Merry Christmas Everyone!

Olive has been hiding some fake mistletoe tucked into her bed cushion for days. She smuggled it out of the Christmas decoration box when she thought I wasn't looking. I think she is hoping for a holiday rendezvous with our neighbor's pup Murphy

(as in Murphy Brown not Eddie Murphy - Olive has always had a bit of a sweet spot for the ladies)

or maybe it is like plastic doggie catnip. Either way she seems determined to keep it. And I love a girl who knows what she wants.

Wishing everyone a little hidden mistletoe, some unexpected guests and a whole lot of love this Christmas! xo all

Part II - New Moon in Capricorn - Back to Business - the NEW Work

Part I is HERE.

Today, Sunday, is the Winter solstice (shortest day, longest night of the year). The Sun has moved into Capricorn. The energies at play now are a good indicator of the season ahead - as with all cardinal ingresses. We also have a New Moon today a few hours later.

With all this Capricorn energy this is going to be very much a season of work.

Now work isn't a bad thing. We may think we want to be lying on a beach somewhere drinking margaritas, and no doubt we would for a while. It would get old though (yes, I know I'd like to let it get old, too - but we all know unless our life is terribly off-course we are usually itching to get back to our real life and our life's work by the end of any vacation).

Work doesn't have to mean doing what we don't want to do (although it might). It usually does mean something that isn't easy, something with deadlines and something with ... stress.

Stress isn't a bad thing either. We need stress to get structures to stand (ask any engineer or astrologer). Sometimes, and maybe most of the time, we need it to get ourselves standing, too.

Lots of fire energy still so we are all fired up and ready for change and because Saturn is at his last degree before changing signs in a couple days we are reminded of our journey for the last two years. We are looking back as we prepare to look ahead. We used to be happy with this and now we need that. Think about what we want now and what that looks like. Saturn can represent our career or our public life. When he shifts (as he will on the 23rd) the way we structure our lives shifts, too.

We have a Grand Trine with Jupiter that promises support. Remember back in early autumn I was writing about finding our flock - I hope you did. Even if you didn't, trust that you are supported.

We might find that the people, places and things we used to love are not so inviting to us now. Sometimes when our frequency shifts and it's time for us to move on there is an empty, fallow space, and that is ok - it's part of the grieving process. It's one of the signals that we have changed and don't fit in the space we are trying to cram ourselves into. 

There is an ending energy to this Christmas. This will be different for everyone, but next Christmas we will all look back at this year's holiday and say "that was our last Christmas when .... (fill in the blank)."

There might be a feeling that if we don't do it now it might not happen. This is probably accurate. If we don't do it now we are saying it's not that important. The stuff that is important is the stuff that is drawing our attention right now. There may be a better time, but we don't know that. Now (the next two weeks) is probably that better time. Say YES!

Now, obviously, we have the holidays and some things cannot be fully started, lots of people are on vacation now and lots of things are not fully operational - that's OK - just seed your new thing in some way - take some action to get something new started. Set the intention (New Moon) and take some action (New Sun).

This is another zero degree New Moon - so we start a new lunar (emotional) cycle and a new season for the Sun and the sign is cardinal so this is strong instigating energy. This is about just getting started; the energy will be here to keep whatever we start now going.

Early this morning Uranus stationed and turned direct which is about chaos and change. Our job with this is just to recognize that change is inevitable and our anxiousness about whatever is out of control in our lives is perfectly normal. It's what will push us into the action we need to take. The action will be our way or the highway, most likely.  

Anything trying to fence us in will have a hard time - also remember this with anything we are trying to corral - we are going to need a very big and very loose lasso!


my capricorn locket - handmade and recycled
Some Capricorn new moon affirmation areas to think about: security, time, self-discipline, your brand and image, ambition, opportunity, goals, delegation, releasing control, father figures, reputation, your bones, knees, skin and joints

Some I will be working with include:

1. I easily recognize, welcome and enjoy the work that leads to success.
2. I receive and enjoy positive recognition for my work.
3. I easily set personal and work boundaries that create time for me to do the things I love to do
- I shoot for 10 (see Jan Spiller's site for some ideas with these - she calls them monthly wishes, if wishes feels right to you and better than the word affirmation use that)

Get grounded - we're in an earth sign now, so this should be easier - always make affirmations from a  positive place (positive meaning certain) - write your affirmations down by hand in cursive, we want the letters all connecting and flowing together, speak them out loud. I used to write my affirmations on strips of paper and put them into a bowl of rice so I can mix them around every now and then with my fingers if things got stagnant - then release your attention from them knowing that your intention is known.

Lately I have been burning mine and releasing the ashes into moving water. I feel a little more connected with the finality of the results when I do this.  

Know these things are already yours. xo all

December 21st - New Moon in Capricorn - Back to Business - the NEW Work - the Road Narrows Part I

I know you are thinking "wait a minute BACK TO BUSINESS" - I haven't even had my Christmas eggnog, put my tired feet up on the Yule Log (maybe don't try that if your Yule Log is in the fireplace) or found anyone to snooker under the mistletoe, yet!

Last year we had this New Moon on January 1st; this year it's December 21st ... that's how life rolls. I am still working in a few naps and a hot chocolate or two or three; you should, too!

A few hours before the New Moon, we have the Winter Solstice (Sun enters Capricorn). This makes Sunday's Moon an especially powerful time for a new beginning. We will begin to feel the hunger for "something new" right away. Whatever house of your natal chart holds Capricorn will be the part of your life where a fresh start can change your life.

A powerful New Moon on the longest night of the year, so fitting (all the important stuff from seeds in the ground, to seeds in our bodies come to life in the dark after all).

Capricorn is as earthy as an earth sign gets, is ruled by daddy Saturn and presides over the darkest time of the year so you know he is one serious dude.

I'd call him "sir" if I were you. I'm sure he shops at Barneys and carries a platinum card (which he has earned). He is most decidedly not a trust fund baby and does not believe in the 4 hour work week.

This new moon is all about hard work, ambition, common sense, perseverance, efficiency, organization and responsibility (results are to be expected but not overnight results).

For most of us there will be no doubt about the rug that has been pulled out from under us, the brick wall we are facing or the sure thing that no longer feels quite so sure (the next steps may not be totally clear, new moons are dark and the season is dark, but we will definitely know what is not working) - we just have to set the intentions for change that set the wheels in motion.

Intention is action.

Our old plan has been torn down anyway - the only direction open to us is another direction. I am not sure it matters which one. Toss a coin. Or better yet, get quiet and grounded and decide. We don't want to give so much weight to the 'steps' that we get paralyzed. We can change the direction of our steps. We can hesitate. We can fall on our ass and get back up. Lots of paths lead to the same place. Our intention must be fixed though.

"... and the truth is that as a man's power grows and his knowledge widens, ever the way he can follow grows narrower. Until at last he chooses nothing, but does only and wholly what he must do ...." - Ursula K. LeGuin

A good use of the day would be to focus our vision and intent for the new year. I know it feels early to do this, jump the gun a little. This is a supercharged moon and stuff will manifest quickly, for good or bad.  Set your intentions in a positive and affirmative manner (more on this tomorrow).

Uranus is also stationing direct (that's tomorrow's part II along with Saturn's new role). Uranus is the part of us that is rebellious and individualistic. Few prospects are more terrifying than stepping away from the pack.

You will have to stop back tomorrow to see where I am going with this. I have a hot date with a rebellious Uranus ruled Aquarius, a certain Mr. Bilbo Baggins and a bucket of popcorn. xo all

Holiday Special This Weekend for Blog Readers Only!

Special this weekend for my blog readers ONLY!
Use coupon code BLOG20 for a 20% savings on ANY ORDER thru midnight Sunday!

xo all

Full Moon in Gemini on Saturday, December 6th - talk less, say more, clever conversation - language is magic

My Gemini Locket
The Sun is in Sagittarius so we know our beautiful, hopeful and happy - Full Moon on Saturday will be in Gemini (Sagittarius polarity - although with mutable sides things are not so polar opposite).

This is the culmination of June's New Moon in Gemini, so something from that time is finishing. Also energy from the New Moon two weeks ago is reaching its peak now

The Gemini/Sagittarius polarity is mutable. It's flexible, adaptable and thrives on change.

Mutable signs are restless and prepare us for the change of seasons. They are the breakdown and break away before the breakthrough.

Gemini is ruled by Mercury

(who also rules Virgo - Mercury was the messenger of the Gods and the Messenger God, after all)

and Mercury rules our 3rd house of day to day communication and language. It also rules siblings, neighbors, local travel, early education, transportation - movement. Its polarity sign is Sagittarius, where our Sun is hanging out this month, rules the 9th house of the larger world aspects of movement. So big picture thinking and processes, philosophy, higher education, foreigners, long distance travel, etc.

During a Full Moon we always have the Moon and Sun in their polar positions (that's what creates the full moon!) so the energy we are working with is the play between the two signs in this case Gemini and Sagittarius, their 2 houses - the 3rd and 9th and their ruling planets Mercury and Jupiter.

We have a bunch of other stuff going on this month including the 6th of the seven Pluto/Uranus squares (the last was this one in April) and I will post about this during the week because it's very impactful and important. These squares are the breakdown of corrupt social policies and systems - the dissolving of the safety nets that were never real anyway - no matter how strong you make a net there are still a whole hell of a lot of holes to fall through, and a hell of a lot of people have.

On a personal level, this is pushing us to connect with our hearts and our purpose and understand the Hopi message that we are the ones we have been waiting for (the processes connected with these lessons have sometimes been hard especially if we are determined to hold onto the things that are leaving). This is the roller coaster ride we came to planet earth to experience.

For now, this Moon is a sort of 'party break' before the square happens later in the month, so let's enjoy it.

The holidays are approaching and we are all super busy. This is the perfect weekend for a celebration and if we can work in a heartfelt toast to get the party started even better

Mercury (ruler of Gemini) is the Magician card in tarot - the magical, invocative power of voice, language and craft to shift reality. The power of our words to create magic is especially potent now.

This Full Moon in Gemini is all about communication so things will probably come up now that have us thinking about the way we get our point across, the way we present our ourselves, the way we show up and most especially what we are a voice for.

We are at a collaborative turning point for our collective - we are all in this together. Grateful, generous hearts are needed. Grateful, generous words will open the hearts of others. The less we say the more powerful our words are when we use them - keep this in mind. Our words will be remembered so let's make them memorable ... and kind.

Get outside tonight and tomorrow night and walk in that full moon- the energy is especially strong in the winter and this is our last full moon of 2014. Breathe deeply. xo all

10 Ways for Makers to Balance Work and Family During the Holidays

The holidays can be a very stressful time for makers. We have to make the money while the money is there to be made kaching!

(see my post from last year's Team Eco Etsy blog on 16 Ways to Sell More on Etsy this Holiday Season)
and we want need to have an actual holiday with our families.  

The memories, like the money, don't get a do-over in January.

Before I was a maker I had a mall cart business and before that I was a bank manager.

When I was a bank manager the winter holidays were easy-peasy. We had three holidays in November and I always used a personal day or two in December for a long shopping weekend. Clients weren't so focused on their money and upper management took a lot of time off, making my job much easier.

I was still busy but had time to do all the family and school holiday stuff. Cookies were baked, stockings were hung, presents were wrapped, carols were sung

(yes, I'm channeling Seuss this morning).

When I started my mall cart business my holidays did a complete 180. I would open every year on Halloween, work every day until Thanksgiving (which I would COOK - what was wrong with me?!), re-open on Black Friday at the crack of dawn and come up for air at 3pm on Christmas Eve.

We'd put our tree up that night and the gifts I gave my family were purchased during slow times within 50 feet of my mall cart.

My daughter was a teenager then and I'm still convinced, although I have never been able to convince her, this was not a totally terrible way to do the holidays. Some years she was lucky and I was near Pac Sun and Claire's. Other years she would spend Christmas morning moaning over Yankee Candles and Mrs Fields Cookies. She still grumbles about it - I think it was character building.

Selling online is kind of the middle ground. We go totally nuts, if we're lucky and prepared, and then things slow down when it becomes too late to ship and we get a few days of holiday time with our families. Hanukkah falls into that last week this year, too, so if we celebrate that one, we just need to close a couple days earlier.

Here are some tips I think will make the next few weeks easier:

1. Let's get our own holiday shopping done NOW. Our days of casually strolling the mall and local shops during December ended when we decided to open a business and sell the things we make. Also it goes without saying if we want people to buy our handmade whoseewhatsee we should be supporting other makers by buying theirs. If we want people to be shopping local we should be shopping local. If we want people to be shopping online we should be shopping online.

2. Focus on what works. If our Etsy shop is outselling our website this isn't the time to re-vamp our website. Focus on our Etsy shop. If we sell better at craft shows, put our focus there. If our best selling product is our floral lime green belt focus on selling that in other places or other sizes or other colors. Don't waste time thinking about how to sell that thing that never sells. Our time is limited - do what works.

3. Say No. We can't do everything. "No" is hugely empowering and yes, we may have to live with the stomach upset afterwards. That's what ginger is for. Really, it works, buy some this week.

4a. Stick to a strict schedule. Let's determine the dates for our last supply orders, last discount sale, last shipping, etc - now. These kind of things need to be pretty much written in stone. We know how long it takes to make our whoseewhatsee, set a work schedule that works. I have a giant calender and like to write things down. Technology tools are available. As soon as we have the dates for the kid's play and concerts and any holiday parties we want to attend, add them in.

4b. Don't stick to a strict schedule. There are no absolutes. The days of someone telling us how to do all this ended with our final paycheck. If our schedule can't be a little flexible there is no point in being self employed. It's usually the only perk.

5. Eliminate distractions. We don't have time to be checking Facebook or Instagram or answering emails all day long (I  do this stuff while my tea heats and my kettle whistle puts a stop to it). A TV on in the background makes me nuts and I doubt makes anyone more productive. I could be wrong though. I get a few Audible books to listen to while I work, although on really crazy days I need silence. And yes, I can hear my racing heart as the clock ticks toward 5pm when my post office closes.

6. Get help. Delegate. It's all hands on deck time. It's not really illegal to use child labor if they are related to you and paid in gingerbread cookies. Any time saved on one activity adds time for another activity. You can't just triple the amount of things you normally do and expect to function. Hire or beg for help.

7. Let stuff go. The housekeeping police will not be at our house checking for dust bunnies this holiday season. Something has to give.

8. Respect other people's holidays, too. Let's not have some poor woman in Peoria overnighting us supplies on December 15th we should have ordered in November. Expect that the mail will be slow. We don't want to freak out at the post office and create a scene that will be the talk of the town for years to come, trust me on this one ....

9. Everything that can wait until after the holidays waits until after the holidays starting today.

10. Family comes first. They have to because we have to live with them plus of course we love them and all that jazz. Prioritize accordingly. We really don't have to be shipping until the very last minute. December isn't the end of the money train. Next year and new opportunities will be here soon enough. xo all

New Moon in Sagittarius, November 22nd - FRESH START & LEAP OF FAITH

my sagittarius aromatherapy locket
On Saturday, the Sun moves into firey, fun loving Sagittarius and the Moon follows a few hours later. This gives us another zero degree New Moon.

(if the New Moon was 5 days after the Sun, we would have a 5 degree New Moon, etc)

Once again we won't have the preparation we usually get with the Sun clearing the way ahead of the Moon and easing us into new territory - it will just be BAM 

welcome to the the bright, new world of Sagittarius!

This will feel much better than last month's headfirst dive into the murky waters of Scorpio. This one will feel like we are pulled out of the deep ocean and tossed onto the sand and into the LIGHT!

(there could still be alligators patrolling the shores though, so don't lose a leg coming aground eyes closed and blinded by the sun - take a little time to get your bearings but don't take too long)

Sagittarius is a fun-loving sign that rules travel, freedom, adventure, legal stuff, higher education, good luck, faith, religion, prayer, optimism, problem solving, truth seekers, boldly going where no man has gone before, the quest  -

it also rules carelessness, taking shortcuts, thinking we are right, making assumptions, throwing pink paint on problems and hoping they will go away, overconfidence, impatience and superficial fluff.

Sagittarius is a mutable sign. The mutable signs prepare us for the change into the next season.

Mutable signs are service signs and Sagittarius is in service through the exploration of Truth - this could be legal truth or political truth but its most especially spiritual truth - its highest purpose is enlightenment and expanding what is known. The lower level energies rule religious wars, legal battles and political bullshit.

Sagittarius is a fire sign like Aries and Leo.

Fire signs like action - their reasons for taking action are different though. Aries energy wants to climb the mountain, first because it's there and second because there is a competition going to see who can get there first.

Leo energy wants to climb the mountain because they have heard there is a film crew waiting at the summit and they have a new GoPro themselves and will be broadcasting daily to their fans through Facebook.

Sagittarius energy wants to climb the mountain to see what the hell it feels like to climb a mountain and how it feels to reach the top. They want the adventure; they want the quest.

(they could be unprepared and throw their back out 100 yards from the summit, too, then they will turn their convalescence into a party for the sherpas and make THAT the adventure)

This is the energy we are all stepping into now. What part of your life can use a little adventure? That's the space to use this energy most effectively.

For makers during the holiday season there are a couple things to think about:

First, fire signs are great initiator energy (see my post here about using astrology to determine the best dates to launch). So, if you have something new to get out there - the two weeks after this New Moon - don't use the zero degree Saturday - are prime time for a universal kick start! Most especially when focused on Sagittarian ideals.

Second, this is great energy to over commit and take on too much. Then we will under-deliver and disappoint. Better to under promise, over deliver and come out on top. Set up your deadlines right after this New Moon and give yourself some cushioning. Keep plans do-able for now. It is easy to get carried away when we come into this much light this quickly.

The real gift of Sagittarius is the freedom to be who we really are - how are we going to use this gift?

As always, write your New Moon affirmations down - I sometimes use strips on paper and bowls of rice, so I could jiggle them around now and then - but again this month I am feeling the urge to burn them and just know they are done. You don't have to make stuff happen with this, you just have to see what comes up and then take the action that feels right on that.

Trust the process. We have cast our spell.

People always say that affirmations "only work if you take action". And this is true, but not in the way most people think because the affirmation is action.

It sets the energy in motion. Words are not just words. If done properly, in the right frame of mind, it lines us up energetically with the thing we are seeking. The new moon is a time of darkness but there is lots of hidden action in the dark.

(yes, even that kind, all creation starts in the dark after all)

Look at what kind of experiences have been coming your way lately. How have you called them into your life?

There is often a wave of resistance that arrives when we begin stepping into our power. This resistance can manifest as physical health problems, relationships that mirror our shadows, self-sabotaging "mistakes" or when it seems like “fate” intervenes and creates road blocks or sends us  back to “feeling and playing small” - back to square one.

This "upper limit" thing, set by familial programming and energy patterns (although I believe we came on to this planet vibrating at exactly the frequency that drew us to our family) that is so common when we are in the process of shifting our self-definitions and expanding our influence and responsibility. Something gets in the way, often something that appears to be outside our control - this is all illusion of course, but how do we work through this? How do we move outside our energy patterns?

A thing we can do right now and it sounds like a small thing but there are no small things - is to set a few affirmations within the energy of this New Moon - it will just take you a few minutes of concentrated effort. Do it SATURDAY MORNING or afternoon if possible. xo all