BIZ Astrology for Wednesday, September 3rd - stepping into our authority

There are excellent aspects today - other than a Moon square to Mercury that might make us over think/feel stuff - everything is full steam ahead!

The Virgo Sun aligns with Pluto - this is the kind of death/birth aspect we are ready for. If anything is ending today - let it end - it's probably 6 feet in the ground already, we just need to grab a shovel.

There are leadership opportunities now - good money aspects (more like inheritance, insurance, legal - there is a divine justice at work here) especially for earth signs - Capricorns, Taurus and Virgos. Money accumulates easier for charity projects, too, so if we have something in the works to be pitched today that supports the general public or other people, the timing is excellent.

School starts today here in New Jersey - what great aspects for new teachers! 

Anything we need to do that requires stepping into our authority is supported now.

Either we step into our responsibility and become the author of our own lives or we give our authority away - there is no in between place. Fear is a symptom of loss of authority - we can find the places in our life where we have not honored ourselves by the things we are afraid of.

And when we give our authority away, we should be afraid.

The Moon is in Sagittarius until this afternoon when it goes void for a bit then moves into business friendly and grounded Capricorn this evening. Tomorrow the Capricorn Moon will square Uranus and really ramp up our ambition (or maybe bring some surprising news from a boss or authority figure).

No more self-sacrifice. It is challenging to be a caregiver now - the energy isn't so supportive of this, it is up to us to make sure we have other creative outlets, are not over-taxed or unappreciated!

Watch what you are feeding - with a waxing moon it grows. 

BIZ Astrology for Tuesday, September 2nd - conversation matters

This morning the waxing Moon is in boisterous Sagittarius and we have a Grand Trine in fire (changing locations may be in the works for fire signs, Aries, Leo or Sag) - bold adventure is supported now. There is a little glitch this morning that we need to be careful with our words. The Moon's position to Pluto means our words will have staying power - choose them carefully.

Our Sun in Virgo is getting our details and ducks in order. The Moon's trine to Uranus and Aries today is about new opportunities so if something comes a knocking today - maybe this time open the damn door especially if this is an opportunity to learn something non-work related.

The Moon is coming off a square to the Sun and wants us to see bigger - the details of Virgo are important but they are also seductive - with just a little bit more time (and time turns into days and weeks and years) that thing we are working on will be perfect - the seduction of perfection keeps us stuck.

Perfection is fear-based. Ask yourself "what would I need to believe to let this go?" then start an affirmation process through that.

On Friday Venus (who attracts and elicits a response) joins the Sun in Virgo and starts attracting situations and people into our life (where is Virgo in your natal chart?) - you may have felt these energies beginning within the last two weeks.

Venus in Virgo carries her treasures wrapped in rubber bands. She will give us the gift of the stress between what we want and how it will feel if we don't get it. This can really show us what we want! Now, this may create one of those "we get what we want and don't want it anymore" situations, but it can also spur us in to the action that makes stuff happen.Venus doesn't have hobbies - she has passions after all. These passions are how we can make a unique contribution to the world (more about this later in the week).

Maybe the big news for makers and artists is Mercury moves into Libra today for most of the month. Relationship stuff will get clearer. We can find our flock now.

The negative stuff to look out for with our communication guru spending the month in the sign of relationships and balance is wishy washy decision making, or I should say non-making, passive aggressive verbal garbage and superficial chit chat.

BUT if we bring our "A" game to the ball field this month indecision can become diplomacy and an ability to accurately see the other person's point of view and allow it to merge with our own to form something totally new. And we will have the ability to manifest productive (we still have that Virgo Sun) collaboration and partnership through right language.

Tomorrow we have the Sun trining Pluto - change is coming folks! xo all