money does what we tell it to do (and how what it's doing lets us know what we are telling it) part II

little known factoid: owls are very good with money
Now, we are on a mystical journey here and sometimes looking for logical reasons on a mystical journey is not totally useful.

In fact the very act of looking for the reason for a problem (for example a money problem) keeps us in the energy of the problem and leaves us stuck; firmly planted in that vibration.

Maybe we aren't here for the lesson - maybe we're just here for the experience

Maybe earth isn't a school (unless you think it's a school and then yes, for you, it will be a school and you will sit with your problem until you have figured it out or maybe until someone comes along and sees that you have solved this problem and reflects this back to you and gives you a passing grade or maybe you will sit and wait for an A+, and if this is the case, you may be sitting with your problem for a very long time) - instead of thinking 'school' - let's try thinking 'playground'.

(and if you're thinking now wait a minute isn't a playground a part of the school, but no, this is the playground on the other side of town by the soccer field and the basketball courts)

And not everything that happens on the playground is fun and games because yes, people get hurt on the playground and yes, people learn lessons on the playground - but ultimately we are all on the playground for the experience of being there.

There are some rules on our playground (beside no hitting and no name calling because those are the kind of things we have free will to use as we see fit and hopefully we will see fit not to hit). The real rules on our playground are universal laws and they do not require our belief or understanding of them for them to work. They are posted everywhere and they are posted no where.

When it comes to money and abundance everyone talks about the Law of Attraction and yes, this is one of the laws of our playground but it is not the only law and it is definitely not the most important law when it comes to money, but let's touch on it first anyway.

You probably played with magnets when you were a kid (or maybe yesterday if you have one of my lockets) - you were probably fascinated by the way some objects were attracted to them, others jumped away and even more things were just indifferent to the magnets altogether.

If I stuck magnets all over you (and I have the magnetic inventory to carry this out, so be nice), you would expect that some things would stick to you, others would leap away and many more would show no reaction. 

This is kind of the way
the law of attraction works. 

We unconsciously transmit our energy - some of our qualities are magnetic (of the same vibration) with certain people, places and things, some of our qualities are repellent (showers and deodorant will not help us with this) and some situations have no magnetic pull from our energy one way or the other.

(kind of like me and Downton Abbey - yes, I love Mary and it's great to see Elizabeth McGovern again, but must every storyline always have a happy ending ... of course I haven't seen season 3 yet)

Now we are not stuck with these unconscious transmissions we are sending out  (but remember they are unconscious and unconscious things don't get changed with our brains, they get changed with our hearts - we can't think our way out of this stuff and actually over-thinking, which women in particular often do, thanks in part to our large hippocampus - is a very big signal that we need to start feeling instead of thinking - we can't make the mind do the work of the heart) - just like a magnet that can be flipped over to a different polarity, we can flip our transmissions to attract changes, too.

The easiest way to get into our heart space is with gratitude - for what we have and for what the future holds - always putting our attention (the law of attention is another law in our playground) on what we want to feel and not what we want to have - connecting back to yesterday's post - we want oxytocin (love) not dopamine (ego) flowing through our bodies!

Part III - more laws and specific ways to make your money do what we want it to do

money does what we tell it to do (and how what it's doing will let us know what we are telling it) part I

everything is edible (sort of ) cufflinks
I've read money was invented as a way to get the things we needed without us having to barter an exact exchange and this makes sense.

(I've also read it was invented as a way to pay taxes which feels true, too)

Whatever money's origin, what was actually created was a barrier to exchange (giving and receiving) where no barrier existed naturally.

(kind of like those other made up barriers like intelligence exams, international boundaries and child safety caps)

Everything in nature has its own natural rhythm - an innate trusting of life and surrender to its flow. The natural world grows and produces through giving and receiving just by being.

We have manipulated this natural flow of giving and receiving - of feast and famine, of tides moving in and out - with money (you might think "of course we invented money, we couldn't very well have avoided it" and I would agree we would have a very different world if we had avoided it).

Researchers have shown that money has 3 effects on our brains:

(this is totally fascinating so stay with me here)

1. When money is received - the hormone dopamine is released in our brains. When kept in balance dopamine is a healthy stimulus toward positive experiences, but dopamine is also the hormone that plays a large part in addiction, as in give me more and more and more. It always relies on something outside of ourselves as a trigger. Dopamine doesn’t change the pleasure involved with a behavior, just how much we want to do it - it's the total ego hormone.

2) When money is released - when we use it to pay for needed/wanted stuff and services, pain receptors in the brain are triggered (probably why we complain stuff costs us an arm and a leg because it feels like it actually does).

So, when we buy something we want we get that little hit of dopamine to counteract the pain response when we have to part with our money and when we pay for things like internet service or insurance we just get the pain.

3) When money is allowed to flow - given to others without expectations of getting anything in return, it causes the release of oxytocin in the brain. This hormone is the chemical released when a mother bonds with her baby, when couples hold hands, when friends hug each other and when people smile at strangers. Oxytocin is an actual physical manifestation of love.

This research makes total sense because in a world where only love is real - releasing the love hormone when money moves the way it is supposed to or I should say - releasing the love hormone when energy moves the way it would naturally move makes perfect sense.

(some people like to quote the Course in Miracles as saying there is only love and fear and this is not what the course says - the course says there is only love and its lack. Fear isn't the opposite of love, fear is the lack of love - just like darkness is the lack of light - fear itself doesn't exist anymore than darkness does)

This may not mean that we stand on the street corner and give our money away without any expectations of anything in return - although this would be pretty powerful stuff - but it does mean there are ways to work with the natural flow of giving and receiving, especially when the old rules don't work anymore, to create more abundance in our lives.

Part II - money does what we tell it to do (and how to make it listen better than your 3 year old)