Full Moon in gemini | december 7th, 2022 - moving on from the old dreams and disappointments, simmering tensions can erupt, making grown-up decisions we have been avoiding

On Wednesday, December 7th, 2022, at 11:08PM EST, the Gemini Moon opposes the Sagittarius Sun giving us this month's Full Moon, our annual Full Moon in Gemini. 

The last Full Moon of the year!

Full Moons are times of heightened emotions. The sky is bright. We see what we are holding onto/where we are/what is reaching its peak/what is finishing up. Gemini is the sign of duality (and how, yes, two things can be true/right at the same time) - think of its symbol of 'the twins' - and we often find we have more than one situation peaking/finishing up at the time of a Gemini Full Moon.


Let's jump right in and unpack the chart!


The Moon, at 16 degrees Gemini, opposes the Sun at 16 degrees Sag. The Moon is EXACTLY conjunct Mars to the degree/minute - there is only a 5 second difference! So, the Moon opposes the Sun and only 5 seconds later meets Mars. Note Mars is retrograde and EXACTLY opposing the Sun. The Moon squares Neptune and trines Saturn (both applying), sextiles Chiron (separating) and squares Juno (separating). Mercury, ruler of Gemini, and so ruler of this lunation has just moved into Capricorn and is at 1 degree Cappy (note Mercury will go retrograde in Capricorn in just a few days, but won't be re-walking this degree). Mercury is conjunct Venus (out of sign) and Venus is conjunct the Galactic Center and has just risen as an evening star. Mercury squares Jupiter (again out of sign). Both Mercury's aspects are waning/separating. Pallas, retrograde, is EXACTLY conjunct Black Moon Lilith. 

A spotlight is being thrown on a lot of information now. Almost too much to process. Speak clearly now. Slow down. This is not a time for babble or childish gossip. Let's not say one thing when we really mean something else - even habits like saying "this isn't bad" when we mean something is 'good' dilute our energy. Just say, "this is good!".

This Full Moon could bring us to a decision point with something we have been thinking about for a while - a conversation or communication with someone now could help us decide and even strengthen our resolve to take action, although the action itself might happen after Mars goes direct closer to the end of the month. There can also be more than one way forward, because again, Gemini is our sign of duality and holds space for the crossroads. This Moon is about choices and endings.

The Moon is complicated, and everything is really overshadowed by that EXACT conjunction with that retrograde Mars. Mars is a TRIGGER and he is at an important part of his retrograde cycle - the part where he opposes the Sun, illuminating our Mars retrograde STORY. So, having Mars join the Moon and we could also say, having the Moon join Mars, at this important point in both their cycles/story-lines with the Sun MATTERS. 

Important matters are closing out/reaching a peak/coming to light.

Mars here can make the Full Moon energy more impulsive, agitated, active, angry. I would expect to hear cutting sarcasm. It's NOT the time to be making demands, jumping into arguments, making important snap decisions. On the other hand, and this is why we have two, the words that need to COME OUT almost certainly will. 

Mars in Gemini is very much 'trickster' energy, so we need to be smart. Drive safely. Back up your files. Measure your words. Manage your conversations. Avoid rushing. 

This is the mid-point of the Mars retrograde cycle and we will have some clarity via information/situations about what we have had to review, re-vive, re-do, what was postponed or turned around or the results of what we have done while being so flipping unfocused and exhausted since, October 30th when Mars stationed retrograde. This can also be a SPOTLIGHT on what we've been refusing to act on or suppressing anger about. 

If a fight has been brewing - BOOM here it is. If an action is needed that we have been avoiding, there might not be any avoiding it any longer. The Full Moon in Gemini is crossroads energy where decisions are MADE. Keep in mind every decision is really two decisions - 1. we decide and then 2. to keep from going crazy, we decide to not look back - in this case Mars is still going backward and Mercury is about to be, so, just to warn you, there will be LOOKING.

Both Mars and the Full Moon are answering to Mercury who has just moved into sober Capricorn, so we do have access to more rational energy. If a conversation needs to happen, we want to be drawing on the more conservative/mature Cappy energy as much as possible.

We might have to make a decision/choice about something that has been making us UNCOMFORTABLE for some time. With the Moon's best aspect that trine to sober Saturn - who is also the final dispositor of this whole thing - what is the best LONG TERM decision here? Just keep in mind Mars is still retrograde and Mercury is about to be, things are not set in stone.


The square to Juno speaks of partnership/contract tension and frustration. It might indicate the need to sacrifice for a partner. Of course a square to Juno on a Mars-y Full Moon could just as well speak of something akin to vengeance, especially if one party is feeling power-less (perfect astrology for a power grid attack - ack). If the decision/choice is relationship connected, the trine with Saturn looks to me like many couples will stick things out/commit/put in the effort to make it work. Obviously, this won't be true of everyone, Juno in Pisces can help troubled relationships heal or drift on out to sea. Either way, think LONG TERM.

The other separating aspect is a sextile to Chiron - healing through Gemini/Aries, keeping things light and local, adding humor, not making a mountain out of a molehill, starting fresh. 

There is also an applying square to Neptune, and we have just been through a week of squares to Neptune from various planets, so, although we will likely be NOSTALGIC - and we always are at the end of the year as Cappy season approaches and plays out - we don't want to be pulling the past into the present and then fighting about it. Remember that Mars (God of war) will color EVERYTHING during the Full Moon cycle and Gemini is the sign of small things, so a tiny thing/small words can light a fire we may not want lit. 

The square to Neptune speaks of releasing something that isn't real or something that is OVER. Yes, I know I said 'stick it out', but that isn't always possible or in our best interest. Hold on loosely, let go and let God. It's good energy to allow regrets to diminishThe cords/ties/knots to the old stuff that is quite literally holding us back/strangling us - is only kept alive through our attention.  


Neptune has stationed direct just a few days before this Full Moon, so we are MOVING ON from the delusions, old dreams and disappointments.


The smooth trine to Saturn indicates our best bet is to be making choices/decisions/actions now that are designed for our LONG-TERM benefit. 


The "long game" we talked about. 


Saturn tells us we DON'T have to jump into anything, we can TAKE THE TIME TO DECIDE. We want to be picking our way carefully through all the possibilities, asking questions, discovering what supports us, what strengthens and enriches us as we move toward the new year.

Mercury, ruler of this Moon, is making a tight, although out of sign, square to Jupiter in Pisces. Jupiter is walking these late Pisces degrees for the THIRD TIME. What energy do we still have tied up in holding onto the old dominant Age of Pisces stories? Where are we trying to push our luck? Where might we be still trying to take control, rather than ALLOWING life to increase our blessings (Jupiter in Pisces)? Jupiter is almost through with Pisces and won't be back here for 12 years, so what did we miss??


Once Jupiter gets into Aries, on December 20th, we will feel a push to go, go, go. Opportunities will be fast and furious and fleeting, especially once Mercury and Mars are direct in mid-January - and lots of things will look better than they are and how are we going to know the difference between an actual opportunity and a wild goose chase?

By using these days - the time before Jupiter gets into Aries, in the best ways possible. 

Something to keep in mind - and this is why we are going to start looking long-term with the posts - we are simply one player within a spectrum of possibilities. We are all carefully created and choreographed to be here now. As we change/hold/shift/strengthen/DO OUR PART, we are changing the world that is being born. We are changing ourselves, our future, the lives of the people who will come after us. This Full Moon in Gemini conjunct Mars is about our personal revolution/evolution. Small changes produce big - square to Jupiter - and lasting - trine to Saturn - RESULTS. 


The conclusions and releases happening now are even older stories - square to Neptune, sextile to Chiron - than we can KNOW in this 3D reality. Although we can intuit them if we are open enough and certainly we all know feel bigger things are happening than what looks like is happening.

December looks much easier after we get past this Moon, so just don't go nuts here. No sudden actions we could regret later. We don't need to rush into new enthusiasms right away. No dropping information BOMBS on other people. Keep a cool head. Watch your words. Know that suppressed anger will be coming up for many people and be smart about how you are dealing with it.

Once we get to the Cappy New Moon in a couple weeks we will begin the process of building new goals and dreams and businesses and stability/footings AND Mercury's retrograde in Cappy, will help us be sure to get it right. By about the third week of January 2023, ALL planets will be full steam ahead for many weeks and our hard work, patience, maturity and humility will start to pay off BIG TIME (think about the efforts we have made since last spring that haven't gone anywhere suddenly going somewhere - Mars direct, Mercury direct and Jupiter in Aries - and what that will mean!). 


xo all

weekly astrology forecast | December 5th - 11th, 2022 - powerful and passionate Full Moon on fiery Mars plus two planets change signs off squares to bigger-is-better Jupiter, whew!

With a Full Moon in Gemini conjunct a retrograde Mars, both Mercury and Venus squaring Jupiter and then changing signs, this will be a BIG and busy week!

Both Mercury and Venus are going to square Jupiter in 'no limits' Pisces from the over-the-top energies of Sagittarius and then move into sober/serious Capricorn within hours.  


This can be where we have a dream/stretch/hope that we immediately get to work on to make it real, or, we over-do something and then are faced with the immediate ramifications of this. Buyer's remorse. We over-share information and regret it. We over-share resources/ourselves/our hearts and regret it. We get TOO angry, impulsive or agitated - Mars this week! - and regret it.


Now, the 'regret' part isn't built into this, but the reality of anything we have "over"-done will be quickly felt as the planets move into Capricorn.


Instant karma. 


AND, of course, this 'instant karma' can be a good thing, too, depending on what we do with these Jupiter squares - our faith, hope, confidence, optimism can be REWARDED.


Our best use of this week's energy is to SEE the possibilities because, THEY ARE THERE, without buying into the urgency to do too much or act too fast then GET DOWN TO BUSINESS with the possibilities once Cappy has reined them in a bit - it won't take long. This isn't about waiting, but if it feels like we need to be leaping and expecting the net to appear - take a breath, gather your common sense. With an almost immediate landing in Cappy energies, we definitely want to be building the net before we jump.

Also this week, the Gemini Full Moon on Mars retrograde is a potential powder-keg. Almost makes this a double Full Moon. I have already written that post, so it will be up tomorrow night.


The Full Moon is also (Sun opposite Mars) the mid-point of the Mars retrograde cycle and brings us clarity/illumination, sometimes an ending focused on what we have had to re-vise, re-view, re-do, do twice or what was postponed/held-up since the end of October.  

This can also focus a white hot spotlight on what we've been refusing to act on or suppressing anger about.


Mars retrograde has many of us exhausted and scattered and acting on repeat.With a BIG Full Moon at the same time Mars opposes the Sun we want to take care not to act impulsively or over-react from this tired/scattered space.

Let's unpack the week!


MONDAY - Black Moon Lilith conjunct retrograde Pallas (second time)

TUESDAY - Mercury square Jupiter, Mercury enters Capricorn

WEDNESDAY - Sun inconjunct Uranus

THURSDAY - Mars retrograde opposes the Sun, FULL MOON IN GEMINI

FRIDAY - Venus square Jupiter, Venus enters Capricorn


MONDAY looks tricky. The Moon is exalted in Taurus, but challenged by meeting up with chaotic Uranus and inconjunct the Sagittarius Sun as the Sun inconjuncts Uranus. Black Moon Lilith meets up with Pallas again today, too, this time with Pallas retrograde (both still in Cancer). 

The Moon meets Uranus every month. She is strong in Taurus and can hold her own. We might feel rebellious or just be more comfortable with change (or need to be). We might find ourselves attracted to unusual things or people. This month as the Moon meets Uranus, the Moon is inconjunct the Sun, so it's trickier/more uncomfortable. 


The Moon's inconjunct to the Sun is this month's Waxing Inconjunct - one final tweak to our New Moon story before this week's Full Moon in Gemini. 


This is Taurus/Sag. Change can be frustrating to fixed earth Taurus. Taurus likes to accumulate for security/comfort. Sag likes to circulate/spend. Taurus commits, Sag not so much. The Sag Sun wants to do something, is hopeful, maybe wants to EXPAND or spend money and the Taurus Moon comes along and says hold on now, "CAN WE REALLY AFFORD TO LOSE WHAT WE HAVE? Shouldn't we hold onto this for our security/comfort?" And, if we are a more lunar type and keyed into the Taurus Moon - sitting tight and holding on - here is where the expansive Sag Sun comes along and ask us to take a chance, to take something further, to spend, to stretch outside our comfort zone. There isn't a right or wrong with an inconjunct or even an answer - (unlike a square that requires action) it just shows the problem/conflict/tension. It's a rock and a hard place. Sometimes we have to decide and then decide to not look back. The Sun is inconjunct the North Node, so adjustments are happening in order for us to have a more stable/simple future. Stay in your integrity with this one.

This is happening as Black Moon Lilith - doing her long dance through Cancer this year, I did some summer posts about her HERE and HERE - meets up with Pallas again. This is their meeting with Pallas retrograde - so the part where we are re-vising, re-viewing, re-doing, etc, most likely something within a home or family situation. One thing to keep in mind with Pallas - our smart/strategic energy - is that, like her brother Mars, Pallas is a WARRIOR. Her strategies, even in nurturing Cancer, are about WINNING. Joined with BML, this is dangerous energy, but potent for working with 'mother wounds', 'mom as scapegoat' or 'mom as victim' story-lines that need to be addressed. This is making me think of the Casey Anthony mini-series, in this case the dad is the likely scapegoat mom energy. I did alot of astro work on her case many years back for a Facebook group and might post it here this week if anyone is interested. 


Keep in mind with the Full Moon/Mars this week that is building we want to keep a cool head - passionate words, maybe angry words are going to come out, but we don't have to cut anyone's head off or lose our own. Drive safely. Don't go looking for trouble.

TUESDAY is all about Mercury. She/he squares Jupiter - this is good news/expansive opportunities/conversations/ideas - also the possibility that what is being said or heard or read or hoped for is exaggerated. AVOID OVER-PROMISING. Take a breath. If we get too preachy or over-promise or over-do something we will get a quick reality check. Mercury, at the Galactic Center, squares Jupiter who is at the last degree of the last sign, so, to me, this looks like it has a soul connection to something similar we have done before in a previous life (or an ancestor has) to wrap something up and now we have the opportunity in this life, to wrap it up in a better, more conscious, more responsible way.


With Mercury (thoughts, communication, ideas) moving into Capricorn today, our words will want to be taken seriously. Communications will be fact-checked. Sentences will be properly punctuated and spell checkers will be applied. Ideas will be more traditional. Words that are focused and precise are most effective now. Traditional stories and songs will resonate. 

This isn't Mercury's favorite place to hang out - and because of his upcoming retrograde, he will be here until February 11th. Mercury prefers words be fast and flexible and Capricorn is the opposite of this. Words are solid and sober here. Flowery language isn't welcome. When we take our words and ideas seriously other people will, too.

(this is also true of all Capricorn ruled things such as businesses - if we don't take our business seriously no one else will. Women say to me "my husband doesn't take my business seriously and he won't take it seriously until it makes serious money" and I'm always thinking "he won't take it seriously until you do and you won't make serious money until then either". Some people do get lucky, and I have a few times, making money without taking things seriously. I've always found that money doesn't stick though - I need to be serious, ie have sustainable systems in place, to make "sticky" money. And even then keep in mind everything is cyclical, nothing lasts forever.)


Ruled by Saturn, Capricorn, does alot of what it does out of fear (it's the whole winter thing, that Cappy rules along with Aquarius, there is a need for seriousness when the world is frozen if we are to survive). We will be able to see how fearful thinking and negative language holds us back and/or is connecting us to the wrong things (maybe old things once worked for us) and holding us separate from the stuff we want now. Your words are your fortune now.


Mercury will start traveling Cappy degrees he will walk three times starting on December 12th (she stations retrograde on December 29th), so keep in mind there will be a need to re-work our Cappy house theme and the collective theme of our careers, goals, fathers, the structures of our lives. This is all part of the work we need to do before 2023's late winter 'all systems go' and then the changes coming in spring 2023.

WEDNESDAY is the day the Sun inconjuncts Uranus, so more Sag/Taurus rocks and hard places. Adjustments are needed between those greener pastures and the future.

THURSDAY is the BIG Full Moon in Gemini exactly conjunct Mars. Mars is back where he (as we) was near the middle of September. Some people will be triggered into anger/impulsivity so another reason to TAKE A BREATH. Expect a BIG post tomorrow.

FRIDAY is the day Venus is doing what Mercury did earlier in the week. She squares Jupiter - we love more, spend more, want to give more/get more, want to go for it. Then she immediately moves into sober Capricorn - think buyer's remorse, hangover, waking up in bed next to someone and they don't look so grand as they did last night. You get the idea. Take a breath. What do you truly value/need/want? We don't want to miss the Venus/Jupiter optimism, but it will pay off to keep in mind the Venus in Cappy reality that is coming.


And like Mercury earlier in the week, and, of course this can all be part of the same thing - Venus, crosses the Galactic Center  - our homing signal at the center of creation - and squares Jupiter who is at the last degree of the last sign, so, to me, this looks like a soul connection to something similar we have done before in a previous life (or an ancestor has), maybe toward the end of that life or to wrap something up - likely financial or relationship focused - and now we have a new opportunity in this life, to do this in a better, more faith-filled, more conscious, more responsible way which will lead to more ABUNDANCE - because the way a void is created has much to do with the way it gets re-filled/re-stocked (or maybe better said would be 'the way we respond to the void' has much to do with how it gets refilled). There is a reason the Galactic Center is in optimistic Jupiter ruled Sagittarius! We will talk more about this, too, in the Full Moon post. 

After her square to expansive Jupiter, Venus (love, money, women, values, self-esteem, beauty) moves into Capricorn. Capricorn is the sign of structure and discipline. In Capricorn season (winter) these are the qualities that kept our ancestors alive. When Venus visits this space these are the qualities that help us attract what we want and need.

Capricorn Suns and Risings get more attractive now (more able to attract what they want and easier on the eye). Our Capricorn houses (natal) become more attractive, too. Enjoy this energy dear Cappys - with Pluto in your sign for so many years, you have most decidedly earned it. Invest in yourself now!

This is the time to get serious with Venus ruled themes. There is beauty in a balanced checkbook. Make a budget (even if it means we give ourselves a cash allowance each week and stop spending when it's gone). Check our insurance policies - do we need more insurance? Do we need all this insurance? Can we find our insurance policies if we need them? Do we have the right paperwork in our car?

Where are we investing our resources - time, esteem, money? What are we getting back? Are we putting a whole lot of time into one thing, but all our revenue is coming from this other thing? Sometimes this is ok, but maybe it's not. Time to check in with ourselves. Venus in Capricorn is an excellent time for organizing our finances so we can attract more money that sticks.

Tradition will become a focus - the way something has always been done. This is a Cappy season/winter thing that can make us nostalgic. This doesn't mean we have to continue doing things the way we've always done them, but these things will come to our attention now. We get more serious about love, too. If something isn't going anywhere, this can be the transit we cut it loose. Our focus returns to what is real. We attract stability and longer lasting success/love/money by finishing what we start and honoring our commitments.

Venus will be in Capricorn until January 2, 2023. 

Last year Venus retrograded in Capricorn, so this is her first time through here since her 2021, 40 days and 40 nights - will be interesting to see what happens when she gets to 21-22 degrees Cappy this time. Last year Omicron was announced and it dialed down the pandemic death rate dramatically over time. This was before Mars passed Venus and crossed those same "hot" degrees (time runs out from January 2020) himself and Russia bombed Ukraine for the first time. Venus will reach these degrees this year at the end of December just as Jupiter moves into Aries and starts answering to Mars and Mercury stations retrograde (so Mars retrograde will be answering to a retrograde Mercury for the first time). The final dispositor of all this will be Saturn in Aquarius. Will be interesting and we will be ready for it!

I hope something here is helpful, will post the Full Moon next. My wholesale orders are wrapping up this week, so I should be able to post more often, so we can look at the big picture and 2023!

xo all

please excuse any typos too tired to re-read this one

photography by the talented marina kochetyga

today's astrology forecast | wednesday, November 30th, 2022 - time to rethink or revise something home and family related, a week to let go and let God


During Tuesday's almost all day void Moon - did you notice how stretchy time was? I swear we lived twenty minutes that lasted two hours.


We had a funeral for two of my husband's family members, one who died last month and another whose funeral was delayed by covid. I was worried something was going to go wrong - with Mars retrograde and out of bounds in my Gemini 8th house (one of the things the 8th house rules is death/funerals and I had made all the arrangements), the void Moon and Mercury opposing Mars, so we decided to go to the cemetery an hour early to make sure everything was alright. We discovered the workers had dug the graves at the entirely wrong plot. And the nun who could set the whole thing right was out of state because her nephew was in a car accident - very Mars/Mercury, too (he is ok)! 

Then we were told the family plot didn't extend where we thought it did. We applied Saturn - were mature, patient, willing to work within established limits/the rules even as we asked for more (Sag!), dealt with the grayest haired person we could find (I am not kidding here, and, of course, hubs knew nothing about this whole 'apply Saturn' thing, but just did his normal thing, which can be pretty Saturny). We were eventually able to get it ironed out and the funeral proceeded on time, plots dug exactly where we wanted them even if they were a bit beyond our legal boundaries (thank goodness for the Neptune squares, out of bound Mars and void Moon!), but with Mars retrograde in Gemini, even the two graves which I thought were enough 'double' to satisfy the dualistic energy and have things run smoothly, wasn't, and the two graves had to be dug twice! The cemetery said they had never opened up the wrong plots before and I (almost) believed them.


Now the Moon has moved into Pisces and quickly moves into a square with the Sagittarius Sun today. Our First Quarter Square - mutable, changing, Pisces/Sag. Squares from planets in Pisces can be exhausting or disappointing. Something can dissolve. There might be the need to give up something in order to keep going or something slips through our fingers ready or not. Boundaries thin. Our faith is tested. Endings are gentle/peaceful. We might need a rest. The Sag Sun can be quite blustery/a know-it-all, so here may be where we find out we don't. Big plans, that were full of hot air to begin with, can drift off course. Pisces rules our collective 12th house of what is behind us, so we can't see what's coming/don't know what we don't know - we have to turn the wheel over to bigger hands than ours in Pisces. Let go and let God often applies.

This is also the day Pallas stations retrograde at 26 degrees Cancer, so something home/family/mother/nurturing related may change course or come to a halt. There is the need for re-thinking/re-visions. With a confusing Pisces First Quarter Moon happening at the same time and all the Neptune squares this week, this won't be the time for big decisions, so whatever is slowing/confusing or drifting off course is going to need to drift for a while. Some strategies and Cancerian action may need a time out because we JUST DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO.

Pallas represents both wisdom and skills. I see her as a co-ruler of smart, but detached Aquarius (this might be just me though), so don't see her as particularly well-suited for the emotional/maternal waters of Cancer (and she did spring fully formed from her father's head - a father's daughter type energy), but certainly there is EMOTIONAL WISDOM here, maybe an old story connected to our roots or the root of a current project that needs revising. She is going to get all the way back to 10 degrees Cancer before she stations direct on February 16, 2023. Mercury will square the North Node that day and the Sun will meet Saturn. With so much happening this week and so much happening on the day Pallas turns direct in the middle of February, whatever this is that is held up now or changes direction, it matters/is no small thing. 


Take a breath and your time here.


Remember the weekly post - the best stuff is found through Saturn this week. Patience. Restraint. Responsibility. Maturity. Stay humble. Work WITH the limits/rules (even as we sometimes effort to move beyond them - Mars out of the bounds of the Sun).

xo all


Big picture post in the works!


photo by the talented darkgomo

weekly astrology forecast | November 28th - December 4th, 2022 | time to wake up



Let's dive right in!


MONDAY - Mars trines Saturn, Venus inconjunct Uranus

TUESDAY - Mercury opposes Mars and sextiles Saturn

WEDNESDAY - Pallas stations retrograde, First Quarter Moon (Pisces)

THURSDAY - Venus opposes Mars and sextiles Saturn, Mercury squares Neptune

SATURDAY - Neptune stations direct

SUNDAY - Venus squares Neptune, Sun trines Chiron


Early in the week, Mars retrograde (from the degree he walked when direct back on September 28th, so there may be connections now to something from that time period, maybe we are re-doing something or re-thinking or re-discussing things) will trine sober Saturn. This is putting in the work/playing by the rules/dealing with authority and our duties and responsibilities. Good for making commitments and walking our talk. Our efforts/actions are serious/focused/goal oriented and can pay off. Our actions and words can make situations more stable. 

The fly in the ointment with Mars/Saturn smooth sailing is Mars, retrograde in Gemini, is going to be opposed by first Mercury (Gemini's ruler) and then Venus while Venus and Mercury square Neptune. This can bring disagreements/arguments, issues within relationships and with finances/resources. Money can slip through our fingers, so watch your wallet. Avoid quick decisions. Squares to Neptune can bring frustrations with water/wet weather. It can be hard to know what is real. Situations could be confusing and unrealistic. What we don't know/don't acknowledge, situations from the past or what is done in secret/behind our back brings tension/frustration/challenges. Squares to Neptune can make us tired, prone to exhaustion or illness (take your vitamins) - show a need to escape, take a break or maybe something is tempting us in that direction. Nostalgia. Fading memory. There could be some disappointment here. Maybe someone is lying to us. We may be wasting alot of energy/running in circles.


There is alot we won't know until Mars and Mercury (Mercury's retrograde is starting in a couple weeks) both station direct in the middle of January.


With Venus and Mercury also making nice with sober Saturn via an opportunistic (when action is taken) sextile - Saturn is the way through this week. Taking care of our responsibilities. Slowing down. Being realistic. Detaching from disappointing outcomes and focusing on the future. Being smart with our energy, our words, our resources. Working within existing limits/structures. Big girl/boy pants ON. Having patience.  

Playing the LONG game. 


The weeks ends with Venus/Mercury/Mars square Neptune as he stations direct. 


It's that moment when the tide goes out and we see what those large/colorful shells and rocks at our feet actually look like. 




Rather abruptly it seems with Venus, Mercury and Mars forming a tense T-square. Oh my. It looks like some delusion is ending for all of us. A bubble bursts. THIS really is what we get/have. If we have been spending irresponsibly, in love with being in love, making decisions and seeing things through rose colored glasses, the glasses are off now. On the other hand, and this will depend on the aspects and placement of Neptune and Pisces in your natal chart, Neptune direct can bring us back to the dream that stalled at the end of June. Things can start to move forward now. Of course, we still have the T-Square with those inner planets to deal with at the 're-launch'! Go slow. Assume you don't have all the information. Many times Neptune changes direction and Pisces risings and those with strong Pisces/Neptune or those whose placements are directly impacted are the only ones who notice - this time it looks to want to be noticed by all of us.


Any way you cut it, it's a time to focus on what is actually POSSIBLE and release the impossible dream or addiction/avoidance that has had us running in circles or sleeping/wasting/deluding our life away. The challenges are brought to us through the planets transiting through Sagittarius - there is something bigger/better out there for all of us AND it is going to take Saturn (the work, responsibility, time, saying no, appropriate endings, etc) to get us there.

The week closes out with the Sagittarius Sun's smooth trine to hurting/healing Chiron. The healing comes from being confident/taking a risk. Having hope/faith. Believing in something bigger than ourselves. Coupled with the Mars trine Saturn that kicks the week off, this is also a good time to work with a teacher/older or more experienced person.

Notice life's gifts of the beginning and ending trines that take the edge off any challenges or frustrations we face this week. One as we lean into our one middle planet Saturn via reality/responsibility and the other as we lean into our other middle planet Jupiter via optimism/hope.

I hope something here is helpful. Back with some dailies and we'll look at the Moon and Pallas's station in the middle of the week.


xo all 

I should note with Mars retrograde in Gemini it can be very hard to settle down and get things done. It is best to work with the energies and not expect yourself to accomplish something huge right now. Frequent breaks. Giving yourself extra time. Doing two things at a time or doing something over again is kind of par for the course with this transit, so give yourself and everyone else a break now. 

Also Mars/Mercury can be dangerous energy especially with Mars retrograde and out of bounds. Tempers can flare. Our words rush out before we have thought them through. We can be moving too fast, so drive safely. Slow down. Cuts to the hands often happen with Mars/Mercury, so take care with sharp objects. Headaches. Burns. Take care of your lungs. It is easy to be shallow breathing for long periods which isn't a good idea. Don't overschedule this week and make yourself crazy. Many people will have alot to do now, but use the trine to Saturn to manage things better - say no to things that don't make practical sense for you, have patience. 

photography by the talented Julieoftheworldtree