she's gonna sing ....

It's November 21, 1934 and a skinny, 16 year old high school drop out, orphan and dancer named Ella Fitzgerald is called up on stage at the famous Apollo Theater during amateur night after her name is randomly drawn from a hat.

The announcer probably says something like, "And now ladies and gentlemen our next contestant is Miss Ella Fitzgerald and she is going to dance for us tonight".

Maybe the audience shifts in their seats. Certainly ice cubes tinkle against the sides of glasses and cigarette smoke fills the room.

Maybe Ella tugged on his sleeve or maybe she whispered in his ear.

"Hold on now everyone", the announcer suddenly continues, "Miss Fitzgerald has changed her mind. She's not gonna dance. She's gonna sing."

(she then goes on to do three encores, win first prize ... and change music forever)

NOTE - many years later during an interview with NPR, Ella admitted she switched from dancing to singing that night after deciding she didn't measure up to the talented dancers in the act that preceded hers - she even admitted she flubbed the first couple lines and the announcer had to step in to calm her nerves and protect her from what he thought would be a jeering crowd ... then she started AGAIN and brought down the house ....

Here's to following our hearts right now.

Biz Horoscope for Monday August 4th - the early bird catches the worm

rachel lewis - sleep late

We start the week with a LEO Sun, a SCORPIO Moon, the Moon conjunct Saturn and Mars firing hot or maybe mis-firing.

(if we have something we fired off in haste over the last few days we need to make amends for or correct, maybe wait for the Sagittarius moon later in the week when cooler heads will prevail - today's Scorpio Moon makes it a great time to dig deep and figure out how we got to this place though)

If you have a business or a life that requires you to get down to business today - get stuff done early. Saturn rewards a good game plan. It's not the best time to wing it. The moon turns void of course in early evening so don't start anything new then. And if you feel a bit un-ruddered yourself tonight, just call it a day. Sleep fixes everything (truly, we build a new body while sleeping and wake up a new person - we can reinforce fast life change by sleeping on a different side of the bed, moving our alarm clock and changing our morning routine!).

We have a lovely Moon/Venus trine that rewards the creative biz working from a place of personal integrity with popularity now.

This is a great day to:

Work hard
Be the early bird (of course, the opposite strategy works best for the worm - if you have already overslept just consider yourself a wise worm and get to work!)
Plan our next move - think strategy with this
Have some fun (this is still summer after all - but get your work done first or you will not enjoy your fun as much)
Skip any kind of manipulation - don't do it or allow it
If we have done something impulsive or "misfired" somehow - this is a good day to figure out why we did it
Have an emotional connection with our creativity - what calls to your heart now?!

 xo all
(am finishing up a course that requires me to do a daily horoscope, so will likely post it over here this week, too - although general I hope someone finds something useful)