A little bit of everything this week as we move into the last week with Jupiter in Pisces for 12 years!
Jupiter always does his job and ALWAYS leaves something bigger than he found it, so as he makes his exit, expect something in your Pisces house to expand this week.
Next week Jupiter will move into Aries, AGAIN, re-awakening all the projects/situations from last spring that briefly awakened then went to sleep when he stationed retrograde and backed into Pisces.
Just keep in mind, Mars is still retrograde and Mercury is about to be - let these new ideas/actions PERCOLATE. Continue to expect delays, do-overs and re-inventions. Allow yourself to experiment/change your mind. By mid-January we want to be ready to GO - so what needs to happen BEFORE that green flag comes down (is it green? that sounds wrong doesn't it)? No point stumbling out of the starting gate, when we can do the wrap ups and prep work NOW, and start with the wind at our backs LATER.
Let's unpack the week!
MONDAY - Sun sextile Saturn
WEDNESDAY - Sun square Neptune
THURSDAY - Mercury square Chiron, Mercury trine North Node, Mercury inconjunct Mars
FRIDAY - Third Quarter Moon
SATURDAY - Mercury trine Uranus
SUNDAY - Ceres enters Libra
Sextiles are opportunistic aspects, but they require action to get to the OPPORTUNITY. We are moving forward with our goals/whatever is expanding in our life. Working within limits. Stepping into responsibilities. The Sun in Sag is 'bigger is better' and Saturn in Aquarius reins this in enough to make things more solid and real. We can see what we are dealing with whether we like it or not.
Mercury starts walking degrees he/she will walk two more times in his upcoming retrograde (see Thursday for details).
WEDNESDAY - the Sun in Sagittarius squares Neptune in Pisces (22 degrees)
Now, the Sun (following Mercury and Venus from earlier in the month), after showing us some hard-earned possibilities for stability with yesterday's sextile to Saturn, is making his own foggy square to Neptune. Squares to Neptune can be exhausting, so slow down. Give yourself a break. It will be hard to know what is true. Our ego/will can be depleted or undermined. Our beliefs - big picture, expansion, hope - are questioned. We can't be sure. We could feel invisible. We could be gaslighted or gaslighting someone else. We get these kind of 'ego-dissolves' from time to time. Some people will feel this more than others - people with planets/points near 22 degrees of the water signs will feel this strongest and likely be impacted in bigger ways.
Keep in mind also, whenever the Sun is in an open portal with Neptune we can't see what is being done behind our back. It is easy to self-sabotage. Our addictions/escapist tendencies are activated. Our past - even our very distant past/past lives/ancestral inheritances - are in play.
With the Sun sextile Saturn and then squaring Neptune in this last week of Jupiter in Pisces - are there boundaries we need to draw? Energy leakages that need to be plugged? Self sacrifice/delusions/inflated situations that just need to end?
This can be good energy to make art, listen to/make music, meditate, pray. Keep in mind the effects of drugs and alcohol will be magnified and not in a good way.
THURSDAY - Mercury is FLYING through Capricorn (keep in mind he/she will station retrograde next week, so the flying is short-lived and we will be doing all of this AGAIN) squares Chiron in Aries (11 degrees), trines the North Node (12 degrees) then inconjuncts Mars (13 degrees).
First up is the square to Chiron. A wound/vulnerability/embarrassing conversation. Words might be hurtful. We could say the wrong thing or get information wrong or be afraid to say something. There could be a disappointment or we might be reminded of regrets/failures. Keep in mind this is a repeating aspect and this is our first pass through here. Whatever this is, with Mars answering to Mercury, we are TRIGGERED.
Mercury's quick trine to the North Node of Fate tells us whatever these uncomfortable words are, it will be best NOT TO DWELL ON THEM. Keep your thinking, words, actions on the FUTURE. Something more simple/stable/practical. Something new and different. Move on. Make the call/send the email. Fate has her hands in events now - what is meant to go - goes, what is meant to come in - comes. This is BREAKTHROUGH energy.
Then Mercury ends her/his busy day with that inconjunct to Mars in Gemini. Mercury is serious in Capricorn and Mars in Gemini is all over the place, so we are adjusting from both sides of this. Do we need to take something more seriously? Do we need to lighten up?
Whatever we have going on now - ideas, conversations, local community situations, tech or transportation issues, sibling issues plus our career, ambitions, reputation, natal Cappy theme - it is all going to be re-worked as we move through the next few weeks anyway, so look at this week and these aspects as a kind of HEADS-UP around some situations we will be dealing with again.
FRIDAY - The Virgo Moon squares the Sagittarius Sun.
The Virgo Moon has us dotting our i's and crossing our t's and now she squares the expansive and bold Sagittarius Sun, so this is tension/frustration between the details and the big picture. The Sag Sun comes in and scatters our focus/broadens our view, pulls our eye to the forest and not just the trees. This is a necessary part of our journey from last week's Full Moon in Gemini to next week's New Moon in Capricorn. We need to get the details right and be practical, but also note the push for something more, something riskier. Action is needed, and yes, we need to look up at the bigger picture, AND it is important to stay on our game and focused on those details.
SATURDAY - Mercury in Capricorn trines Uranus in Taurus (15 degrees)
This is practicality and convention and our goals/career in smooth flow with change/the future/updates. New information. Original ideas. Unexpected plans. Our routine changes. The conversation changes. Our career changes. Traditional words somehow blend nicely with thinking outside the box. Our lower mind is open to higher hive-mind. Again, with Mercury stationing retrograde next week, we will be back here two more times. Once to re-work whatever is happening now and then a final time when we are moving on and into the future.
SUNDAY - Ceres enters Libra and opposes Jupiter. She will only get to 6 degrees Libra when she stations retrograde on February 3rd. Then she will get all the way back to 23 degrees of Virgo before she will station direct on May 6th. She is back in Libra on June 21, 2023. Note this is the Summer Solstice (northern hemisphere) with the Sun moving into Cancer the same day, The next day, Juno will enter Cancer and Vesta will enter Gemini.
So, whatever we have going on with nurturing, mothering or season of life situations in our Libra house or within our closest partnerships/relationships/contracts, whatever shifts gears now - we know this will be a PROCESS. We will be back where we are now on the Summer Solstice. Ceres is about how we give and receive nourishment/nurturing, mother/mothering issues, the ways we deal with loss and separation that is outside our control. She sometimes speaks of complicated compromises. In Libra, we will be dealing with issues of balance and fairness between partners. Issues around women. We will talk about this as we move through it. She will quickly oppose Jupiter making whatever Ceres move into Libra is stirring up BIGGER. Keep in mind 0 degrees Libra is an Aries point, so our collection attention will be on a Ceres situation now, too.
I hope something here is helpful.
xo all
photograph by the amazing metindemiralay