer vantage. Get some perspective. Get some FRESH AIR. The Moon will also be squaring Venus (love and money) and Uranus (surprises) and meeting Saturn (reality), so definitely some challenges on Tuesday. Channel that Aqua Moon and keep a cool head/be smart. 

On WEDNESDAY, the Moon in Aquarius goes void off a supportive trine to that newly retrograde Mars in Gemini. She is void from 7:08AM EDT until 2:46PM EDT when she moves into Pisces.



Venus meets the South Node, inconjuncts Chiron and opposes the North Node (which she rules). The Sun will be making these same aspects on Saturday and Mercury on Sunday. If we aren't already feeling this we probably will be today or maybe yesterday with Luna activating all this through Aquarius first. 


These South Node conjunctions - what is opposing our simpler/more abundant future - is about the theme of our Scorpio house or the collective Scorpian themes of - merged monies, other people's money, third party situations, taxes, insurance, inheritance, life/death, reproduction, sex, intimacy, deep research or psychological work, life and death situations, power struggles, manipulations, compulsions. Venus pulls in our values/what we want, love, our resources, money. Mercury pulls in information/conversations. The Sun shines a light on old situations/habits. That Venusian opposition to Uranus creates a shake-up. Whatever it takes to change our relationships. Whatever it takes to change our resources. Whatever it takes to change our values.


This is all moving us toward next week's Full Moon Lunar Eclipse with the Moon conjunct Uranus EXACT. 


Fated changes. Things are being shaken/not stirred. 

The inconjuncts to Chiron show the discomfort we are feeling. The old wounds from childhood, our ancestors, our past lives activated as we don't feel safe/stable. It could be a loss or some secret that has come out. This looks to be encouraging us to be more independent/liberated. To nurture what really matters/what is most valuable (Ceres trine North Node).

Venus is pulled into the grand finale of the Saturn/Uranus square. The new vs the old. What we used to value vs what we value now. What we used to own vs what we own now. What we used to share vs what we share now. What we used to love vs what we love now. Resource issues. Relationship issues. Our changing values. 

THURSDAY, is a kind of time-out/reprieve. The Moon in Pisces is making nice with what seems like almost everybody. Excellent energy for compassion, empathy, art, music, our imagination, universal love, healing - CONNECTION. Her trine to the Sun is this month's Waxing Trine, a water trine - Pisces/Scorpio. We are feeling all the feels with this one. Take some time to rest and relax. Our boundaries/the veils are very thin. Your ancestors, as well as every good thing you have ever done (every act of compassion, forgiveness, unconditional love), is helping you now. Magic is afoot. 


On FRIDAY, the Moon meets Neptune, squares Mars, sextiles Pluto and goes void off a conjunction with Jupiter. She is void from 6:05PM EDT to 7:07PM EDT when she moves into fiery Aries. Alot will be going on. The Moon/Neptune will pump up the Pisces and the magic, but likely make it hard to knuckle down and work if we need to. Would be good for imaginative/creative/spiritual/healing work though. The Mars square could bring some frustration/tension over communications or with community or commerce, but that Pluto trine - Cappy/Pisces, making the dream real - is good for dealing with authority, financial matters, intimacy matters. We are more comfortable with intensity/power/sex/even 'death'. By the time of the Jupiter conjunction and void down-time we will really want to relax, veg out, chill, BIG TIME. 

The Venus/Uranus opposition, exact on Saturday, is applying. Breakthroughs. Break-ups. Breakdowns. Changes that won't be stopped. Babies don't need to be tossed with dirty bathwater though. The Moon will be in independent Aries. Give other people, and yourself, some space. 

Radical upgrades are coming.

I will be back before the weekend to sort it out. And back with that Venus post.

xo all

artwork by the amazing Sylvio Porzionato