whiskey : keeping the Irish from ruling the world since 389AD - happy st. paddy's day

Venus comes home to Taurus today and millions of people celebrate the luck of the Irish with some soda bread and maybe a pint of Irish whiskey.

There is nothing in astrology more grounding than Venus in Taurus.

We have that now.

Let's call a time-out, kick back tonight with some corned beef cabbage and count our blessings!

Happy St. Patrick's Day everyone! xo

The Only 3 Three Things That Matter | Astrology Forecast for Creatives | Week of March 16th

We have the final face-off between Pluto (in Capricorn) and Uranus (in Aries) tonight. Yes, tonight. And no, it's not happening in Vegas and you don't need a Pay Per View ticket (do they still do that? probably not).

We are all invited.

And this doesn't mean the energy disappears tomorrow because these are slow moving planets and we won't have them safely out of each other's range to land a good left hook for a couple years.

(yes, I said years, forget I said that, I know it sounds exhausting, let's just get through this week)

They peak now for the final time.