December 21st - New Moon in Capricorn - Back to Business - the NEW Work - the Road Narrows Part I

I know you are thinking "wait a minute BACK TO BUSINESS" - I haven't even had my Christmas eggnog, put my tired feet up on the Yule Log (maybe don't try that if your Yule Log is in the fireplace) or found anyone to snooker under the mistletoe, yet!

Last year we had this New Moon on January 1st; this year it's December 21st ... that's how life rolls. I am still working in a few naps and a hot chocolate or two or three; you should, too!

A few hours before the New Moon, we have the Winter Solstice (Sun enters Capricorn). This makes Sunday's Moon an especially powerful time for a new beginning. We will begin to feel the hunger for "something new" right away. Whatever house of your natal chart holds Capricorn will be the part of your life where a fresh start can change your life.

A powerful New Moon on the longest night of the year, so fitting (all the important stuff from seeds in the ground, to seeds in our bodies come to life in the dark after all).

Capricorn is as earthy as an earth sign gets, is ruled by daddy Saturn and presides over the darkest time of the year so you know he is one serious dude.

I'd call him "sir" if I were you. I'm sure he shops at Barneys and carries a platinum card (which he has earned). He is most decidedly not a trust fund baby and does not believe in the 4 hour work week.

This new moon is all about hard work, ambition, common sense, perseverance, efficiency, organization and responsibility (results are to be expected but not overnight results).

For most of us there will be no doubt about the rug that has been pulled out from under us, the brick wall we are facing or the sure thing that no longer feels quite so sure (the next steps may not be totally clear, new moons are dark and the season is dark, but we will definitely know what is not working) - we just have to set the intentions for change that set the wheels in motion.

Intention is action.

Our old plan has been torn down anyway - the only direction open to us is another direction. I am not sure it matters which one. Toss a coin. Or better yet, get quiet and grounded and decide. We don't want to give so much weight to the 'steps' that we get paralyzed. We can change the direction of our steps. We can hesitate. We can fall on our ass and get back up. Lots of paths lead to the same place. Our intention must be fixed though.

"... and the truth is that as a man's power grows and his knowledge widens, ever the way he can follow grows narrower. Until at last he chooses nothing, but does only and wholly what he must do ...." - Ursula K. LeGuin

A good use of the day would be to focus our vision and intent for the new year. I know it feels early to do this, jump the gun a little. This is a supercharged moon and stuff will manifest quickly, for good or bad.  Set your intentions in a positive and affirmative manner (more on this tomorrow).

Uranus is also stationing direct (that's tomorrow's part II along with Saturn's new role). Uranus is the part of us that is rebellious and individualistic. Few prospects are more terrifying than stepping away from the pack.

You will have to stop back tomorrow to see where I am going with this. I have a hot date with a rebellious Uranus ruled Aquarius, a certain Mr. Bilbo Baggins and a bucket of popcorn. xo all

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