Weekly Astrology forecast for Creatives | November 1st - November 7th, 2021 - momentum, sudden change and surprises, what we want changes, our thinking/the conversation changes, a big month kicks off with a big new moon

  We start the week, and month, coming off Saturday's exact Sun square Saturn stop sign/reality check/truth bomb. Whatever...

Today's Astrology Forecast | Wednesday, October 27th, 2021 - moody mamas and manipulative children or vice versa or something like that ....

  The Moon is in her home sign of Cancer (since yesterday).  Maybe our attention has turned to home matters,...

This Week's Astrology Forecast for creatives | October 25th - 31st, 2021 - a need to catch our breath, expansion, hope, luck, faith, taking a risk without betting the farm, the push and pull and deep dive of this year's scorpio season begins

 Was last week a roller coaster ride or what?! The Sun is in deep, dark Scorpio now - the fixed space of the autumn season....

the full moon in aries | october 20th, 2021 - the stuff that won't stay stuffed, endings without closure, fighting for justice and balance and other people, choosing freedom over comfort, rising from the ashes a brand new person

 The Full Moon is always a time of cosmic tension - the Moon opposes the Sun.  On October 20th, 2021 at 10:57AM EDT,...