the astrology of Black Moon Lilith's square to Jupiter | Roe V. Wade and the New Moon in Cancer - part II



We started this conversation about Black Moon Lilith's lengthy square to Jupiter and her connection to next week's powerful New Moon in Part I - HERE.


At next week's New Moon in Cancer, the Moon/Sun conjunction will be exactly squaring Jupiter in Aries.  

This is a BIG push to be brave/confident and take action to START SOMETHING THAT MATTERS TO US. 

A challenge/wildcard, but also opportunity for healing at this New Moon is seen through Black Moon Lilith's conjunction with the New Moon as she (and the Sun) square Jupiter. The Sun/Moon will spotlight the wounded mother/child - the SHAME. The Moon and Sun will move on, but the square from Black Moon Lilith to Jupiter (in play for the last few weeks) will continue until the end of July. 


Squares are dynamic aspects that create change. Something has to give. Both Jupiter and Black Moon Lilith each have a perspective that can't take in the whole picture.

This New Moon is about our childhood wound/mother wound. The ways we weren't seen or heard. The ways our needs were not accepted. There is a need at this New Moon to see/confront emotional FEAR. At this New Moon we will be able to see/feel what we do with this fear. Do we hide? Do we project it onto other people? Do we get sick? Do we entangle/manipulate? Do we take action? Do we get bloody freakin' angry? Can we allow our bodies to process/feel it without judging it?


Throughout the summer, as the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Mars move through Cancer, they will all meet up with Black Moon Lilith. We are in Cancer season already and the New Moon in Cancer comes in right out of the gate, so the overall vibe is emotional anyway and JUST GETTING STARTED. By the middle of July, Mercury will be in Cancer, too, (only for two weeks, this will be fast). Random conversations will quickly become intimate. We will find ourselves confiding in people, talking about our family. We could learn very personal information about people. We will be feeling what people are saying.


Part of the work of Black Moon Lilith in Cancer is dealing with/noticing the very old familial triggers that cause us to act out in extreme ways and sabotage ourselves. 


His-tory and myth has turned Lilith into something deadly/dangerous. And this IS what happens to us when we are shamed for wanting something we are perfectly entitled to want. When Lilith was told to be less than she was, she refused. She held her own shape, and was banished into the night, cursed as the personification of evil. 


Also keep in mind, there is another abandonment story even older than the story of Lilith. 


That story is the origin story of our galaxy. It's the story of a cheating husband, an angry wife and a hungry baby. The baby (Hercules), birthed by another mother and held to angry wife's (Hera/Juno) breast by cheating husband (Zeus, Jupiter) and the lost mother's milk that flies out of her when she awakens to find another woman's baby to her breast. This spilled milk - which we've never been allowed to cry over - creates our galaxy, the Milky Way Galaxy of un-mothered children (the dishonor to the feminine becoming baby's dishonor). 


The passion/obsession the "anti-Moon" Black Moon Lilith's shame/rage ultimately being about not only the woman's dishonor, but the screaming, hungry child's desire to return to the breast, TO STAY ALIVE. 


It shouldn't be surprising, although it is, that during the United States Pluto return, a country with a Cancer Sun and a Jupiter ruled chart - Cancer ruling both mothers AND babies and Jupiter ruling the legal system - Roe V. Wade, the landmark 1973 court case that legalized abortion nationwide, has just been overturned in the United States. 


This happens as transiting Black Moon Lilith - shamed for demanding body sovereignty/accused baby killer - squares transiting Jupiter - the Supreme Court.

The astrology is striking - transiting Black Moon Lilith is sandwiched between the United States natal Sun and natal Jupiter with the Sun on the United States natal Venus (women). Transiting Jupiter is on the AC of the Roe V. Wade 1973 chart while transiting BML is on the IC (!), transiting Pluto has just backed onto that chart's natal Mercury exact and ruling that chart's 8th house of death/endings. The original 1973 ruling is also having its Chiron (wounded healer) return.


The 1973 Roe v. Wade chart had a 22 degree Capricorn Jupiter (the degree killed off/transformed by Saturn/Pluto in January 2020, so legal precedent ripe for change) and BML tightly conjunct Neptune, in the Sagittarius 8th house, so answering to that newly transformed Jupiter.


Since the original 1973 chart's Mercury was exactly conjunct the United States natal Pluto this, too, is part of the shaking and quaking of the U.S. Pluto return. 


And now, just as Venus has left Taurus - the sign she rules/is strong - and falls into dualistic Gemini (two roads ahead, two different sets of values, two different ways of seeing this) and starts answering to a strong Mercury (remember Pluto is on that 1973 Mercury and that 1973 Mercury was on the U.S. natal Pluto), with Black Moon Lilith (a symbol for BOTH women's sovereignty and killing babies) squaring Jupiter and the Sun/Moon applying to meet up with Black Moon Lilith (back on May 3rd when the Supreme Court's draft opinion overturning Roe V. Wade was leaked to the media sending shockwaves across the country, Venus in Aries was squaring Black Moon Lilith in Cancer) - the court tosses out the Roe v. Wade ruling/tosses the issue to the states.


With the North Node - our best way forward - in Taurus which is all about our values/new life/fertility and answering to Venus, ruler of women, the country is charged with figuring out how to move forward (Venus in dualistic Gemini now) .... with Mars squaring Pluto next week, we can expect an explosive beginning.


The real healing starts with clarity, with those who call themselves "pro-life" coming to an understanding that those who call themselves "pro-choice" are desperate to defend women's bodily autonomy and equality in the economic/social realms. And those who call themselves "pro-choice" understanding that those who call themselves "pro-life" are equally committed to protecting the rights of the unborn child/see abortion as murder.

Personally and collectively - self-acceptance is the key to our Black Moon Lilith wound. 


There is a CLARITY that comes when our Black Moon Lilith shame is confronted/allowed to be accepted/seen for what it is - her anger/our inner child's hunger quelled. Once we understand the shame as the seat of the rage, maybe we can begin to clear lifetimes of residual debris from our soul's path.


Brene Brown has done alot of great work on healing shame. And David Hawkins, an amazing spiritual teacher, has determined, through muscle testing, that shame is the lowest emotion on the level of consciousness scale. Much lower than depression, anger or frustration. So, it would make sense that the point in the Moon's (emotions) orbit furthest from the Earth might also speak of the furthest/most deeply buried emotion.


Back with part III and we'll look at some charts. We will also return to some of these themes in next week's New Moon in Cancer post.


xo all


artwork by the amazing Svetlana Belova

1 comment

AstroMommy said...

Wow, I think you freakin’ nailed it! This makes so much sense. I can’t wait until part III!
Thank you ����